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Essay On Place

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Place" can be both a challenging and intriguing endeavor. The
difficulty lies in capturing the essence of a location, which goes beyond mere physical attributes. A
successful essay on place delves into the emotional, historical, and cultural dimensions, requiring a
nuanced understanding and a keen ability to convey the atmosphere.

Firstly, identifying a specific place to focus on can be a daunting task. Whether it's a natural
landscape, a bustling city, or a quaint village, the writer must choose a location that resonates
personally and offers ample material for exploration. This initial selection process demands
thoughtful consideration and introspection.

Once the place is chosen, the challenge deepens as the writer must navigate the delicate balance
between vivid description and analytical depth. Mere enumeration of physical features falls short; the
essay must breathe life into the place, conveying its unique character, its people, and the emotions it
evokes. Striking the right chord between sensory details and broader reflections requires a deft hand.

Furthermore, delving into the historical and cultural aspects of a place demands thorough research
and a comprehensive understanding. It's not just about what the eye perceives but also about the
layers of history, traditions, and stories that have shaped the place over time. The writer must
seamlessly weave these elements into the narrative, creating a tapestry that not only informs but also
engages the reader.

In addition to the challenge of content, the structural aspect of the essay is equally crucial. Balancing
descriptive passages with reflective moments, maintaining a cohesive flow, and ensuring that every
word serves a purpose – these are all essential considerations. The writer must guide the reader
through the essay, creating a journey that mirrors the experience of being in the place itself.

In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Place" may seem formidable, it is also an
opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. It demands a careful interplay of creativity,
research, and structure. The writer must navigate the complexities of a chosen location, transcending
the physical to capture the essence that makes it unique. With patience, diligence, and a genuine
connection to the subject, the challenge can transform into a rewarding exploration of the concept of

If you find yourself needing assistance with such essays or any other academic writing tasks, you
can explore options on , where a variety of writing services and resources are
available to support your academic journey.
Essay On Place Essay On Place
Asian Tigers Vs. South Korea
The Asian tigers are four countries named Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and
Taiwan. These states were highly developed countries. These countries were the first
states that shifted to industrialization. All the four Asian tigers have a lot of people who
are very educated and are perfect in undertaking their tasks. These countries developed
and implemented different policies and this result in economic prosperity and tried to do
them than any other state. For instance, Hong Kong and Singapore became the masters
of international finance while South Korea became perfect in information technology. The
four Asian tigers had maintained high economic growth since 1960, fuelled by export to
developed countries and rapid industrialization, which enabled these economies to join
the ranks of world s richest nations.
The four Asian Tigers turned out to be an imperative role model for many of the
developing countries and these countries include the Tiger Cub Economies comprising
of Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. Subsequent to the 1997 Asian
Financial Crisis and the western Financial Crisis of 2007 2008, at the time there was a
continuing decline in GDP (Gross Domestic Product market assessment of all absolute
commodities and services, compared to the populace, in any given year). For all the
Asian Tiger countries, however each one bounced back easily because of their stable
banking policies, government incentive measures and diffident or no communal
The Anti Vaccine Movement And The Vaccine
The Anti Vaccine Movement Although the MMR link to autism is one of the most
recent anti vaccine incidences, the anti vaccine movement didn t begin with the
suggestion that MMR caused autism. Previous vaccine scare incidences arose prior to
the 1998 study on MMR that fueled more anti vaccine sentiments. Offit (2011) claims
that the modern American anti vaccinemovement began when a documentary titled DPT:
Vaccine Roulette, aired on April 19, 1982. The documentary questioned the safety and
effectiveness of the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine (DPT). It
claimed that after investigating the pertussis portion of the vaccine they found that the
DPT vaccine could damage to a devastating degree. Although many people believed the
reports, the claim that the pertussis vaccine caused permanent brain damage was later
found to be completely false (Offit, 2011). A few years earlier in Britain, pediatric
neurologist John Wilson, claimed that the pertussis vaccine caused brain damage in
children. Further medical studies reported that 1 in 100,000 children suffered brain
damage because of DPT. The media exploded with the results of these studies, an
enormous amount of lawsuits were filed, and the vaccine stopped being given. After
years of replicating the initial study that found a correlation between the pertussis
vaccine and brain damage, none of the studies were able to prove an association (Offit,
2010). Further research found that children with defects to a
The Importance Of Animal Dissection In The Classroom
Anna Phillips
Professor Mathews
ENGL 1302.P02
10 Sept. 2017
Should Classroom Animal Dissection be Mandatory? Animal dissection is very common
in classrooms and although having hands on experience exploring the anatomy of
animals, I want to look at the bigger picture on this spectrum. Back in high school my
favorite part about science class was defiantly the dissection lesson. I was that one kid
who was most excited to make the first cut into whatever organism we were dissecting
that day. I enjoyed learning about different animals and how their bodies worked. Not
once though did I think what I was doing was inhumane or unnecessary. I m very
interested in this issue because I think it is a controversy not really brought about.
Animal dissection in classrooms is a significant topic to discus and should be well
educated to the public in a exposing way. Because I see both sides to this issue along
with the little knowledge I have about this topic, I have yet been able to reach a
satisfactory answer. First, I viewed the supporting argument to get a stronger
understanding on why classroom dissection should be mandatory. The supporters explain
how active dissection is the best for students to learn the anatomy and function of an
animal. A recent article published by Infobase says, Actual dissection is important to
science education because it provides students with critical first hand insight into how
organisms function ( Animal Dissection ). As I was reading the supporters in this
article I came to a conclusion that dissection seems to be less confusing when it s right
in front of you. Although this may be true, physical models or computer simulators
could be just as good as alternative means. I skimmed over the opponent s argument to
examine the opposing position. Animal dissection can be looked at as an unethical
practice to so many people. The article then goes on to say, A number of students say
they oppose dissection because they have pets at home ( Animal Dissection ). Fist off
people say dissection is unethical and shows a callous disregard for life ( Animal
Dissection ). I noticed in this section of the article I was reading, the writer focused on
the student s emotions towards the animal
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
CIS 500
August 28, 2012

