Internet Addiction Essay

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Internet Addiction Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of internet addiction can be both challenging and intriguing. The
difficulty lies in navigating the complex web of information surrounding this modern phenomenon.
As technology continues to advance, the implications of excessive internet usage become
increasingly profound, making it a pertinent subject for exploration.

One of the challenges is striking the right balance between presenting factual information and
expressing a thoughtful analysis. The topic of internet addiction encompasses a wide range of
aspects, including psychological, social, and cultural dimensions. Researching and synthesizing
relevant information from reputable sources is crucial to establishing a strong foundation for the

Moreover, addressing the potential counterarguments and diverse perspectives on internet addiction
adds another layer of complexity. While some argue that the internet has revolutionized
communication and accessibility to information, others emphasize the negative impacts on mental
health, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being. Balancing these opposing viewpoints
requires careful consideration and nuanced articulation.

Crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the essay is essential. It should
provide a clear roadmap for the reader, guiding them through the exploration of causes, effects, and
potential solutions related to internet addiction. Creating a well-structured outline can help organize
thoughts and ideas coherently, ensuring a logical flow throughout the essay.

Furthermore, addressing the evolving nature of technology and its impact on internet addiction poses
a unique challenge. The landscape is constantly changing, with new platforms and trends emerging
regularly. Staying updated on the latest research findings and incorporating current examples is
crucial for maintaining the relevance and timeliness of the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on internet addiction requires a careful balance of research, analysis,
and critical thinking. Navigating the complexities of this multifaceted topic demands a
comprehensive understanding of the psychological, social, and cultural aspects involved. However,
with diligence and a thoughtful approach, one can craft an insightful essay that contributes to the
ongoing discourse on the impact of the internet on individuals and society.

If you need assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, consider exploring the
services available at . Professional writers can provide support in crafting well-
researched and well-structured essays on a variety of topics, ensuring high-quality content that meets
your academic needs.
Internet Addiction Essay Internet Addiction Essay
Analysis Of Disney Company s Recreation Of Public Domain...
Once upon a time there were gripping tales shared between generation to generation
and continuously passed down. The listener s focus was on the story s message and
not its possible profit allowed those listeners to live happily ever after. Storytelling
began long ago traditionally told orally before there was a shift to written stories and
eventually as technology developed became a digital market. Some of the most famous
digitalized tales are fairy tales. Previous to digital development, copyrightlaws on fairy
tales were slim because there was less concern over copying. This is also how the story
s focus was more on the message and its creative development than the potential profit.
The Walt Disneycompany s recreation of public domainfairy tales demonstraights how
copyright laws have hindered artistic creativitity within America.
The Walt Disney company, is a beloved as well as infamous company worldwide also
notoriously known for their strict copyright laws. Original American copyright laws
stated artistic works were protected for 28 years and these laws were eventfully
extended to a 56 year time frame. The term continues to increase with the present law
set at 75 years. Large companies like Disney continue to fight for stricter and longer
laws because of the revenue they will continue to bring it. (Washington post). One
apparent problem from the extensions is public lacks the ability to build on Disney
stories since they are not in public domain. In the 1997 report
Bless Me Ultima Journey
Journeys of Destiny
The proverb All roads lead to Rome refers to the fact that many different routes can
lead to the same result. Likewise, the path to one s destiny depends on the person. For
example, Tony s journey to his destiny in Rudolfo Anaya s Bless Me, Ultima is different
than Paikea s in Witi Ihimaera s Whale Rider. Their destinies are different, but their
destinies are inevitable events, regardless of the path they take to achieve it. However
different their journeys may be, there are always certain elements that are universal
among all journeys to destiny.
Universal among all journeys to destiny, tragic events test the perseverance and resolve
of the one on his or her journey to destiny. In Rudolfo Anaya s Bless Me, Ultima, Antonio
... Show more content on ...
Riddled with tragic events, mentors and beliefs help one to continue on one s path to
destiny and not stray from it. However stretched or rough or slippery the path is, it will
lead to one s
Essay about Persuasion in 12 Angry Men
In his article, The Necessary Art of Persuasion , Jay Conger stated that persuasion is
NOT about selling or convincing; rather, it is a learning and negotiating process. Good
persuaders use and listen to ongoing and active discussions (or debates) to learn about
their audience and include different opinions into a shared conclusion. In the movie 12
Angry Men , juror number 8 (Henry Fonda) was not sure if evidence presented against a
young defendant in court left reasonable doubt for a guilty conviction. The other jurors
believed the presented facts and the defendant s background warrants a guilty conviction.
The movie showed how juror number 8 persuasively got the other jurors to review each
fact logically, which led to an unanimous... Show more content on ...
It is critical to identify the tangible benefits and values that really matters to people being
persuade. Effective persuaders consider what is important to an audience and lays his or
her position to match common ground with the audience. This is a give and take process.
Effective persuaders also use testimonies, past and current research, etc and readjust their
argument to make them appealing to their audience. Persuaders must know an audience
well enough to know what will capture their immediate and continued attention.

Juror number 8 was in a situation where there is no common ground between him and
the other jurors. All are from diverse backgrounds and uncomfortably brought together to
deliberate the facts in an open and shut murder trial. Juror number 8, wanting to just talk
, kept reconsidering and adjusting his position with the other juror s positions about the
defendant until a common was reach in the deliberation. Again, this is a give and take
process and is effective if properly done right.

