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1 Saniya Gad
Roll No – 03
Department Of Pharmacognosy
Goa College Of Pharmacy
2 Contents

 Introduction
 History
 Classification of Aromatherapy
 How does the Aromatherapy works
 Aroma Oils for common problems 

 Aromatherapy is the use of essential oil taken from plants to improve quality of
life and reduce stress.
 Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to
promote health and well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy.
 Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of
the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.
 Aromatherapy also balances the body’s equilibrium and improve mental health.
 Plant essential oils have therapeutic powers in addition to beneficial fragrance,
and all are antiseptic in different degrees.
4 Contd..

 Aromatherapy derived its name from the word aroma, which means fragrance or
smell and therapy means treatment.
 This therapy is a natural way of healing a person’s mind, body and soul
 “Aromatherapy” can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally
extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the
health of body, mind and spirit
 It is the art of distilling essential oils from plant material.
 This may include extraction from the flowers, leaves, stems, resins, rinds, wood,
needles or roots.
 Each drop of essential oil is potent liquid that contains all of the healing properties
of that plant magnified far beyond herbs or flower essences.
 Aromatherapy was used by the most ancient civilizations and is reputed to be at
least 6000 years old. It is widely thought that Aromatherapy began in Egypt.
 The Egyptians used a method known as infusion to extract the oils from aromatic
plants and incense was probably one of the earliest ways of using aromatics.
 Frankincense was burned at sun rise as an offering to the sun god, Ra and myrrh
was offered to the moon.
 The Egyptians were experts at embalming using aromatics to help preserve flesh.
 The Egyptians used to be massaged with fragrant oils.
6 Contd..

 The Greeks continued the use of aromatic oils and used them medicinally and
cosmetically. A Greek physician, Pedacius Dioscorides, wrote a book about herbal
medicine and for at least 1,200 years as the Western world's standard medical
 The Romans took much of their medical knowledge from the Greeks and went on
to use and improve the ability of aromatics with Rome becoming the bathing
capital of the world. After bathing they would be oiled and massaged.
 The Romans started to import new aromatic products from East India and Arabia
through the opening up of trade routes.
 During the crusades the knowledge of aromatic oils and perfumes spread to the
Far East and Arabia.
7 Contd.

 It was a physician called Avicenna who lived from A.D 980 to A.D that is
understood to have first used the process known as distillation to distil essence of
rose, although it probably took many years to perfect the process.
 There is a strong possibility that the ancient Chinese civilizations were using some
form of aromatics at the same time as the Egyptians.
 Shen Nung's Herbal book is the oldest surviving medical book in China which is
dated about 2700 B.C. and contains information on over 300 plants.
 The Chinese used aromatic herbs and burned aromatic woods and incense to show
respect to God.
 Traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda has been practiced for more than
3,000 years and it incorporates aromatic massage as one of its main aspects.
8 Principle

 The basic principle of Aromatherapy is to Strengthen the self healing processes by

indirect stimulation of the immune system.
 Aromas have a strong psychological influence over person.
 To use aromas positively and beneficially is therapeutic, a plant produces essential
oil from its own survival to influence growth and development.
 These oils are odoriferous, volatile liquid components and contains a number of
complex biochemical including antiseptics, so the practice of aromatherapy goes
beyond smell and may have a chemical effect on the body

 When plant essential oil are applied through inhalation the oil evaporate into air using a
diffuser container, spray or oil droplets.
 Inhaling the essential oil stimulates olfactory system, . Molecules that enter nose or mouth
pass to the lungs, from there to other parts of the body
 As the molecules reach the brain they affect limbic system which is linked to emotion,
heartrate, blood pressure, stress, breathing ,memory, stress and harmone balance.
 In this way , essential oil can have a subtle, yet holistic effect on the body.
10 Classification of Aromatherapy

 Cosmetic Aromatherapy
§ This therapy utilizes certain essential oils for skin, body, face and hair cosmetic
§ These products are used for their various effects as cleansing, moisturizing, drying
and toning.
§ A healthy skin can be obtained by use of essential oils in facial products.
11 Contd..

 Massage aromatherapy
§ The use of grape seed, almond, or jojoba oil in pure vegetable oil during massage
has been shown to have wonderful effects.
§ This is also known as healing touch of massage therapy

 Medical aromatherapy
§ The founder of aromatherapy Rene-Maurice Gatte-fosse has used essential oils to
massage patients during surgery, thus utilizing the medical aromatherapy
knowledge of the effects oils on promoting and treating clinically diagnosed
medical ailments.
13 Contd..

