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Correct My Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Correct My Essay" can be a challenging task, especially when you're
the one seeking corrections. The difficulty lies in the self-evaluation aspect, as it requires a certain
level of detachment from your own work. Objectively critiquing your writing can be a delicate
process, as personal biases and attachments to your ideas may cloud your judgment.

One challenge is recognizing and admitting errors in grammar, syntax, and overall coherence. It's not
always easy to spot mistakes in one's own writing, as familiarity with the content can create a kind of
blindness to errors. Additionally, the emotional investment in the essay may make it challenging to
accept constructive criticism and implement necessary changes.

Moreover, achieving a balance between self-assessment and seeking external input is crucial. Without
external perspectives, one might miss nuances or overlook areas that need improvement. On the other
hand, relying solely on external feedback might lead to a loss of personal voice in the essay.

Furthermore, the process of self-correction requires a meticulous review of each sentence, paragraph,
and overall structure. This demands time and patience, as it's essential to approach the essay with a
fresh perspective. It may also involve stepping back and revisiting the essay after taking a break to
gain a clearer view.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Correct My Essay" poses its own set of challenges,
predominantly stemming from the difficulty of objectively evaluating one's own work. Striking a
balance between self-assessment and seeking external feedback is essential for producing a polished
and refined piece of writing.

If you find yourself struggling with self-correction, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on , where professionals can provide
valuable insights and corrections to elevate the quality of your writing.
Correct My Essay Correct My Essay
International Law Threatens Western Countries
In recent years, with the increasing attention to varieties of international crime,
comparative criminology becomes a major field in criminology and criminal justice
(Bennett, 2004:2). Comparative criminology is important for the designation and
implementation of international policies and preventive measures on international crime;
hence there are a rising amount of studies regarding crime and control on a cross national
level. Therefore, in this essay, how do violations of international laws present a direct
threat to Western countries will be discussed in the first part, then the understanding of
such threats and justice perpetrators of international crime will be examined in relation to
comparative criminology in the second and the... Show more content on
Held et al also argue that with the spread of interconnection of crime across national
boarders, it creates new opportunities and forms of global crime such as transnational
organized crime, IP crime and human smuggling and trafficking (Held, et al., 1999:162).
For instance, Castells points out that the Western societies acts as the demand side in a
global criminal economy, they are in a high demand of drugs and prostitutes, which can
be supplied and produced in a third world drug producing countries such as Columbia
(Castells, 1998, cited in Puniskis, 2010:239). Furthermore, apart from the reasons that
these crimes are prevalent in the Western nations, it becomes a controversial issue as it
violates the international laws regarding humanity. For example, human smuggling and
trafficking is an illegal sale of human beings that contains exploitation and coercion.
According to Leman and Janssens, it is apparent that human trafficking is a violation of
human rights in the way that it requires exploitation of human such as prostitution, non
voluntary form of sexual behavior, forced labor or services as well as slavery or slavery
like conditions (Leman and Janssens, 2012:175). Therefore, the coercive nature of such
crime presents a violation
Divergent Book Comparison
Divergent by Veronica Roth is about Beatrice Tris Prior who lives in post apocalyptic
dystopia world. Where everyone is divided into five factions based on their dispositions.
To determine their dispositions teenagers, take an aptitude test that determines the faction
for which they are best suited. When Tris aptitude test results show she matches with
three factions. Which is seen as a threat to society and people like that are called
Divergent. The book continues with Tris and her divergent life. Also, there is a romantic
subplot between Tris and her Dauntless factioninstructor, Four.
One other book Divergent is very similar to is The Hunger Games. In The Hunger
Games, the main character is Katniss Everdeen and in her dystopian world,
Ethical Issues In District 9
District 9 is a movie about aliens that come to Earth; they settle in Johannesburg till
they are made to relocate to another area and troubles arise from there. The movie was
released in 2009 and the time period of the movie is the year 1982 and 2009. It was a
period of time when South Africa was going through a lot of problems and these
problems are reflected in District 9. Racial discrimination, segregation, xenophobia and
others are real life issues and moral issues reflected in the film.

