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California Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of California is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance
of research, creativity, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The complexity arises from
the vastness and diversity of California's landscape, culture, and history, making it a daunting task to
encapsulate the essence of the state within the confines of an essay.

To start with, California's sheer size presents a challenge. From the sun-drenched beaches of Southern
California to the towering redwoods of the north, attempting to cover every aspect of the state
requires extensive research and careful selection of key points. The diverse population adds another
layer of complexity, as California is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. Capturing
the richness and complexity of this diversity demands a nuanced approach and a keen awareness of
the cultural tapestry that defines the state.

Moreover, delving into the historical aspects of California poses its own set of difficulties. From the
Gold Rush of the 19th century to the tech boom of the 21st century, tracing the evolution of
California involves navigating through a multitude of events, movements, and societal shifts.
Balancing depth and breadth in historical coverage is a persistent challenge for the essay writer, as it
requires a keen sense of relevance and significance.

In addition, addressing the contemporary issues facing California adds a layer of immediacy to the
essay. Topics such as environmental challenges, socio-economic disparities, and cultural shifts
demand a current and nuanced understanding. This requires not only up-to-date research but also a
critical analysis of ongoing trends and their implications.

In conclusion, crafting a comprehensive essay on California is a formidable task that demands a

careful blend of research, analytical skills, and creative expression. The challenge lies not only in
navigating the vast and diverse landscape of the state but also in capturing its dynamic evolution
over time. However, despite the difficulties, the process of unraveling the layers of California's
identity can be a rewarding intellectual journey.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring the
services available at . They offer support in various subjects and topics, ensuring
that your writing endeavors are met with expertise and proficiency.
California Essay California Essay
Gay Justice In Plato s Encouragement For Gay Rights
Plato s Encouragement for Gay Rights
In Plato s Republic, several competing explanations of justice are offered. First, we
hear Thrasymachus s account of justice in Book I, as being the advantage of the
stronger. We then receive Glaucon s explanation of justice in Book II: the agreement
between men to act just in order to avoid the pain of being on the receiving end of an
unjust act. Finally, Socrates provides us with the best definition of justice, saying that
justice is the result of three specific classes performing their function within a city in
order for the collaboration to conclude in self sufficiency. Socrates s definition of justice
outshines those of Thrasymachus and Glaucon because he takes into account that not
every person is the same, but everyone is equal. Socrates s refutations of both
Thrasymachus and Glaucon help completely shape his argument of what justice is when
it comes to Book 4. Socrates made his definition of justice general enough to where it
accounted for everyone in the city. As long as everyone performed the duty they were
naturally capable of, they were just.
I am taking three explanations of justice mentioned in Plato s Republic to talk about the
injustice toward the gay community and my personal encounter of the unjust society
with being seriously involved with a woman of color. Ever since I was little, I knew I
was attracted to the same sex, but I remained too afraid to act on my feelings. I
desperately desired to be accepted and considered
Cursive Writing Is Disappearing
Cursive Writing is Disappearing
Self expression, beauty, even thoughtfulness may be at stake (Klose 1). Even though
cursive writing is difficult to learn it should still be taught in school. When students write
something down by hand, they will learn it better. When a student writes by hand, they
will become more concentrated on what they have to write rather than typing what they
would like to say. What is a student going to do if they have to sign something in
cursive? Students still need to learn to write cursive legibly because cursive is a lost art,
an important mode of communication, and cursive increases activity in three areas of the
If students learned how to write in cursive, they would be making an old form of art alive
... Show more content on ...
Even though people are going digital there still needs to be a hard paper copy to go
along with everything. There are so many artifacts that are written in cursive that if a
person does not know how to read cursive then they will not get the enjoyment of the
artifact. First, there continues to be a need to sign hard copies of documents. There is
a sense of ceremony and a seriousness of purpose about the act of signing something
(Klose 1). If a student needed to sign something, then they cannot simply print their
name. They need to be able to actually sign their name in cursive. When a student signs
something it could make them feel like an adult. If they just print their name they may
feel like a child still. Second, a great part of the history of the United States is recorded
in handwritten documents, including personal letters. There is nothing like seeing, and,
if opportunity permits, touching, actual source material rendered by pen ink on paper.
If one has not been taught to write in cursive, it is unlikely that one will be able to read
it (Klose 1). Getting to touch and feel how the pen moved across the paper while writing
cursive is a great opportunity. Students who cannot read or write cursive will definitely
have a disadvantage in life because then they cannot read things that other people can
read. Handwritten documents were written in cursive because that is the way people
were taught to write. Why do people have to go and change this up? Unfortunately with
teachers complaining cursive writing takes up too much time, cursive writing is slowly
disappearing from the
El Nino Fidencio the Mythical Curandero
El Nino Fidencio The Mythical Curandero Throughout the book Curanderismo: Mexican
American Folk Healing Trorrer and Chavira make mention of el Niño Fidencio in
countless areas of the book. It is mentioned that one of the most important spiritualist
movement is based on the life teaching, and the spirit of a famous young folk healer
(now dead) from northern Mexicoel Niño Fidencio (1997:35). Even today el Niño is an
important figure in many aspects of the belief system and practice associated with the
Curanderismo folk healing. History plays a major role in culture when it comes to
establishing religion and medical practices, which in the case of the Mexican Curanderos
many times martyrs or perhaps people with supernatural or mythical... Show more content
on ...
This has created a sort of sub culture or cult in which those who have the ability to
become a medium sometimes choose to spend their lives living and working in such
The centros are staffed by trance mediums who, often... go into trance, and (in their
words) let the spirit of el Nino descend on them, their bodies forming a link between the
material and spiritual realms of existence. Through this linkage, the immortal spirit of el
Nino performs cure, does consultations, even predicts the outcome of future events for
members of his cult (1997: 35).

