Mid-Term English Test N° 3 (8th Form)

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Gafsa Prep School Mid-Term English Teacher: Ben Abdallah Bacher

Test n°3
Date: 26/04/ 2023 Level: 8th Grade
Full Name: ……………………………………………………… Class: 8th form ……… N°....

I°) Listening Comprehension (8 marks)

1) Fill in the following booking form with information from the text. (2 marks)
San Felice Hotel Booking Form

Accommodation requested : ………………………………………………………

Check-in (date) : …………………………………………………………………………

Check-out (date) : ………………………………………………………………………

Other : ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2) Answer the following questions : (2 marks)

a- How long will the customer be staying at the hotel ?
b- How much does she have to pay for the accommodation ?

3) Tick the right alternative. (1,5 mark)

A. The room that the customer will get is on the
 1st floor (…………)
 3rd floor (…………)
 4th floor (…………)
B. The customer‘s registration number is
 7576385 (…………)
 7576384 (…………)
 7567385 (…………)
C. The customer’s name is Mrs
 Rifield (…………)
 Ryefield (…………)
 Ryfield (…………)
4) Find in the passage words having the same meaning as : (1 mark)
a- beautiful = …………………………… / b- can be used = ………………………………
5) Write similar (S) or different (D) : (0,5 mark)
nights - confirmations ( ……………………………… )
6) Circle the stressed syllable in the following words : (1 mark)
Ho tel - Con fir ma tion
II°) Language (12 marks)

1-Fill in the blanks with 8 words from box. There are two extra words. (4 marks)

means / populated / traffic / who /rush / get / around / queue / transport / ride
Subways are a very efficient form of ground transportation. A subway is made up of trains that run underground in
tunnels. Subways are used to rapidly  ……………………………………… people and they usually run in highly ……………………………
cities such as New York, London, and Moscow. One reason why people use subways is because they  …………………………
you from one place to another very quickly. They can go as fast as 80 mph. Some of the largest subway system can
cover as much as 100 miles. Since they go so fast, a lot of people can move  ……………………… entire cities very quickly.
Subways are also good because they don’t get stuck in  …………………………… especially during  …………………………… hours.
Those  ………………………………… don’t want to get late to their workplace park their cars in an above parking lot, walk
down steps to the underground and  ……………………………………… the subway.

2- Circle the right alternatives: (2.5 marks)

In Britain, we stand in line for just about anything: supermarkets, bus stops, taxis, the post office, the cinema ...

I do not like to queue (down / up / on) personally, but I do it because I have to do a polite gesture. But yesterday

after a 20-minute waiting time, as I was getting (around / on / off) the train a horrible woman with her 6 kids took

their place in front of me after (pulling / putting / pushing) everyone out of the way, she didn't even say an 'excuse

me' ! I was so (annoy / annoyed / annoying) and found out that I hated queue (jumpers / jumper / jumps) more

than the queue itself.

3- Match sentence parts to get a coherent paragraph. There’s an extra part in B: (3 marks)

1- Last summer I travelled to Wales with a. who volunteered to show us around without any pay !
my parents and sister. b. a large sandy-beach resort and had a good time there.
2- Welsh people are so warm and friendly c. lots of theatres, concert halls, restaurants and pubs.
3- We were put in touch with a ‘host family’ d. and the food ... it’s so tasty !
4- We went to Tenby, e. We went by plane to Cardiff, Wales capital city, and then
5- We visited the Castle hired a car.
6- Cardiff is a live city with f. that we felt at home
g. with its fantastic inside decoration, and the national Museum.

1+ … 2+ … 3+ … 4+ … 5+ … 6+ …

4- Choose the right question to fill in the gapped dialogue.There’s an extra question. (2.5 marks)
R: Welcome to the Tower. ……………………………………………………… (1)
C: I’d like to check in. I‘ve made a reservation.
R: What’s your name, please ?
C: Peter Buck.
R: Yes, Mr. Buck. You reserved a single room for four nights, is that correct ?
C: Yes, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)
R: No problem. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (3)
C: Left wing, please.
R: Could you fill in the registration form, please. Thank you. ……………………………………………………………………………………… (4)
C: Credit card, if you don’t mind.
R: Of course, not. If you need local currencies we can also exchange money for you.
C: That’s great, I do need some cash.
R: Your room number is 1011. Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay at the Tower. If you require anything further, call
the front desk. ………………………………………………………………………………………… (5)
C: Yes, of course. Thank you.

a. Could I have a room on the third floor, please ?

b. And how will you be paying ?
c. How long will you stay ?
d. May I help you ?
e. Would you like assistance with your bags ?
f. Do you prefer left wing or right wing ?
Gafsa Prep School Mid-Term English Teacher: Ben Abdallah Bacher
Date: 26/04/ 2023 Test n°3 Level: 8th Grade

Full Name: ……………………………………………………… Class: 8th form ……… N°....

The listening passage :

Receptionist: Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you ?

Mrs Ryefield: Yes. I’d like to book a room, please.

Receptionist: Certainly. When for, madam ?

Mrs Ryefield: March the 23rd.

Receptionist: How long will you be staying ?

Mrs Ryefield: Three nights.

Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, madam ?

Mrs Ryefield: Double with bath. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.

Receptionist: Certainly, madam. I'll just check what we have available. . .Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor
with a really splendid view.

Mrs Ryefield: Fine. How much is the charge per night ?

Receptionist: Would you like breakfast ?

Mrs Ryefield: No, thanks.

Receptionist: It's eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.

Mrs Ryefield: That's fine.

Receptionist: Who's the booking for, please, madam ?

Mrs Ryefield: Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that's R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.

Receptionist: Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th
and 25th . Is that correct ?

Mrs Ryefield: Yes it is. Thank you.

Receptionist: Let me give you your confirmation number. It’s: 7576385. I'll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for
choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.

Mrs Ryefield: Goodbye.

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