Examples of An Essay

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Examples Of An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Examples Of An Essay" might seem deceptively simple at first
glance, but delving into the intricacies of the subject can reveal its inherent complexities. The
challenge lies in striking a balance between providing concrete examples to illustrate the essence of
an essay while simultaneously avoiding the trap of becoming overly self-referential.

One must navigate the fine line between elucidating the fundamental elements of an essay and
avoiding redundancy. It requires a nuanced understanding of the various types of essays, such as
argumentative, descriptive, narrative, and expository, to provide a comprehensive perspective.
Crafting a compelling essay on this topic involves not just listing examples but also analyzing them
critically to highlight their effectiveness in conveying ideas.

The task becomes more daunting when considering the need for originality. Striking a chord between
presenting well-known examples that resonate with the audience and introducing fresh, unique
perspectives can be a formidable challenge. It demands creativity and a thorough understanding of
the nuances of writing styles, ensuring that the essay doesn't become a mere compilation of clichés.

Moreover, addressing the topic itself without falling into the trap of circular reasoning poses a
considerable challenge. It requires a strategic approach to maintain a sense of objectivity while
discussing the very subject matter that the essay revolves around.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Examples Of An Essay" demands a delicate balance between

clarity, originality, and critical analysis. It involves skillful navigation through the vast landscape of
essay writing, avoiding the pitfalls of redundancy and self-reference. It is an endeavor that requires
both a deep understanding of the subject matter and a creative touch to engage and captivate the

If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of essay writing or need assistance with similar
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Examples Of An Essay Examples Of An Essay
Public Space, Race Street Pier
Observation For the final Philadelphia Experience report, I decided to observe a public
space, Race Street Pier. To get to the pier you can either walk or drive a car there.
Since I don t live in the city, I had to drive. Once there, I approached a big black gate
that was wide open with the name of the pier on it. Walking from the busy street
behind me, I wandered into a tree covered garden with two possible paths to pick from.
I chose the one on the left. This path was lined with trees and lights with benches every
couple of feet. As I continued walking, I realized that water completely surrounded the
rest of the pier. It felt like I was on a boat, which was ironic since boats used to dock
here. Above me was the huge Benjamin Franklin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
It didn t seem like these steps were actually steps at all. A class of middle school
students were sitting there listening to their teacher who stood at the bottom. I figured
that these steps were actually seating for entertainment like bleachers at a sports game.
A path of gray pavers, the same material as the lower portion of the pier, went through
the middle of the whole pier connecting the upper level with the lower level. This path
gave a view of everything. Once at the bottom, I saw patches of grass and lots of
benches. Some joggers crossed my path several times along with the occasional golf
cart with a security personnel roaming the pier. From the bottom level of the pier, the
view was of another Municipal Pier. This pier was still in its original form unlike Race
Street Pier. The Race Street Pier seemed to mix the old with the new in a single space.
Several parts of the pier seemed to include reused metals from the prior building, and
towards the entrance of the lower level pier is a big square void that allows you to
take a look at what is holding up the pier. Overall, the sound of the water under the pier,
the gusting winds, and the smell of the trees and flowers makes the pier an ideal place
to relax. Although, the pier was not very occupied at the time that I went to observe it, I
have no doubts that this place attracts a lot of attention. Context Race Street Pier was
originally constructed in 1901 by the city for cargo ships and recreation
Animal Cruelty Research Paper
To Spay or Not to Spay