 Olfactory aromatherapy
§ Inhalation of essential oils has given rise to olfactory aromatherapy , where
simple inhalation has resulted in enhanced emotional wellness, calmness,
relaxation or rejuvenation of the human body.
§ The release of stress is welded with pleasurable scents which unlock odour
§ Essentials oils are complemented to medical treatment and can never be taken as a
replacement for it
14 Contd.

 Psycho- aromatherapy
§ In psycho- aromatherapy, certain states of moods and emotions can be obtained be
these oils giving the pleasure of relaxation , invigoration or a pleasant memory.
§ The inhalation of the oils in this therapy is direct through the infusion in the room
of a patient.
§ Psycho aromatherapy and aromacology, both deal with the study and effects of
aroma be its natural or synthetic.
15 How Does Aromatherapy Works

 The aroma molecules are very potent organic plant chemicals that make the
surroundings free from diseases, bacteria, virus and fungus.
 These oils are known for their energy specific character, as their potency is not
lost with time and age.
 The stimulation properties of these oils lay in their structure which are closely in
resemblance with actual hormones.
 The penetration potential of these oils to reach the subcutaneous tissues is one of
the important character of this therapy.
 The mechanism of their action involves integration of essential oils into a
biological signal of the receptor cells in the nose when inhaled.
16 Contd.
 The signal is transmitted to limbic and hypothalamus parts of the brain via
olfactory bulb.
 These signals cause brain to release neuro messengers like serotonin, endorphin
etc.. to link our nervous and other body systems assuring a desired change and to
provide a feeling of relief.
17 Benefits
 has been shown to reduce:
 Nausea
 Pain and body aches
 Anxiety, agitation, stress, and depression
 Fatigue and insomnia
 Muscular aches
 Headaches
 Circulatory problems
 Menstrual problems
 Menopausal problems
 Alopecia, or hair loss
 Supporters claim that these and a wide range of other complaints respond well to
aromatherapy, but not all of the uses are supported by scientific evidence.

aroma oils for common

19 Introduction

 Essential Oils, Also Referred to as "Essences", Are Botanical Extracts Of

Various Plant Materials.
 They Originate From Flowers, from Herbs, Trees And various other plant
 Essential oils are volatile, which means that they turn quickly from a
liquid into a gas at room temperature or higher. They are also non-oily,
despite their name.
 Essential oils are soluble in oils, fats and pure alcohol, but they are
partially or non-soluble in water.
 Essential oils are also flammable .
 They can be damaged by light, heat, air and moisture.
20 Where are Essential Oil Found
 Flowers – chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose
 Leaves – eucalyptus, peppermint
 Wood - cedarwood, rosewood , sandalwood
 Fruits – grapefruit, lemon , orange  Berries
– black pepper, juniper
 Twigs – petitgrain
 Roots – angelica, ginger
 Gum – myrrh
 Seeds – cardamom, carrot , nutmeg
21 How are Essential Oil Produced

 Essential oils that have been extracted via the process of distillation or
expression are the highest grade and purest and are most commonly used
for the purposes of aromatherapy.
 The method of extraction which is employed depends on the quality of the
material which is being used, and the type of aromatic product that is
 Solvent extraction- hydrocarbon solvent is added to the plant material to
help to dissolve the essential oil. Pure alcohol is used to extract the oil
from concentrate, and when the alcohol is evaporated , the oil is left
22 Contd.
23 Examples

q Peppermint Oil
§ Extracted from the stem , leaves and flowers of Mentha Piperita belonging to
family lamiaceae.
§ Mentha Piperita is a hybrid of spearmint ( Mentha Spicata) and water mint
(Mentha Aquatica)
§ Peppermint oil contains Pulegone, which is naturing occurring pesticide. Other
active constituents of peppermint oil include menthol, menthone, cineol and
several other volatile oil
§ Uses- treating digestive disorders and uppear repiratory symtoms and cough. Used
as active ingredients in topical analgesics for the relief of joint and muscle pain ,
relieves tension type headache ,anti infective , astringent, vasoconstrictor.
Composition of Peppermint Oil 24

q Lemongrass oil
§ Cymbopogon citratus, perennial herb belonging to the Poaceae family
§ Uses: flavouring agent , antispasmodic, hypotensive, anticonvulsant,
analgesic, antiemetic, antitussive , antirheumatic , antiseptic and treatment
for nervous , antibacterial, antimutagenic and gastrointestinal disorders
and fever.
26 Composition of Lemongrass oil
27 Formulation
28 Contd.

