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KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 Popular belief Widely held belief Widespread belief Firm belief Strong belief Growing belief Quan niém phé bién / thinh hanh Suge tin boi nhiéu ngudi Burge tin tuéng r6ng rai Niém tin manh mé Niém tin manh mé Niém tin manh mé Brain (n) Pick sb’s brain(s) Rack your brain(s) The brains behind Brainless Brainchild (of) Brainstorm Brainwash Brainwave Lay va ding y kién ctia ai Nan 6c suy nghi BO ndio chinh cila t8 chive. Khéng cé nao, ngu ngéc Ké hoach/y tuéng ctia .. Déng nao Tay nao, khéng cho nhé Y kién hay bat chot Conclusion (n) Bring sth to a conclusion Come to a conclusion Reach a conclusion Arrive at a conclusion Jump/ leap to conclusions In conclusion Conclusion of Logical conclusion Foregone conclusion Bua diu gi dén két luan Bi dén két luan i dén két luan Bi dén két luan V6i va dua ra két luan Tom lai/két luan Két luan cia Két lun logic/ hop ly Két luan da dug biét tree 8. | Consideration (n) Take into consideration Give consideration to Show consideration for Under consideration For sb's consideration ‘Dua vao xem xét ky Can nhac ky van dé gi... Té long tén kinh/ chu dao Sau khi xem xét ki 6 bi lai dp lai 18 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Out of consideration for Luu y dén/ 48 y dén ai/diéu gi Doubt (n) Doubt that Nghi ngé ring Have your doubts about | Cé sy nghi ngo vé Cast doubt on Raise doubt In doubt Tao nén sy nghi ngé vao.... Lam tang sw nghi ngo Dang nghi ng Doubt as tofabout Thiéu sy chac chan Beyond (any doubt) Khéng nghi ng& (a) reasonable doubt C6 cn cte/ nghi ngo hop ly Without a doubt Khéng cé nghi ng& Open to doubt Khéng chac, khong xay ra Dream offabout/that Mo vé/ rang Have a dream C6 mot mong muénigiéc mor Mot gidc mo a@ lam ... Adream to Beyond your _—_wildest dreams Tuyét voi hon cd tuéng tong A dream come true Gide mo thanh hién thy In your dreams Dang huy vong Like a dream Nhu mét giéc mo Focus on Tap trung vao The focus offfor ‘Sy tap trung... RO rang/ 16 nét/ tap trung Khéng 15 nét In focus Out of focus Focus group Nhém tap trung/ nhém ly mau Main/primary/major focus _| igu quan trong cn tap trung Impression (n) | Havelgive the —_(false/ | Gay/dva ra 4n tong (sai), gia mistaken) impression that | vo rang. Do an impression of Bac chuéc diéu b6 Create/make an impression | Tao 4n tugng/ gay 4n tugng (on sb) len ai do... 19 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643699 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Under the impression that First impressions C6 cam tuéng/cdm gidc rang 4n tugng dau tin Make a mental note (off about) Mental arithmetic Mental illness Mental age Mental health Make up your mind Crossislip your mind Have/bear in mind Have a one-track mind Take your mind off Bring to mind In two minds about On your mind State of mind Narrow/broad/open/absent- minded Ghi nhé didu gi ... Sy tinh nham Bénh tam than Tudi phat trién tri tué ‘Strc khde tam than Quyét dinh Nghi vé viée gi d6 Ghinhe Chi nghi vé 1 van dé Théi nghi vé 1 diéu gi dé Lam cho nhé cai gi Luong Iv, chura quyét dinh Lo lng vé van 48 gi Trang thai tam triftinh than Dau 6c hep hdi/ coi mé/ hay quén.. Misapprehension (n) Under the misapprehension that Hiéu nhdm, l6n théng tin Perspective (n) Put into perspective (to see the true value, importance) size or From another/a different/ sb’s/ etc perspective From the perspective of In perspective Out of perspective A sense of perspective Lam sang td, diéu gi d6 trong béi canh phu hop.. Tir mét géc nhin khdc/ mot quan diém khac Tw quan diém cia Ding thyc trang/ dé so sénh trong béi canh, trong téng thé Vién véng/ khéng thurc té Mét cai nhin thyc té 20 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 17. | Principle (n) Have principles C6 nguyén tc Stand by/stick to your | Tuan theo, gitr vig nguyén principles t&c clia minh Principle of sth Nguyén tac cia Principle that Nguyén tdc rang In principle Theo nguyén téc, ndi chung A matter’ an issue of | Chi la van dé thi tuc/nguyén principle