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Essays On People

Writing an essay on the topic "Essays On People" is a challenging endeavor that requires a deep
understanding of human nature, diverse perspectives, and the ability to weave a compelling narrative.
The complexity lies not only in the diversity of people and their experiences but also in capturing the
essence of humanity in a coherent and engaging manner.

One of the difficulties in tackling this topic is the vast scope it encompasses. People are multifaceted
beings with varied backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and behaviors. Attempting to encapsulate the
richness of human existence within the confines of an essay requires careful consideration of what to
include and what to omit. Striking a balance between breadth and depth is a constant challenge.

Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding stereotypes and generalizations. Each person is unique,
and any attempt to categorize individuals into broad stereotypes risks oversimplifying the intricacies
of human identity. Navigating this delicate balance demands a nuanced approach to ensure a fair
representation of the diversity within the human experience.

Additionally, the emotional and ethical dimensions of discussing people in an essay present another
layer of difficulty. Addressing sensitive topics, such as race, gender, or socio-economic disparities,
requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach. Balancing objectivity with empathy is a tightrope
walk, as the writer must avoid both detachment and over-identification.

Furthermore, the evolving nature of society poses a challenge in keeping the content relevant and up-
to-date. People and their stories are continuously shaped by cultural shifts, technological
advancements, and global events. Staying current while maintaining the timeless aspects of the essay
adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Essays On People" is an intricate task that demands a
combination of research, empathy, and literary finesse. It requires a writer to navigate the vast
landscape of human experiences while avoiding pitfalls such as generalizations, stereotypes, and
ethical concerns. Ultimately, successfully capturing the essence of people in a written form is a
formidable challenge, but it is a challenge that allows for a profound exploration of the intricacies of
the human condition.

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Essays On People Essays On People
Plastic Pollution and the Effects on Human Health Essay...
Where does all the plastic go. Every bit of plastic that has been created is still here.
This is because plastic is one hundred percent non biodegradable! Even the most
degraded plastic down to polymers cannot be digested by bacteria (Laist, 1997). If
global issues like starvation and climate change are not enough to stress on, the weight of
an issue literally churning in the Pacific Oceanis startling. For decades the majority of the
world s population has not been properly educated on the nature of plasticand the
potential harm it can do to our environment and our physical health. Due to factors of
man and the natural effects of nature, a major problem has developed that is now
harming our food.
Marine plastic is a visible sign of ... Show more content on ...
Due to their regurgitation ability; most studies have focused on the ingestion of plastic
pollution by bird, this does little harm to birds used in the studies. The effects of
ingestible plastic on fish have not been studied as thoroughly and no studies have been
conducted on filter feeding organisms, which do not possess a feeding mechanism
which would allow them to distinguish between plastic and plankton. Plastic pollution is
only getting worse due to increasing population of developing countries. A wide variety
of marine species is known to be harmed by plastic debris. This could threaten the
survival of certain species, especially since many are sadly endangered by other types of
anthropogenic actions.
Plastic debris pollution in the marine environment is greatest in oceanographic
convergences and eddies, where plastic bits accumulate (Day 1986). Gyres make up a
large proportion, approximately seventy five percent, of what we refer to as the open
ocean, or the area of the ocean that does not consist of coastal areas. Gyres are an area
of junction that forces plastic into a central area with little to no wind and current
influence. In oceanography, a subtropical gyre is a connected system of ocean currents
rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern.
Typically they form in large open ocean areas. A large volume of high pressure air
The Role Of Large Corporations Under Repressive Regime
What is the role of large corporations under repressive regime? Do they engage in
criminal activities? If yes, how should they be included in a process of transitional
justice? The purpose of this work is to establish the links between the business world
and transitional justice mechanisms. My purpose is more specifically to link the
potential crimes perpetrated by corporations and the transitional justice mechanisms.
This work does not link the transitional justice field to a defined field of research.
Corporate responsibility or accountability is a concept coming from law and business
literature. For the United Nations, transitional justice is the full range of processes and
mechanisms associated with a society s attempt to come to terms with a legacy of large
scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve
reconciliation. The vast majority of the literature discussing transitional justice focuses
on individuals or states, not collective organizations. Mechanisms of transitional justice
are fourfold and include: a justice process, a reparation process, a truth process and a
stabilization process. All these 4 processes are studied as either applying to individuals
or state. However, in many cases the responsibility of individuals is related to the
collective responsibility of a group or an organization other than the state. The objective
of this work is to try to connect the role of businesses and transitional justice mechanisms.
The Basic Conflict Between Evolutionism And Creationism
The basic conflict between evolutionism and creationism is whether humans and other
organisms have undergone cumulative minor changes throughout many generations or
that the state of all organisms is predetermined in their present state by a deity. Before
the advent of evolution by natural selection as first suggested by Charles Darwinin his
publication: The Origin of Species, people believed that the apparent complexity of the
world demanded an intelligent designer. Since Abrahamic religions (Christianity,
Judaism, Islam) were dominant during the majority of this time, people often described
this creator as being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. For convenience, I
may refer to this as an all PKG God, as Sober does in the text.

One approach that many traditional creationists argued for is that the complexity of the
world cannot be explained by random events occurring. An example of an argument
from design is Paley s Watch (Sober, 61). Paley argues using the analogy that if one were
to find a watch on a beach, you have two hypotheses as to how the watch came into
existence. Either the waves and sand on the beach had randomly interacted with one
another to create the intricate timekeeping instrument, also know as a Random
Hypothesis. Or that the watch was designed and created by a sufficiently intelligent
being. Paley makes a strong argument against the Random Hypothesis by using the
Surprise Principle (Sober, 34). The principle states that given two hypotheses,
The Juvinile Sentention System In The Juvenile Detention...
of 11



Detention SystemEsteban OrtegaGlendale Community College
SystemThe juvenile detention system is broken because all troubled teens should be
treated for instead of punished, rising recidivism rates are caused by punishment itself.
The youth spends a lot of time that could be spent in a classroom behind bars. This
issue is like a butterfly effect affecting society. The youth should be getting treated
instead of being punished, serving punishment is the root of the problem. Justice
cannot be served with racism floating throughout the air, racism pollutes the
verdict.First off, wasted time is a wasted effort and time is something that can t be
received back.Juveniles are humans and have minds, actions, and feelings like every
human being, it has to be kept in mind that control can t be kept over everyone. Think
about owning a restaurant, logically an owner won t want to remain open in business
if work is slow, get very little customers, receive bad reviews, use tools in an unsafe
manner endangering people around you. Well I wouldsay a detention facility is very
similar. If it s not bringing any benefit to the youth or their families, then what is the
purpose of having these facilities as a form of punishment? Facts are provided based off
some of these facilities major flaws. Specifically, the report will show that these facilities
are frequently: (1) dangerous, (2) ineffective, (3) unnecessary, (4) obsolete, (5) wasteful,
and (6) inadequate. A subsequent chapter addresses the question of public safety,finding
that states where juvenile confinement was sharply reduced in recent years experienced
more favorable trends in juvenile crime than jurisdictions which maintained or increased
their correctional facility populations.... (Mendel, 2013). Logically, based on the results
provided it issafe to say that not confining juveniles will show a positive outcome. The
juvenile crime rates are favorably lower for cities and help maintain correctional facility
population to a norm. Solid
USELESS JUVENILE INCARCERATION SYSTEM 3evidence is provided that these

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