The most obvious issue reflected in the movie is xenophobia and the treatment of these
foreign refugees. In the movie, the alien spacecraft is stranded in Johannesburg and the
government takes care of the malnourish aliens onboard. In real life South Africa,
Zimbabweans, refugees seeking refuge flood the country. These refugees face
discrimination by the locals and they are treated like dirt. ... Show more content on ...
Apartheid was a social and political policy by the white minority government.
Everyone was segregated by their racial groups, public facilities were exclusive to
each race and they all lived far apart from each other. The movie was inspired by the
apartheid regime in South Africa and is reflected in the movie. The aliens take refuge
in the slums and then these slums are walled up and this is the only proper place for
them to live in. The aliens live in separate areas from the humans, which is parallel to
the apartheid policies in real life. There are signs everywhere in District Nine s
Johannesburg which tells the aliens that the facilities in the city is for human usage and
they cannot loiter and aren t welcome in shops. This is all true in real life South Africa.
Black majority live in designated areas and public facilities have signs on them stating
who can use it. Benches, beaches and toilets have signs on them that say blacks only
showing that only black people can use
Agonist Muscles
Example 1: javelin

Preparatory phase
Joints involvedArticulating bonesActionAgonist Muscle
ShoulderHumerus scapulaHorizontal hyperextension
Posterior deltoids and latissimus dorsi
ElbowHumerus ulnaExtension
Triceps brachii

Throwing contains of two phases, the preparatory phase and the throwing phase.
predominantly the majority of actions are rotational in the transverse plane and
longitudinal axis and also both joints mainly involved are the elbow, the elbow is a type
of joint called a hinge joint made up by the humerus and ulna, and the shoulder, the
shoulder is different to the elbow as it s a ball socket this is found between the humerus
and the scapula.
Preparatory phase
Before throwing the javelin the arm that isn t holding ... Show more content on ...
your calf must contract to extend your ankle this is called plantar flexion, while the
muscles on the front of your shin contracts to hold your ankle rigid. The action muscle in
place there is called an isometric contraction, where the muscles create tension but, they
are not causing any actual joint movement they are just holding the ankle in place.
The power of kicking a ball predominantly comes from the knee straightening. This knee
extension, can only happen if the top thigh muscles contract. These muscles are called
your quadriceps, that have four individual components; the vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis rectus femoris and vastus intermedius. these all join just above the shin
therefore being able to lift the lower leg
Moving your leg forward from your hip is a movement called hip flexion. This is the
biggest joint action in football, as it starts as an extension and finishes with a significant
push forward going past the body s midline. To allow hip flexion to occur, your three
hamstring muscles semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris must relax.
Tight hamstrings may effect your tecniwue and ability to
Sex In La Goulette Religion
Sex, Comedy Religion of La Goulette The topic of sex in film constantly changes due
to the diverse perspectives that address sex and how the usage of sex impacts the
narrative of a film. Some films however utilize sex for entertainment purposes with no
meaningful impact on the story, while others use sex or the topic of sex to help develop
the plot of filmas the action or discussion of sex may play a pivotal role in the outcome
of film. As one looks a films critically with the focus on the perception of sex, it is
evident that the topic or action of sex is shaped by the sociopolitical structures portrayed
in a film. The comedy film, A Summer in La Goulette (1996), by Tunisian Filmmaker
Férid Boughedir best exemplifies the action or discussions... Show more content on ...
In terms of nudity, A Summer in la Goulette compares to films Karmen Geï by Joseph
Ramaka Gaï and The Beautiful Body by Ngozi Onwurah with its use of full body shots
of the back which is common in the depiction of nudity in African films. As a comedy
A Summer in la Goulette compares to films Skirt Power by Adama Drabo and Faat
Kiné by Sembene Ousmane as they all provide comedic elements within progression
of their narratives giving viewer an anticipation for laughter which is great way to
keep viewer interested in progression of the story. The Views on sex in A Summer in la
Goulette is similar to films like Les Saignantes (The Bloodettes) by Jean Pierre
Bekolodue to its use of sexuality in aim to gain control and power. Women s condition
in A Summer in la Goulette in comparison to the other films watched in African
Cinema class is more so in the mid range of women s condition if the range of films
went between Les Saignantes to Difret or Moonlaade which leaves it in a similar
women s condition of a Faat Kiné and Karmen Geï due to the relative freedom these
women have ability to do things on their own but there are potential obstacles that arise
up and inhibit their success (like family, old partners,

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