Good Argument Essay Topics

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Good Argument Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic "Good Argument Essay Topics" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, given the plethora of subjects to choose from. However, the challenge lies in
selecting a topic that not only sparks interest but also provides ample room for argumentation and
exploration. It requires careful consideration of the target audience, the purpose of the essay, and the
availability of credible sources to support your arguments.

One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between a topic that is neither too broad nor
too narrow. A broad topic may lead to a lack of focus and depth, while a narrow one might limit the
scope for meaningful discussion. Finding that sweet spot requires thoughtful research and critical

Additionally, the challenge extends to crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the
essence of your argument. This statement should be concise, clear, and capable of guiding the reader
through the forthcoming discussions. A weak thesis can undermine the entire essay, making it crucial
to dedicate time and effort to refining this pivotal element.

Moreover, developing strong arguments and counterarguments demands a thorough understanding of

the chosen topic. It's essential to anticipate potential objections and address them effectively to
fortify the overall persuasiveness of the essay. This process necessitates a meticulous examination of
various perspectives and a nuanced articulation of your stance.

Lastly, ensuring proper organization and coherence throughout the essay is paramount. Transitioning
smoothly between paragraphs and maintaining a logical flow can be challenging but is crucial for the
reader's comprehension and engagement. Striking the right balance between evidence, analysis, and
personal insight further complicates the task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Good Argument Essay Topics" involves navigating through the
intricate process of topic selection, thesis formulation, argument development, and organizational
coherence. It demands not only writing skills but also critical thinking and research abilities.
However, with careful planning and dedication, one can overcome these challenges and produce a
compelling argumentative essay.

For those seeking assistance in tackling such essays or exploring a variety of topics, professional
writing services like offer a convenient solution. Similar essays and more can be
ordered to streamline the writing process and ensure the delivery of high-quality content.
Good Argument Essay Topics Good Argument Essay Topics
The Story Of A Short Story Essay
The story starts in a home in council bluffs, Iowa with a girl named Rachel and her
little brother named Charrilliey. Charrilliey was a very smart boy he had the intellect
of a ninth grader and Rachel did not even know it until he was in third grade. Even
Though Charrilliey was a very smart kid he had some speech problems which other
kids bullied him because he spoke differently than they did. One day charrilliey came
home crying because the kids at his school would not stop teasing him. The next day
was a Saturday and they did not have to go to school that day and Rachel sat
Charrilliey down to talk to him and what he said Blew Rachel s mind. Charrilliey
came to Rachel and asked her what those words meant, but he actually knew what they
meant and he said some words that Rachel did not even know what those words even
ment that is when she realized that her little brother was a very smart child. Later that
day at lunchtime Charrilliey sat down beside Rachel. Then Rachel suddenly realized
that Charrilliey was a very smart third grader and that he was as smart or even smarter
than she is. She was really upset that her brother that was in the third grader was
smarter than she is and she was in the eighth grade. She was furious and jealous at the
same time she just wanted to crawl under her bed and die then she remembered that
they can not die so she will just be their hungry the whole time she was under their. So
she said that she will have to deal with it the rest of the
Double Helix DNA Lab Report
A Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson Frances Crick both announce that
they have determined the structure of the double helix DNA. The DNA is a molecule
that contains human genes. The DNA was discovered in 1869, determining a genetic role
that was demonstrated in 1943. The morning of February 28, both men determined that
the structure of DNAwas a double helix polymer, which also can be described as a spiral
of two DNA strands. Each strand contains a long chain of monomer nucleotides, that are
wound around each other.
Watson and Crick Discover Chemical Structure of DNA. A E Television
Networks, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.

1954 Cigarette smoking increased during the 1950 s. During that time, Lung cancer
became common more and more. Hammond and Horn convinced people with their ...
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N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.

1959 Representatives from 12 countries signed a treaty in Washington. The treaty

designated Antarctica as a scientific preserve which means no military activity. Seven
nations take control of Antarctica. The seven Nations are Argentina, Australia, Britain,
Chile, New Zealand, Norway, and France. By overlapping claims between Chile, Britain,
and Argentina, It caused many tensions. The Antarctic Treaty will remain international
relations in Antarctica.
Dec. 1, 1959 | Antarctica Is Set Aside as Scientific Preserve. The Learning Network Dec
1 1959 Antarctica Is Set Aside as Scientific Preserve Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr.

Most Important: The most important event to me would be when DNA was discovered.
It is so important to me because nowadays many people mess around with a lot of others
and then woman end up getting pregnant not knowing who the father is to their child.
Now we have DNA tests proving who the father is. I think DNA tests prevent future lives
to turn out bad especially how emotional kids would be without having a father figure in
Sequence In Hospital By Elizabeth Jennings
Thus the early 60s proved to be a very difficult period for Jennings mentally. Her
experience left her sensitive women who had triumphed over her weaker style. However
her struggle to develop her craft and to endure the mental pressures had now resulted in
producing a positive force that is a renewed interest in religion.
Many poems of this volume were not included in the Collected Poems. The reason could
be that there was much controversy about whether these poems were confessional or not.
Elizabeth Jennings does not think so and does not want to be thought of in relation to
Anne Sexton s poetry. (Interview).The most important reason she states is that most of
the poems in the book are about other people and not about herself. This is true but she
also writes about suicide, suffering and madness. At least some of the experiences she
made during her mental breakdown seem to be reflected in a few poems of this volume.
This collection of poems won the Richard Hillary Award in 1966.
The poems in the Sequence in Hospital attain a prominent place in this collection which
forms their own enclosure like the hospital walls. These poems objectify Jennings
relationship to the enclosed condition of an unhealthy world. Within this world, Jennings
brings in representative aspects of a ... Show more content on ...
She describes her social obligations in an impersonal tone: They visit me, and I attempt
to keep/ A social smile upon my face. But she is experiencing very different emotions
underneath. When they are gone,/ I shall be limp and faint (193).But the poems
themselves are direct and there are no symbols of meaning hidden in the images and
language. The bare style also adds to the general mood of sickness and exhaustion. The
only indirectness that Jennings brings is perhaps the conscious intellectual sing of
emotions; this again is related to her poetic style rather than an

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