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**Sociology Exam Preparation**

*Instructions: Answer each question thoroughly, providing examples and explanations where
appropriate. Your responses should demonstrate a clear understanding of sociological
concepts and theories. Each question is worth 20 points.*

**1. Define sociology and explain its importance in understanding society.**

**2. Discuss the difference between culture and society. Provide examples to illustrate your

**3. Explain the sociological imagination and its significance in understanding personal
troubles and public issues.**

**4. Compare and contrast the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology:
functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.**

**5. What is socialization, and why is it important in the development of individuals within
society? Provide examples of agents of socialization.**

**6. Define social stratification and discuss the various systems of stratification that exist in

**7. Describe the concept of social mobility and discuss its relationship with social

**8. Explain the difference between race and ethnicity. How do these concepts intersect with
other forms of social inequality?**

**9. Discuss the role of gender in shaping social interactions and structures. How does
gender inequality manifest in various aspects of society?**

**10. Define deviance and discuss the sociological theories that seek to explain it. Provide
examples of both formal and informal deviant behavior.**

**11. What is the relationship between culture and social change? Provide examples of how
cultural shifts can influence society.**

**12. Describe the process of globalization and its impact on societies around the world.**

**13. Discuss the concept of social institutions and their role in maintaining social order.
Provide examples of different social institutions and their functions.**

**14. Explain the significance of social movements in creating social change. Provide
examples of historical or contemporary social movements and their impact.**

**15. Define the concept of social constructionism and explain how it applies to our
understanding of reality and identity.**
**16. Discuss the role of media in shaping public opinion and influencing social norms. How
does media representation impact various social groups?**

**17. What are the major causes and consequences of population growth and urbanization?
How do these processes impact society and the environment?**

**18. Define the concept of globalization and explain its implications for economic, political,
and cultural systems.**

**19. Discuss the relationship between education and social inequality. How does the
education system perpetuate or challenge existing social hierarchies?**

**20. Reflect on a current sociological issue or topic of interest to you. Discuss its
significance, relevant sociological theories, and potential implications for society.**

Ensure your responses are well-structured, organized, and demonstrate a comprehensive

understanding of sociological concepts. Good luck!

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