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The Advantages in the Disadvantages of Globalization in the Philippines

(Word Count: 1505)

In the grand scheme of Globalization, in terms of its economic and political

counterparts, has become — and still is — both a blessing and a curse. The history of

Globalization has always been tied to Colonialism and Politics, most especially in a

country like the Philippines that struggled to fight for independence countless of times.

The word “Global” is more or a less a bait, or in modern times, a ‘clickbait’. It is meant to

be enticing and good for the world. It was supposed to be “helping” and “sharing”, but

instead, it is more synonymous to trade and agreement, much like the concept of a

business partnership. Strip it off of its political suit and all that is left is its economical

undergarment. Unfortunately, both of those also go hand-in-hand. However, despite

these underlying disadvantages and a greedy disposition, one cannot deny the

advantages and positive impact Globalization has imparted in the Philippines in the past

century and more. These advantages have to do with the economic aspect such as

communication, the opportunity to work and migrate in another country, the purchase of

cheaper products, and a position in the world market, or “global village”. Meanwhile, in a

political viewpoint, the distribution of power between the nations add to the prevention of

colonization, terrorization, and wars. Hence, it does not actually do more harm. Since, in

the first place, its idea is to do the opposite, or at least to give a little more than what is

taken away. Globalization in the Philippines is a force to be reckoned with, but a

necessary force, nonetheless.

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In the economical perspective, the first reason is a clear advantage in agriculture.

The country is more on the agricultural side rather than the industrial because there is

an abundance of resources in the production of crops such as rice, corn, and

sugarcane. As well as fruits such as mangoes, bananas, pineapples, and many more.

According to the United Nation’s (UN) Food and Agriculture sector, Filipinos make up

about 40% of workers in the agricultural division and has a 20% contribution to the

country’s Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

However, in the instance that a disaster happens, which is a lot apparent in the

Philippines with it being a tropical country, typhoons and floods happen more often and

that disrupts the livelihood of the farmers. According to the Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO), Super Typhoon Rolly (which hit on November 1, 2020), damaged

valuable crops in the province of Albay and Catanduanes such as abaca, rice, and corn

that are exported in different parts of the world. As well as damages from prior

Typhoons’ Quinta and Ulysses. These resulted in an estimate of a loss of 12.3 billion

peso in Agriculture. Not just that, but no crops to harvest, no work and salary for the


The second reason is regarding Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). An estimate

of 2.399 million Filipinos works in another country and live there (Philippine Statistics

Authority; PSA, 2017). The positive impact the number of OFWs all over the world has

in the Philippine economy is through the significance in contribution towards remittances

(an inflation from 28 billion dollars in 2014 to 34 billion in 2018). According to the World

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Bank, the Philippines is ranked as the fourth country alongside India, China, and Mexico

to receive a high influx of inward remittances. To further explain the point, the positive

effect of the remittances contributes to the balance of payments (BOP), which is a sign

that a country is economically healthy. Other than that, it has also helped increase the

value of Philippine peso, foreign exchange, the standard of living of the Filipinos, and

their purchasing power.

The downside of the migration of Filipinos to another country, is the temptation of

immigrating or permanently residing in that country because of better opportunities and

a more comfortable way of living. Aside from that, in the OFWs case wherein there is

family left back at home, an “economic dependency arises” within family members. This

makes for more unemployed members of the family. No matter the good OFWs bring

about from remittances, there is still a lack of financial independence due to the

absence of goals. Moreover, the more there is a decline in the unemployment rate in the

Philippines, the more Filipinos seek work overseas. Leading to the loss of workers in the

lower-income jobs, which is the primary reason for working abroad.

Regarding the political economy, taxation in the Philippines help fund in the

projects administered by the Government and finance other services that matter and

cater to the Filipinos themselves. In paying income taxes, it contributes to the economy

of the country for sustainable development. Also, filing for tax makes it less problematic

for when there is a need to apply for a VISA or a loan. In the present time, because of

the Pandemic, tax reforms are being student, or rather looked on to be passed. But in

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the meantime, the Government is giving out incentives for the front-liners and the most

heavily affected by COVID-19, and the tax collected prior is used to speed up recovery.

The problem with tax in the Philippines is its weakness to tax policies because of

its complicated taxation, and the fact that since the rich save money more than the poor,

the rich become richer, and the poor even poorer. Again, because of the Pandemic,

taxation has also been declining due to business closing, which affects the economy. In

the political aspect, because there is corruption happening left and right, some of the

money from taxpayers are stolen and put in the pockets of Government officials

themselves. This hurts the integrity of the constitution causing Filipinos to distrust so-

called authorities, which then lead to tax evasion.

Lastly, the power distribution between all the nation-states is granted by

Globalization. The Philippines has a seat in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

(ASEAN) and the United Nations (UN), so that automatically gives it the country a

noticeable advantage alongside other countries that are part of both associations. This

helps Global corporations such as SM Investments Corporation (SMIC), which is

expanding even more. Without Globalization and the participation of the Philippines

globally, it would be difficult to break into the world market. Right now, SMIC currently

has 7 malls in China.

A nation-state like the Philippines paired with Global economy, makes way for

easier access of other countries to its resources because boundaries are broken down

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in the participation to Intergovernmental Organization’s (IGO) such as the UN and

ASEAN. As well as a force in integrating certain market standing or economic and

political catching up with the rest of the world. An example of this is, in terms of

education, the K-12 policy. It makes it tough for a third-world country to keep up with

this, because a lot of children do not have a chance to study due to their parents’ lack of

financial income and poverty. The disadvantage that brewed in the implementation of

this new educational system lies in the fact that the Philippines is a poverty-stricken

country. Furthermore, according to a news outlet, Sun Star Philippines, “The

disadvantage of implementing the curriculum is real and urgent. Students need to

adjust to the new curriculum and have to condition themselves in spending a longer

time in in school.” (Sun Star PH, 2017).

To conclude my stand, despite the many underlying disadvantages in the advantages of

Globalization in the economy of the Philippines, there is still a noticeable percentage of

steady increase in the country’s economic and political integrations. The abundance of

Agriculture, the penetrating Global corporations, the remittances from the migration of

Filipinos — dubbing them as “economic heroes”, prevalence of the incentives from tax

and the Government working on tax reforms after the Pandemic, and the increase in

political power of the Philippines from the distribution of the UN, which keeps all the

countries at bay and has created many partnerships and unions since the other

countries help when disasters strike the Philippines and vice-versa, even though

opinions and ideas of world leaders clash from time-to-time. Trade and employment

contribute to the growth and development of the GDP per capita in the Philippines. It

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makes the country far more efficient, increases competitiveness of companies and other

corporations, distribution of wealth or money are equal, and the conflict regarding the

militaries are put on hold, or restricted rather. Not just that, the curiosity in culture

attracts tourists, and since the world applies a policy regarding travel, then it is a win-

win for everyone. Communication between people from different countries is also a

must nowadays because of the necessity in business, which often lead to adapting and

learning other nationalities’ languages, and them migrating to the Philippines and

building small business that create employment and increase the economic and

sustainable development alive for the country to thrive more. So, it does not actually do

more harm. Therefore, that is why Globalization is a necessary force in the


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