Argumentative Persuasive Essay

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Argumentative Persuasive Essay

Writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be a daunting task, especially when attempting to
tackle it alone. The process involves not only articulating your own viewpoint but also anticipating
and addressing potential counterarguments effectively. It requires extensive research to gather
credible evidence and sources to support your stance, adding to the complexity. Crafting a coherent
and compelling argument demands critical thinking skills and the ability to structure your thoughts

Moreover, finding the balance between passion and objectivity is crucial. While it's essential to
convey your conviction and enthusiasm for your position, it's equally important to present your
argument in a rational and respectful manner, acknowledging opposing viewpoints without
dismissing them outright.

Additionally, the writing process itself can be time-consuming and mentally taxing. From
brainstorming and outlining to drafting and revising, each stage demands attention to detail and a
commitment to refining your ideas and arguments.

Given these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services like
can be beneficial. They offer expertise and support to help navigate the complexities of crafting a
persuasive argument. Whether it's providing guidance on structuring your essay, conducting research,
or refining your writing, these services can alleviate some of the pressures associated with tackling
such a demanding task.

In conclusion, while writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be challenging, it's not
insurmountable, especially with the right resources and support. Consider reaching out to for assistance with this task and similar academic endeavors.
Argumentative Persuasive Essay Argumentative Persuasive Essay
Lance Armstrong Research Paper
Lance Armstrong was a cyclist born on September 18, 1971 in Plano, Texas. At the
age of thirteen Lance started to compete in cycling races and triathlons. He was a
professional athlete at the age of sixteen. He left at about the age of 17 to go to
Colorado to train with the United States Olympic Development Team. He became the
United States and World Cycling Champion in 1933. He won the Clásica de San
Sebastián in 1995 and the La Flèche Wallonne in1996. In October of 1996 he was
diagnosed with brain lung and testicular cancer. Lance also won the Tour de Francea
record seven consecutive times between 1999 and 2005. Armstrong decided to retire in
2005. In 2012 the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA) stripped him of his
seven Tour de France... Show more content on ...
He lost sponsorships from SRAM, as well as Nike, Anheuser Busch, Budweiser, Trek
bicycles, Honey Stinger and Radio Shack. Many people lost respect for him after he
denied blood doping for so long, that when he actually came out and said that he did
cheat, it was a shock that someone such as Lance Armstrong could manage to lie to
everyone about this to their faces. His super human image took a big hit, but
nonetheless he still is one of the most respected people when it comes to the work he
has put in toward the research and development of cancer preventions and the attention
that was brought to the sport of cycling. Try naming a few other cyclists, if you sit there
and can only come up with the name of Lance Armstrong, you would be like most
people in
Media s Influence On Body Image
Ultra thin models are plastered all over the media today, but have these influential
sources thought of the negative outcomes that could change society forever? The
notions represented by the media silently incline girls to conform to an ideal that is
impossible to reach. Due to their malleable brains, adolescent females are subjected to
the image of a perfect body through media s adverse influence of what a quintessential
girl is supposed to look like and the permanent impact it has on a girl s life. The
definition of body image stems from a subjective picture of one s own physical
appearance established by both self observation and by noting the reactions of others
(Medical Dictionary). Young girls are influenced by... Show more content on ...
Advertisers are so manipulative, Christy Turlington, a Calvin Klein model, confessed
to a magazine company (Rowland 54). The pictures are not only fake, but airbrushed
to a point where the actress, model, or famous individual barely resembles an actual
human being. Christy Turlington s experience with airbrushing is an unpleasant one
and she deems it necessary to call out the media that continuously allows this to
happen. The idea of perfection and ultimate, top notch beauty shows adolescents that
flawless beauty is the only type that will be accepted in society today. Airbrushing and
other devices that are capable of fixing imperfections can lead to depression and eating
disorders (Issitt). This only emphasizes that the media is affecting the overall
psychological progress young minds adapt to. Additionally, at age thirteen, 53% of
American girls dislike their bodies because of the media s influence; that number
continues to grow as they get older ( Teen Health and the Media ). This directly
correlates with problems that follow such as self consciousness, lack of confidence,
and depression. The effect media has on an individual lasts a lifetime and becomes a
serious problem to overcome as a result. Society is also affected by models and the
theory of the thin ideal which in turn discourages a positive body image. Many
individuals are also
Experiment 2a Adsorption Chromatography ( Tlc )
NAME: ____Amy Hua_______________________

Experiment 4a Adsorption Chromatography (TLC)

Summary of Points for Experiment 4a:

ItemPossible PointsActual Points

Pre Lab2Notebook:N/AN/A
Purpose/Table of Reagents2
Blank Spaces2
TLC data (4 in notebook)8
Conclusions (absent here)1
Sub Total =21multiply Sub Total x 2=42Report:N/AN/A
Data and Calculations8
Less Points Missing DataN/AN/A
Unknown Identity10
Data Analysis / Conclusions5TOTAL67minus any page overage0minus for late
reports0minus for TA points0


In this experiment, the technique of thin layer chromatography is used to identify the
identity of unknown. To aid in seeing the spots from the thin layer chromatography, UV
light and iodine adsorption is used.



Below are two depictions of the developed TLC s for 2 and 4 hydroxy acetophenone.
The first was visualized under UV light and the second by iodine adsorption.


Below are two depictions of the developed TLCs for an unknown analgesic versus
known standards. Both TLC s were visualized by UV light.

UNKNOWN ID (10 points):

UNKNOWN #: ________5_______________

IDENTITY OF UNKNOWN ANALGESIC: ___caffeine and most likely acetylsalicylic

acid but possibly ibuprofen___________



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