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Essay Examples High School

Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Examples High School" can be a challenging task that
requires a careful balance of creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to engage the reader. The
difficulty lies in not only presenting a well-structured and coherent argument but also in selecting
relevant examples that resonate with high school students.

One of the challenges is finding the right balance between providing concrete examples and
maintaining a broader perspective. It's essential to avoid getting too bogged down in specific details
and anecdotes, yet the examples chosen should be relatable to the high school audience.
Additionally, crafting an essay that is both informative and engaging requires a thorough
understanding of the target audience's interests, concerns, and level of comprehension.

Another hurdle is the potential for the topic to be perceived as mundane or overdone. High school
essay topics often cover familiar ground, and finding a fresh angle or unique perspective can be
demanding. Striking a balance between originality and adhering to the conventional structure of an
essay poses its own set of challenges.

Furthermore, writing an essay on this topic requires a comprehensive review of various essay
examples to extract relevant insights and understand different approaches. This process demands
time and effort to analyze and synthesize information effectively. It involves not only researching
existing essays but also critically evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to inform the
development of a well-rounded and impactful essay.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Examples High School" demands a
combination of research, creativity, and a deep understanding of the target audience. Overcoming the
challenges requires dedication to striking the right balance between specificity and broader relevance.
For those seeking assistance in navigating these complexities, it's worth noting that similar essays and
much more can be ordered on .
Essay Examples High School Essay Examples High School
The Lobed Bowl
The Lobed bowl with seated figure and attendants was an important art material to the
caliphates and dynasties that were present at the late 12th and early 13th century. The
bowl signified artistic achievement, exemplified by the development of painted
decoration in Iraq in the 11th century. In this paper, I will be stating some observations I
made from studying the Lobed Bowl, these observations will include: the material,
surface texture, use of color, size and the composition use of line. The Lobbed Bowl
signifies royalty. The curvy edge of the bowl. The curve line of the bowl conveys
energy. The soft, shallow curves have a pleasing, sensual quality and a softening effect
on the composition. The edge of the lobbed bowl gently leads the... Show more content
on ...
There is also a presence of regularly repeating pattern of lines around the bowl. These
lines are painted in different colors and comes from the bottom of the bowl upward. I
believe the lobed bowl must have been inspired by culture. The luxurious look of the
bowl portrays that it was used by the king or members of the royal family for. I believe
that the use and the beauty of the lobed bowl go hand in hand. They are two inseparable
aspects of perfection, being a material used by the royal family.
Inside the bowl, we can see people seating on horses. I believe these people represent
the palace guards, or guards who were victorious in a war and are celebrating on their
horses. At the center of the bowl, we see a figure seated and two people attending to
the figure. I believe that the figure seated was the king during that time, and the people
beside him were his attendants. When we look inside bowl, next to the seated figure are
camels. Since Camel are used by merchants for caring merchandise, I would say that the
camels represented the business or economy of that specific period of
Alcohol Vs Alcohol Research Paper
What is More Dangerous, Marijuana or Alcohol?
In recent times, marijuana has slowly become less and less of a taboo subject. The
gradual legalization has made marijuana a hot topic, both for its recreational uses and
medicinal properties. The biggest questions that remain are, is it dangerous and is it more
dangerous than alcohol? Given the length of time that alcohol has been legal most people
would assume that it is the safer option, but is that true?

Risk from Alcohol

While alcohol may be readily available to anyone over the age of 21, it still comes with
risk both to your judgment and health. According to the CDC, excessive alcohol
consumption leads to around 88,000 deaths annually. Alcohol consumption comes with
both long term and short term effects on a person, such as:

Impairment of judgment leading to injuries from motor vehicle accidents, drowning, falls
and physical instability.
People who are under the influence of alcohol may become violent, which has led to
murder, assault and sexual assault.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum ... Show more content on ...
Alcohol has been legal since 1933, even though the only benefit of consuming alcohol
in excess, as most people do, is a few possible hours of euphoria. While marijuana has
been illegal since 1937 and has been proven to have medicinal purposes far beyond its
recreational reputation. When comparing them side by side it is best to keep in mind
that both can be vices and both can be beneficial. They also, will both have a different
effect from person to person. According to a study conducted by, Pew Research, 69% of
Americans believe that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana. The truth is there isn t
a scientific answer to whether or not one is more dangerous than the other. Both
marijuana and alcohol have risk and until further research is done, consumer opinion will
reign the topic of whether or not one is more dangerous than the
Sweatshops In Developing Countries
Todays, when the citizenship is concentrated, sweatshop is becoming a striking issue of
controversies. Especially in developed countries, this problem is always boycotted, but
on the other hand it is an opportunity for people in underdeveloped countries to change
their lives. Although sweatshop is considered as a complex issue with underpayment
and underworking environment, they are beneficial to change the old ideologies,
economic growth, and fair working conditions. Firstly, women choose to work in
sweatshops in developing countries because this is their only source step out of
unavailable and unthinkable situation. Women in these countries tolerated outdated
beliefs, such as being restricted to domestic chores and relying on their husbands. Their
lives are always in a vicious circle that they want to escape but do not know the right
way, so working in sweatshops provide women not only chance to create stable income,
but also sense of their own independence. As the writer mentions that with the small
income from garment sweatshop, women in Bangladesh can manage their finances,
have their own choice in marriage and having children (Sachs, quoted in Garyfalakis,
para5). Moreover, they have chance to go to school and gain their special skills. For
example, earning $1 to $2 in Indonesia or Bangladesh sounds unbelievable, but it can
help a woman feed her kids and restrict diarrhea disease (Kristof and Wudunn, 2000).
Women in these countries also admitted that even
Film Filtering And Censorship Analysis
An issue that has remained prevalent throughout most of history is filtering and
censorship. Perhaps one of the more controversial topics discussed within this course,
filtering and censorship directly relates to my future career goal of being a filmmaker.
While I m undeclared at the moment, the idea of making films in the future has always
been of interest to me. Filtering and censorship often holds an important role within the
cinema as it sets the standard for what can and cannot be shown on screen. This paper is
intended to describe the negative effects that filtering and censorship has on the film
industry and those that work within it. The sources in this paper will range from various
books and journal articles about censorship in film.... Show more content on ...
With each advance in the film rating scale comes a more marginalized audience that
can view the film in theatres. With a smaller audience for films that are rated R and
NC 17 comes less revenue, in fact, movies that are Rated R often experience a 20%
decrease in revenue than those that are not and an overall lower return on investment
(Craig Palsson, 2013). While directors are given the ability to reduce the amount of
inappropriate words and scenes within a film, it is often not in their capability to
choose which rating their film should have. Because of this, if a film s producer or
director does not like the MPAA s assigned rating, they are allowed to edit and re
submit the film for a re rating (Craig Palsson, 2013). Additional research also shows
that films Rated G have the highest average revenues ($80 million), PG and PG 13
have around the same amount of revenues ($65 million), and Rated R films have the
lowest average revenues ($35 million) (Craig Palsson, 2013). With this wide disparity
between film ratings and their expected revenue, films that are Rated R or NC 17
ultimately end up losing money in their production and

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