The third essential step is presenting evidence to an audience. Conger stated that
evidence alone will not convince an audience to support a position or an idea. Evidence
can appear too abstract and not entirely informative. Persuaders, Conger noted, use
stories, metaphors, analogies, examples, etc and use vivid language skillfully to paint a
compelling big picture of their point of view. This approach is far more effective than
stating facts in
Essay on The Island Of Dr. Moreau
In 1896 H. G. Wells had the first edition of The Island of Dr. Moreau ; published. The
book took place primarily on an island in the Pacific Ocean. On this island Dr. Moreau
and his assistant ( Montgomery) performed dangerous, secret experiments on humans and
animals. When Wells wrote this he knew nothing about DNA, cloning, or chromosomes
but he did use his scientific imagination. Wells realized that society was beginning to rely
on sciencetoo much in the late nineteenth century. He wrote this book to issue a stern
warning for future societies against their own scientific advancements. He knew that just
like his society others will want to quench their appetite for this tasty treat called
vivisection or cloning. He knew that... Show more content on ...
It has created a whole new atmosphere in which to read this book one in such Wells
predicted by writing this book. Wells would be disappointed at our disregard of his
Another important theme that Wells tried to convey to us was that doing experiments
on humans and animals were unethical. He at first tells us of the locked room where
these animals and humans were being operated. He shows that they wanted to keep it
a secret until they could trust their scientific advancements in the hands of the public.
It is just like today because when you find a new formula or anything you have to keep
it a secret before others find out. When others find out they will and can take their
ideas and experiments and I think that is why Dr. Moreau secluded himself from the
public. Dr. Moreau also knew that people would not approve of his scientific studies
especially in the late nineteenth century. Wells was trying to show us that Moreau was
just a scientist not a mean psychotic out of control person. He wanted what every
scientist wanted and that was success but he took it a little past what his culture viewed
as normal. If Moreau had executed his experiments in the light of his peers in the science
world he would have been persecuted. Wells tried to let this doctor run free with his
experiments but found
The Texas Nurses Association ( Tna )
The Texas Nurses Association (TNA) District one meeting for the El Paso area, took
place on September 20, 2016 at 1845. The President of District one, Paula Meagher was
unable to attend the meeting as she was ill. She did however provide us with a list of the
current Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) issues that TNA is engaged in. The
issue that really caught my attention was TexasOccupations Code, section 157.011 (b 1)
which deals with APRN restrictions on writing prescriptions for Schedule two controlled
substances. The TNA website states:
Texas Occupations Code, Section 157.0511 (b 1) states that an APRN may prescribe
Schedule IIs in a hospital. The law does not say that APRNs may prescribe but must fill
the prescription in a hospital. If patient feel more comfortable going to their local
pharmacy to fill their prescription, then state boards should not prohibit them from doing
so (TNA, 2016).
While in the hospital APRNs can prescribe schedule two substances and must be filled in
the hospitals pharmacy. The APRN is restricted in which they cannot write these
prescriptions for patients to fill in an outside pharmacy (TNA, 2016). TNA states the
TNA recommends that the Legislature clarify this statute to remove any doubt regarding
the interpretation, and allow all APRNs to issue discharge prescriptions for patients,
regardless of the pharmacy the patient chooses (TNA, 2016).
This issue can cause confusion, and in some hospitals without a pharmacy,
Biological And Environmental Influence Of Biomes On Earth
Biomes is an area on earth that can be classified according to plants and animals that live
there. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the
small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome. There are many
different types of biomes on earth s surface. The divisions are based on climatepatterns,
soil types, animals, and plants that inhabit the area. There are five basic types of biomes
which includes; desert, aquatic, grasslands, forest, and tundra. The tundra is a biome
typified by permafrost, permanently frozen ground, that is found in polar regions and
isolated patches at the tops of mountains. The tundra is located all over the world. Places
such as Alaska, Northern Canada, edges of... Show more content on ...
Continents such as South America, South Africa, and the Western tip of Australia. The
animals are all mainly grassland and desert types adapted to hot, dry weather. Animals
that are in the biome are coyotes, jack rabbits, mule deer, alligator lizards, and horned
lizards. The climate is 30 40 °F. Dependent on latitude, yearly range can be between
20°C to
White Fang And The Call Of The Wild
White Fang and The Call of The Wild Essay The Topic is of White Fang and The Call
of The Wild are survival , compassion , and death . The definition of survival is the
state of carrying on to exist, more often than not in spite of an accident/ordeal/easier
said than done way of life, and an object/practice that has continued to exist from an
earlier time. The definition of compassion is sympathetic pity/concern for the sufferings
of others. The definition of death is the action/fact of dying/being killed; the end of the
life of a person/organism, the state of being dead, and the permanent ending of vital
processes in a cell/tissue. How does these 3 themes tell about The Call of The Wildand
White Fang? This will tell you about the books.... Show more content on
What Buck did for survival is when he was learning what to do in the north, hunting
that moose for a long time, fighting back against that pack of wolves that he joined
after the fight, eating his food quickly so the other dogs don t eat his food, fighting
back against the people that sold him even though he failed, killing off his rival Spitz,
fighting back against the man in the red sweater, and trying not to get knocked off his
feet (London, 1979). What White Fang did for survival is when he was saved by the
She Wolf from being killed from a weasel, fighting the lynx with the She Wolf, staying
around the She Wolf in the village, running away from Gray Beaver, running back to
Gray Beaver, escaping from Beauty Smith, fighting back against the dogs in the cage,
fighting the lynx that was in the cage, and attacking Beauty Smith. Buck learned
survival, and White Fang had it in his blood (London, 1988). Survival is important
because it decides who lives and who

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