Palliative Care Essay

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Palliative Care Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of palliative care can be a challenging yet profoundly rewarding task.
The difficulty arises from the intricate nature of the subject itself. Palliative care encompasses a
broad spectrum of medical, emotional, and ethical considerations, demanding a comprehensive
understanding of healthcare practices, communication skills, and the ability to navigate the sensitive
aspects of end-of-life care.

To construct a meaningful essay on palliative care, one must delve into the various dimensions of this
specialized form of medical support. This includes exploring the principles of pain management,
addressing the psychological and emotional needs of both patients and their families, and
understanding the ethical dilemmas surrounding decision-making in terminal illnesses. Moreover, the
writer must be adept at integrating medical knowledge with compassion, emphasizing the importance
of preserving dignity and quality of life in the face of incurable conditions.

Research in the field of palliative care is ongoing, making it essential for the essayist to stay abreast
of the latest advancements and debates. This adds an additional layer of complexity as it requires the
writer to not only comprehend existing literature but also critically analyze emerging trends and
controversies within the field.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling essay involves the skillful use of language to convey complex
concepts with clarity and empathy. Balancing the clinical aspects with the humanistic elements of
palliative care is crucial, demanding a nuanced approach that respects the subject matter and engages
the reader on both intellectual and emotional levels.

In conclusion, writing an essay on palliative care is a challenging endeavor that demands a

multidimensional understanding of medical, emotional, and ethical aspects. The task involves
navigating a complex landscape, requiring both a solid foundation in healthcare knowledge and the
ability to convey empathy through the written word. Despite its challenges, such an essay can
contribute significantly to the discourse on end-of-life care, shedding light on the importance of
holistic and compassionate approaches.

For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the services offered on . Their expertise extends to various topics, providing support for academic writing
Palliative Care Essay Palliative Care Essay
A Feminist Reading of the Tempest
William Shakespeare s The Tempest provides dialogue that portrays the social
expectations and stereotypes imposed upon women in Elizabethan times. Even though
the play has only one primary female character, Miranda, the play also includes another
women; Sycorax, although she does not play as large a roll. During many scenes, the
play illustrates the characteristics that represent the ideal woman within Elizabethan
society. These characteristics support the fact that men considered women as a mere
object that they had the luxury of owning and were nowhere near equal to them.
Feminists can interpret the play as a depiction of the sexist treatment of women and
would disagree with many of the characteristics and expectations that make Miranda...
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Stephano has no sense of respect toward women. In his song he is talking about a
woman named Kate that none of the sailors like because she speaks her mind to them
but yet they sleep with her as they please, as if she is an object to be passed around. In
the scene when Prospero and Caliban are fighting, Prospero accuses Caliban of trying
to rape his daughter, Miranda. Prospero says, Thou most lying slave,/Whom stripes
may move, not kindness! I have used thee,/Filth as thou art, with humane care, and
lodged thee/In mine own cell, till thou dist seek to violate/The honor of my child
(1.2.348 351). Caliban responds. O ho! Oh ho! Wouldn t had been done!/Thou didst
prevent me; I had peopled else/This isle with Calibans (1.2.352 354). Prospero had
taken Caliban into his home until one night finding him attempting to rape his
daughter. Caliban is telling Prospero that if he had not stopped him from raping
Miranda, he would have continued with the act. He does not have any sense of
remorse as he tells Prospero that he would have impregnated Miranda, filling the
island with many children. In today s society, rape is a serious offense that is
punishable by many years in jail. When Caliban was caught trying to rape Miranda,
Prospero simply forced him to leave the house. This moment can be an example of how
women are punished far worse than men for their crimes. Sycorax was banished and left
to die because of her witchcraft, whereas Prospero tried to rape a young girl and


1. Executive Summary
2. Company s background
3. Introduction JIT 4.0 Findings and Analysis 4.1 Poor implementation/practice 4.2
Problems and challenges 5 Recommendations 6 Conclusions.

