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Selling Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Selling Essays" poses a unique challenge, as it requires delicacy
in navigating the ethical nuances surrounding the topic. The difficulty lies not only in the potential
moral ambiguity but also in addressing the multifaceted aspects that come into play. Attempting to
explore the motivations behind selling essays, the impact on academic integrity, and the potential
consequences involves treading on complex terrain.

Firstly, one must grapple with the ethical concerns surrounding essay selling. The act of monetizing
intellectual work raises questions about the authenticity of academic achievements and the erosion of
the learning process. It requires a careful examination of the fine line between legitimate academic
assistance and outright dishonesty, as well as the consequences for both the seller and the buyer.

Moreover, delving into the motivations behind engaging in such transactions requires a nuanced
approach. Understanding the reasons individuals may resort to selling essays involves considering
various factors such as financial pressure, time constraints, or even systemic issues within educational
institutions. It demands a thorough exploration of the root causes without endorsing or condemning
the practice outright.

Another layer of complexity arises when contemplating the impact of essay selling on academic
institutions and the broader educational landscape. Unraveling the potential consequences for the
educational system necessitates an examination of how it may contribute to a culture of academic
dishonesty, compromise the value of education, and undermine the integrity of degrees and

In addition to these challenges, navigating the various perspectives on the matter—from educators to
students, administrators, and society at large—requires a balanced and objective analysis. Crafting an
essay on this topic demands not only thorough research and critical thinking but also a careful
consideration of divergent opinions to present a comprehensive view.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Selling Essays" is no small feat. It involves grappling with ethical
intricacies, understanding the motivations behind such actions, and assessing the broader
implications for education. It demands a balanced and objective approach to provide a thorough
exploration of the topic without simplifying the complexities involved.

For those seeking assistance with essays, including discussions on controversial topics like this,
various resources are available. Similar essays and a wide array of topics can be explored and ordered
through platforms like , offering support for academic endeavors.
Selling Essays Selling Essays
Contingency Management Approach
I believe there are a lot of strengths of contingency management for substance abuse. In
my opinion, it is important to find the proper management approach that fits the client s
needs. There are four areas in which contingency management uses to analysis behavior:
Specification of a target behavior, analysis of the current environmental events that
control the behavior, modification of current environmental events and measurement of
behavior change (Thombs Osborn, 2013, p. 147). This is crucial to find the proper
managementapproach. The approaches are designed to assist clients with managing their
behavior. According to our text, there are five types of approaches which are (1) establish
and maintain controlled drinking; (2) initiate and maintain abstinence and encourage the
adoption of recovery behaviors (taking an Antabuse [disulfiram] tablet, attending AA
each day, etc.); (3) promote positive change in a client s vocational, recreational, social,
and familial functioning; (4) reduce cocaine and other illicit... Show more content on ...
Moderation oriented treatment (controlled drinking) is frowned upon in the United
States as a treatment to alcoholism. I feel this program has strength because for
someone who is an alcoholic their life has been dedicated to alcoholism and cutting
alcohol out completely, in my opinion, is more difficult to stay sober without relapsing.
Unfortunately, alcohol is everywhere and it for someone who has an issue it is difficult
living a sober life when alcohol surrounds you. I also believe that controlled drinking is
the middle step between alcoholism and abstinent. According to a study, men who are
known as heavy drinkers participated in a study of moderation treatment. The study
resulted in majority of the men raised their abstinence days, reduced their BAC by 50%
and reduced the issues that accompanied drinking (Jaffe, 2011, para. 8 and
Congo Child Labor

