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Southern Baptist College

M’lang Cotabato

Roots of Rivalry
Part 1

Humanities and Social Sciences

Scene 1
(Angelo and Diego are fist fighting while Marriele and Ronmil are trying
to break the fight)

Narrator: The love of two brothers became a rivalry because of greed and
pride. Fighting over a claim that was left behind. A lust for money and
power, one brother has, while truth and justice, the other craves. The
roots of rivalry will cause an end and be the downfall of a bond that

Cut to:

(Horn of a ship being blown)

Kean: As your captain, it is an honour to have you two here as one of

my crew for 20 years, for the sacrifices you two have done as a seaman
and woman. Your daughter must be very proud.

(Kean shakes hand with both of them)

Kean: I wish you well on your journey. (Kean Salutes at them)

Marriele and Angelo: Thank you captain. (Salutes back and walks away)

Cut out:

Narrator: As they travel back, the couple cannot wait to go back home
and return to their province after a few long years. When they got off
of the bus, they were greeted by Angelo's younger sister, Ronmil, who
is a High school Teacher and took a day off to fetch them from the

Ronmil: It's good to see you two again. It's been so long.

(The three hug)

Marielle: Maganda rin na Makita ka ulit, Ronmil.

Angelo: Kamusta naman kayo?

Ronmil: Ayos naman. Medyo mahirap pero makakaraos din.

Narrator: As the three arrive back home, Ronmil insists that they rest
before doing anything. But Angelo was too excited to see his lot for he
was planning to make use of it now that he is back home but Ronmil
stopped him.

Ronmil: Sandali kuya. Saan ka pupunta?

Angelo: Pupuntahan ko Ang lote ko, matagal ko na rin yon Hindi na i-

Ronmil: Huwag! (Grabbed his arm)

Angelo: (confused) Huh? Bakit? May problema ba?

Ronmil: Uh, Kasi ano… Diba Hindi ka pa nakakapag pahinga. Pagod ka pa.
Matulog ka na muna.

Angelo: Hindi ako makatulog, sobra akong excited. Sige, pupunta muna

Ronmil: Kuya! Sandali lang muna. Bawal Kasi eh. Bawal talaga.

Angelo: Huh? Bakit naman? Bakit Hindi ko pwedeng Makita Ang sarili Kong
lupa? The land that I inherited from Tatay.May problema ba sa lupa? Did
Christian not take care of it like I asked him to?

Ronmil: Yes, he did. He took care of it. Paid for the taxes and
everything. But I don't think it's best to take a look at it right now.

Angelo: Bakit nga? (Annoyed) wala ka namang sinasabi sa akin eh, paano
ko malalaman Kung Bakit Hindi pwede. Ah, basta, pupunta ako.

Cut to:

Narrator: Ronmil tried to catch her brother's arm but it was already too
late. He stomped all the way to his lot with conviction while his sister
followed suit with worry. When he got there, he saw two people

Angelo: Sino Ang mga taong yan?

Ronmil: Well, you see… (Nervous)

Angelo: Hoy, Sino kayo?!

Emmanuel: Oh, Hello. You must be Angelo, sir Christian's sibling. I'm
Not Emmanuel Bolivar, an engineer, and this is my partner, Kennedy Sale,
an Architect. (Gestures to both of them)

Kennedy: We're here to survey the lot that sir Christian wants us to
check because he wants to build a commercial building here.

Angelo: Ha!? (Angry voice)

Emmanuel: Yes, sir seems to be very excited about the upcoming project,
he already paid for the materials needed. We just need his go signal
before the ground breaking.

Narrator: Overcome with anger about the prospect, Angelo rushed to see
his brother to his house and confront him about his plans.

Cut to:
Angelo: Christian, what is this about you and the commercial building
you want to build on MY lot, that I inherited. You have no right to do
such a thing. Just because you have a lot of money from serving the
army, does not mean that you can do whatever you want! (Angelo shove

Christian: Hey! You can't tell me what to do. I'm the eldest. I have the
right to do whatever I want with it and besides, when you were away, I'm
the one who took care of everything, I'm the one who paid the tax, I'm
the one who took care of the lot. (Shoves back)

Angelo: That's because I asked you to! That does not mean you can take
advantage of it. At Isa pa, labag yon sa batas. Ako Ang may Ari no'n,
na sa akin Ang titulo Kaya ako Ang may karapatan.