Followers of Fidencio and other spirits tend to have much more religious beliefs due to
the fact that they are wholly focused on doing their work through the guidance,
protection and possession by that saint. Although it is interesting to note that people
consider the curenderos to be a saints because of the connection that they have with the
seen unseen realms associated with the gifts that mediums possess. Not all mediums
choose to become part of a cult dedicating themselves and their work to the will of a
saint who will ultimately work through them. Others might choose to work alone, some
for profit and some solely for personal growth knowledge and gratification as is
mentioned in chapter six
Summary Of Cimorene s Dealing With Dragons
In Dealing with Dragons , Cimorene is not the princess she s expected to be. Due to
this, her contemptuous behavior eventually left home for another life that may be
more genial. Cimorene had the right to leave her monotonous life for another one
because she was treated unfairly and now allowed to do things she couldn t, have a
different lifestyle, and endless opportunities laid out for her. First off, she could do
things a princess wasn t normally allowed to do and wouldn t have the restraints that
her parents and her role as a princess had. For example, the lessons she had had to take
to learn the proper behavior of a princess (p.2), along with the fact that she wasn t
allowed to participate in the activities she wished. These problems... Show more content
on ...
Due to her nature, she could accomplish many tasks, unexpected from women at the
time. She was able to become a dragon s princess to escape her life as a princess for
another that is more adventurous and interesting. She also had the opportunity as a
dragon s princess to do things that she liked, such as making cherries jubilee, practice
magic and help organize the Latin scrolls Kazul had (p. 19). Cimorene and a group
consisting of Alianora, the stone prince, and the witch Morwen set off to stop
Woraug, the insolent and malevolent dragon, and the wizards from taking both the
Caves of Fire and Night and the position as King of Dragons. She and the group soon
reveal them as thieves, whom had attempted forging the stone used to determine king,
saving the magical kingdom from the threat the wizards. Had Cimorene not chosen to
be the benign dragon s princess, Kazul, the Mountains of Morning would have most
likely been destroyed by Woraug and the wizard s sinister and baleful schemes. (p. 200
201). Woraug was caught and began to implore Kazul to not believe Cimorene and the
others before being reprimanded. Soon he transformed into a toad for acting unlike
himself and undragon like. The dilemma was solved and those involved parted ways
and continued to live the life of their choice. These were things she would not be able to
do, had she not
Comparing Divergent And The Maze Runner
My two novels, Divergent and The Maze Runner, have many similarities that I would
like to discuss. Firstly, both novels focused on being thrust into a brand new world that
the characters were not used to. Thomas(The Maze Runner protagonist)started off the
book with him waking up inside of a cargo box, traveling upwards at an incredibly high
speed, and with only the memory of his name. When Tris decided to join the Dauntless,
she immediately had to adapt and change, from jumping from trains and buildings to
fighting someone until submission or decommission. To add onto that, despite being both
unfamiliar with their new lives, they were able to adapt fairly quickly with Tris being
first in the second and third round of initiation, and... Show more content on ...
Thomas started from a person who was scared, confused, and curious, into the one who
led them out of the maze and one of the most important Gladers. On the other hand, Tris
was a quiet Abnegation girl who was struggling to fit into Dauntless. Eventually though
she became one of the bravest people in the story, fending off multiple Dauntless soldiers
and stopping the Erudite. There were also, quite obviously, going through very different
situations. While, Tris had to fight her way to the top ten, hide her Divergence, and save
an entire faction, Thomas was trying to figure out what his flashbacks meant, how he
