The Importance of Learning English Essay

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The Importance Of Learning English Essay

Crafting an essay on the importance of learning English is both challenging and rewarding. The
complexity arises from the need to strike a balance between providing factual information,
addressing the significance of the subject, and presenting a compelling argument to engage readers.
The essay demands a comprehensive understanding of the English language, its global relevance, and
its impact on various aspects of life.

One of the difficulties lies in organizing the content coherently. It's essential to begin with a
captivating introduction that hooks the reader, followed by a clear thesis statement that outlines the
main points to be discussed. Transitioning between ideas and paragraphs smoothly is another
challenge, as the essay must flow logically and maintain the reader's interest.

Moreover, the essay should incorporate relevant examples and real-world applications to illustrate the
importance of learning English. Balancing theoretical concepts with practical scenarios requires
careful research and thoughtful analysis.

Language proficiency is crucial, as the essay is, in essence, a showcase of the writer's own mastery of
English. Proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure contribute to the overall effectiveness of
the piece. However, it's important to avoid being overly complex or using jargon that might alienate

The conclusion poses its own set of challenges, as it should not only summarize the key points but
also leave a lasting impression on the reader. Crafting a memorable closing statement that reinforces
the importance of learning English adds a layer of difficulty to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of learning English requires a combination of

research, organizational skills, language proficiency, and the ability to connect with the audience.
Despite the challenges, successfully conveying the significance of the topic can be immensely
rewarding. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various
resources, including , offer support and services to facilitate the writing process.
The Importance Of Learning English Essay The Importance Of Learning English Essay
The Hunger Games Katniss Self Identity
The Concept of Self Identity Conveyed Through The Protagonists Appearances in Anne
of Green Gables and The Hunger Games
In the beginning of Anne of Green Gables, Anne can t accept her red hair and always
complains about it, but near the end of the novel, she finally starts to accept her red hair
despite what people say about her appearance. Similarly, in The Hunger Games, the
dresses that Cinna designed for Katniss to wear during the opening ceremony and
interview presents her as a strong female figure and foreshadows how she tried to hold
back her emotions to avoid looking weak during the reaping ceremony. While both Anne
and Katniss appearances underlines the concept of self identity, in Anne of Green Gables,
Lucy M. Montgomery uses Anne s ... Show more content on ...
In Anne of Green Gables, Anne was so self conscious about her red hair that she wasn
t able to see the positive aspects of her appearances and allows her self esteem to be
ruin by other peoples comments. However, as she became older, she starts to
recognize many positive aspects of herself and focuses less on complaining about her
red hair. Similarly, in The Hunger Games, the intention of Katniss opening ceremony
and interview dresses was to present the idea of inner strength and how one s
appearances could affect how people look at them, either draw others attention or
make people think you are a weakling. Not only does the dresses show how one s
appearances could affect the way people look at you, but it also instead of being
labelled as the working class girl, it allowed Katniss to see herself as the strong and
fierce women that people have never seen before. Overall, the presence of Anne and
Katniss appearances allows themselves to find their own true identity and gives a reader
of clue of what kind of characters are them despite other peoples judgments about
Police Powers
Bail means that after someone has been charged they are free from police custody until
the next stage of the process of the case (trial). The custody officer has the power to
either decide if bail is granted or not. If the officer refuses to grant bail they must present
the case to magistrate court soon as possible.

Bail means that after someone has been charged they are free from police custody until
the next stage of the process of the case (trial). The custody officer has the power to
either decide if bail is granted or not. If the officer refuses to grant bail they must present
the case to magistrate court soon as possible. ... Show more content on ...
What happens if a defendant fails to return
If a suspect released on bail fails to either return to the police station at a specified time,
or turn up to court on the given date (depending on what conditions were set with the
bail), then the police has the power to order the arrest of that person for breach of his
bail conditions.

