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1-3-2001 Lecture #7 Wednesday STATEMENT:As Pe particle moves into regions of stronger oy weaker B, ts Larmor radians changes bub yemains” wvariant. Proof: Equation of “motion along & Y 2 Mem a aS Fy. = - pRB Avy eo B mae > PS dw. _p2Ba I ala rage phe oe “= 9¢ dG) + PoE Here 3B is the variation oF B as seen by particle. The particle’s energy wust be conserved da hal? ahals SER alist F 8 (Lew +B) =o Ser’) + £8) so L Bay . ta x pat, ae °° Ap. >| QE 20 The tavariomce of pw the bosis for one of the primary schemes For plasma conFinement. lke mag nebte mivvor. As a particle moves Flom weak-Field vegion to a strong. Field yegion im the course of its Hrermal motion, ik sees an increasing B and therefore its \Yy wust vnerease in order to keep pt constant. The total energy rust also vemains consbanc , 50 Vy must necessarily decrease. SF & is high enough tw the "Hooat” of the mirror, Vy eventually becomes z2e¥0 and the partide is reflected back because of Fi actingtopposite divedion bo he grad B —+ The non-uniform Field of a simple pair of coils form two magnetic mixers between which plasma com be trapped — The trapping is not perfect, as a particle with yro wil have ne wagnebic™ moment and wil wot Feet omy Force along SB. 5 A particte with small va/y at the midplane (B= By) will escape IF the magnetic Field is not large enough A paricle wilh Weyl omd Wy 2Nno at the wid donne will have My EVE ond vy =o at its uming pom. Let the Field be B’ there Then the svowionee of yields Yamvig 2 Vemvit Be B BLN BT Me Conservation of energy vequires aaleiel ae leh We vb ae eM 2 Msito . ste where 8 is the pitch angle (ongle between veloat: vector mA wagnelic Field) of the oibit rm weak Field regjon ee || Replace @ bby Bin WE see That the smotiest 8 of a confined porticte is gen as Siw’ Qa = Vshbvel Bis! tele baitrok kalie The above equotion defines the lonmaary of a Yegion m velodly space im the shape of a cone calked LOSS cone. Particles lyeng witli loss cone awe nol confined So a miror-confied plasma is never isotopic Loss cone is wdependent of 4g and ma Withouk collisions, both ions amd eledronc ave equally confirmed. 5 When “collisions ocewr , particles ave lost when they chomge their pitch omgle oma are scatiered ito the loss cone, Gene vally Z are lost move easily because they have a higher colk'sion Frequsmay. 2 Confinement of particles im Von Alen belts The magnetic Ficld of cont, being strong ot the poles ana weak at the equator, OrMms natural wirsor with yather toage RR. 2.8. Suppose the earth’s magnetic field is 3 x 10° T at the equator and falls off as I/r’, as for a perfect dipole. Let there be an isotropic popul of l-eV protons and 30-keV electrons, each with density n= 10" m™ at r=5 earth radii in the equatorial plane. (a) Compute the ion and electron VB drift velocities. (b) Does an electron drift eastward or westward? (©) How long does it take an electron to encircle the earth? (d) Compute the ring current density in A/m?. 03x14, Bea 1 HRY v rom un bey cow ard ata rr Bac Mae pts Lays Ler yee ary AL equator oR B.300%) Bx10°T 2s eS <2 3x10? B” B- 3x0% Toy at) Mad Ciey L2KT/m _ KT _ (1.6% 10° (KT) L_ (KT) eB 16x 10° B Exercise Problems: 2-1, 2-5) , 2-6 , 2-8 2-10

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