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Essay Economic Problem

Writing an essay on the topic of the economic problem can be a challenging endeavor that requires a
comprehensive understanding of economic principles, theories, and real-world applications. The
economic problem itself is a complex concept that involves the allocation of scarce resources to meet
unlimited wants and needs. As an essay writer, delving into this topic requires a deep dive into
economic theories such as scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, and the role of government
in economic systems.

One of the difficulties lies in presenting a well-structured argument that not only defines the
economic problem but also explores its implications on various levels—individual, societal, and
global. Additionally, addressing the historical context and evolution of economic problems adds
another layer of complexity to the essay. Researchers need to analyze how economic challenges have
changed over time, shaped by technological advancements, globalization, and geopolitical factors.

Moreover, writing an essay on the economic problem demands a critical examination of different
schools of economic thought. From classical to Keynesian economics, each perspective offers unique
insights into how societies grapple with scarcity and seek solutions to economic challenges. This
requires a nuanced understanding of economic ideologies and their implications for policy-making.

Furthermore, incorporating current examples and real-world case studies is crucial for demonstrating
the practical relevance of the economic problem. This involves staying informed about the latest
economic trends, global events, and policy changes that impact economies worldwide. Effective
essay writing on this topic requires the ability to connect theoretical concepts with contemporary
issues, showcasing a dynamic understanding of economic dynamics.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the economic problem demands a blend of theoretical

