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Rogerian Essay Format

Writing an essay on the Rogerian Essay Format can be a challenging task that requires careful
consideration and a unique approach to argumentation. The Rogerian method, developed by
psychologist Carl R. Rogers, focuses on finding common ground between conflicting viewpoints.
This format encourages a more cooperative and less confrontational style of argumentation, aiming to
build bridges of understanding rather than erecting walls of opposition.

To successfully craft a Rogerian essay, one must not only thoroughly understand the chosen topic but
also be adept at empathizing with differing perspectives. The essay should begin with an objective
exploration of each viewpoint, highlighting the merits and concerns of both sides. This initial analysis
sets the stage for the development of a mutually acceptable solution or compromise that respects the
complexities of the issue at hand.

What makes this format challenging is the need for a nuanced and balanced presentation of
arguments. It requires the writer to transcend the traditional adversarial style of debate and adopt a
more cooperative tone. Crafting a Rogerian essay demands patience, open-mindedness, and a
commitment to understanding and respecting opposing viewpoints.

Furthermore, the writer must possess strong communication skills to convey the essence of each
perspective accurately. Precision in language and a diplomatic tone are essential to prevent
misinterpretation or the perception of bias. Striking the right balance between assertiveness and
receptivity is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the Rogerian approach.

In conclusion, tackling a Rogerian Essay Format can be a formidable task, demanding intellectual
agility, empathy, and a commitment to fostering understanding. Navigating the delicate process of
finding common ground while addressing conflicting viewpoints requires skillful argumentation.
Ultimately, a well-executed Rogerian essay offers the potential for constructive dialogue and
consensus-building, but achieving this outcome requires considerable effort and thoughtfulness.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, various resources are available, including
academic support services and online platforms. If you find yourself in need of guidance or support,
consider exploring options like , where professional writers can provide expert
assistance tailored to your specific requirements.
Rogerian Essay Format Rogerian Essay Format
August Wilson s Fences
August Wilson s Fences Building Fences

The first time I read August Wilson s Fences for english class, I was angry. I was angry
at Troy Maxson, angry at him for having an affair, angry at him for denying his son,
Cory, the opportunity for a football scholarship.I kept waiting for Troy to redeem himself
in the end of the play, to change his mind about Cory, or to make up with Ruth somehow.
I wanted to know why, and I didn t, couldn t understand. I had no intention of writing my
research paper on this play, but as the semester continued, and I immersed myself in more
literature, Fences was always in the back of my mind, and, more specifically, the
character of Troy Maxson. What was Wilson trying to say with this piece? The more that
... Show more content on ...
Instead of writing that I found Troy despicable and without honor or dignity, I found
myself listing several reasons why he was, in fact, heroic. I looked at why Troy
Maxson did the things he did, instead of just looking at the things. I realized how
difficult it was for a black man to make it in a white mans world during the fifties, when
color alone influenced every aspect of life.

Fences can be viewed as a family play, it can also be viewed as a work specifically of the
black man s place, or plight, in a predominantly white world. Either way, it has a very
valuable message. It is a true art to be able to touch on so many aspects of life in a
work, aspects that may be viewed differently by different people.. Wilson s work, and
the character of Troy Maxson, makes me question many things, among them myself, as
well as his intended message. This is why I am so in awe of Fences, and of Wilson s
talent. This is why I am writing my paper on Fences.

I didn t know anything about August Wilson before I began my research. I was very
surprised to learn about his separatist views, because his play seemed so universal to
me. I was also very surprised to learn that he had left school two years early because of
a racial comment from a teacher, and that he had acquired the remainder of his education
from hours spent at the library. What I had not known was that many aspects of Fences
can be seen as
The Invasion Of Undo-Europeans In Ancient India
ndo Europeans in Ancient India About 1500 BC, India was invaded by Indo European
people. These people came from the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian sea.
Between 2500 and 2000 BC, many Indo Europeans migrated all over Eurasia. Some went
to Europe and became the Romans and the Greeks, some settled in Turkey and became
the Hittites. Others migrated south east instead. Some of them stopped in Iran, while
others continued south east to Pakistan and India. The slow migration did not arrive in
northern India until about 1500 BC. In India, the Indo Europeans are usually called the
Aryans. The Aryans first settled along the Indus River, in the same place where the
Harappa people had lived. They settled down and mixed with the local Indian
Breastfeeding And Human Milk Has Many Health Benefits
Scientific studies have shown that Breastfeeding or human milk has Many health
benefits for mother and baby that are both short and long term. Breast feeding has been
endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family
Physicians, CDC, US Department of health and human services, office of surgeon
general along with Many others. Nearly All of the agencies involving children provide
some form of education on breastfeeding, for example when to breastfeed, how long to
breastfeed, benefits of breastfeeding, supporting breastfeeding in service or flyer form
as well as support groups/staff but none provide information on where a mother can
breastfeed when in public. Even though all agencies have come together and agreed
that this country has a problem in providing support to breastfeeding mothers. None
have made initiatives to provide a place for a mother to nurse or express milk while in
public. Requiring large chain stores like Walmart, target, Kroger and HEB post signs
informing the public of a mothers the right to breastfeed and help mothers fight
against discrimination by providing guidelines for business in order for them to
provide a private area for breastfeeding mothers to feed their babies while in public.
Designating a small private space out of the public eye, for a mother to feed her baby or
express breast milk. In supporting a nursing mother, we can improve woman and children
s health, Boost the economy and improve the environment.
What is
Marriage Between Tony And Donna
Answer: The marriage between tony and Donna was voidable. Tony would [not] be
guilty of bigamy, if either Tony or Donna takes action by filing of a Complaint for
Annulment (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 207, Section 14) that the marriage
should be voided for two reasons:

1)The marriage between Tony and Donna was fraudulent;

2)Parties were minor when they misrepresented their ages by producing a computer
forged birth certificates to obtain the marriage license without their parents consent or
However, if Tony or Donna fails to file a Complaint for Annulment promptly, and
maintains their marriage status until Donna becomes the age or majority (adulthood), the
marriage automatically becomes valid.

Question #2. Do you believe that there are some circumstances under which a minor
should be allowed to marry without parental consent?

Answer: It should be depended on various factors, e.g. age, educational level, family
/cultural background, level of maturity, life experience, employment/work experience,
ability of being independent, self sustainment. I personally have experienced of working
with uderaged pregnancy, having children, child support and level of maturity, in terms
of responsibility and self sustainability. Generally, minors from working class,
immigrants, newcomers, tend to sustain and survive better than minors from middle
class or well off families.
Minors may be allowed to marry [only] with all the conditions are met: 1) the minor is
Examples Of Escape In Slaughterhouse-Five
Abstract: This thesis attempts to analyse the relationship between physical and
psychological escape as reflected in Su Tong s Fleeing in 1934 , Yu Hua s 1986 , and
Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five. Textual analysis reveals that Su Tong s delineation
of escape is external but the influence becomes internal as villagers morality has been
lost as a result of the escape, whereas Yu Hua and Kurt Vonneguts representation of
escape emphasises on the psychical escape when both protagonists in the novels look for
derangement as a means of escape. Coincidently, the three novelists all agree on the same
notion of the inescapability of history.
Keywords: escape, trauma, Fleeing in 1934, 1986, Slaughterhouse five.

Su Tong s Fleeing in 1934 depicts ... Show more content on ...
It is something that Gouzai cannot escape from nor get rid of. Gouzai falls asleep for
two days after fleeing into the city, when he wakes up, Where is my dog excretion
bin? (Su Tong 101) is the first question he asks. This demonstrates that Gouzai s escape
from village to city is only a physical movement as he is still connected to his rural life
psychologically. Just like the smell of the dog excretion, the connection to the outside
world does not evanish his agricultural traits, rather, it only serves as a reminder of his
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOSS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), diabetes mellitus, hyperprolactinemia, luteal phase
defects, as well as thyroid antibodies and disease are regularly encountered endocrine
factors that establish a hormonal link between RPL and infertility. Although the exact
pathophysiology underlying these disorders in relation to RPL and infertility is unclear,
commonly accepted mechanisms of action have been suggested.
Diabetes mellitus
There are two types of diabetes mellitus: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and Type 2 diabetes
(T2D). T1D is characterized by the inability to produce adequate insulin. T2D, which is
more prevalent, is characterized by insulin resistance primarily due to fatty diets and
sedentary lifestyles72,73. Sufficient insulin production and/or supplementation is vital to
maintaining a healthy female ... Show more content on ...
It affects 5 10% of women of reproductive age77,78The Rotterdam Criteria are most
commonly used to diagnose PCOS. At least two of the following three criteria must be
present before a diagnosis can be made: oligo/anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and the
presence of polycystic ovaries.
Women with PCOS exhibit high LH levels and thereby have elevated production of
androgens by theca cells. Hyperandrogenism can, in turn, suppress FSH production,
leading to ovarian dysfunction, anovulation and infertility. The prevalence of PCOS in
women with RPL runs as high as 56% 79,80,81. Obesity coupled with high LH levels can
hinder ovarian folliculogenesis and increase the risk of miscarriage. Studies have also
suggested an association among PCOS and hyperinsulinemia/insulin resistance, obesity,
and hyperhomocysteinemia. Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance can negatively
affect implantation by decreasing activity of cell adhesion proteins.
Hyperhomocysteinemia can also result in miscarriage because of its pro coagulative
nature, similar to cases of thrombophilia
Brian s Plane
The author develops the character s characteristics/ feeling. In beginning of the story, I
would say Brian was clueless. There was a secret that he was trying to find out. Then it
got worse. A few hours later the pilot was having a heart attack and it was up to him to
fly the plane because it was a private plane, and he was the only one on the plane. He
tried to learn from the mistakes. He didn t know what to do. Brian felt his eyes start to
bum and knew that there were going to be tears. In the middle, I would also say that he
was worried. He was pulling without knowing what he was doing. Without knowing
anything. The plane crashed, but luckily he got the plane to be able to land in the water.
One minute he was sitting in a swarm. The

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