 After a period of 30min , the phase 1mixture is slowly added to phase 2, continue
stirring for 2-3 hours. After adding colors and different flavors, we will get a
diffusion solutions.

Tween 80 2-12
Lemongrass essential oil 2-6
Coconut oil 0-4
Ethanol 0-20
BHT 0.1-0.5

q Eucalyptus Oil
§ Oil is made from leaves of selected eucalyptus tree species belonging to
the family Myrtaceae
§ Uses- analgesic, healing ointments, perfumes, antioxidant , antibacterial,
antifungal , improves respiratory conditions, fights infection, throat
infection, boost the immunity, neuralgia , leucorrhea, ant proliferative.
§ Chemical constituents – 1,8-cineol and α-pinene , α-terpineol, p-cymene
30 Contd.

 Extraction of oil from Eucalptus Camadulensis using water distillation method

 Fresh leaves of eucalyptus Camaldulensis was collected
 Eucalptus leaves are placed into three necked round extraction and soaked with water.
 Cleavenger apparatus was linked to the flask.
 Flask was heated using heating mantel. Water and leaves were mixed and allowed to boil.
Water and extracted eucalyptus oil evaporate
 The vapour condensed using reflux condenser. From condenser distillate water and oil flow
in gradated tube, as the oil is not miscible with water it may be easily separated and started
accumulating and distillate water returning to the flask, after the oil has been separated
from it, so that can be re boiled.
 The oil was allowed to stand for sufficient time, to be clear and then it was collected and
stored in dark glass vial in a refrigerator

qTea oil
 Obtained from the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia belonging to the family
 Uses – for acne , antifungal , tumor , anti-inflammatory, anti fungal , immune
stimulant properties, cold sores, insect bites, oily skin, bronchitis, whooping
Chemical constituents present in Tea Tree Oil
Constituents %
Terpinolene 5
1,8- cineole 15
α- terpinene 13
Y- terpinene 28
p – cymene 8
Terpinen-4-ol 48
Limonene 8
Sabinene 1.5
Aromadendrene 3.5
Globulol 1
Viridiflorol 1
α- pinene 6
Ledene 3

qOrange oil
 Orange oil is made from the rind of the citrus fruit.
 Uses- immunity enhancer, natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, lowers
blood pressure , anxiety calmer, mood booster, anti microbial

q Rosemary oil
 Rosmarinus Officinalis belonging to the family Lamiaceae.  Chemical
constituents- bornyl acetate, resin , tannic acid and volatile oil.
 Uses- relieves the symptom of indigestion, constipation and colitis , Works
as gall bladder and liver tonic. Has action on CVS . Regulates the blood
pressure , retards the hardening of arteries. Used to relieve rheumatic pain.

q Roman Chamomile
 Anthemis Nobilis belonging to the family Asteraceae
 Chemical constituents – esters of angelic acid, tiglic acid and 2-
methylbutanoic acid.
 Uses- treatment of human ailment such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle
spasms, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhoids. Relieves menstrual
cramps.psoriasis eczema , boils , sunburn are also treated by this.

q Ylang Ylang
 Cananga Odorata belonging to the family Annonaceae
 Chemical constituents- geranyl acetate , linalool , geraniol, farnesol ,
eugenol, farnesene.
 uses – relieving the anxiety, depression, hypertension stress and palpitation

q Cinnamon oil
 Dried bark of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum belonging to the family
 Chemical constituents – cinnamaldehyde, linalool, eugenol
 Uses- Antibacterial properties, prevents urinary infections, boost immune
system , helps with irregular menstruation , improves digestive health

q Sandalwood oil
 Essential oil distilled from Santalum Album tree
 Chemical constituents – α-santalol , β- sinensal , Epi-β-santalol , β-santalol
 Uses – treats acne, pimples, treat eczema and dermatitis , reduces tanning
and pigmentations, removes dark spot and scars lowers stress, improves
39 References
 Abdul- Majeeb,B.A, Hassan, A.A and Kurji, B.M., 2013. Extraction of Oil from Eucalptus
Camadulensis using water distillation method. Iraqi Journal of chemical and Petroleum Engineering,
Accessed on- 05/08/2023
 Ali B, Al-Wabel NA, Shams S, Ahamad A, Khan SA, Anwar F. Essential oils used in aromatherapy:
A systemic review. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2015 Aug 1;5(8):601-11
Accessed on – 30/07/2023

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history.php 

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