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Multiple Choice:

1. What is the formula for Crime Solution Efficiency?

a. CSE= Case Solved x 100
Crime Volume

b. CSE= Case Cleared x 100

Crime Volume

c. CSE=Case Unsolved x 100

Crime Volume

d. CSE= Case Investigated x 100

Crime Volume

e. None of the above

2. What is the formula for Crime Clearance Efficiency?

a. CSE= Case Solved x 100
Crime Volume

b. CSE= Case Cleared x 100

Crime Volume

c. CSE=Case Unsolved x 100

Crime Volume

d. CSE= Case Investigated x 100

Crime Volume

e. None of the above

3. What is the formula for Average Monthly Crime Rate?

a. AMCR= __Crime Volume____


b. AMCR= __Index Crimes_______


c. AMCR=___Crime Solved______

d. AMCR=____Crime Volume___

e. None of the above

4. What is CIRAS?
a. Crime Incident Reporting and Analysis System
b. Crime Information Reporting and Analysis System
c. Crime Information Recording and Analysis System
d. Crime Incident Recording and Analysis System
e. Crime Information Reporting and Accounting System

5. The following are IT Solutions which are part of the Next Generation Investigation
e. e-subpoena

6. It provides the rules to follow in counting crime incidents also known as LOI
a. Unit Crime Periodic Report
b. Crime Information Reporting and Analysis System
c. Managing Police Operations
d. Project Double Barrel
e. Guidelines in counting crime incidents

7. What is CIDMS?
a. Crime Information Database Management System
b. Crime Incident Database Management System
c. Case Information Database Management System
d. Crime Incident Detective Management System
e. Case Information Development Management System

8. It is a campaign against Wanted Persons with clear accountability and monitoring

of performance through setting targets to be arrested per station. (Wanted
Persons 5% while Top Most Wanted Persons 5%)
a. LOI Manhunt Charlie
b. Project Double Barrel
c. Performance Governance System
d. LOI Sandugo
e. LOI Sangbanat

9. What does SITG stands for?

a. Special Intelligence Task Group
b. Super Investigation Task Group
c. Special Investigation Task Group
d. Special Investigation Technical Group
e. Specific Investigation Task Group

10. Cases which should be referred to the Katarungang Pambarangay are Offenses
punishable by what?
a. Imprisonment of 1 year or below or a fine of Php 5,000 or below.
b. Imprisonment of 1 year or above or a fine of Php 5,000 or below.
c. Imprisonment of 2 years or below or a fine of Php 3,000 or below.
d. Imprisonment of 6 months or below or a fine of Php 6,000 or below.
e. All of the above

11. It is a simple questioning of a person who have knowledge of a crime but was not
involved therein.
a. Interrogation
b. Elicitation
c. Interview
d. Investigation
e. All of the above

12. When taking Mug shots the following are the views required to be photographed
a. Full Length
b. Half-Body
c. Right Side
d. Left Side
e. Full quarter view

13. In what year was e-blotter/CIRAS was launched?

a. 2011
b. 2009
c. 2010
d. 2012
e. 2008

14. How many copies of IRF must be printed after an incident was encoded into the
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

15. It is a system which serves as a repository of all Mug shots of suspects

a. e-subpoena
c. e-rogue

16. The following are the main tasks of the first responder/officer on the crime scene
a. To interview persons who may have witnessed the crime
b. To give first aid
c. To apprehend the suspected offender
d. To protect and if necessary collect and preserve evidence
e. To Cordon off and protect the area

17. What does CMAS stands for?

a. Crime Management and Analysis System
b. Case Management and Analysis System
c. Crime Minimization and Accounting System
d. Case Monitoring and Analysis System
e. None of the above

18. The following are parameters to be considered if a wanted person is to be

included in the list of Top Ten Most Wanted Persons except:
a. Number of Offense
b. Notoriety
c. Degree of Public Outcry
d. Position of the suspect in the organization
e. Syndicate’s scope of operation

19. It is a graphical illustration of the distribution of crime incidents by time in a 24-

hour span in a particular area of responsibility of the police in a specific period.
a. Crime Mapping
b. Floor Time
c. Comparative Statistics
d. Crime Matrix
e. Crime Clock

