Descriptive Essay Samples

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Descriptive Essay Samples

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essay Samples" can prove to be a challenging task.
The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of essay writing but also in the need for a
heightened sense of descriptive language. To produce an effective descriptive essay, one must go
beyond the surface and delve into the intricacies of detail, using words to paint a vivid picture in the
reader's mind.

The challenge starts with the selection of appropriate descriptive elements. It demands a keen
observation of the subject and a thoughtful consideration of which details will create a more
engaging and immersive experience for the reader. Striking the right balance between providing
enough information to convey a comprehensive image and avoiding overwhelming the audience
requires finesse.

Furthermore, maintaining coherence and flow in the essay is a delicate task. Each descriptive element
should seamlessly connect to the next, guiding the reader through a well-structured narrative. This
demands a thorough understanding of the chosen topic and the ability to organize thoughts in a
logical sequence, ensuring that the essay unfolds smoothly.

The challenge extends to the language itself. A descriptive essay calls for a rich vocabulary and an
adept use of literary devices to evoke emotions and sensations. Selecting the right words to capture
the essence of the subject is crucial, requiring a deep appreciation for the nuances of language.

Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichés and creating a unique, personalized perspective.
It's not just about describing what others might see but finding a distinctive angle that sets the essay
apart. This demands creativity and the ability to view familiar subjects through a fresh lens.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Descriptive Essay Samples" is no simple feat. It involves a

careful selection of descriptive elements, meticulous organization, skillful language use, and a touch
of creativity. However, for those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays and more,
resources like can provide valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay
Descriptive Essay Samples Descriptive Essay Samples
Burger King And Brome Modern Eatery
Millions of restaurants market their food in various ways to attract you, the consumer.
In Kiera Butler s essay, The Creepy Language Tricks Taco Bell Uses to Fool People into
Eating There, she explains how various language usage on a menu can be used to provide
a positive and appealing impression to the customers of that restaurant. Marketers create
menus with the goal to appeal to the buyers thus, creating revenue for the restaurant. A
restaurant s menumay vary from a high quality cuisine to a cheaper lower quality food.
Two popular restaurant s menus: Burger Kingand Brome Modern Eatery, use numerous
ways to portray their menus in an appealing and positive manor. Though both restaurants
have a similar cuisine, Burger King, is... Show more content on ...
Another way Burger King tries to make their menu stand out and appeal the
consumers is by, using a variety of fonts. Burger King assumes that their customers
struggle to stay focused while reading a boring menu so, to keep their customers
interested and focused, Burger King uses a plethora of bold attention grabbing fonts.
Burger King wants to be flashy and use fonts to create this bold image. Finally, vibrant
color on a menu is used to make it appear energetic, or even exciting to the customers.
If the menu was boring or dull in color, it would create the same negative impression
about the food. The entire Burger King menu is packed with various colors for each
section of the menu, this creates an appealing image for the menu. So, what impressions
do these tactics provide on the actual quality of the food served at Burger King?
Unfortunately, there does come a point when too much on a menu becomes a bad thing.
Over using pictures, fonts, and colors on the menu tends to make the quality of the food
seem cheap and unfulfilling. Burger King uses pictures, fonts and colors to provide an
appealing and positive impression about the food they serve however, these tactics may
also distract the customers from the quality of the food.
In contrast, Brome Modern Eatery s menu includes limited amounts of pictures, fewer
fonts, and less colors compared to Burger King. Brome s very simple and straight
forward menu consists of eleven different burgers that are
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Research Paper
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight with 239
passengers and crew members on board on 8 March 2014. While flying from Kuala
Lumpur International Airport near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing Capital
International Airport in Beijing, the aircraft, a Boeing 777 200ER, disappeared mid
flight. Afterwards, Malaysia s Prime Minister, Najib Razak, announced that the Flight
370 ended somewhere in the Indian Ocean, however no further explanation has been
given. This mysterious event gives rise to several theories about the disappearance
including hijacking, Terrorist attack, military shoot down, Phantom cellphone
hypothesis, etc. Amount these theories; one popular possibility was that the flight
MH370 was kidnapped
Essay about Placing English Language Learners in Special...
When do English language learners need to be placed in special education?

In the United States, there has been an increase in in the number of children from
Spanish speaking backgrounds. The English Language Learners, commonly known as
ELL s, are being placed in Special Education without being properly tested for a learning
disability. However there are a large number of ELL s with learning disabilities in
elementary grades that truly have a learning disability and are over looked. Many school
districts have problems placing ELL s. As a result these students end up in special
education whether they have a learning disability or language impairment. Teachers are
also indecisive when dealing with ELL s. Most teachers recommend that ELL s ... Show
more content on ...
This is a good starting point to help teachers distinguish between a true learning disability
and learning English as a second language. If an ELL has a real learning disability then
early detection is essential. However, if an ELL does have a learning disorder and
does not receive special education for many years, because teachers were waiting for
he or she to learn the language, serious consequences could happen (Haung, Clarke,
Milczarski, Raby, 2011). Students could be grade levels behind their peers and could
suffer emotionally and socially in and out of school. Some ELLs may be able to speak
in their native language, but they may not be able to read and write in it. Finally,
teachers also have to pay very close attention to ELLs. Each ELL has had a different set
of experiences and ranges of educational exposure (Haung, Clarke, Milczarski, Raby,
2011). Teachers must push for appropriate professional development for teachers
working with ELLs. Teachers are more prepared to deliver appropriate assessment and
instructional modifications to ELLs with disabilities when they have been given
appropriate professional development (Haung, Clarke, Milczarski, Raby, 2011). There
are many
System Thinking Is The Process Of Understanding How
System thinking is the process of understanding how things influence one another within
a system. Russell L. Ackoff, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, and Peter Senge s define, think
differently, and have different approaches of system thinking. Russell L. Ackoff was
born on February 12, 1919 in Philadelphia. He was a pioneer in the field of operations
research, systems thinking and managementscience. (Russell L. Ackoff) He received his
bachelor degree in architecture at the University of Pennsylvania in 1941. In 1942 to
1946, he served in the U.S. Army. After his return he went on to study at the
University of Pennsylvania, where he received his doctorate in philosophy of science
in 1947 as C. West Churchman s first doctoral student. (Russell L. Ackoff) Russell L.
Ackoff says the typical way management has been trained in the western world is to
divide any complex system into parts, and then try to manage each part as best as you
can. If these were to be divided into parts we would believe two things which are any
problem can be solved, and the system as a whole will behave well. Ackoff goes on to
say these are false because it s possible to improve the performance of each part taken
separately and destroy the system at the same time. (Production Management: A Total
Quality Management Approach) Ackoff defines a system as a whole containing two or
more parts that contains the five conditions. The first condition is the whole has one or
more important properties or functions. The

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