As a pet owner, we strive to make the best decisions for our furry friends, as we are
their only advocates. They depend on us for everything they need to survive. There
are so many decisions we must make on their behalf. What kind of food should we
feed them? When is it time to see a veterinarian? These are all choices we make to
ensure they live healthy and happy lives. One of the most controversial decisions we
are faced with is whether or not to spay or neuter our pets. Some people feel that it is an
unnecessary surgery, while others see it as a means to an end for pet overpopulation. I
personally feel that in order to make the best decision, we need to be sure we have the
correct facts. First we will cover the topic of pet overpopulation. It is estimated by The
Humane Society of the United States that approximately six to eight million pets are
brought in to animal shelters every year. Sadly, more than half of these pets are
euthanized due to overpopulation. That means that these pets are being killed purely
because there isn t enough room to house them. Animal shelters are packed full of
adoptable animals just looking for a place to call home. These animals rely on us
humans to save their lives, literally. It is irresponsible to allow your pet ... Show more
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It is an animal s natural instinct to roam for a mate while in heat. This can put them at
risk of getting hit by an automobile, attacked by another animal and even killed. An
animal will not go in to a heat cycle if they are spayed or neutered. Another pesky
behavior that can be curbed by neutering is urine marking. I m sure we have all see a
male dog lift his leg to urinate on every tree in the neighborhood. Sure there s nothing
wrong with that, but what if it was every chair in your house? Then there would be a
problem. To a dog, he is just marking his territory, which all goes back to that search for a
Catch 22 Conflict Analysis
More than 80 million people died during the long lasting conflict of World War II,
including soldiers and civilians. Disease, famine, and combat generated the mortality of
over three percent of the world s population in 1945. These issues are ordinary struggles
that a country participating in war is forced to suffer through. What effects does
international conflict have on its participants? That controversial question is centered at
the heart of Joseph Heller s novel, Catch 22. The results or consequences of warare
focused on through the mind of John Yossarian and other main characters. John struggles
to find the meaning of conflict while attempting to complete his required amount of
combat missions so he can return home. As the novel progresses,... Show more content on
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One character in Catch 22 that uses war to make a profit is Milo Minderbinder. Joseph
Heller uses Milo as a satire of the modern businessman and this becomes evident while
he works with Yossarian running the syndicate. The syndicate involves buying and
selling supplies to other countries for Milo s profit (372). Even though Milo is an
American man, he finds ways to perform business with people internationally. At a
certain point, Yossarian and Orr go on rest leave to Palermo with Milo, in order for
Milo to purchase supplies for the syndicate. Upon their arrival, Orr and Yossarian
notice that Milo is the mayor of Palermo, and he has used the war to benefit himself by
creating a business that functions only under the circumstances of war (234). At
certain times, Milo can go too far to make a profit. This is shown when Milo bombs
his own base in Pianosa, and he confesses to killing his own men for profit from the
German Army (257). In a similar way, when Milo agrees to help Yossarian find
someone in Rome, he hears of a large profit that can be made by smuggling illegal
tobacco. And after being made aware of the profit that can be made, Milo was gone
like a shot and Yossarian lost all hope of finding the girl (411). Milo is a great example
of a man who finds the bright side of even the darkest situations, including world war.
Taking all into consideration, Milo Minderbinder provides evidence that consequences of
conflict are negative for all
The Rise Of The Second World War
In Europe, the war are closely related to the rise of other wars, especially in Germany.
The increasing of the Second World War is viewed as being closely related back to the
First World War. In that war Germany under the right wing of Kaiser Wilhelm II along
with his associates, had been beat by countries like: The United Kingdom, United States,
France, Russia and others. The war was directly related by the winners on the nationalism
of Germany, even tho it was Germany that started the war with an attack on France.
France, which had underwent a previous defeat at the hands of Russia, they wanted
revenge for its financial occurance during the First World War. France made sure that the
other peace treaties, specifically the Treaty of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These powers created a government with the President s powers to pass the parliament.
Under a recent disaster cause in the Weimar constitution when the President died, his
office was temporarily taken over by Hitler. As a result, when Hindenburg died, the
gigantic powers of the presidency fell into the hands of Adolf Hitler. The Italian economy
also fell into a deep hole following Hitler s new control of power.

WORLD WAR 2 Concentrations Camps Concentration camps became places where

millions of regular people were becoming slaved as part of the war effort they were
starved, tortured and killed. Nearly 1,200 camps were spread across throughout
Germany countries. Nearly 15,000 camps were spread throughout Europe. Between
1933 and 1945, Germany established about 20,000 camps to prison it s captured and
those who they blamed. These camps were used for a lot of purposes including forced
labor camps, transit camps which were used as temporary way stations, and killing
buildings built primarily or exclusively for mass murder. The German Invasion of
Poland on September 1939, the Nazis opened forced labor camps where thousands of
Jews died from exhaustion, starvation, and open wounds. German soldiers guarded the
camps at all times, they didn t want anybody to escape to spread the word out. During
World War 2, the Nazi campgrounds grew huge rapidly. In some camps, Nazi doctors
performed lab experiments on prisoners. Following the June 1941, German
Starbucks Corporation, An American Company

