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State Islamic Institute of Parepare
Amal Bhakti Street No.8, Bukit Harapan, Soreang, Parepare Regency, South Sulawesi 91131,


The Batman Fun Activity Game is presented in Microsoft Power Point and used in
online learning via zoom. This article aims This article aims to see how effective the use of
Batman Fun Activities Game in Present Perfect Tense Learning in X Multimedia 1 SMK
Negeri 3 Parepare. This study uses This study uses descriptive research. The descriptive
research is obtained using a combination research approach for data collection and data
analysis and drawing conclusions. As well as the formulation of the problem answered
through research using quantitative and qualitative. To obtain quantitative data, the writer
uses the method of distributing questionnaires, giving questions through Batman Fun
Activities and tests. While the qualitative method writer uses online interviews.
Questionnaires are used as suggestions for finding data related to student responses to the use
of Batman Fun Game. Based on the results of the existing analysis and discussion, the
effectiveness of using Batman Fun games in online learning, it can be concluded that it is
running really well and effective.

Education of the 21st century is drastically changing than any going before decades
some time. Technology has become deciding figure in making difference education and
lesson being important and effective for millenial students. Therefore, teacher must be able to
make the class more interesting both in online and offline learning situations. In order, to still
achieve the competence of the English language itself.

The objective of teaching English is improving the students four competences, they
are writing, speaking, reading and listening. The four abilities are related each other. To
master writing ability, someone has to understand well about grammar, to master reading,
someone has also knowing well about vocabulary. Vocabulary itself has a deep contact in
speaking ability. While listening competence needs speaking fluently. All of that are related
to each other.
Besides, in learning english, students have to master a grammar. One of grammar
consists of Tenses. By learning the Tenses, students respectively understand how to make
sentence based on specific time and how to relate one word with others.

Grammar may be roughly defined as the way of language manipulates and combines
words (or bits or words) in order to form longer units of meaning. In other words grammar is
defined as the way how the words can be combines together to make meaningful and
understandable expressions either spoken or written. For example, in English as Auxilary
(have) is used for the third person plural (I, you, we, they), so when (have) is combined with
the subject (she, he, it) the result is ungrammartical, such as in the sentence She have eaten.
Therefore, Grammar takes impotant role in English.

In this case, the teacher must have an coriusly technique for students in the class to
create it more communicative and enjoyable, such as demontration, illustration, TPR
activities, and problem solving activities.

Batman Fun Activities Game

Games are activities are carried out participating and competing choice makers, look
for, to achieve inside a set of rules their possess targets. Batman Fun Activities Game is
multiple choice game that make students can learn grammatical rules in interesting and
enjoyable atmosphere. They would’nt bore in completing the task becouse they feel fun and
happy. As Mariah Toth state in her book that games help to create a context in which children
attention is focused on completion without necessarily realizing that language items are being

The Batman Fun Activity Game is presented in Microsoft Power Point and used in
online learning via zoom. This game depicts a superhero character, namely Batman and one
of the greatest enemy is Joker. According to Mardi et al (2007: 69) Microsoft Power Point is
one of application program from Microsoft that can be used to create an interesting
presentation, whether to hold a meeting or planning other activities including use as a
learning media in school.

This game contains missing sentences that will be filled with auxiliary verbs. And
there are several options that students will choose later. When students answer wrong,
Batman will fall into the hole and Joker will survive and laugh. And vice versa, when
students answer correctly, Batman will survive.

The writer uses this activity because it easy for the teacher to make the desired quiz
questions according to the material used, for example making questions about the present
perfect tense as applied by the writer in online learning.. This article aims to see how
effective the use of Batman Fun Activities Game in Present Perfect Tense Learning in X
Multimedia 1 SMK Negeri 3 Parepare.


This study uses descriptive research. According to Sukmadinata (Irawati, 2018:48),

descriptive research is a study that describes phenomena that have both natural and human
engineering properties. The descriptive research is obtained using a combination research
approach. Cresswell states that the combination method could be a research approach that
combines or connects qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Cresswell also stated
that using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches would be more
accurate than just one. So that using qualitative and quantitative simultaneously or in
combination will be able to obtain a better understanding when compared to one approach it

Based on the explanation above, this research is a descriptive study obtained using a
combination approach using quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection and data
analysis and drawing conclusions. where the qualitative data obtained will be described in
accordance with existing data analysis techniques using the combination approach, the writer
hopes to get complete data.