knowledge, critical thinking skills, and an ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. It involves
navigating through economic theories, historical contexts, and real-world applications to provide a
comprehensive analysis of the topic. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on intricate
subjects like the economic problem, resources such as can be invaluable, offering
expert guidance and support for academic writing needs.
Essay Economic ProblemEssay Economic Problem
Plastic Advantages And Disadvantages
Look at the things around us sunglasses, lunch boxes, ball point pen, and many kinds
of products we use every day; look at the garbage bags lie on the street, and the water
bottle lies on the beach... many things around us are made of plastic. As a result,
plastic is one of the most used materials in our daily lives. Admittedly plastic has some
advantages; however, the disadvantages outweigh its advantages because of it is hard to
decompose, wastes resources and contains toxic and harmful substances.For instance,
plastic is very hard to degrade. The molecules in plastic are strong, so it is hard to break
the bond between atoms in it. Based on the scientific research, one plastic bag needs
approximately 200 years to decompose into soil. It will lead to plenty of environmental
problems. According to Yamashita, Takada, Fukuwaka, and Watanuki, there is a marine
pollutionin the Pacific Ocean, which kills a large amount of marine life. The
researchers claimed the process of biomagnifications in which is about small fish
ingests plastic which concentrates with their bodies. When larger birds eat them, they
will absorb those toxic substances as well. As this process upgrades, human eats the
species which contains toxins, they will become sick as well. These are caused by
overuse of PVC plastic. The polluted area is fitting in the area that people use plastic
products, and the pollution level in the Pacific is in proportion to the amount of PVC
plastic products. This concludes
Rappaccini s Daughter Analysis
Rappaccini s Daughter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a short story about how
beauty is within and not just physical. When Hawthorne was four years old his father
was in an accident and died on the scene, leaving his mother to raise him and his
siblings alone. Thus, leading him to have respect for all women, and it is reflected in
the story. For instance, the main character Beatrice is this aesthetic, sweet, and a naïve
woman and Giovanni is just focused more on her beauty rather than anything else.
Moreover, when Giovanni first sees Beatrice in the garden, he describes her as the
most beautiful woman he s ever seen and is just blinded by her beauty. What he doesn
t know is that her father, Doctor Rappaccini, is a scientist who cares more about
science more than anything else. The place where Beatrice and Giovanni spend all
their time together is in the garden, which represents loneliness , and unfortunately one
of the main characters will learn that the hard way. When Giovanni meets Professor
Baglioni, a professor of medicine who is Rappaccini s rival he helps him get Beatrice,
or at least that s what Giovanni thinks. However, what Giovanni does not know is that
the love of his life isn t who he thinks she is. Beatrice Rappaccini is the daughter of a
scientist who is experimenting with plants, and they have a beautiful garden in the
backyard. She is the most beautiful woman that Giovanni has ever seen and people
around the village agree that she is beautiful, but nobody knows the real her, they just
notice her appearance. She is full of life, full of energy, and her heart is so big and
there isn t a drop of evilness in her body. For an instance, the reptile contorted itself
violently, and then lay motionless in the sunshine. Beatrice observed this remarkable
phenomenon, and crossed herself (Hawthorne 411). When people cross themselves it s
because they re at a funeral, something horrible just happened to one, or someone
important to them. Beatrice and Giovanni spend all their time together in the garden
and it symbolizes a place of isolation and beauty because the flowers are poisonous but
beautiful. For example, a shrub catches his eye from the color, which is purple, and its
fragrance draws him
United States Postal Service Pros And Cons
The United States Postal Service s (USPS) officials are neglecting their obligations
established in Article One, Section Eight of the American Constitution, and established in
the promulgated statute and tenor of the Private Express Statute.
The aforementioned divulgatory laws mandate the USPS officials to deliver mail to all
properties and residences addresses with acceptable authorized USPS receptacles.
However, a copious number of USPS officials is denying Disabled Veteran Timberlake s
authorized USPS receptacle, its property mail delivery service for 2117 Atkins Drive,
Huntsville, Alabama 35810.
Yes, some malevolent managerial USPS officials decreed the unlawful interdiction of
home mail delivery service to the property and home address ... Show more content on ...
Far too numerous overzealous kakistocratical USPS officials are continuing their
vehement persecution, despite its detrimental health effects to property owner Ralph
Accordingly, more than a few unprincipled USPS officials are unlawfully and
discriminatorily ordered terminating Disabled Veteran Ralph Timberlake s property mail
delivery service.
Yes, Disabled Veteran Timberlake vitally needs USPS property and home mail delivery
service, to receive his mailed United States Department of Veteran Affairs , etc. mailed:
1. Doctors appointments
2. Medication 3. Annuity checks
By the USPS officials inaugurated cessation, they have estranging its property mail
delivery service to 2117 Atkins Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35810, as its neighbors. ,
nevertheless, their ceasing property mail delivery service without due process of law,
their actions have proven to erode Disabled Veteran Ralph Timberlake s health.
Irrespective of the property owner s stern objections and his petitioning the USPS
officials pursuant to their denial of property mail delivery placing Disabled Veteran
Ralph Timberlake s life in grave and imminent
Company Background Of Samsung Is A South Korean...
Company Background: Samsung may be a South Korean transnational company those
beginning its business as alittle commerce company and immediately turning into world
largest corporation. the corporate deals with its business in many sectors like advance
technology, finance, organic compound, semiconductors, plant construction, skyscraper,
medicine, fashion, hotels, chemical et al. the corporate was established in 1969 in
Suwon, Republic of Korea and noted globally for its electronic merchandise (Kelly,
2011). the corporate is producing many latest technologies, electronic appliances like
mobile phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washers and
different merchandise. the corporate runs its operations and sales its merchandise in
sixty one countries with approx a hundred and sixty,000 workers altogether over the
planet (SAMSUNG, 2014). Moreover, the corporate noninheritable the position of the
planet biggest IT maker in 2009 by beating the Hewlett Packard (HP) previous leader. Its
sales revenue within the section of LCD and junction rectifier is that the highest within
the world. moreover, Samsung conjointly becomes world leader within the section of
tablets, mobile phones and gadgets. History: Company started its business as a Samsung
industry Co Ltd in 1969 and introduced some electronic merchandise like Black and
white TVs, washer and white goods from 1960 to 1975. The worldwide institution and
enlargement of the business and operations of the
Theft Intimation For Goods And Vehicle
Theft Intimation for Goods and Vehicle

