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Topics For Extended Definition Essay

Composing an essay on the subject of "Topics for Extended Definition Essay" can be a challenging
endeavor that demands a thoughtful approach and a comprehensive understanding of the chosen
theme. The difficulty lies not only in the requirement to define and elaborate on the chosen topic but
also in crafting a well-structured and engaging piece that captivates the reader's attention.

One of the primary challenges is selecting a topic that is both interesting and suitable for an extended
definition essay. This task often involves thorough brainstorming and research to identify a concept
that not only has depth and complexity but also allows for nuanced exploration. Additionally, the
writer must navigate the fine line between offering a clear definition and delving into the various
dimensions and interpretations of the chosen term.

Furthermore, organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner poses another hurdle. The
extended definition essay typically requires a careful arrangement of ideas, moving from the general
to the specific, and providing examples and evidence to support the writer's interpretation. Striking
the right balance between providing a comprehensive definition and maintaining the reader's interest
requires skillful writing and a keen understanding of the topic.

Moreover, avoiding clichés and ensuring originality in expressing ideas can be challenging. Given
that extended definition essays often tackle broad and commonly known concepts, finding a fresh
perspective and presenting insights that stand out can be demanding. Writers must strive to bring a
unique voice to the essay, contributing a personal touch to the exploration of the chosen topic.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Topics for Extended Definition Essay" requires navigating
through the intricacies of topic selection, organization, and expression. It demands not only a strong
command of language but also creativity and critical thinking. While the task may be formidable, the
rewards lie in the opportunity to delve deeply into a subject and offer readers a fresh perspective on
familiar concepts.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, a valuable resource is , where a range of writing services and expert guidance is available to support
academic endeavors.
Topics For Extended Definition Essay Topics For Extended Definition Essay
Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use Only Essay
The history of U.S. policy toward mind altering substances has followed cycles of
tolerance and intolerance ever since the mid 19th century. Walking into a smoked filled
room, of young and old engaged in therapeutic activities for numerous health conditions,
has been practice worldwide. In fact, the medical use of the cannabisplant goes back at
least 5,000 years to ancient China. It was used by most of the world s cultures for its
healing properties (Medical Marijuana Cases 1). Today such conditions as Migraine
headaches, Glaucoma, Cancer, Epilepsy, Asthma AIDS/HIV, Spinal injury, Muscle
spasms, Insomnia etc., could be treated for symptomatic relief with cannabis or cannabis
extract. However, marijuana is still considered an... Show more content on ...
More people are incarcerated in the nation s prisons for marijuana than manslaughter or
rap (Schlosser 92).5 Attempts to reduce dangerous prison overcrowding have been
disadvantaged by the nation s drug law. Across the country prisons are filled with
nonviolent fenders who mandatory minimum sentences do not allow for parole. At the
same time violent offenders are routinely being granted early release (Schlosser 92).5 For
example, Eric Schlosser reports this incident:
Eight years ago Douglas Lamar Gray brought a pound of marijuana in a room at the
Econo Lodge in Decatur, Alabama. He planned to keep a few ounces for himself and
sell the rest to some friends. Gray was a Vietnam veteran with an artificial leg. As a
young man, he d been convicted of a number of petty crimes none serious enough to
warrant a prison warrant. He had stayed out of trouble for thirteen years. He now owned