More than half of the world s supply of cobalt is delivered from DR Congo. 40% of all
workers in mines are children. Children as young as seven work in extremely harsh
conditions to mine cobalt which ends up in a lot of items we use in our daily life such
as smartphones, cars, and computers. Mining is one of the worst forms of child labour,
due to the hazardous conditions and strenuous work, and In 2014, approximately
40,000 young boys and girls were forced to work in the unbearable heat with clouds of
red dust and almost no light. Many have sported various infections from working in
polluted water. Children are forced dig at depths of 200 to 300 meters and are at constant
risk of rock slides, or other accidental deaths. In a World ... Show more content on ...
138 on the Minimum Age of Employment and No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child
Labour in 2001. The law sets minimum for admission to work at the age of 15 after
the employer has obtained consent of parents or guardians to work for more than 4
hours a day and all children are banned by law from working in hazardous jobs.
Authorities lack financial and human resources to perform controls and prosecute
offenders who make use of child labour. Democratic Republic of the Congo made a
moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. However,
children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continue to engage in the worst
forms of child labor, including the mining of gold, cobalt, cassiterite (tin ore), coltan,
and wolframite. Children are used in armed conflict, sometimes as a result of forced
recruitment or abduction by non state armed groups. The prescribed penalties for forced
or compulsory labor remain low and do not serve as deterrents. Decentralization, a lack
of resources, and poor coordination have prevented and slowed the government s efforts
to combat child labor, and laws mandating free primary education are not
Buon Fresco Research Paper
Fresco painting is one of the oldest art techniques that was used in the world. The word
fresco came from the Greek word: fresko meaning fresh . Moreover, this fresco painting
is a technique where in the artist uses fresh plaster as medium to paint ; This painting
technique has three types , these are : Mezzo fresco, fresco secco and Buon fresco. The
main technique that I ll be focusing on is the Buon Fresco.
Buon Fresco or sometimes referred as true fresco is the most common method of fresco
painting technique in which the artist uses a wet plaster and paints on it while it s
freshly laid on the wall. Moreover , this painting technique is known for its vibrant and
vivid colors that is long lasting. Buon Fresco consists of the following
Comparing O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard To Find
In A Good Man Is Hard to Find , O Connor uses a character to play a God like role in
the judgment of others despite having her own moral ailments. A comparison to this
story would be Bruce Almighty, in which the main character, Bruce, plays the role of
God consequently for his own ailments. Both authors also use their ability of storytelling
to show readers a representation of abjection and jouissance. Both the grandmother and
Bruce play a god, whether literally or theoretically, in their actions. The grandmother is
seen to be judging the various people within her life. As she encounters everyone, she
judges them to be good based on their moralities, though she struggles with handling her
own ailments of lying, complaining, and using her family. She holds this belief that she
should be the one to judge others. In the movie Bruce Almighty, Bruce questions god and
his ability to grant blessings due to being fired from his job, and in return, receives all
his powers to test him. Furthermore, both characters use their god like positions to try to
influence others for personal gain. While the grandmother tries to influence the Misfit
into believing God and telling... Show more content on ...
They believe that they are both entitled to their positions and lacked formal compassion
not only for people but even for otherworldly objects. They both use their ego to achieve
what they want and come to unfortunate circumstances to learn the meanings of being
moral, compassionate individuals. Both authors may have used these examples and
themes for their stories to teach readers what being selfish can do for one another, and
that gaining clarity and peace comes from being understanding, forgiving, and thankful.
They both demonstrate this through the clear development of distress and poor morals in
both characters, receiving a life changing experience, and coming out with different
moralities, views, and
Analyzing The Film Arrival
Arrival was a sci fi Drama set in the present day and conveyed a message of community
and communication we could all learn from. In the original screenplay Louise Banks
was introduced as being charming and hopeful with a perspective on stories and where
they begin and end. Throughout the completed film, Amy Adam s portrayed Louise as
more mellow. Louise seemed overly sad and lonely without reason. Granted, its
conveyed that she is sad because her daughter died from a rare disease. But, about three
quarters of the way through the filmit s discovered that Louise was seeing the future and
not the past. In essence, her daughter hasn t been born yet, so why is she so serious and
brooding? In the screenplay, Louise s normal day carried on several pages too long. The
film effectively snipped the minutia away and added more meaningful, engaging events
leading up to the Arrival. For example, the classroom scene was greatly reduced, and
the film was still able to convey that aliens had landed and everyone was nervous about
their intentions. It also allowed for time to focus more on Louise as a character. The film
also incorporated other countries into the story. Chinawas communicating with their
aliens with a game. This is where the offer weapon storyline came in, so it wasn t all...
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This allowed time for the strongest tentpole of the screenplay, which is was when Ian
discovered that the humans timeline wasn t ending, it was just beginning depending on
how you look at it. And also that, because they had been communicating with the aliens
through a window, the words they had been receiving were backwards. The film also
partially omitted Louis s development of a more in depth relationship with the alines and
just how completely she begins to understand their language and time line structure. It
was included, but was less rewarding and
Symptoms And Treatment Of Daybreak Clinic
BH is a 62 year old African American Male who presents to Daybreak Clinic on
September 2, 2015 for his routine follow up exam for his hypertension, gout, and chronic
back pain. His labs were collected Monday, August 31 and will be reviewed today. He
reports that he has been out of his medications for a week due to needing a refill. He has
a refill available that he reports he was unaware of. This will be his last visit to Daybreak
due to his Social Security and Disability approvals. In addition to his medical needs
today, he is requesting a letter of competency in order to be able to personally receive
his Social Security check.
History of Present Illness
BH is a pleasant 62 year old male who has been treated at Daybreak since June, 2014. He
has been treated for hypertension, gout, renal insufficiency, pre diabetes, hyperlipidemia
and elevated cholesterol. He has a history of alcohol abuse.
BH was referred to a cardiologist in May, 2015 for complaints of chest pain. He denies
chest pain or tightness at present.
BH reports that he has been treated at River s Edge for depression, but no longer
follows up with there and has stopped taking the Cymbalta prescribed by them. He
denies feelings of depression at present. He denies suicidal ideations and homicidal
BH reports that he takes his medications as prescribed and reports he has tried to adjust
his diet in order to decrease his glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol. He continues to
Scarlet Letter Pearl Character Traits
Pearl s personality and actions are described in many different ways throughout the
story, all of which makes Hester ambivalent towards her own child. In the story Pearl
is described as so intelligent, yet inexplicable, perverse, sometimes so malicious...
(Hawthorne 61). Even though Hester does see positive traits about Pearl, she can easily
see her negative traits more; they are all very obvious to Hester. The use of
juxtaposition shows that Pearl is the product of a mistake and not only will Hester be
punished by the scarlet letter, but she will constantly remind of her poor actions through
Pearl s behavior. Also, the very first thing that Pearl noticed and showed interest in was
the scarlet letter. As an infant Pearl grasped at it, smiling,

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