Chinua Achebe Essay

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Chinua Achebe Essay

Crafting an essay on Chinua Achebe poses both a challenge and an opportunity for literary
exploration. Achebe, a renowned Nigerian author, is celebrated for his impactful contributions to
African literature, notably through his masterpiece, "Things Fall Apart." Delving into his life, works,
and the socio-cultural context he addressed requires a nuanced approach.

The difficulty lies in navigating the vast expanse of Achebe's literary landscape and distilling it into
a coherent, insightful essay. It demands an in-depth understanding of his cultural background,
historical influences, and the thematic complexities embedded in his writings. Analyzing Achebe's
nuanced narrative techniques, socio-political commentary, and the profound impact of his work on
postcolonial discourse further adds layers of complexity.

Research becomes pivotal, encompassing not only Achebe's own writings but also critical analyses
and scholarly interpretations. Juggling various perspectives while maintaining originality poses a
challenge, as does the need to present a cohesive argument that does justice to the multifaceted
nature of Achebe's literary legacy.

Moreover, the essay must strike a balance between appreciation and critique, acknowledging
Achebe's contributions while engaging with potential areas of discourse or scholarly debates.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the essay and guides the reader
through a coherent exploration of Achebe's impact can be a delicate task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Chinua Achebe is a challenging yet intellectually rewarding

endeavor. It demands a meticulous examination of his life, works, and the broader literary and
historical contexts. Despite its challenges, such an essay provides a platform for delving into the rich
tapestry of Achebe's contributions to literature and society.

For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, resources like
offer professional services that can provide guidance and support in navigating the complexities of
literary analysis and essay writing.
Chinua Achebe Essay Chinua Achebe Essay
A State, Political Economy And Governance

Encountering state and citizenship in daily life

Rohit Singh
M.A. Previous socw 10965


The word nation is derived from the Latin word stare (to endure) and more specifically
from status (a standing or condition). But this is a very old concept so, its relation in
present context need to be answered. Max Weber s,[7][8][9][10][11] which describes the
state as a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains
amonopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory.