Assess/evaluate within each stage of the explanation, why police have the powers to
grant bail, search premises /people
Bail means that following charge you do not have to remain in custody until the next
stage of your case process. After a suspect is charged they should be realised by the
custody officer unless the custody officer believes that:
The suspect charged will interfere with the evidence or the witness s involved in their case
If the custody officer thinks that the suspect will try to intimidate the witnesses or tamper
the evidence which need to be presented in court, the custody officer will keep the
suspect in custody until the court trial, away from the evidence and witnesses.
The suspect has given a wrong name / address
This can mean that the suspect is most likely guilty and does not want the police to be
able to contact the suspect, or track the
The Argument That Paul Could Be The Authorship Of
In some other books of the Bible it states who the author is in the beginning of the
book, but in Hebrews the author is not stated. One argument says that Paul is the author
and other argument says otherwise. The 4 arguments that Paul could be the authorship
of Hebrews is, Paul s rabbinical training under Gamliel, knowledge of Judaism, Paul s
close relationship to Timothy, Peters reference to the writing of Paul, (Peretti et
al.2004, 34). Why would people think Hebrews is authored by paul? The reason why
some arguments say that is because of, Paul s rabbinical training under Gamliel and
knowledge of Judaism (Peretti et al.2004, 34). Paul had studied under Gamliel, which
makes a good argument that he would be the author of Hebrews.... Show more content on ...
Past and presents scholars supported this theory. For there is extant with an Epistle of
the Hebrews under the name of Barnabas a man sufficiently accredited by God, as
being one whom Paul has stationed next to himself in the interrupted observance when
Paul was not there (Tertullian 20). Likewise, Gregory of Elvira was a supporter of
Barnabas writing Hebrews. Bishop of Brescia says that the book of Hebrews was
written from Barnabas. The suggestion that scholars assume that Barnabas the author
of Hebrews is, he was a Levite of Cyprus (Allen 2010, 41). Because Barnabas was a
Levite he had a big interest in the Old Testament and their sacrificial technique. Also,
Barnabas was an affiliate with the group called the Pauline circle. In that circle
involved Timothy and the author of Hebrew. It is said that the author of Hebrew
known to have a relationship with Timothy. Barnabas knew Timothy because he was in
the area that Paul and Barnabas evangelized. The Hellenistic perspective in Hebrews
suggests to some scholars that Barnabas was the author. When the Antiochene
Hellenists were evangelized, the church at Jerusalem sent Barnabas to coordinate this
new thrust (Allen 2010, 41). Barnabas was known as a man who exhorts others, and
the author of Hebrews is called a word of exhortation (Hebrew 13:22). The last evidence
that shows that Barnabas might be the author of Hebrew is that the tone of Hebrew as a
kind of Pauline tone and
The Bush Doctrine
The Bush Doctrine Analysis On March 16, 2006, the White House released President
George W. Bush s second term National Security Strategy (NSS), which later come to be
regarded as the Bush doctrine. The doctrine was developed predominantly in response to
the most unforgettable day in the American history the terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001. He comes up with the two major pillars of the National Security Strategy which
consist of the promotion of freedom, democracy and also he used the globalized approach
to extinguish terrorism due to the global security. On the other hand, President
Washington and President Eisenhower emphasizes different arguments on how does that
military based global approach would be indeed beneficial and... Show more content on ...
The three Presidents might have their own startegy to response to any act of threat, but
we definitely know that Bush has the most viral strategy among all. Not trying to
mention that Bush s is dangerous or mischievous, but at least he has done something to
get everything fixed rather than just spending too much time thinking of it.
Nevertheless, an immediate act and response should not be neglected here. And we re
all know that Bush has completed that task eventhough Washington and Eisenhower
might have disagree with him if they were still alive. But, again, both Washington and
Eisenhower should not come into such a judgement because they were not there in the
era of Bush precidency. So they do not have any idea how does it feels like to be in Bush
shoes. They do not know how it feels to face those massive attack of terrors that has
created a huge scar to every
Observation Of A Child At The Children s House
This paper details my observation of a child at The Children s house. When I called to
schedule an observation time, I decided to go when the children would be outside
