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Date: July 6, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute session, the students will be able to:
a) distinguish examples of homonyms and its meaning through discussion;
b) use the correct homonyms in sentences through differentiated activity; and
c) give importance to acquiring new vocabularies through homonyms
(homonyms is a topic, put a specific activity)

II. Subject Matter

Learning Competency: Increase your vocabulary through homonyms.
Topic: Homonyms
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets
MELC Code: EN3V-IIIe-f13.6
Reference: Self Learning Module (SLM) English 3 Quarter 3 Week 1
Value/s: Cooperation

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Classroom Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance
 Classroom Rules

2. Drill
The teacher will have the students read and spell the following
1. Spelling
2. Meaning
3. Sound
4. Different
5. Same

3. Review
The teacher will flash 5 pairs of words and ask the class
whether it is a Synonyms and Antonyms. They could raise their hands
to answer each item.
1. ugly - unattractive
2. short – tall
3. big - huge
4. hot - cold
5. up - down
 What is Synonym?
 What is Antonym?

4. Motivation
The teacher will present a video related to Homonyms and have
the students sing and dance it.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
“Tough, gets to the Top”
The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups according to their rows.
Each group must choose 2 representatives to participate to the contest.
The teacher will be showing pictures and the representatives must
guess what it means. The first to raise their hands will be given the
chance to answer. If they got it right, they can step forward and if they
are wrong, the other group can steal and give the correct answer. The
first group to get in front will be given a reward.





2. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions:
 How did you guess each word?
 What have you noticed with the words?
 What do you think would be our topic for today?

3. Abstraction
What do you mean by Homonyms?
Homonyms refer to words that have the same sound but have
different meanings. Sometime these words have either same or
different spellings.

A. Same Sound but with Different Spellings

plain - not decorated / nothing added
plane - a vehicle designed for air travel
B. Same Sound and Spelling
letter - individual items in the alphabet (ex. B, C, D)
letter - refers to a mail

4. Application
 Setting of Standards
a) Avoid making unnecessary noises.
b) Everyone must cooperate.
c) Respect each other's ideas.
d) Help others and ask for help when you need it.

 Group Activity
The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Each group will
be assigned with a task to be done.

Group 1
Match the items in Column A with their homonyms in Column
B by connecting the dots.


1. a.

2. b.

3. c.
4. d.

5. e.

Group 2
Box the word that refers to each illustration.





Group 3
Add/subtract letters to form the homonym of the first word. Write
the homonym that fits each sentence

Example: sea - a = se + e = see

I can see the birds flying above the trees.

1. knight - k = __________
There are stars during __________time.
2. buy – u = __________
My friend stays __________ my side all the time.
3. won - w = __________ + e = __________
Give me __________ of your toys.
4. hear - ar = __________ + re = __________
Put your bag in ___________.
5. knew - k = __________
Mother bought me a __________ dress for my birthday.

Group 4
Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B to
make a pair of homonyms.
Column A Column B
____1. weak a. sum
____2. some b. maid
____3. peace c. week
____4. flour d. piece
____5. made e. flower

Group 5
Look for the pictures of homonyms inside the box. Draw 5 sets of
them on a sheet of paper.

 What are homonyms?
 Give examples of homonyms?

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Fill in the Blank. Write the correct homonyms on the black
provided on each item.

1. Harry is the _____ of Uncle Matthew. (sun, son, soon)

2. I am not feeling well today, I have a _____. (flew , flow, flu)
3. My dog Kobe always wags its _____ when I come home. (tail, tell, tale)
4. Mom, I would like to eat some _____ for dinner. (steal, stake, stick)
5. I _____ a letter to my best friend every month. (right, write, wright)

B. Direction: Read and understand carefully the sentences. Select the correct
meaning of each underlined words. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank provided before each sentence.
1. _____It took me one hour to finish my project.
_____My friend lives near our house.
a. 60 minutes b. of or relating to us
2. _____We will have a fair weather today.
_____I pay ten pesos for the bus fare.
a. price charged to transport a person b. fine
3. _____Mother sew the slits in my pants.
_____Sleep early so you will get enough rest.
a. to fasten by stitching b. in a manner or way indicated
4. _____There are seven days in a week.
_____The weak boy fainted on the street.
a. any seven consecutive days b. lacking strength
5. _____They wait for their turn to perform in the play.
_____Sister monitors her weight daily.
a. amount a thing weighs b. to remain stationary in
readiness or expectation

V. Assignment
Direction: Read and study the poem below. Encircle which one from the bold
words can correctly complete the sentence.

I have a lot of work to do / due!

I’ll so / sew a button
On the coat you wear / where.
I’ll seat on the cheer / chair.
I’ll wait right / write over there.

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