Executive Summary
This study reflects on the implementation and practice of Just In Time ( ... Show more
content on ...
For this, the time taken by the raw material to reach the manufacturing facility from the
supplier should be known and secondly, the life of the raw material should be clearly
determined beforehand. Once this information is handy, procedures should be formulated
to ensure that the raw material arrives just in time, before the production starts so that
little or no storage time is needed. Another thing that is needed to properly implement the
JIT inventory system is that there should be good coordination between various points of
a production process.
There should be constant transmission of signals from one point to another regarding the
status of production. Due to this clear and constant communication, each point of the
manufacturing process will know when to order for inventory and how much to order so
that it arrives just in time and in the required quantity. This is where the importance of
the system lies. It ensures that there is neither wastage of time during the production
process, nor there is any wastage of capital or production capacity, thus leading to faster
production. When the production is fast, the finished goods reach the market fast too,
thereby reducing the waiting time for the customers.

This research focuses on the case study of JIT implementation in a manufacturing

company as a means of analyzing the positive and negative aspects of
The Stranger by Camus
Christine Walsh Mr. Adams Period 7 AP Language Composition September 17, 2012
Everything is true and nothing is true! : Meursault s Plague with Human Absurdity in
Camus s The Stranger In accordance with natural human behavior, we feel as though
for every action there is a reaction, as well as a reason. We vie to inject logic inside our
world because to accept the idea that there is not rationale for anything, including our
own existence, is unthinkable. This idea that we unawarely manufacture reason to the
world because in actuality, there is none, jeopardizes the very balance in our society.
Our quest is not noble, rather fueled by our fear of uncertainty. Since the logic of our
world is derived solely from the knowledge of... Show more content on ...
The asyndeton just adds to the theory of absurdity for even though we as readers may see
how irrelevant these facts are, to the prosecutor it seems completely logical, because a
completely absurd idea is easier to process and accept, then the thought of no reason
whatsoever. In Salamano s testimony, he also attempts to help Meursault, and states how
Meursault had always been so good to his dog. He was shortly dismissed, and began the
quote, You must understand, Salamano kept saying, You must understand But no one
seemed to understand (95). Camus used an antimetabole within this quote, with
Meursault s thoughts voicing the second part of it. This antimetabole while seemingly
simple, highlights one of the major concepts behind human absurdity. While reading
through, one may think it just refers to Salamano trying to make the jury see that
Meursault is indeed a good man, it also alludes to the thought that no one understood,
because no one can actually understand, well anything. No one can understand the fact
that there was no reason at all behind Meursault s actions, and this device helps to
solidify this as well. Within the last defendant Raymond s testimony, who was Meursault
s friend that all this was ultimately caused from, we can see the how exactly the
prosecutor fully intends to rationalize Meursault. Raymond was
Aristotle On Prejudice
In the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga s performance of Eurydice, there are key
elements that set this performance aside from others. Likewise, Aristotle was an ancient
Greek philosopher who carries heavy influence on thought. Therefore, Aristotle has
certain ideas as to what elements drama should try to accomplish. This specific
performance of Eurydice ties in all six of these elements of drama, which includes plot,
theme, character, diction, music, and spectacle. As far as plot goes, this particular play is
fairly rapid in scene changes and, at times, it can be difficult to follow. However, the
audiencecan concisely follow the main plot of this play. The production opens with a
couple, Eurydice and Orpheus, getting engaged on a... Show more content on ...
For example, there was a distinct noise associated with the Lord anytime he was
onstage, even before we knew he was the Lord of the Underworld. The use of sound to
make audience connection was a key factor in the performance. Likewise, there was a
particular melody that was mirrored throughout the performance that was initially sung
by Orpheus. This ties back to the characterization of Orpheus through sound and music.
Also, music is an important piece of his life, so much so that he describes Eurydice s
strands of hair as individual instruments. The use of music throughout the play acts to
characterize and establish
Ancient Atomic Theory And John Dalton
Ancient Atomic Theory John Dalton Many people struggled to understand the nature of
matter. Some said it was made of water and some said it was fire. A few others believed
that whatever matter was made of, it must be something that could not be destroyed.
