Descriptive Essay Topics For College Students

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Descriptive Essay Topics For College Students

Writing an essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essay Topics for College Students" can be a
challenging task. The difficulty arises not only from the need to choose compelling and relevant
topics but also in crafting a descriptive narrative that engages the reader. College-level essays demand
a higher level of sophistication, requiring a careful balance between creativity and academic rigor.

Selecting appropriate topics that resonate with college students and provide ample opportunities for
detailed descriptions adds another layer of complexity. It involves considering the interests and
experiences of the target audience while ensuring the chosen subject allows for vivid and evocative

Furthermore, the challenge lies in creating a well-structured essay that seamlessly integrates
descriptive elements without sacrificing coherence and organization. A successful descriptive essay
requires careful attention to detail, vivid imagery, and an ability to evoke emotions in the reader.

The writer must also navigate the fine line between being too verbose and providing enough detail to
paint a vivid picture. Striking this balance is crucial to maintaining the reader's interest and ensuring
the essay remains focused on its purpose.

In conclusion, tackling a descriptive essay on topics tailored for college students involves
overcoming various challenges, from topic selection to weaving a compelling narrative. However,
with careful planning, attention to detail, and a creative approach, it is possible to create an essay that
captivates the audience. For those seeking assistance in crafting such essays or exploring a broader
range of topics, professional writing services like offer a convenient solution.
Expert writers can provide guidance and deliver high-quality essays tailored to specific requirements,
ensuring a successful and stress-free writing experience.
Descriptive Essay Topics For College StudentsDescriptive Essay Topics For College Students
Essay on The Legacy of President Ronald Reagan
During the 1980s, the legacy of Ronald Reagan was reflected upon the Iran Contra
affair, the fall of communism, and the impact of illegal drugs. The Iran Contra affair
jeopardized the very legacy of the president. Reagan was appraised for and credited for
the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the global threat of communism. Another
form of threat to the legacy of Reagan and his administration was the threat of illegal
drugs in the United States. Thus proving how much the 1980s was an era of both turmoil
and triumph that could have affected the outcome of the president s legacy. A situation
known as the Iran Contra Affair arose, which altered his legacy and the public opinion
which casted a shadow over Ronald Reagans presidency.... Show more content on ...
Soon the Arms for Hostages divided the Reagan administration, although the plan
went into effect as Reagan supported the plan. After the sale of over 1,500 missiles
went to the Iranian government, only three hostages were released from Lebanon and
soon three more were put into the same place was the previous hostages (PBS). Soon
after the Lebanese newspaper released the news of the affair to the public in 1986,
fourteen members of the Reagan administration were tried and eleven were
arrested(PBS). The aftermath of the affair resulted in the constant news hounding
from the press and then Reagan was deemed innocent as no evidence was found that
linked him to the affair. As a result, Reagan s image suffered and he lost some public
support. Reagan s legacy is credited with the fall of communism and the fall of Soviet
Union. When Reagan was elected president in 1980 beating out former president
Carter by a vast number of votes. While Congress called for a dramatic decline in the
defense budget, Reagan wanted to the complete opposite and increased military
spending to challenge to the Evil Empire known as the Soviet Union. He spent his time
researching the Star Wars theory which was deemed to intercept Soviet Missiles and
destroy them using lasers shot from satellites in space(Barron s Book). Also Reagan
initiated the program known as the MX
Caso Globalización de Cemex

1.¿Qué beneficios tiene CEMEX y los otros competidores globales del cemento,
derivados o provenientes de la globalización? ¿Cómo pueden las actividades cross
border agregar valor en una industria, aparentemente local, como es el cemento?

2.¿Cómo específicamente se ha manejado CEMEX para superar a los competidores

globales líderes en la industria de cemento?.Enfocarse en comparar ésta con
Holderbank, quién es el otro gran competidor orientado principalmente al cemento. ¿Qué
sugiere esta comparación y la otra información disponible en los anexos (exhibits) 4 8
acerca del juego competitivo realizado entre los mayores competidores internacionales?

3.¿Qué recomendaciones haría usted a CEMEX en relación a la estrategia de ... Show

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A continuación se realiza un análisis de las actividades de valor específicamente
relacionadas con la estrategia global de Cemex frente a Holderbank, agrupándolas en los
elementos de valor y evaluándolas por sus efectos, para detectar los recursos, habilidades
y competencias distintivas que constituyen su fuente de ventaja competitiva y corporativa.
Aumentar el volumen de producción y venta, y crecimiento: Cemex tenía necesidad de
expandirse globalmente, dado que su mercado doméstico en México es relativamente
pequeño y que en 1989, la empresa ya dominaba 2/3 de la capacidad productiva donde le
quedaba poco espacio para crecer . Además, la entrada de Holderbank en México al
principio de los 90`s le generaba una fuerte presión competitiva, siendo que esa empresa
ya tenía una presencia global importante.
Reducir los costos: a) Costos operativos: Cemex adquiere empresas con gran
participación de capacidad local y mediante la reestructuración baja su estructura de
costo. Sin embargo, al calcular los costos operativos por tonelada de cemento según
los datos de Exhibit 4, se da que Cemex y Holderbank tenían un nivel casi igual de costo
de $78 por tonelada ; b) La empresa maneja un Proceso de Integración Postadquisición
muy eficiente

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