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Contextual Essay

Crafting a contextual essay can be both an intellectually stimulating and challenging endeavor. The
difficulty lies in the intricate balance between providing a thorough analysis of the subject matter
and incorporating the surrounding context that shapes and influences it. The process demands a keen
understanding of the topic itself, as well as a nuanced comprehension of the broader environment in
which it exists.

One of the primary challenges is to avoid the pitfall of tangential discussions. Striking the right chord
between delving into the contextual aspects and maintaining a focused narrative on the central theme
requires a delicate touch. It demands meticulous research to gather relevant information that adds
depth to the analysis without overshadowing the main argument.

Furthermore, a contextual essay necessitates a strong analytical mindset. The ability to critically
evaluate the significance of various contextual elements and draw meaningful connections to the
central topic is crucial. This requires a thoughtful approach to interpretation, as well as the skill to
articulate these interpretations coherently in the essay.

The challenge extends to the structure of the essay as well. Weaving together the contextual elements
seamlessly with the main subject matter requires a well-organized and logical framework. Transitions
between different layers of analysis must be smooth to ensure a cohesive and engaging narrative.

In addition, sourcing credible and relevant contextual information can be a time-consuming task.
The depth of the essay relies heavily on the quality of the contextual data, making the research phase
a vital and demanding aspect of the writing process.

In conclusion, composing a contextual essay is a challenging task that demands a blend of research,
analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It requires a writer to navigate through layers
of context while maintaining a clear and focused discussion on the chosen topic. However,
overcoming these challenges can result in a rich and nuanced piece of writing that provides both
depth and insight.

For assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available. One such
option is , where you can find support in crafting well-researched and articulate
essays on a variety of topics.
Contextual Essay Contextual Essay
Female Sexuality And Its Impact On Women
3.Goffman defines ritualization of subordination as female bodies in particular are
used to demonstrate the broadest social idea and what the culture defines as feminine
as a subordinate relationship as to what the culture defines as masculine . This means
that by social aspects and ideals, women are depicted as subordinates and are
underlying to men because of how the culture is defined. One position in which
women are depicted as subordinates and defenseless is when they are lying down.
They are then dependent on the world as being safe from threats as they would have no
chance to even defend themselves; it s a submissive and powerlessness position.
However, this position has also been come to viewed women as sexualized. Women are
shown in this aspect as available and in need of a man. As Goffman stated, female
sexuality has become an image of how womanare submissive, powerless, and dependent.
Furthermore, femininity is seen also as female sexuality and then as Goffman exclaims,
femininity in this way is also seen as submissive, powerless, and dependent. When
photos of women are captured with men in this sense, many women are on their knees,
lying on their backs, or sitting on the ground looking up at the men. Assumptions are
made from these poses in advertising in which the ads of woman (and ads of gay men)
have similar audience that targets the perspective of the maleviewer s desire. In this sense,
the subordination comes from the relationship of the viewer, the
Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother Summary
In the article, Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, and the Culture of the Great Depression
by James C. Curtis, we understand what it takes to get the perfect photo to represent a
message. Dorothea Lange became very popular during her time and is known especially
for her photo, Migrant Mother, which documents life during the Great Depression. James
C. Curtis does a good job explaining the artistic decisions to this most famous shot and
how many different steps Lange took in order to really create a powerful message
depicting life in poverty. Curtis begins this article by describing how Lange was a little
different from traditional documentary photographers. Tradition was honesty, directness,
and a lack of manipulation. Lange and other influential photographers like Walker
Evans, knew that they had to document life with a purpose but in order to really convey
their message they had to include artistic elements. Aesthetic was an important part of
her work, she wanted her photos to have an artistic value which could help capture the
universal struggle of those living in poverty. In order to do this she had to do many
different shots with different angles, different positions of the subjects, and sometimes
including or excluding certain sitters. For example the teenage daughter of the family
was excluded in some of the photos because it presented awkward questions. According
to Curtis, While middle class viewers were sympathetically disposed to the needs of
Compare And Contrast Lee And Grant
After the Civil War most people saw Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant as heroes.
Both men symbolize the two forces which fought in the Civil War ( Lee and Grant , 1).
Even though both men were brilliant generals, Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9,
1865 and was also defeated at Gettysburg, one of the most known battles in 1863. After
the Civil War, Lee went on to become president of Washington College, and Grant,
president of the United States( Robert E.Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, 1). Lee and Grant
were similar in their leadership styles, but also diverse in terms of military strategies. In
1868, Grant was elected president of the United States. He was only 46, making him the
youngest president at the time. He came into office... Show more content on ...
Lee was born on January 19th, 1807 in Stratford, Virginia ( Robert E. Lee , 1). Then in
1844 he married Juliet Dent and they eventually had four children. Many people also
thought he had a lot of integrity, was very loyal and he inspired others( Robert Edward
Lee , 1). Douglass Southall Freemal wrote a Pulitzer Prize Winning biography about
Lee. Also Winston Churchill ranked Lee as One of the most noblest Americans who
ever lived ( Lee and Grant , 1). During battles Lee s strongness was attacking and
deploying troops, and his weakness was that he could not deal with angry soldiers (
Robert Edward Lee , 1). Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27th, 1822 in Point
Pleasant, Ohio. He was the eldest child of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson
Grant ( General Ulysses S. Grant: The soldier and the man , 3). He married Mary
Curtis, the great granddaughter of George and Martha Washington and they eventually
had seven children. Grant also pushed for the ratification of the 15th amendment,
which gave all citizens the right to vote ( Ulysses S. Grant , 1). Some people also
thought he was an alcoholic and on a few occasions the amount of alcohol he consumed
harmed his abilities or motor skills ( General Ulysses S. Grant: The soldier and the man ,
Roosterfish Research Paper
5. Panama Who doesn t know about Panama really? And all of the special species that
you can fish for here? Probably everyone knows and that is also because the destination
is active all over the year. Amberjack, Marlin, Large Pacific Sailfish and the ever
amazing and sensational Roosterfish? You name it. Everything is here and you just need
to go. Another thing that will make your day is the scenery that is involved and also the
surroundings that are breathtaking. A definite memorable place to be in. 4. Papua New
Guinea You are going to find one of the best saltwater fishing experience here than any
other place really. Since the area isn t that much discovered and doesn t have that much
amount of population you can also get the solitude the

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