Christian: Hoy! Alam mo ba Kung ilan Ang nagasto ko sa pag aalaga ng

lupa na ‘yan. Kaya ako Ang may karapatan.

Narrator: Overcome with anger, Angelo charged at Christian with fury

that they began beating one another while Ronmil and Marriele, who heard
the fight, came and tried to break the two off.

Cut to:

Narrator: The rivalry between the two brothers continues to escalate in

the next following weeks, until the two hire an attorney each and issue
a complaint against each other. Angelo also hired his own attorney to
blotter and issue a complaint to Christian if he ever trespassed on his

(Angelo, Ariel, Krizza and Diego meeting)

Cut to:

Narrator: The following days and weeks since the issue about sa agawan
ng lupa, the lives of both parties were in a constant state of peace and
bickering, until…

(Gunshot sound)

Cut to:

(Marielle and Angelo laying on the ground while blood pour out on the
floor as Ronmil scream a cry for help)

Ronmil: Tulong! Tulong! Si kuya ko nabaril.

Cut to:

(Sound of the ambulance siren)

Cut to:
Jeyssa: Info stat.

Hannah: Married couple. Female is 47 and male is 49. Both have multiple
gunshot wounds in the abdomen and lower thigh. The female has been
bleeding nonstop and the male has gone to cardiac arrest enroute here
but was stopped by the EMT.

Jeyssa: That's good. I'll take care of the male with doctor Jirah. Page
doctor Alex, Jerie and nurse Bea, they'll handle the female. Nurse
Hannah, you're with me.

Hannah: Yes, doc.

(Jirah, Alex, Jerie, and Bea enter and attend to the wounds of the

Jirah: Let's get them on oxygen, hang a litre of saline and get them on

Jeyssa: Check for pulse.

(Heart monitor beeps)

Jirah: He's going into cardiac arrest. Push in 1.0 mg of epinephrine and
start chest compressions.

Hannah: 1…2…3… (still doing compressions)

Cut to:

Jerie:(Uses flashlight on the eye) Pupils are dilated!

Alex: She's losing a lot of blood! We need to do blood transfusion. Go

get a blood bag from the bank. Type O, stat. (gestures to Bea)

Jerie: (monitor starts beeping) She’s going into Hypovolemic shock.

Where’s nurse Bea with the blood?

Bea: I’m here!

Jeyssa: We’re going to lose him!

Alex: We’re going to lose her!

Cut to:

(Heart monitor beeping)

Alex: Time of death, 2:55 pm.

Cut to:
(Police siren)

(Crime scene being surrounded by the police and being guarded, namely
by Vince, Zcyryll, Lloydx, Laurence, Carl and James)

Vince: You can’t enter here.

(Carla show badge and then vince let them enter)

Carla: (enters the crime scene) Another day, another case. (kneeled and
started to investigate) What do you think, Myll? (looks back at him)

Myll: Seems like the guy was really angry at them, but from what I’m
seeing, they seem to have put up a fight.

Carla: (hums) Broken glass, scattered chairs, and signs of struggles are
here too. We need to run some tests on some of the finger prints and
left behind bullet casings.

Myll: (gathers the bullets left behind) What did they say again?

Carla: Witnesses heard nine gunshots. Three shots at the man, same with
the woman. The rest are shot on that wall (points at a wall) and there
(points to the other side of the wall).

Myll: And what happened to the couple?

Carla: They’re both dead. The suspected killer is the victim’s older
brother who works at the military and is under custody.

Myll: I’ll report back to the station and have someone autopsy the

Carla: Don’t bother. I know someone who can.

(Ominous music starts playing)

(Cut to black)

End Scene.
Southern Baptist College
M’lang Cotabato

Fruits of Justice
Part 2

Humanities and Social Sciences

Scene 1
Narrator: Because of rivalry and the lust for power and money, two lives
have been lost that leaves a daughter with no loving parents and an urge
to seek the true perpetrator of the accident and aims to uncover the
truth. The fruits of Justice will be serve.

