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Opening Paragraph Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Opening Paragraph Essay" poses a unique set of challenges that
require a delicate balance of creativity, precision, and strategic thinking. The very inception of such
an essay demands a profound understanding of the importance of a compelling opening paragraph.
The difficulty lies in capturing the reader's attention right from the beginning, setting the tone for the
entire essay, and establishing a strong foundation for the arguments or ideas that will follow. The
writer must navigate the fine line between being intriguing and informative, avoiding clichés while
maintaining coherence and relevance. It's akin to orchestrating a symphony where the initial notes set
the mood for the entire composition. Striking this delicate balance is a task that demands meticulous
planning and a keen understanding of the nuances of effective writing.

As the writer endeavors to articulate thoughts in the opening paragraph, they must grapple with the
challenge of making a lasting impression. Every word becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of the
reader's mind, and each sentence is a step toward building a persuasive and engaging narrative. The
difficulty is compounded by the awareness that a lackluster introduction can potentially undermine
the entire essay, making the opening paragraph a critical juncture that requires careful consideration.

The struggle intensifies when attempting to infuse originality into the opening paragraph. The
ubiquity of certain phrases or approaches can make it challenging to stand out in a sea of essays on a
similar topic. The writer must navigate through the well-trodden paths of introductory writing,
striving to offer a fresh perspective or a unique angle that captivates the reader's interest.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the theme of "Opening Paragraph Essay" demands a

sophisticated interplay of skills. It requires the ability to balance creativity and structure, capture
attention without resorting to clichés, and convey a unique perspective amidst a sea of similar
discussions. It's a challenging endeavor that calls for precision, ingenuity, and a thorough
understanding of the art of effective communication.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, a valuable resource is , where professional writers are available to provide support and expertise in
navigating the intricacies of essay composition.
Opening Paragraph Essay Opening Paragraph Essay
The Persuasive Tone of The Flea Essay
The Persuasive Tone of The Flea

John Donne, a member of metaphysical school in the Seventeenth century, exhibited his
brilliant talent in poetry. In The Flea, he showed the passion to his mistress via
persuasive attitude. The tone might straightforwardly create playfulness or sinfulness;
yet, the poem contains none of either. What impress readers most is situation and device.
The situation between the speaker and the audience is persuasion, love or marriage. As to
device, the notable parts are diction and rhetoric skills. Furthermore, unique
characteristics of this poem are also an important element of his persuasive tone.

First of all, the situation created by Donne is remarkable. Although there is only one ...
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More than the effect, it also has an implication. The flea having sucked his blood and
then hers, he takes a far bolder step and suggest that because their blood in now mixed
in the flea s body, they are in some meaningful physical way joined already. i[i]

Finally, The Flea contains two major unique characteristics. One of Donne s most
successful effects is sudden contrast.ii[ii] The insect seems to be no connection with
romance, but by sucking blood of two characters of the poem, the flea builds a bridge
between the two persons that surprises many readers.

¡¥The Flea seems particularly unerotic in character, extraordinarily preoccupied with

ethical and social, particularly marital, matters¡K. but also transforms the sexual
seduction lyric into a more serious persuasion to full affectionate and physical loving.

The other is Donne s skill, dramatic monologue. In both line one of the first and the
second stanzas, the poet began with strong voice. Later in the following lines of the two
stanzas, Donne himself explained his reasons logically. The only difference is his
attitude. The tone of stanza two is stronger than stanza one, and stanza three is even
stronger than stanza two; therefore, in killing it the poet s mistress would commit, not
only murder on him, a crime she is injured to, but suicide and sacrilege. iv[iv]

To the end, The Flea describes a

The Effects Of Network Attacks On The Internet

In late 2016 the entire Internet was shaken by an attack of proportions that had never
been seen. Although the type of attack at ground level was nothing new or too complex,
the scale and method of delivering the attack caused all internet security researchers to
take a moment of pause. Mirai, a previously known botnet that had affected other
institutions such as Krebs on Security and OVH earlier in the year, is a massive army of
recruited Internet of Things (IoT) devices ranging from in home DVRs to simple
webcams used for teleconferencing and home monitoring (Antonakakis, April, Bailey,
2005). With a recruited army reaching over 600,000 devices, the infected devices spread
across the globe ultimately crippled the Domain ... Show more content on
Once a potential victim is identified, the malware then attempts a brute force login of the
device, pulling from a pre determined list of default usernames and passwords for IoT
devices. Once successful, the details of the compromised victim are sent back to the
hub of the botnet where the device is then further targeted by the primary piece of
malware. The device is compromised with a payload that turns the device into a zombie
for the botnet, hiding its tracks by deleting downloaded binary signatures and hiding its
process name through obfuscation (Antonakakis, April, Bailey, 2005). In a coordinated
effort, these fully compromised devices are then recruited to execute a coordinated
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack against a victim; in this case the Dyn
Corportation, whose DNS architecture is as a major backbone of the larger Internet s
DNS service. Unable to keep up with the shear amount of traffic, multiple frequently
visited and well known online providers such as CNN, Netflix, and others were brought
down. A graphical representation of the Mirai attack methodology is represented in
Figure 1.

Fallout and Lessons Learned Mirai attacks initially started around September of 2016,
reaching worldwide prominence with the Dyn compromise on October 21, 2016,
ultimately falling off further towards the end of the year. In terms of scope, Dyn has
published that its networks were seeing as much as 1.2Tbps of
Properties Of Mechanical Properties And Characteristics Of...
Physical Properties:
Pine tree has thick and scaly bark from which a lots of branches arises. These branches
are arrange in spiral manner.
Pines tree are evergreen plant. They have leaves whole the year on their bark. These
leaves are needle like in shape.
Pine reproduction is carried out via cones which contain male and female sex organs.
A few pine plants also produce nuts that are used in human diet.
Pines tree are also used as decorative purpose. They are also known as Christmas trees.
Their life span depend on type of species, different species have different life span.
Mechanical Properties:
Mechanical properties refers to those properties which effect performance of wood
species. Mechanical properties may include specific gravity, strength, movement and
Strength tensile of Pine tree which is also a type of mechanical property is described as
In static bending it is about 70 90 MPa.
In compression parallel to grain is about 40 49 MPa.
In tensions along the fibers is about 100 116 MPa.
Modules of elasticity in static bending is 8.0 13.1 GPa.
Technical and ... Show more content on ...
There is two type of force affecting pine tree, these are horizontal and vertical forces.
This horizontal force is due to wind factor and the vertical force is due to gravity. The
horizontal and vertical forces are substantiated by the total turning moment applied at
any height of the stem. A tree is assumed to be fall down or break, if the total turning
moment exceeds the support provided by the root soil plate anchorage. The ability of
any tree is depend upon its root mass, the depth and the diameter of the root soil plate
and also on properties of the soil. When a tree is displaced by the force of the wind, the
weight of the root and the soil helps to hold down that tree in oppose to win velocity and
thus resist the overturning of forces. In case of pine trees these two forces plays important

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