Introduction The world is turning to cloud computing to manage data. Businesses are at
the forefront of this new trend with companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and
others leading the way by providing these services. What exactly is cloud computing?
According to Turban amp; Volonino (2011), cloud computing is Internet based
computing in which shared resources (such as hard drives for storage) and software
apps are provided to computers and other devices on demand (p. 48).
The author will explain in this case study how Ericsson benefitted from using Amazon
Web Services (AWS) in terms of cost reduction, automated software updates, remote
access, and on demand availability. The ... Show more content on ...
Security Concerns for Cloud Based services In this burgeoning world of cyber
criminals, it is imperative that companies address cloud computing security with their
providers as they entrust their data to them. One of the biggest concerns with using
cloud computing is the threat of a data breach or data loss. How do businesses combat
that threat? According to (n.d), Reputable cloud providers will offer security
solutions like firewalls, secure login and data transfer (p. 7). Though some companies
will be worried about the cost of paying for enhanced security, it is imperative that this
issue is incorporated into the cloud computing agreements. By addressing this issue
upfront, the costs can be mitigated to a certain extent. A simple way to provide another
layer of security is to require stronger password protocol of all users. Another security
issue conducting penetration tests (pentest) for evaluating the

security of the cloud computing system. As stated in (2010), We must be able to

conduct a pentest in a cloud computing environment without triggering a response

from the provider or causing loss of service for our company as well and any of the

customers (p.6). It is imperative that cloud computing vendors have the pentest as a part
of their tool box to offer perspective clients. According to (2010), Amazon has
published a policy that includes a procedure for customers to conduct a pentest.
Amelia Earhart Contributions
Over 100 years ago, when humanity looked for new places to conquer, two men looked
to the skies. Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first working motor airplane, and after
that day, the world took a huge interest in aviation, causing many leading pioneers and
innovators in the aerospace field to emerge, revolutionizing the way we look at the skies.
Amelia Earhartwas one of the first pilots to revolutionize the skies, and what made her
particularly iconic was the fact that she was one of the first woman to fly. She
discovered her love for flight after watching the Royal Flying Corps train in Toronto,
Canada whilst she served as a Red Cross nurse in WWI. She then had her first airplane
ride in December 1920 in California with WWI pilot Frank Hawks. After this
confirmation of her love for aviation, she began lessons with instructor Neta Snook,
another early woman pilot. Amelia did all she could (taking odd jobs) in order to pay
for her lessons and then her first airplane: a Kinner Airster. She passed her flight test
and got her license in December 1921, and afterwards she set out to define herself as a
pioneer in the field of aviation, becoming the first woman to fly solo 14,000 feet above
sea level. Her biggest accomplishment was flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean, as she
was the first woman to do so. She continued to fly for many years, but then on a flight
outside of the United States, both she and her plane were lost near the Bermuda
Triangle, and no wreckage was
The Shichi Go San and the Marimo Matsuri Festivals Essay
Fall is the time for letting go of the old ways and bringing in the new life. Autumn is
also the period where one harvests their desire to learn. Autumn is the time for
departure but having already fulfilled in wisdom and maturity. Fall is also the time to
be thankful for all the things that occurred in your life. In Japan, the fall festivals are a
way for the people to pray and be thankful for the harvests. Some festivals that occur in
Japan during this time of the year are: Marimo Matsuri, Nada no Kenka Matsuri, Sichi
Go San, Tori no Ichi, and the Kawagoe Matsuri. To begin with, the Kawagoe Matsuri in
the Saitama prefectureoccurs on the third Saturday and Sunday in October. The main
attraction of this festival is the floats that are... Show more content on ...
This festival goes on for a couple of days, beginning with a lecture on the algae on the
first day. On the second day, it is a celebration for the Marimo algae and a ceremony
where one receives their own. It is said that when one receives their marimo algae,
they are also offering their appreciation to Mother Nature. Next, the Nada no Kenka
Matsuri is a celebration that occurs in the Hyogo prefecture from October 14th to the
15th. This festival is also referred to as the Fighting Festival (hence the name Kenka
Matsuri). It is also referred to this name because men carrying the mikoshi (portable
shrines) are pushing against other groups of men. The Nada no Kenka Matsuri usually
occurs at the Natsubara Hachiman Shrine in the city of Himeji. During this occasion,
there are no rules about bumping into other shrines, so once another group has their
shrine placed upon another, the contest is over. There are usually three different groups
who participate in this festival based on their age. The group with the white headband
consists of people from ages thirty five and up. The group with yellow headbands
contains people from twenty six to thirty five years of age. The last group, red
headbands, has people who are under the age

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