(Sound of rolling blades is heard then Nova and Nicole enters the stage)

Nova: Nicole, condolences ha. Sorry sa pagkamatay ng mga parents mo.

Nicole: Salamat Nova. Uuwi muna ako. Ayusin mo sa pag trabaho bilang
Flight Attendant ha, hindi ibig sabihin na hindi ako ang magiging kapitan
ng eroplano ng ilang linggo, mag tatamad-tamaran ka na. I’m watching

Nova: Of course, na man. Ako pa. Huwag ka na mag alala.

(Nicole and Nova hugs)

Nova: Bye bestie.

Nicole: Bye.

Cut to:

Narrator: As she travelled back home, Nicole was bombarded by greetings

of condolences and cannot be helped but cry everytime. When she got home,
she was immediately hugged by her cousin, Jay.

Jay: It’s good to see you again, Nicole, kahit sa hindi inaasahang

Nicole: Good to see you too, Jay. Kamusta naman ang pagiging veterinarian

Jay: Ayos naman, maliit ang pumupunta pero fulfilling.

(Ceasar, Jorgen, and Aleiah come forward)

Ronmil: Ah, sila sir Ceasar at Ma’am Aleiah pala, mga ka workmates ni
tita Ronmil sa trabaho, Mga teachers rin. Nakikiramay.

Aleiah: Condolences po.

Ceasar: Condolence.

Jorgen: Condolences, hija.

Nicole: (Nicole nodded) Salamat.

Cut to:
Narrator: As Nicole spent time with her remaining family, Zekiah, a
forensic pathologist was commissioned by Carla, the forensic
investigator to perform an autopsy of the body of the married couple
together with her team of assistant nurses, namely Darlyn and Shane, as
well as a registered pharmacist, Farhana, and also, one of her
associates, Jasmine.

(Zekiah, Darlyn, Shane, Jasmine and Farhana enters)

Zekiah: Where’s their information folder?

Shane: Here, Ma’am. (Hands over folder)

Zekiah: So, married couple, female, 47, male, 49. Shot dead in the middle
of the night, was given immediate care in the hospital but unfortunately
didn’t make it. Alright then.

(Zekiah Checks the female)

Zekiah: Farhana, can you check the male body with Shane and Jasmine?
Check for any chemicals or fluids you can identify. I’ll handle the

Farhana: Yes, ma’am.

(Zekiah examines the body)

Zekiah: Darlyn, please write this down.

(Darlyn nodded and started to write)

Zekiah: Few broken ribs of the left side, must be the reason why she was
bleeding because of internal haemorrhaging. Lacerations on the chest and
arms, bruises on the wrist and neck. And a few more small cuts.

Darlyn: She must have been choked.

Zekiah: Yes, she must have been.

Zekiah: 3 total bullet shots have been counted. What about your side

Jasmine: 3 has been counted on the male, ma’am. As Well as a few bruises
and just like the female have signs of struggle.

Zekiah: (Hums) Didn’t Carla say that there were 15 bullet casings found?
(Looks at Farhana) Farhana, since you were planning to be a police
officer before becoming a nurse, can you tell me what type of gun that
has 15 ammo capacity?

Farhana: Well, there is the Glock 19. The standard magazine for the Glock
19 holds 15 rounds. The pistol can also use magazines with 17, 19 and
33 rounds, and there’s also a 9mm Pistol. Depends on the size of the

Zekiah: So, there are two options. Well, we just need to wait for the
complete report of Carla and her partner before they find the real
culprit, for the meantime, we make our own report on the matter.

Shane: We’re all finished here ma’am.

Zekiah: Good, will file our report by the next day.

(Everyon exits)

Cut to:

Narrator: Few days later, after the autopsy. The married couple was given
a proper burial and Nicole grieved together with her remaining family.

Garzel: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
(Sprinkle holy water)

(Sad music) (Nicole wailing)

Garzel: Kailangan po natin ng mga volunteers para kargahin sila sa huling


(Leonel, Wynsthon, Klyde, Rey, Fort, Aris, Ceasar, and Juliet come

(While the volunteers carry the two couples towards the exit, Garzel
continues to pray over the couple.)

Cut to:

Narrator: As Nicole continues to grieve her parents, three business men

come forward and urge her to sell the lot to them with a hefty price.

