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The Types Of Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "The Types of Essay" presents its own set of challenges, requiring a
delicate balance of information, analysis, and clarity. The difficulty lies not only in elucidating the
various types of essays but also in presenting a cohesive narrative that engages the reader.

Firstly, delving into the nuances of each essay type demands a comprehensive understanding of their
distinct characteristics. The writer must navigate through the intricate differences between
argumentative, expository, narrative, and other forms of essays, carefully avoiding confusion while
ensuring that each type is adequately explored.

Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure is pivotal. Balancing between providing sufficient

depth for each essay type and avoiding excessive verbosity poses a constant challenge. The writer
must tread the fine line between conciseness and elaboration, ensuring that the reader grasps the
essence without feeling overwhelmed.

Another challenge lies in offering meaningful insights and analyses. Mere enumeration of essay types
is insufficient; the essay should delve into the purposes, structures, and conventions unique to each
type. This requires a nuanced exploration that demonstrates a thorough grasp of the subject matter.

Moreover, achieving a smooth transition between different essay types is essential for the essay's
overall flow. Seamlessly connecting ideas while avoiding abrupt shifts is crucial to maintain reader
engagement and comprehension.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "The Types of Essay" demands a meticulous approach, balancing
the need for detailed exploration with the requirement for clarity and coherence. It necessitates a
keen understanding of the nuances of each essay type and the ability to convey this information in a
manner that is both informative and engaging.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges,
professional help is available. Services like provide support in crafting well-
researched and precisely written essays on a variety of topics.
The Types Of Essay The Types Of Essay
Aesthetics Should Never Take Precedence Over Function Essay
Aesthetics Should Never Take Precedence Over Function

From the early Greek temples of yesteryear, to the high tech autonomous buildings of
tomorrow, the question of whether the function of a building or its aesthetics qualities
are more important has plagued the minds of architects around the world. Webster s II
New College Dictionary (Please do not use the encyclopedia or the dictionary to open
your essay way too high school.) defines aesthetics as The branch of philosophy that
provides a theory of the beautiful and of the fine arts (18). The definition of
Functionalism is defined by Webster s as The doctrine that the function of an object
should determine its design and materials (453). Now, if the function of an object decides
... Show more content on ...
They were the pilotis, the roof garden, the free plan, the elongated window and the free
façade. These five topics were essentially very new ideas at the time and were regarded
as the cutting edge in design (Von Moos 70). Corbusier used all of these elements in
his Villa Savoye located in Paris, France, which was designed in the purist fashion. In
order to incorporate the idea of purity into the structure, the building is painted
completely white, exaggerating the smooth flow of the planar walls and ceilings.
Corbusier s intent was for the building to stay clean and completely white, devoid of
stains to resemble purity of spirit (Palermo, 23 Feb 1999). While he sticks to this idea,
the function and practicality of the building is lost because of all the extra work that
has to go into the building to keep it pristinely white. Apart from Villa Savoye, there are
other buildings in which Corbusier sacrificed function for aesthetics. In the Salvation
Army building in Paris he attempted to design a building with it s own form of heat
control system by using different layers and thickness of glass to regulate air currents.
Instead of keeping a constant 18 degree temperature on the interior, the buildings glass
panels worked like a greenhouse and kept hot air inside making the interior practically
uninhabitable (Leatherbarrow and Mostafavi 30).