engaging in activities of their choosing. When I arrived my plan was to observe first
(without interfering), then once I had the notes that I needed to write about
friendships and play, I intended to ask a child the questions that were provided in the
rubric. Initially, most of the children were scattered around playing by themselves, in
pairs or groups of 3. After observing for about 10 minutes without anything interesting
happening, I was about to go to a child and start interviewing him or her. Then a little
girl who I later found out to be named Alex gathered a group of about 5 other children
to play house . Alex was taller than all of the other children, her hair was blonde and
her eyes were blue. Based off the fact that she took the leadership role, was organizing
a rule based game, and seemed to prefer being near other children rather than adults, I
estimated that she was 5 or 6 years old. Now that I knew what game they were going to
play I hypothesized that I would observe her ability to differentiate between genders and
their roles in the game of house that the children were playing as well as assign roles to
other children. I expected to see Alex cooperate with the other children and take their
perspectives and feelings into account because according to the first social development
Comparison of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Human nature and its relevance in determining behaviors, predictions, and conclusions
has caused dispute among philosophers throughout the ages. Political philosophy with its
emphasis on government legitimacy, justice, laws, and rights guided the works of the
17th and 18th century philosophical writings of Thomas Hobbesand Jean Jacques
Rousseau. Through Thomas Hobbes world renowned publication Leviathan and Rousseau
s discourses on basic political principals and concepts, each man validated their thoughts
on human nature and what is required for a successful society within their respective
government confines. The distinct differences between Hobbes and Rousseau s opinions
on the natural state of man frame the argument of the different... Show more content on ...
Centuries of philosophers have attempted to apply reason to why mankind has certain
tendencies. Hobbes when discussing human nature often uses beast like tendencies as
a comparison. The imagination that is raysed in man (or any other creature indued
with the faculty of imagining) by words, or other voluntary signes, is that we generally
call Understanding; and is common to Man and Beast. (Hobbes 93) Relating man to
beast exemplifies Hobbes position on what he believes is human nature. Furthering his
argument that civilization rescues humanity from an otherwise barbaric state. Hobbes
view on government stems from these beliefs as well. As explained in Leviathan,
government s ultimate purpose is to control by imposing law and order in order to
protect human nature from taking over. In respect to parenting, proper and necessary
discipline is required in order to establish order within the household. Hobbes view of
man as naturally selfish and constantly occupied with thoughts of how something may
benefit them exemplifies his pessimism. His view on the state of nature is why an
absolute ruler is necessary for a successful society. Like society a household needs a
sole ruler to head that state otherwise there would be chaos among the children and
masses. Children of Thomas Hobbes would undoubtedly be raised conservatively with a
head of the household holds all control
Importance Of Capitalism Essay
There are different forms of government, and people have different opinions of which
form is right. There is capitalism which is an economic system in which a country s
trade and industry are controlled by private business owners for profit, rather than by
state. There is socialism, which is an economic system based on governmentcontrol over
the economy and equal distribution of wealth (could still be a democracy. And
communism, which is an economic and political system based on one party government
and state ownership of property (dictatorship). I personally believe that capitalism is the
best form of governmentfor 3 reasons: People need freedom, it contributes to the
economy, and encourages people to want better jobs. In this essay, I will state my
reasons for why I believe capitalism is the most favorable. First, people need freedom.
Capitalism is the only form of government where people get the rights they deserve. With
communist countries such as North Korea and Vietnam, the government controls
everything, including freedom of speech, used of social media, the right to own houses
and businesses, and all medical goods. This is bad, especially for people who want to
speak out because they believe they are being treated unfairly. In socialism, people have
more freedom than communism. However, the government still has control of a lot of
things such as businesses and other things concerning the economy. With capitalism, the
government controls laws and

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