Atomic theory attempts to answer what all things are made of. It states that all matter is
composed of extremely small particles called atoms. The word atommeant indivisible in
Greek and was first used by Democritus, a Greek philosopher (Similar to a scientist at
that time). Democritus believed that atoms are indivisible and unchangeable, their shape,
size and orientation in space explains the existence of different substances and materials.
While Democritus ideas aren t acceptable today, because atoms are divisible... Show
more content on ...
Although Democritus had a nice idea, it was not enough for some scientists in the late
1700 s. Scientists like Joseph Priestly, Antoine Lavoisier demonstrated that substances
could combine to form new materials. Yet, it was John Dalton who combined these
ideas. He worked with the pressures and weights of different gases, which led him to
believe that their properties are dependent on atoms. He thought that atoms from different
elements could combine to form the known elements. He was the first person to make an
attempt in making a table of atomic weights, which was a giant leap towards the making
of the future Periodic Table Dalton s atomic theory contains of five assumptions:
All matter consists of tiny particles called atoms.
Dalton and other scientists imagined the atoms as tiny, solid spheres in some stages of
Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable.
Atoms of an element cannot be created, destroyed nor divided into smaller pieces or
transformed into atoms of another element. This was based on the law of conservation of
mass, as stated by Antoine
The Human Cost Of An Illiterate Society By Jonathan Kozol
As soon as humans walked the earth, since the beginnings of time, learning was the most
vital in order to survive. This was, and still is today, the most important part of adaptation,
problem solving, and creation of life itself. Without it, our society would never move
forward and humanity would never advance. Undeniably, educationis the start of
everything in life itself meaning that it continuously surrounds every aspect of life. In
both Frederick Douglass s essay, Learningto Read and Jonathan Kozol s essay, The
Human Cost of an Illiterate Society they both share different consequential examples
dealing with illiteracy. Douglass focuses on his quest to becoming literate while facing
the hardships of battling slavery.... Show more content on ...
He points out that the uneducated have many restrictions on their lives as well as any
form of power (257). Furthermore, reflecting back to how the inability to read can
have consequences that do not give illiterates a chance to obtain their rights. Another
important way of life is, not only freedom, but identity and self. Kozol emphasizes this
concept throughout his essay by stating that they do not know the true world around
them (261). In relaying that, Not knowing the world that lies concealed behind those
words is a more terrifying feeling...Even the hard, cold stars within the firmament
above one s head begin to mock the possibilities for self location (Kozol 261). The
stigmas, fears, and poverty can all be prevented from education. As soon as children
become of age, they begin to read and write. Unfortunately, some teachers may not let
students believe they are worthy of an education (Kozol 262). Nonetheless, spreading
the importance of education is vital for a society. Equally important, Douglass
mentions when he was finally learning to read how it opened a new world for him
with freedom. He began to understand the world from a different point of view, he
wrote, Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every
sound, and seen in every thing. It was ever present to torment me with a sense of my
wretched condition (Douglass 129). By being able to read and understand it,
The Jonestown Massacre Analysis
The Jonestown Massacre is one of the most horrific massacres of 1978 leading close to
1,000 deaths. I found this story to be very disturbing and at times I found myself
thinking how can one person have so much power over so many minds. This massacre
leads many people being manipulated by a psychopath by the name of Reverend Jim
Joneswho would set the stage of a mass suicide. Many questions were needing to be
answered after this tragic event in history, what methods were used to get so many
people to do what he said, the state of mind the Jones and others were in, what
environmental factors played a role in this situation, what was the purpose, so many of
these same questions I asked myself as I got future in the story. Nonetheless,
psychological factors for sure played a part, power, and manipulation for ones gain all
were contributors here.
Reverend Jim Jones grew up in Crete, Indiana in a small community, jones is said to
be raised in a very unhappy family environment leading him to join a congregation
because he felt that it was his calling, and he was accepted in. Jones would be looked
at as a very good orator and in a mainly black church, The People s Temple, this was a
good attribute to have. He preached acceptance for all, and pushed to have a racially
balanced mixed of followers. The story starts off good and many people saw that they
were very active in the community, opening their doors to anyone, especially the poor.
However, as time went on people began to see

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