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25-2-20a) Lecture #2 Deere Stieroina: A Fumdomental chavackeristic of the behavior OF plasma is its ability to shield out electric potentials that ave applied bo ih HF we tert fino charged balls im plasma, then almost immediately negative ball would be survounded by a cloud ions and positive bath with a cloud of electrons, oF there were no thermal mctions, there would be Just as mony charges or the Aovd os ty the ball, the shielding would be perfect ond no eledtiic Field would be present in the ody of plasina outside of We cloud 3 OF the temperature is Finike, the charges at the edge of cloud where electric Field is weak, have enough lhermal energy te escape From the cledkrostatic potential well. ce the ee are perfil energy is approninalely equal ko the thermel ergy of the parbicles —fotentials of the order KET com teak veto plasma oud couse Finite cleckic Field to exist there * Let hace, at x0. We assume that ions ave so heavy the ion-eleckron mass ratio Min is vFinite. So ions do net wove but form a uniform ba: oF positive change. The vnertia of fons prevents thenn From wowiig sigaiRcantly ‘on the Lime scale “of the ex periment Ey A> = (nie) Poisson's equets Gb 2 -e(maMe) Persson equation SG the clensity Far way is Na, we have ni = Neo Bn the presence of potential eneray 9c, the dedivor dstibubion Fuscion is Frm = A exp [-GQr 9+ Veta This shows thak there ove Fewer particles ob places where the potential energy is large, since net all ponkicles hove enough energy to get here. “ Nes [Fonda 2A ele] orlsetles Let peewey a 4 wy dus Way = Resp( st Jey fepeyl4y an 2hy eo(eh]- (Atl Nes We, exp (eb ] KaTe Use this volue i Poisson's equation q a senad exp (eb) 4 Sn the Yegion where ae 1, We can expand the exponential im a Taylor series Th php 3 Beene £16 e+ Va 4 No simpliFackion is possible For the region near the grid where (e+ be tate Fourtunately, this region does Cl contrilbuke rnuch & nell TY thickness of clond (called a sheattr) becaase the potenti Falls very rapidly there Ge 2 Ne eee oe wre we ne 1] fh ne} Lb XL. Ga ae. eet we cow write the selulion bade p(T), whet dp iS collled Deloye length. St is a measure of thickness of sheath ov the shiel ding diskorce ns As the densi, increases dp decreases Xp trevenses ~ with crereasog keTe . Wilhouk thermal agitation, the chage ellen feattd Letlarlse! te bel efit tel thogke| | i —> Electron being more walle thaw ions, do he shielding y= 69(T/a)* m Tim °K do = W3e( kT) mm keT & eV " Assi@nment $1 Problem 1:2 (0) Problem 1.3 Solve the Poisson's equation in sphevical coordinates BrP sree fp is only Fandion of 4. y Hus th 9] ao at raw pach ot rsa

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