20. What does NGIS stands for?

a. Next Generation Investigation Systems
b. New Generation Investigation Systems
c. New Geographic Information Systems
d. Next Generation Information Systems
e. New Geographical Investigation Systems

21. The Bantay Krimen Website and Bantay Krimen Mobile Application crime data is
derived from what system?
e. e-warrant

22. Which of the following statements is TRUE:

a. All investigation cases shall have a corresponding SITG.
b. Heinous/Violent Crimes are defined as those crimes that attract
national/international attention/scrutiny.
c. Solution of the case shall mean that the suspects have been identified.
d. An SITG shall be immediately organized whenever a heinous or
sensational crime occurs.
e. None of the above

23. An e-Project that created a breakthrough in the justice system that was designed
to decrease the number of dismissed cases due to non-appearance of police
a. e-Rogues Gallery
b. e-Warrant System
c. e-Subpoena System
d. National Crime Recording System

24. Under the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, It shall be unlawful for any person
to engage in the following, except;
a. To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce or coerce a child to perform in the
creation or production of any form of child pornography;
b. To produce, direct, manufacture or create any form of child pornography;
c. To publish offer, transmit, sell, distribute, broadcast, advertise, promote,
export or import any form of child pornography;
d. For film distributors, theaters and telecommunication companies, by
themselves or in cooperation with other entities, to distribute any videos of
a child.
e. None of the Above

25. The Court Process Officer shall be a Police Commissioned Officer with the rank
a. Police Superintendent
b. Police Chief Inspector
c. Police Senior Inspector
d. Police Inspector
e. Police Senior Superintendent

26. In case of non-availability, the Court Process Officer shall be a Non-

Commissioned Officer with the rank of:
a. Senior Police Officer IV
b. Senior Police Officer III
c. Senior Police Officer II
d. Senior Police Officer I
e. Police Officer 3

27. The following elements must be present for a case to be considered cleared
a. At least one of the offenders has been identified
b. there is sufficient evidence to charge him
c. the offender has been taken into custody
d. The offender has been charged before the Prosecutor’s Office or Court.
e. None of the above

28. In the Investigative Directive Number 2015-03, the following guidelines shall be
followed except:
a. In the Affidavit of Arrest of the Arresting Officer, the IOC shall certify at the
lower portion of the affidavit that he has examined and reviewed its
contents and has guided the affiant in its preparation.
b. The COP will issue a certification that he has examined all the documents
and other pieces of evidence pertaining to the case before filing with the
Prosecutor or the Regular Courts. It shall form part of the case folder
c. If a drug related case is dismissed or the accused is released for further
investigation, the COP, IOC, and AO will be subjected for investigation.
d. In NCR, all drug complaints prior to filing shall be reviewed and examined
by the Legal Officers of the District Offices. A certification shall then be
e. None of the above

29. It is an Online mapping system open to the public especially catered for the
information and viewing of the community which allows them to view recent
crimes in the Philippines. It also contains the location of the police offices and
their corresponding hotline numbers.
b. Bantay Krimen
c. Falcon View
d. Arc View
e. None of the above

30. It is a web-based but formerly stand-alone case management system specifically

designed for investigators in managing case files/folder. It aims for the
investigator to easily access and manage case files/folders, to have a systematic
recording by digitizing case files/folders, to cross-reference various cases, to
serve as backup in case of loss, fire, flood, calamity or disaster and to avoid
voluminous hard copy of records stored at the office.
d. e-subpoena
e. e-case folder

31. A PNP member inflicted physical injuries on a detainee to obtain information in

the commission of a crime. What crime did he commit?
a. Physical Injuries
b. Misfeasance
c. Maltreatment of Prisoners
d. Malfeasance
e. None of the above

32. A threatened to kill B if the latter will not give him Php10,000.00. What crime did
A commit?
a. Grave Threats
b. Light Threats
c. Grave Coercion
d. Light Coercion
e. None of the above

33. X inflicted violent kicks on vital parts of E’s body. E nevertheless, was able to flee
for fear of his life. Refusing to undergo treatment for his injuries, E died 3 days
later. Is X liable for E’s death?\
a. No, since kicks on the body cannot cause death
b. No, since it took too long for death to occur
c. Yes, since E cannot be compelled to undergo medical treatment
d. Yes, since it was a natural result of the injuries X inflicted on E
e. None of the above