Rivera 4 own business called Gray s Roofing and Remodeling Company. He had a
home, a wife and a two year old son. The man who sold him the drug, Jimmy Wilcox
was a felon just released from prison with more than thirty convictions on his record.
Wilcox was also an informer employed by the Morgan County Drug Task Force. The
local sheriff s department, as part of a sting, had supplied the pound of marijuana. After
paying Wilcox $900 for the pot, which seemed like a real bargain, Douglas Lamar Gray
was arrested and
Hart Crane s Influence On Make It New
Among the innumerable modernist poets that successfully encompass Ezra Pound s
slogan, Make It New, Hart Crane best embodies this mindset with his innovative
poetry. However, Make It New does not imply that the ideas must be completely
original. Very well read, Crane and his poetry were influenced by many, ranging from
foreign writers, such as William Shakespeare and Charles Baudelaire, to other writers
of his time, such as T.S. Eliot. By merging already recognized ideas of renowned
writers along with his own creativity, Crane conveys a sense of familiarity, allowing
readers to grasp onto traces of acquainted aspects as they attempt to make sense of his
otherwise profound poetry. While borrowing others ideas may seem far from innovative,
... Show more content on ...
To Brooklyn Bridge was directly inspired by T.S. Eliot s The Wasteland and Walt
Whitman s Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, but the poem itself does not contain words or
phrases that directly correlate to those specific poets and their respective poems.
Instead, the overall atmosphere of the poem may remind readers of Eliot and
Whitman. First of all, once again according to the anthology, To Brooklyn Bridge is a
hopeful reply to The Wasteland, where Eliot writes of a fractured world, a perspective
Crane shares, but his response paints a more optimistic picture. Crane accomplishes this
by using the Brooklyn Bridge as its prime symbol... to restore meaning and unity to a
fragmented and dissonant modern world (Axelrod 626). The Bridge is a manmade effort
that is capable of connecting the fragmented world. This hope is also reminiscent of
Whitman s ideas of an idealistic and unified America. Yet, a more significant influence
from Whitman is the theme of repressed homosexuality that is present in the poem. With
both poets being homosexual, it is no surprise that Crane was influenced by Whitman.
The second to last stanza
Teachers Perception Of Merit Pay
Teacher perception of merit pay Over the years, the American schools have struggled
with the issue of educational reform due to accountability. Many teachers today,
strongly believe they are underpaid for the services they perform in American
classrooms. Some states have developed a merit system towards teacher s pay as
incentive to boost teacher s morale and increase student s achievement.The question that
is posited, how bias is this system when it comes to teachers who work in poverty
stricken areas and schools that are at risk. Those teachers are not equally capable of
increasing student achievement, as their counterparts in schools that are in areas that are
more affluent. Merit pay is defined as connecting the teacher s pay to the achievement
Gender Differences in TV
Malcolm in the Middle Television holds an important part in most of our lives. From a
young age, we spend countless hours sitting in front of a television set. Every year there
are new shows created, and our favorite shows are renewed for another season. There are
numerous programs to choose from. Televisionbroadcasts are free, and there are also
paid options for more diverse programming. We are fortunate enough to be able to spend
on average a third of our leisure time watching television all from the comfort of our
homes. Given the incredible reach that television has on our lives, we can say that
television has a significant impact on our lives. Authors, Renzetti and Curran, claim that
television is a profound socializing... Show more content on ...
As previously mentioned, Renzetti and Curran, make several claims about the kind of
gendered messages that we as a society receive via our favorite television shows. I
selected three other claims to see whether or not they held true for Malcolm in the Middle
. The first claim is that female characters are more likely than men to use sex or
romantic charm to get what they want. Men, in contrast, are more likely than women
to use physical force. I recorded each instance of use or threat of physical force and
whether it was a man or woman who did so. Each instance of sex or romantic charm
was also recorded according to which sex used that technique. Another claim was only
28% of women are shown on the job compared to 41% of male characters. I kept a tally
of characters that were shown on the job or made any reference to their jobs. The last
claim I chose to analyze was that men on television are rarely shown doing housework
(one to three percent compared to twenty to twenty seven percent of women). I kept a
tally of each instance that a household chore was done and whether it was a man or
woman who took care of the task. The first claim that I analyzed was that women are
more likely to use charm and men are more likely to use physical force held true
according to my sample. There were three instances of using charm. Hal, the father, did
so once. Lois, the mother, did so the other two times. The second
Police Enforcement Agents Should Wear Body Cameras
Every incident is seen, heard and recorded thanks to HD video and audio body
cameras. One popular brand of body cameras is FrontLine. FrontLine sees and hears
everything a law enforcement officer does. FrontLine is fully integrated with
IndigoVision s Control Center video management software delivering a different
dimension of safety. Easy to install and intuitive to operate, Control Center gives you
sight, sound and oversight of all cameras in the system. The FrontLine is a tireless
witness, working without a coffee break, without blinking. It misses nothing. These
amazing body cameras should definitely be worn by law enforcement agents because it
holds the officer accountable, is used to document the contact made between the officer
and the victim and or suspect, supports the use of force action, keeping the officers and
citizens honest, and the videos can be used for training for all officers.

One reason law enforcement agents should wear body cameras is to hold the officer
accountable. Holding the officer accountable, will ensure the officer adheres to policies
and procedures during an encounter with victims and suspects. Body worn cameras are
poised to help boost accountability for law enforcement and citizens. And unlike many
new police technologies, the cameras share preliminary support from both law
enforcement and social justice groups. The cameras may be particularly beneficial for
Black and Latino men, who are likelier to shoulder the harms of any police

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