Rasure Ravindra Mahadev

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Dhole Patil College of Engineering
Pune, India Kulkarni Suyash Sadanand
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Dhole Patil College of Engineering
Pune, India

Dhemare Pranoti Suresh

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Dhole Patil College of Engineering
Pune, India Jagtap Dinesh Annasaheb
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Dhole Patil College of Engineering
Pune, India Abstract Consolidating the Global Positioning
System(GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) Technology an
Embedded wireless system named Theft Detection of Goods and Vehicle Tracking system
is propounded. This is a long distance real time vehicle surveillance and security system.
This system fulfils the critical need of continuous weight monitoring of goods in a
vehicle and real time tracking if the vehicle.
Keywords Embedded system, GPS ,GSM, Vehicle, Load cell.
In this modern and fast pace moving world vehicular tracking system is an urgent
technological need to be implemented ensuring are personal and business life security.
Safety and security of a vehicle is a foremost requirement of its owner. Hence, equipping
your vehicle with a smart system well ensure full proof mechanism for the vehicle s
safety [1]. This system enhances efficiency
Essay On Kabir Kala Manch
After the Gujarat riots, which was a three day period of inter communal violence
between the Hindus and Muslims in the western Indian state of Gujarat. A group of
students came together and formed Kabir Kala Manch. A cultural group which, through
their music and poetry, took up the cause of social inequality by making people aware on
various social issues through their street plays in the city. They fearlessly encourage
listeners to oppose government policies promoting economic liberation that conserve
India s social economic division.
Some ways of distributing their points towards the public such as their song My Mother ,
Rohith Vemula which comments on the death of democracy, and Sadhya Patta Bhumigat
published by Lokvangmay ... Show more content on ...
They perform across the country in slums, university auditoriums and theater venues. But
despite these performances unfortunately some of their recent shows were cancelled due
to people who believe that the group threatens national security since they openly critique
the state. Due to this happening, different members of the Kabir Kala Manch have been
imprisoned since 2011. Just recently some of the members were actually recently
released this year during the month of January.
One of the troupe s famous songs is about the suicide death of Rohith Vemula. The
scholar from Hyderabad University who committed suicide. The song comments on the
death of democracy, Sheetal Sathe who is the founder and member of the cultural
troupe sings about how casteism which is prejudice or antagonism against someone,
blocks the education system and about how it placed restrictions on education. Sathe
unfortunately was in jail for three months on the charge that she and her husband were
Maoists which is a type of communist party in India. Sheetal Sathe was arrested when
she was 6 months pregnant. Due to her health conditions, she was let out on bail when
she was over 8 months pregnant. The couple and other members of KKM arrested
themselves voluntarily. Sathe joined KKM soon after its formation in 2002. Mali her
husband joined a year later, by leaving his job to become a full time activist. The group
which is clearly left leaning, has stated
History And Geography Of Greece Essay

As part of the team in charge of evaluating the possibility of entering in Greece to start an
olive business, i took the time to dig into the history and geography of the country, its
economy, how the government operates, the culture, and any potential ethical concern
that will prevent us from entering the country. The following report covers each of this
aspect and provides a recommendation on entering the market.


Greece, located in the Southern Europe and has a very irregular shaped peninsula, it is
surrounded to the east by the Aegean Sea, to the west by the Ionian Sea, and to the south
by the Mediterranean Sea. Greece is also located between Africa, Asia and Europe which
makes it very attractive and strategic destination. Greece gained its independence in 1830
from The Ottoman Empire and over the years has gone through a various number
transformation from the Ancient Greece to the Republic of Greece. Its capital Athens is
located in the heart of the country and has kept most of its landmarks since the 5th
century. Greece joined the European Union in June 2001, has suffered a severe economic
crisis in 2009 and recently agreed on its third bailout valued at$96 Billion.


Before the crisis, the country had a GDP of 354.46 Billion Dollars with a minimum of
3% growth and was in par wit all European Union rules. According to the CIA as of 2016
Greece has a GDP of 195.21 Billion Dollars and a 2% deficit. Greece is still trying to

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