Most of us are the members of a state and live within the borders of one. We become
part of a state even before we become aware about it , the registration of our birth,
government hospitals, roads,etc all are part of few examples. What should define a state
has been a part of debate by many political thinkers. Some thinkers consider state to be
the most important part for modern political theories and say that is stae that comprises
of the the topic that one needs to study in in political theory i.e.
rights,democracy,equality,liberty are all part of the relation between the state and those
living within it.
The modern state arose between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe, and it
spread to the rest of the world via conquest and colonialism.
There are different approaches o the state also
The functionalis approach to the state focuses on the role opurpose of the
The Hobbit Literary Criticism
Independent Critical Essay The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a novel that was published
on September 21st, 1937. The novel tells the story of the young Bilbo Baggins who has
been limited to the simple lifestyle of a hobbit. Bilbo Baggins was no different from the
average hobbit until Gandalf, the wizard, shows up unannounced at the hobbits door. This
is the beginning of Bilbo s unexpected journey, in which his physical limitations,
bravery, and courage are put to the test. Along with Gandalf, Bilbo also meets the the
twelve dwarves who refer to Bilbo as the burglar and are led by Thorin Oakenshield.
These fourteen men embark on a quest to regain power of their homeland which was
taken over by Smaug, the dragon, many years ago. Writer Joseph... Show more content on ...
Joseph Pulitzer s final criterion is for the writing to be accurate so that the reader will
be guided by its light . In the case of The Hobbit, it is accurate to it s genre which is
fantasy. Fantasy is a fictional genre which contains characters that are often times not
human or posses magical powers. The time period in which these stories take place are
often set in the medieval ages and the events that occur are impossible and not limited to
the rules of reality. One particular character that falls directly into the category of fantasy
is Gandalf, the wizard. Bilbo s first time meeting Gandalf was quite unexpected so when
Bilbo meets Gandalf he speaks about the amazing feats that Gandalf has
Tim O Brien s How To Tell A True War Story
When narrating his story, Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby feels within and
without by what is happening with him (Fitzgerald 40). It may be not a common
feeling to the majority, but not a unique feeling among writers either. Tim O Brien in
his short story How to Tell a True War Story also encountered it. This ambiguous
feeling is portrayed near the end of his story, Often in a true war story there is not
even a point, or else the point doesn t hit you until twenty years later, in your sleep, and
you wake up and shake your wife and start telling the story to her, except when you get
to the end, you forgotten the point again (78). Tim O Brien was both an insider a
soldier and an outsider a listener and a stories collector. That position gave him an
exclusive perspective of telling a true war story (78). A true war story is never simple
and straightforward, but always complex and contracted. It is covered by multi layered
meanings that require a long time to unwrap.... Show more content on ...
Ironically, the point appears vivid at an unexpected time in the state of unconsciousness.
It is intense but fragile, which needed to be expressed instantly. That is his excitement
and endeavor to fully grasp the point, and also his fear of letting it float away.
Moreover, putting this passage near the end of the story can be intentional. It may have
the connection with his confession, when you get to the end, you forgotten the point
again (78). This passage in many ways is both a summary and a reflection of his general
philosophy about a true war
Positive And Negative Impact On Child Development
It was nerve wracking. I knew there were things I couldn t do or say or else I d be in
moved again. You could be moved for the slightest on your part. That was always
hanging over your head. You couldn t really trust anybody (Posnick, 2012). This is what
many children are feeling when subjected to live under foster care. Today s children
living in foster are forced to comply and accept changes made by adults, that decide for
their wellbeing. Becoming resilient to life circumstances, in an attempt to find someone
that will care for them when abandoned or left to fight for themselves. This paper will
discuss foster families as a cultural dilemma, the positive and negative impact on child
development, and strategizing ways to help empower... Show more content on ...
In order to promote healthy development, children need to feel the stability of a family.
Family stability is the structure component, but it is also the bond they create with a
child, the consistency and the love they demonstrate to a child that is not biologically
theirs. Attachments at infancy, gives children the comfort and security to explore their
own environment and grow developmentally in all domains. Other positive outcomes,
having family stability in foster care are in health, academic, and social emotional.
According to Harden( ) consistent and positive relationships with their parents are
more likely to have positive health behavior and lower levels of illness...perform better
academically... and less likely to drop out of school... reared in stable relationships are
more likely to have positive relationships with peers and more prosocial skills . Families
play an important role in their education and their upbringing, children who are taken out
of the system at a younger age have a higher possibility of developing warm
relationships, and surviving all odds. Unfortunately, many foster children are affected by
their past experiences and grow up with more negative outcomes than positive.
Children grow up vulnerable to life circumstances, having to become resilient at a young
Democratic Peace Theory
Intro: US Presidents have made it a goal during their term(s) in office to establish a good
relationship with foreign countries and even try to improve upon existing connections
with our allies. Some believe it is to prevent conflicts between the countries while others
dispute that it is a threat assessment by the United Statesto pick and choose their friends
and enemies. Preventing conflict between two democracies or countries that practice
democracyis called Democratic Peace Theory. However, research has begun to show
that Democratic Peace Theory is ineffective and needs to be brought to an end as a
model for how international relations are formed or destroyed. Democratic Peace
Theory needs to be abolished as a support for forming... Show more content on ...
Gleditsch asks the question if democracies really do keep the peace and he found out
that they try to but also sometimes have problems within their own house (Gleditsch
289). This could explain why rebellions within a country usually win because the
government is torn if they should quiet the rebellion or concede because they do not want
to be thrown out of office.
Shouldn t leave the football with a passionate fan: Democratic Peace Theory cannot
work as a solution for unsuccessful talks when it comes to foreign policy because when
deciding if democracies should go to war with one another, having the citizens decide
is bad because the average person does not think rationally, they think emotionally
which leads to more problems. Take the Cold War of the United States against the
USSR as an example of how emotions almost destroyed two nations. People were
spying on their own family members out of fear of being branded a communist and the
fear of nuclear annihilation was ever present danger that children were doing drills in
case of nuclear fallout. Had it not been for Gorbachev assuming power in Russia and
letting his people see what freedom was about through his policies, we would not be
here today. Mr. Layne, author of Kant or Can t, furthers the point by stating that
Democracies behave differently against non democracies (Layne 4). Democratic Peace
Theory cannot be a solution to resolve foreign
Best Weight Loss Supplements
Okay, you want a slimmer figure or at least a curvy figure without the hanging fats on
the sides of your waist, thighs, and arms, but you are confused as to what weight loss
supplements will give the best results for you. Finally, the powerful ingredients for best
weight loss supplements revealed!

So, why are best weight loss supplements revealed? Best weight loss supplements
revealed here will assist you in your purchases later on.

Fat burning ingredients. These are the ingredients that truly reduce your weight because
it burns fatty components into energy. They carry the fat or fuel to the cells in the body
and change it to energy. Examples of fat burning ingredients are omega 3 fatty acids,
carnitine, vitamin C, L tyrosine, makandi, and soy that contain isoflavones. Carnitine is
a well known fat burner. The omega 3 fatty acids assist the performance of carnitine into
the body. Sources of the last ingredients are flaxseeds and its oil. ... Show more content
on ...
You will observe that even though weight loss supplements are recommended, dieters
are always instructed to accompany it with exercise. But supplements with ingredients
of energy booster can do away with reducing despite a non exercise program. Most
weight loss supplements are composed of caffeine because it helps destroy fats.
Examples of boosters are niacin or B3, pyridoxine or B6, and riboflavin or B3. The
pyridoxine of vitamin B6 has both tranquilizing and energy boosting effects. Other
ingredients are phosphorus, pantothenic acid, and carnitine. There is a natural element
that can boost energy, too, and that is the arctic

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