Data collection techniques are one of the important elements in a study. As well as the
formulation of the problem answered through research using quantitative and qualitative. To
obtain quantitative data, the writer uses the method of distributing questionnaires, giving
questions through Batman Fun Activities and tests. While the qualitative method writer uses
online interviews.

Questionnaires are used as suggestions for finding data related to student responses to
the use of Batman Fun Game. The questionnaire contains several statements that are assessed
by students by what they feel and experience. The statements that are assessed by students
will later be counted to be grouped according to the existing criteria.

Questions through Batman fun games and tests are used as a means of seeing the
extent to which students know about the material being taught. For questions through the
Batman fun game, they will be given during the learning process. The test will be given after
all the material has been discussed and will be used as material for assessing student
achievement results.

While the interview transcript data is used to strengthen data related to student
responses that have been taken from the questionnaire. This data is obtained by conducting
research interviews with students and carried out when all the material had been discussed.

Instrument is a measuring tool used to collect and measure data (Purwanto, 2007:7).
The instrument is used by researchers to collect information or data about the state of the
object or process under study (Muhadi, 2003:42).

1. Student Response Questionnaire Sheet

The student response questionnaire sheet uses a scale of 1-5, students are
required to put a check mark on one of the choices according to the reality. This
questionnaire is used to see the response of students in the application of Batman
Fun English. The following is a grid of questionnaires from student responses
adopted from Amelya Nanda 2021.
Table. 1.1 Student Response Questionnaires
No. Aspects That are Observed Item Number
1 Achievement of the goal of Batman Fun 1,2,9
2 Students' interest in using Batman Fun 3,4,5,6
3 Students’ attitudes towards the use of 7,8,10
Batman Fun Games

Table. 1.2 Questionnaire related to student responses in using Batman

Fun Games
No Statements SS S TS STS
1 Learning using Batman Fun
games helps me understand the
general description of the
present perfect tense
2 Learning using Batman Fun
games helps me understand
questions about the present
perfect tense
3 I'm motivated to answer the
question about present perfect
tense with Batman Fun games
4 Answering questions with
Batman Fun games increased
my curiosity about the material
5 The use of Batman Fun games
increases my motivation to pay
close attention in learning.
6 I am serious about answering
questions about the present
perfect tense with Batman Fun
7 I like to answer questions using
Batman Fun Games because it
will increase my knowledge
regarding the material presented
8 Batman Fun Games help me
think critically
9 Answer questions using Batman
Fun Games help me remember
the material that has been
10 I feel challenged to answer
questions through Batman Fun
2. Interview Guide
An interview will be conducted to confirm the answers on the questionnaire
sheet. The results of this interview will also strengthen the data. The following is a
list of interview questions guidelines related to using Batman Fun Games which
are adopted from Amelya Nanda 2021.

Table. 1.3 Interview guide related to student responses in using Batman

Fun Games
No. Observed Aspects Questions
1 Achievement of the goal of Does Learning using
Batman Fun games help
Batman Fun Games
you understand the general
description of the present
perfect tense? give a

Does learning English about

using batman fun games
help in remembering the
material presented in the
lesson? Give reasons!
2 Students' interest in using Batman Does using Batman Fun
Fun Games Games make you more
enthusiastic in participating
in learning?

Do you feel happy when

you take part in English
lessons using Batman Fun
Games? give a reason!

Does learning English using

Batman Fun Games
motivate you to take
English lessons? give a
Does using Batman Fun
Games in online learning
increase attention in
learning English? give a
3 Students’ attitudes towards the Does using Batman Fun
use of Batman Fun Games Games make you curious to
find the right answer when
you are wrong?

How do you feel when you

learn to use Batman Fun
Games in online learning?