But for as many Corbusier buildings that were not functional, there were just as many that
Sita Sings The Blues And Ramayana Comparison
The Ramayana is an Indian epic which demonstrates what it means to be the perfect
man or woman in Indian culture. Due to the story s mass popularity, there have been
many renditions created about it. One of those versions is Sita Sings the Blues, an
animated film version of The Ramayana created by Nina Paley in 2008. Because of the
significant time difference between The Ramayana and the modern Sita Sings the Blues,
the values presented in the two works differ, as indicated in several ways. One particular
event within the two interpretations that displays both similarities and differences is
when Sita is captured by Ravana. Although The Ramayana and Sita Sings the Blues
present the epic and its values in very unalike ways, there are still some elements of the
story that remain the same within both works. For instance, in both The Ramayana and
the animated film, Sita is... Show more content on ...
For example, after Sita s kidnapping, the way in which Rama is described to behave is
conflicting. In the modern film, Rama appears to be quite distressed and even sheds a
tear upon realizing that Sita has been taken. In the original epic, however, Rama
simply begins searching for her and only asks, In which direction did they go? to
Jatayu (89). There is no evidence of emotional sorrow from Rama. This results in
opposing values because Rama s behavior in The Ramayana suggests that the perfect
man should not show emotion and should on fulfill his duties, that being to save Sita in
this scenario. However, Sita Sings the Blues makes it seem as though men were valued
when they appeared emotional, which was not the case. Overall, The Ramayana is a
very valuable epic due to how successfully it describes ancient Indian values and culture.
Sita Sings the Blues, despite its differences, does a great job illustrating the story and
making it entertaining for a modern
Jacqueline Kennedy s Influence On Fashion
Jacqueline Kennedy s style certainly left an impact on fashion from day one in the
White House. Even before her entrance, her clothing style was already being
scrutinized (Adler 74). Luckily, she never cared about what others thought about her
appearance. Mrs. Kennedy never intended to influence fashion as much as she did
(Adler 92). After all, her tastes were far beyond the bounds of the continent. Jacqueline
Kennedy s style was described to be French inspired (Flaherty 38). On inauguration day,
she wore a beige wool coat with a sable collar and matching sable muff designed by
American designer Oleg Cassini (Adler 84). Both of their names instantly became a
staple in the fashionworld. Mrs. Kennedy changed the reputation of Americans in... Show
more content on ...
Kennedy. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,
1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald (Flaherty 94). When asked about the events that occurred,
she was quoted saying, My husband never made a sound. He had this sort of quizzical
look on his face and his hand was up. I remember thinking he just looked as if he had a
slight headache. And then he put his hand to his forehead and fell into my lap
(Onassis qtd. Adler 129). Yet another pioneer moment was held under the time of
Jacqueline Kennedy. President Kennedy s funeral was the first to be streamed live
around the world (Anthony, The Political and Public... ). It was held on November 25,
1963 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis).This
was also her son s third birthday. Instead of following the custom of riding to the
church, she decided to walk there accompanied by President Johnson (Flaherty 94).
People around the world perceived her as being very strong. Despite of her grief, Jackie
felt an intense obligation to leave an emotional and lingering, if romanticized, view of
her beloved husband (Anthony, Thanksgiving with... ). She was the paragon of widows.
While in public, she was elegant, stoic, and held her head up high (Anthony, The
Political and Public... ). It was no surprise that she handled this with so much grace. The
whole world praised her for
China s Constitution Case
1.When was the latest Constitution written? What does this say about the countries rule
of law?
The United Kingdom s constitution was written in 1215 and was last revised in 2013.
This shows that the rule of law has remain relatively consistent besides being updated to
keep up with the times. China s constitution was adopted in 1982 and revised in 2004,
which shows that China s current rule of law is a little bit more modernized.

2.Are the three branches (executive, legislative, and judicial) mentioned in the document?
Yes, the United Kingdom mentions its parliament, three judicial systems in its different
regions (Northern Ireland, Scotland, and England/Wales) and also outlines the powers of
its monarch such as the ability to dismiss ... Show more content on ...
What types of rights are protected by the different constitutions? (political, economic, or
/and social)
In the United Kingdom s constitution, the people are given rights such as the right to life,
thought, religion, and expression. The citizens of the People s Republic of China are
allowed freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, precession, demonstration and
religious belief.

4.Out of the two constitutions you looked at, which provided the greatest amount of
The United Kingdom s constitution provided more protection because in China, the
central governing party is the Communist Party and although power is given to the
National People s Congress to make decisions, most of those members belong to the
founding Communist Party.

5.What do you think is missing from the two documents?

The People s Republic of China s constitution does declare it a socialist state and gives
power to the National People s Congress, but is missing the fact that all power is given to
the Communist Party. The constitution of the United Kingdom is missing a single
document to represent the constitution because it is made up of so many different

6.What is unique about your documents? Anything written in it that we do not have in our
Research Papers On Night By Elie Wiesel
Unbelievable, unimaginable, uncivilized. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, the
main character in the memoir is trying to survive in the concentration camps during
World War II. He slowly loses his faith in the camps which one thing he needed to get
him through the persecution of his friends and family. Elie s attitude and beliefs in
relationship to faith was strong at home, then it got weaker while in the camps and
was totally gone when he was liberated. His faith was strong before he was captured.
Elie has a strong faith when he is living in Sighet. He prays daily and then prays at
night. while living in Sighet Elie has a good friend Moshe the beadle and Elie told him
that I continued to devote myself to my studies. (Wiesel 8). Elie was

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