could get out of the maze, and why he had so much responsibility. Based on all of this
information, I believe that dystopian fiction really seems to focus on themes of sacrifice,
friendship, and most important of all, overthrowing the system . For example, another
dystopian fiction novel that has all three of these themes is The Hunger Games. In the
Hunger Games, Katniss, the protagonist, risks her life for her sister s wellbeing, makes
alliances with other tributes and rebels, and attempts to overthrow the Capitol. The main
plot point of Divergent was to stop the Erudite, the most power hungry of all five
factions. Finally, Thomas stops WICKED, a group of scientists that experimented on the
Gladers. During all three of these dystopian fiction novels the protagonists and their
My Life Goals
Mahatma Gandhi once said The future depends on what you do today. Which can be
interpreted as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I am
setting goals now for my future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend more time
with my family, avoid stress, and break the all timescoring average in golf, are intended
to improve my life in the future. In order to improve my life in the future, I want to
spend more time with my family. Spending more time with my family now will help
give them good memories to remember me by, when I eventually move out of our
house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy, so if I can make them happy now,
they may remember the Good Ol Days later and become happy. I remember when I
was a child playing baseball with my family watching. It seemed like every game, no
matter what, they always had a happy look on their face, which made me happy. To
this day my Dad still talks about when me and my brothers played baseball, and every
time he remembers us he becomes full of joy. In order to achieve this goal I need to
put down the devices, have family nights, like play board games or go out to eat, and
take family vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more time to
spend with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games
brings the whole familytogether, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations
can relieve the stress of home and work to make the family become
Lab 3a
Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to learn the proper techniques of roasting,
smelting, and volumetric analysis to determine an unknown sample of copper mineral.
Results: For part one of Lab 3a, Day one, the beginning unknown mineral was a blue
green color. The mineral was charcoal colored after the roasting process. Roasting
caused the mineral to lose mass. The lost mass was due to release of gas.
Start MassEnd MassPercent Cu
Table 1. Mass of CuO mineral before and after Roasting
Roasting is the most precise method, of the three conducted in the lab. The data found by
each lab group was averaged with three other groups to find the unknown mineral.
Percent Cu in each group
Average ... Show more content on ...
Percent error (
Lab 3a: Production of Copper and Identification of a Copper Mineral (Roasting
Smelting). Chemistry Sharepoint. USAFA, n.d. PDF. 28 Aug. 2015.
Lab 3b: Identification of a Copper Mineral (Spectroscopy Smelting). Chemistry
Sharepoint. USAFA, n.d. PDF. 01 Sept. 2015.
Lab Report Guidance. (n.d.): n. pag. Chem 100. PDF. 12 Sept. 2015.
Lt Col Herbelin. Chem 100. Department of Chemistry. USAFA, n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.
Tro, Nivaldo J. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach. NJ: Pearson Education, 2014. Print.
Documentation: 28 August 1 September 2015 C4C Lauren Truax was my lab partner and
we worked together to discover the results of the unknown mineral and calculations.
1 September 2015 Captain Leppert s T1/2 Lab 3 Group 1. I used data from their results
to find a mean and standard deviation of roasting the copper mineral
13 September 2015 I looked up the percentage error formula to be sure that I did the
calculation correctly.
13 September 2015 C4C Jacee French She sent me the email that had the grading rubric
in it that we received in class. She also gave me guidance on whether or not I should
write about the mineral my percent composition matched up with or the mineral near that
with the correct physical

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