Does using Batman Fun

Games make you more
challenged to answer the

Data Analysis
In this article, the writer analyzes some data related to the effectiveness of using
Batman Fun Games. According to Mulyasa (Desyana, 2019:54), for the effectiveness criteria
in this study, learning activities can be said to be effective if all or most of 75% of students
are actively involved in activities and are followed by behavior from student learning
1. Student response questionnaire data analysis
A questionnaire containing several questions that must be filled out by
students can be accessed via Googleform. In this study, the writer make a
questionnaire consisting of 10 questions with a scale of 1-4 as the answer choices. All
statements contained in the questionnaire are positive statements.

Table. 1.4 Questionnaire statement score conversion

(Widoyoko, 2015:109)
Skala Skor
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4

On the existing article questionnaire there are 10 statements with the highest
score is 40 (4x10) and the lowest score is 10 (1x10). In determining the interval
distance for each level, you can use the following formula (Widoyoko, 2015:110).

Interval Distance = Highest Score + Lowest Score

Number of Class Intervals

From the formula to find the existing interval distance, the following calculations can
be carried out:

Interval distance = 40 - 10
= 3

From the calculation to find the existing interval distance, the following calculations
can be carried out:

Table. 1.5 Student response categories

Student Scores Category

31 – 40 Very Good
21 – 30 Good
11 - 20 Enough Good
10 Not Good

2. Analysis of interview results

To process data from the results of interviews can be done analysis of the
results of interviews (Sugiyono, 2014:224). Interviews are conducted in a structured
manner to obtain answers which could later be used to strengthen the statements
contained in the questionnaire.

3. Data analysis is based on the results of working on questions from Batman Fun
Games and learning outcomes
Data analysis based on the results of working on questions from Batman Fun
Games can be obtained by doing practice questions that have been packaged in the
form of games through Batman Fun Games, and carried out in online learning. The
data obtained from the results of working on Batman Fun Games will be processed, to
measure the results of working on this game. English learning activities in the present
perfect tense material have one meeting, and consist of 10 questions.

The results of the assessment obtained will then be matched with the criteria in table
Table. 1.6 Assessment criteria for quiz work that adapts from Kartika
Budi (Desyana, 2019:52)

Score Interval (%) Mark

> 44 40
45-54 50
55-64 60
65-74 70
75-84 80
85-94 90
95-100 100

Then the criteria for the effectiveness of using Batman Fun Games can be
adjusted using the criteria as shown in table 1.7.

Table. 1.7 criteria for the effectiveness of problem solving in Batman Fun
Games which adapts from Kartika Budi (Desyana, 2019:52)

Acquisition Value Criteria

>80 >70 >60 >50
>75 Very High
<75 >75 High
<75 >65 enough
<65 >65 low
<65 Very Low


From table 1.7, the following formulation can be drawn according to the
results of the acquisition value. The acquisition value and the existing formulation
will be classified according to the following criteria.
 If the percentage of students who get a score of more than or equal to 80
(N>80) is more than or equal to 75 percent, it is said that the effectiveness of
the results of working on questions with Batman Fun Games is very high.
 If the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 80 (N>80) is less
than 75% and the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 70
(N>70) is more than or equal to 75 percent, it can be said that the effectiveness
of the results of solving problems with Batman Fun Games is high.
 If the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 70 (N>70) is less
than 75% and the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 60
(N>60) is more than or equal to 75 percent, it can be said that the effectiveness
of the results of solving problems with Batman Fun Games is enough.
 If the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 60 (N>60) is less
than 65% and the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 50
(N>50) is more than or equal to 65 percent, it can be said that the effectiveness
of the results of solving problems with Batman Fun Games is low.
 If the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 50 (N>50) is less
than 65% and the percentage of students who score more than or equal to 40
(N>40) is more than or equal to 65 percent, it can be said that the effectiveness
of the results of solving problems with Batman Fun Games is very low.

The effectiveness of using Batman Fun games in online learning of English in the
present perfect tense material X Multimedia 1 SMK Negeri 3 Parepare has been
implemented. Based on the results of the existing analysis and discussion, it can be concluded
that it is running really well and effective. If it is accumulated with students who have very
good responses and the results of interviews with students who give positive responses.


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