tac Against sb's principles Bi ngugc lai nguyén tac Set of principles Bé6 quy tac Question (n) Beg the question Dat cau hdi/ dua ra van dé Raise the question (of) Bua ra van dé/ cau héi ve Alno question of Mot van dé va/khéng kha thi In question Dang bj chat van/ thao luan Out of the question Khéng thé, khong dugc phép Without question Khéng c6 nghi ngo Beyond question R6 rang, chdc chan ‘Some question over/ as/ to | Cé sy hoai nghi vé vn 48, su Jabout viée nao do Awkward question Cau héi héc bua Sense that Cam thay rang See sense Hidu duge, nhan thirc dugc Make sense (of) Hidu van a8 Have the sense to C6 khiéu lam gi ‘Come to your senses Tinh ngé ra A sense of Mét kha naing/ nang khiéu. In afone sense Theo mét cach nao 46 Common sense Lé thuong/ kién thire co ban 20. | Side (n) Side with sb Vé phe ai ting hé ai Take sides Chon phe 21 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 See both sides (of an argument) Look on the bright side On the plus/minus side By sb’s side On sb's side On either side (of) Nhin thdy 2 mat cia van 48 cn gidi quyét Lac quan Mat tich cye/ tigu cue Bén canh ai dé Déng tinh vi ai Trén mét phia/ phuong dién Set/put sb straight about ‘Set/put the record straight Get/come straight to the point Get sth straight Thinki/see straight Straight talking Straight answer N6i thang, néi that v ‘Twong thuat chinh xc Bi thang vao van a8 Chinh lai cho dung Suy nghi ding d&n/ ph hop N6i thang View sth as Take the view that Take a dim/poor view of Come into view In view of With a view to View on/aboutithat In sb’s view Viewpoint Point of view Tra Idi thang cau hdi Xem cai gi nhw... Cho rang/xem rang Xem thuong van dé gi Hién ra truéc mat Xét valvi ly do/bdi... Vé6i y dinh/ myc dich Thay rang Theo quan diém ciia ai Quan diém Quan diém 22 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 AIGING THUDNG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § BEN LOP 12_ IV. TOM TAT THANH NGO (IDIOMS) No. | Thanh ngi#/ Idioms Dién giai tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | Goto your head Ty cao ty dai 2. | Have your wits about you Suy nghi nhanh chéng va quyét dinh sang sudt 3. | In the dark (about) Khéng biét gi vé (Bi che dau) 4. | Know what's what Biét nhiérng diéu quan trong nhat 5. | Not have a leg to stand on Khéng cé ching ctr dé chteng minh 6. | Not see the wood for the trees_| Kh6ng nhin thay durgc hoan canh hién cd 7. | Put two and two together Ci thé ma suy ra i 8. | Quick/slow on the viglaie Tiép thu nhanh/cham 9. | Ring a bell Nghe quen quen 10. | Round the bend pién 11. | Split hairs Cai nhau vi chuyén nhé 12. | Take stock (of) Nghi vat 6c 13. | To say the least N6i giém nhe, néi viva phai, néi khong cudng diéu 23 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643569 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 V. TOM TAT WORD FORM 1 Assume (Vv) ‘Assumption (n) Cho rang, gid sir | Assuming that (conj) Unassuming (adj) No. | Tirgéc Tir loai lién q Tiéng VigtTham khao Sy gia dinh Gia sir rang Khiém t6n Unbeliever (n) Disbelieve (v) Disbelieving (adj) Unbelievably (adv) Assumed (adj) Duge cho la ding 2. Believe (v) Belief (n) Niém tin Tin rang Disbelief (n) Sy hoai nghi, sy hoang man Believer (n) Tin ad Ngw®i hoai nghi Khéng tin Khéng tin duge, la ky Khé tin 3. Brilliant (a) Brilliance (n) Léilac, tai gidi Brilliantly (adv) Sy tai gidi, Ii lac ‘Sang chéi, Idi lac 4. Conceive (v) | Conceptualize (v) Nhan thir due | Concept (n) Conception (n) Conceptual (adj) Inconceivable (adj) Khai nigm héa Khai nhiém (nguyén tac) Y niém (cia mot ai do) Thuéc quan niém, nhan thtrc Khé twéng tugng duge Thuyét phuc Convinced (a) Unconvinced (a) Convincing (a) Conceivable (adj) Tuéng tong duc 5. Confuse (v) Confusion (n) Sy béi r6i Gay béiréi Confused (a) Bj béi r6i Confusing (a) B6i réi Confusingly (adv) M6t cach béi réi 6. Convince (v) Conviction (n) ‘Swrc thuyét phuc, sy két an Bj thuyét phuc Thiéu thuyét phuc Thuyét phuc 24 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599,

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