Marco: My name is Marco Doronila, and this is my constituents, Ralph

Ruiz and Paul Pagoto.

Ralph: We come here today to offer you a big deal, Miss Nicole.

Paul: We want to buy your lot. Bata ka pa, Hija. Hindi mo pa kayang ma
manage ang lupang na iwan sa ‘yo. Especially na lagi kang na sa byahe
bilang isang piloto.

Marco: Tapos marami ka pang utang sa flight school, paano mo yan

mababayaran kung hindi ka nagtatrabaho? Kaya ibenta mo na sa amin ang
lupa mo, Bibigyan ka pa naman ng malaking pera.

Nicole: Hindi po ako papayag.

Ralph: Sige na, bibigyan ka namin ng malaking pera, ano sa palagay mo
sa 5 milyon?

Nicole: Hindi niyo po ako mapapayag sa ganyang halaga. (irritated)

Marco: Kaya pa namin higitan ang ganyang halaga, how about 12 million?

Nicole: (Angry) Seriously?! Konting respeto naman. Kakalibing lang ng

mga magulang ko, Tapos ganyan kayo sa mismong burol nila! Mga walang
hiya kayo. Umalis kayo sa dahil wala akong plano na ibenta ang lupa nila.

Paul: Hija, kaya pa namin-

Jay: Umalis na kayo dito kung ayaw niyong maghalo ang balat sa tinalupan.

Cut to:

Narrator: After weeks of intense investigation by both the NBI and

Zekiah’s team in pathology. They were able to find who is the real
culprit behind the murder of Nicole’s parents.

(Zekiah and Carla exchange information)

Cut to:

Klyde: Inaaresto ka namin, Jay Arenga, sa salang pagpatay sa mag asawang

Marielle at Angelo Coronado. Ikaw ay may karapatang manahimik o
magsawalang kibo. Anuman ang iyong sasabihin ay maaaring gamitin pabor
o laban sa iyo sa anumang hukuman. Ikaw ay mayroon ding karapatang
kumuha ng tagapagtanggol na iyong pinili at kung wala kang kakayahan,
ito ay ipagkakaloob sa iyo ng pamahalaan. Sige, arestohin niyo na siya.

(Juliet came forward and arrested Jay)

Jay: Hoy! Bitawan mo ako! Wala akong kasalanan.

Nicole:(Crying) Jay, Bakit mo ginawa ‘yon? Bakit mo sila pinatay? Akala

ko pamilya tayo?

Jay: Pamilya? (grin) (scoff) Walang kwenta ang pamilya na ‘to. Puro na
lang sa ‘yo, wala na sa akin! Puro na lang ikaw ang magaling, pero ako

Nicole: And that gives you the right para patayin sila?

Jay: Kung buhay ba ang parents mo, magkakalupa ako? Hindi naman diba?
Kaya nilinis ko na sila para walang sagabal sa plano ko. At kung
makukulong si tatay, na sa akin lahat ang mana. Bakit ka pa kasi bumalik?

Nicole: Hayop ka! Wala ka ng konsensya! Arrestohin niyo na ‘yan.

Siguraduhin niyo na mabubulok siya sa kulungan.
Klyde: Sa presinto ka na magpaliwanag.

Cut to:

Narrator: After Jay got arrested, He was put into court and was found
guilty for assault and murder. This is according to the Revised Penal
Code, the penalty imposed for the crime of murder is reclusion
perpetua (20 years and 1 day to 40 years, but still indivisible
penalty). While His father, Christian Diego, was released from prison.

(Khaye ann released Christian)

Cut to:

Narrator: While Nicole, who is recovering from the tragedy, is planning

to build a pomelo plantation while she ask her tita Ronmil to take care
of the pomelo farm.

Cut to:

Narrator: Nicole bid her aunt Farewell and gave her the title to the
land for she is the most trusted person she knows.

(Nicole gave Ronmil the folder and they both hugged then Nicole exits)

(The sound of the rolling wheels of the luggage)

(Background music)

Cut to:

(Carla and Myll enters and revealed as the narrators)

Carla: And this is our report on the assault and murder case of Marielle
and Angelo Coronado on the 9th of June, 2023.

Myll: Thank you for listening. We rest our case.


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