The Starbucks Corporation, an American company founded in 1971 in Seattle, WA, has
had a substantial impact on the way Americans socialize, relax and even meet to conduct
business. Starbucks is a premier roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty coffee around
the world. With an annual growth consistently topping 20%, it is obvious that the
company is doing something right. Today, the Starbucks Corporation employs over
182,000 individuals in 19,767 company operated stores that are spread throughout 62
countries, making it the largest coffee house chain in the world. Their product mix
includes handcrafted and roasted premium priced coffees, tea and other beverages, as
well as a variety of fresh food items. Starbucks also licenses their trademark through
other channels such as licensed stores, grocery and national foodservice accounts. In
addition to the Starbucks brand, their portfolio includes goods offered under these
brands; Tazo, Seattle s Best Coffee, Starbucks VIA, Teavana, Starbucks Refreshers,
Evolution Fresh. Starbucks reached a total revenue of $14.89 billion as of September
29th, 2013. Their mission is to inspire the human spirit one person, one cup, and one
neighborhood at a time.

External Environment

You can typically find Starbucks company stores in high traffic, high visibility locations.
There are stores in a variety of settings, including downtown and suburban retail centers,
rural and off highway locations, office buildings, and university
Analyze Africa s actions and reacions during European...
When the Europeans scrambled to colonize Africa, the reactions of the natives was
progressively more apprehensive. At first the natives found that they could be peaceful
with this strange new white man. Soon after, though, they found that these new men
mistreated and cheated them greatly, and had superior military technology. Given these
new conditions of the relationship the Africans decided it was in their best interest to
take up arms against the Europeans and try to rid themselves of the harmful White Man.

In the beginning of the European African relationship we see much evidence of civil
exchanges, though the Africans seem to be apprehensive of complete European rule.
From Document1 we see that the African rulers signed ... Show more content on
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This account told of violence, derision, humiliation, and rape (Doc 4). Another account
from a Mojimba African chief described the British attacks upon the village. The chief
recounted that after hiding out in the forest for the duration of the attack, they returned
to ...: our brothers, dead, bleeding, our village plundered and burned, and the river full
of dead bodies (Doc 9). Other accounts of more mild wrongdoings. An Ashanti queen
spoke to other chiefs of their Kings being taken away (Doc6). Many of these injustices
performed against the Africans caused an uprising in their society; several tribes began to
resort to violence.

As European violence increased, the Africans began to seek ways to take action against
them. Yaa Asantewi, Ashanti queen mother, gave a speech to chiefs stating that if the
men did not begin to take action against the European violence soon, the women would
begin the fight the White Man themselves. This is quite significant because women
were considered second class citizens, weak people who did nothing but the simple
tasks in life. The Herero people also were compelled to take up arms against the Germans
invading South West Africa. In a letter he wrote Let us die fighting rather than die as a
result of maltreatment, imprisonment, or some other calamity. Tell all the chiefs down
there to rise and do battle (Doc 7). Finally, artwork can be analyzed from the uprisings
against Europeans such as the Italians. Document 5
An Argumentative Essay About Babymetal
cently, a new( ish) band from Japan called Babymetal (or as they like to be called,
BABYMETAL) has taken the music world by storm. Their rapid rise to success has
caught a lot of people s attention within and outside the metal community, culminating in
a North American tour where they opened for none other than Lady Gaga.

So who are these young teenage girls and what are they doing on stage with a metal
band? Are they really into metal? What kind of music do they play? Are they good?
What has the metal community s reaction been to them? Are they the real deal ? Is life
like a flat circle? Let us answer these questions one by one.

Who are these young teenage girls and what are they doing on stage with a metal band?
Babymetal are a heavy metal/J pop/symphonic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Whatever your opinion may be about the kind of music that they play and perform,
there is no denying that every member is a talented musician. The 3 girls are excellent
vocalists overall. Even the backing band is full of top notch musicians. Guitarist
Takayoshi Ohmura even plays for ex Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman s band. Live,
they are one of the most exciting acts to see with their high energy performances. Their
live shows are well staged events with choreographed dance routines, elaborate lighting,
and heavy use of props. Unlike an average metal concert, their shows are not only about
the music, but also about the whole experience. This is not to say that their music is not
good, because they really bring it on the stage.

What has the metal community s reaction been like? Polarising. Babymetal has faced
a lot of backlash from tr00 metal fans, the primary reasons being their gimmicky style
and that they are just a bunch of musicians who are paid to perform live, and whose
music is dictated by record labels. However some metal fans have accepted them with
open arms, calling them a breath of fresh air in a genre struggling for relevancy. Their
fans also include young kids, crossover J pop fans, and indie fans. Their following is
extremely diverse as a result of their unconventional

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