34. Juan killed the goat of Pedro because the latter allows it to wander and destroy
Juan’s plants. What crime has been committed in the given case?
a. Reckless Imprudence resulting to Damage to Property
b. Malicious Mischief
c. Violation of RA 8485
d. Cattle Rustling
e. None of the above

35. In investigating a rape case, you collected and submitted the victim’s underwear
with alleged bloodstain for DNA analysis. What standard biological sample from
a living suspect would you submit?
a. Bone Marrow
b. Buccal Swab
c. Tissue Sample
d. Ten Print
e. None of the above

36. A PNP member who refrains from arresting X for committing murder in exchange
for money is liable for____?
a. Direct Bribery
b. Indirect Bribery
c. Qualified Bribery
d. Corruption
e. Obstruction of Justice

37. In searches of vessels and aircraft for violation of immigration and customs laws,
will a fishing vessel found to be violating fishery laws be seized without a
a. No, because the seizure would be illegal.
b. Yes, because they are usually equipped with powerful motors that enable
them to elude pursuit.
c. No, because the seizure would be an incident to unlawful arrest.
d. Yes, provided the search is consented.
e. None of the above

38. A known Environmental Activist was shot to death by an unknown perpetrator, to

whom should the PNP office/unit coordinate immediately pursuant to DIDM
Memo Circular dated June 10, 2014?
a. The Secretary of Interior and Local Government
b. The Designated AO35 prosecutor in their respective AOR
c. The Chief Philippine National Police
d. The Office of the President
e. None of the above

39. This system utilizes the i2 Analyst Notebook which analyzes data information for
the timely dissemination of information to operating/field units. It is an IT Solution
designed to help investigators in the management and analysis of investigative

40. What is the authority for the implementation of e-Warrant?

a. LOI Kontra Droga Charlie
b. LOI Lambat Sibat
c. LOI Manhunt Charlie
d. LOI Task Force USIG
e. None of the above

41. An act or omission which is the result of a misapprehension of facts that is

voluntarily but not intentional.
a. Absolutory Cause
b. Mistake of facts
c. Conspiracy
d. Felony
e. All of the above

42. Mr. A took several jewelry from a room by entering through the window without,
however, breaking it. A is liable for?
a. Robbery
b. Theft
c. Qualified Theft
d. Estafa
e. Trespass to dwelling

43. An act defining certain rights of a person arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining and investigating
officers, and providing penalties for violations thereof is?
a. RA 9165
b. RA 10591
c. RA 7438
d. RA 9262
e. None of the above

44. An act instituting the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2001, Repealing
Republic Act of 1972, as Amended, Providing Funds Thereof and for other
a. RA 9208
b. RA 9156
c. RA 9372
d. RA 9165
e. RA 9615

45. A and B, after robbing a 7-11 store, decided to kill the store clerk to dispose of
any witness. What crime did they commit?
a. Robbery
b. Homicide
c. Robbery and Homicide
d. Robbery with Homicide
e. Robbery with Murder

46. The following are the characteristics of the enhance e-blotter except:
a. Web-based
b. Stand-alone
c. Crime Mapping capability
d. Real-time reporting
e. Generates statistics, charts and graphs

47. In CIRAS Crime Analysis, the mapping software being used is?
a. Arcview
b. Falconview
d. Diva GIS
e. Philgis

48. The following are the outputs which can be generated from CMAS except:
a. Timeline
b. Link Analysis/Diagram
c. Process Flow
d. Pivot Table
e. All of the above

49. Any person who within any town or public place shall discharge any firearm,
rocket, firecracker, or other explosives calculated to cause alarm or danger
a. Alarms and Scandal
b. Indiscriminate Firing
c. Illegal Discharge of firearms
d. Grave threat
e. Illegal possession of firearm

50. The following are the things that a Chief of Police should ensure when
supervising his/her encoders in CIRAS except:
a. On-time encoding of incidents
b. Encoding of complete information
c. Plotting the incidents on the map
d. Uploading the digitized copies of case folder documents
e. None of the above

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