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The Nation's Anti-Communist Newspaper


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"The Truth the whole Truth, \ 4 .1

Common Sense
and nothing but the Truth"
Win/sou( fear or fair,
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(\,py'1'§g,hl Regzslerfd me I'nit»d mates Patent (-is FOFNDER AND EDITOR


VOL. lx, No. 238. (9/b Year) UNION, NEW .]ERSEY, U. S. A., SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 FIVE CENTS

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The data appearing in the New York City and Paris Editions of The Herald-Tribune was assembled from the most authentic sources by Benjamin H. Freedman
for publication on May 9, 1946, with the kind cooperation of Mrs. Helen Rogers Reid, the owner of these newspapers, whose friendly assistance is now again
as then gratefully acknowledged by him with his most sincere thanks, and whose continued helpful cooperation is herewith graciously solicited. BHF.
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Will our U.S.A. boys soon be fighting and dying in Palestine
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to protect with their lives tor the Zionist embezzlers now there
Palestine's "rich os any in the world" Negev oil reserves and
the Dead Sea's inexhaustible chemicals of incalculable value?
(Continued from Column 1)
By BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN Palestine invoking the "formal treaty engagements" requiring the
Founder 1946, League for Peace with Justice in Palestine employment of the armed jorey of the United States in Palestine,
In eiieet and in fact, President Eisenhower's recommendation, exactly as Poland in 1939 created an "incident" in the "Polish
for "formal treaty engagements" for the employment of the armed Corridor" in order to bring the British armed forces to Poland's
forces of the United States in Palestine, is a pledge to the Zionists assistance, Poland having been ad vised in advance to that eject as
in the United States, and throughout the world, that the United exposed by Ambassador Hullitt, a participant in that conspiracy.
States will go to war in Palestine against the Middle East nations, President Eisenhower's proposal for "formal treaty engage-
in defense of the Zionists there, for the time being occupying Pal- ments" for the employment of the armed forces of the United
estine as a result of their recent aggression, and full-scale cooper- States in Palestine, where the United. States has less right to
ation of the United States in the Zionist conspiracy to embezzle employ its armed forces today than the British had in 1938 to
Palestine's Negev "as rich as any in the world" oil reserves and the employ their armed forces in the defense of the "Polish Corri-
inexhaustible chemicals and minerals of inealeulable value found dor," may set in motion a similar "chain reaction" in Palestine,
in and around the Dead Sea, which Zionists now seek to embezzle. and thereby precipitate World War III exactly as World War II
was precipitated by the British announcement of a similar nature.
zsomsrs lonG COVETED PAlESTlNE'S Oil AND CHEMICALS The employment of the armed forces of the United States in
There are two basic reasons behind the militant Zionist con- Palestine under President Eisenhower's proposed "formal treaty
spiraey and Zionist aggression in Palestine. Firstly, Palestine pos- engagements" is pregnant with the possibility of precipitating
sesses in the Negev area in southern Palestine oil reserves "as rich World War III in the not too distant future. The great danger
as any in the world." Seeondlv, Palestine possesses in and around
of that occurring exists in the fact that the overwhelming major-
the Dead Sea inexhaustible quantities of chemicals and minerals of ity in the United States today are totally unaware of this impend-
incalculable value. Zionists no longer deny they covet both these. ing danger. This overwhelming majority of the public appears
equally indisposed to interest themselves in this sinister situa-
PoliTlClANS PROSTITUTE PATR!0TlSM FGR POWER AND PROFiT tion. The superlatively effective Zionist propaganda organiza-
tions in the United States have been eminently efficient in "brain
If the truth were told to the public by political leaders today, ¢f washing" the public far in excess even of their own most opti-
the public would realize that the domestic political situation, and mistie expectations, through countless "tax deductible" millions
not anything now going on in Palestine, is the real reason behind spent to misinform the public on matters vital to their security.
President Eisenhower"s recommendation that the United States
enter into "formal treaty engagements" for the emplovlnent of pusuc "BRAIN WASHED" ON PALESTINE BY ZIONIST PROPAGANDA
the armed forces of the United States in Palestine. For reasons The incessant distortions of the truth, and the interminable
which are very obvious, the imminent 1956 presidential election is misrepresentation of facts by the Zionist-controlled newspapers,
of the greatest and gravest importance to President Eisenhower, magazines, radio, television, motion pictures, politicians educa-
both in his eabaeitv as president of the United States and as titular tors, churchmen, lecturers, and other Zionist-controlled mediums
head of the Republican Party, and this can no longer be concealed. for controlling the thinking of an unsuspecting public on this
subject, have prevented the overwhelming majority in the Unit-
ed States from learning the real reasons behind the militant
When President Eisenhourer's proposed "formal treaty engage- Zionist conspiracy and Zionist aggression in Palestine, and
ments" are signed, sealed and delivered, Zionists occupying Pales- behind the foreign policy of the United States in Palestine.
tine for the present can be expected to create an "incident" in Incontestiblc documented information on this sinister situation
(Continued in next column) 4(CQa£inued on Page 2, Column 1)

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(Continued from Page 1, Column 2) (Continued from Column 1) -
has always been available to the people of the United States, 1917 by virtue of the aid received from the Arab armed forces
but it has been totally obscured by Zionist propaganda, for very which had revolted against Turkey and joined the British forces
obvious reasons. The facts which follow here in somewhat to fight Turkey. Without Arab aid the British faced sure defeat,
abbreviated form will "open the windows" in the minds of any
interested persons and allow a little "fresh air" on this subject BRITISH CONSPIRE TO OUST STANDARD 0ll COMPANY OF N. Y.
to enter their minds for the first time, if they will read them. Mr. William Yale was in the employ of the Standard Oil Company of
New York in 1915, 1916, and 1917 and was stationed in Jerusalem daring
STANDARD Oll COMPANY OF NEW YORK'S 1914 Oll DISCOVERY those three years. In 1918 Mr. Yale was acting as military observer for the
Prior to 1919 the Standard Oil Company of New York dis- Uaaed States in Palestine and was attached to the British and Arab forces
covered oil reserves "as rich as any in the world" in the Negev under General Allenby, then fighting against the Turkish armies in Palestine.
area in southern Palestine according to proofs of that fact which In 1918 Mr. Yale learned that General Money, the British Military Governor
cannot be challenged. In 1919 the Standard Oil Company of of Jerusalem, and British Colonel Storrs, had marie brazen attempts to dis-
New York submitted to the Peace Conference in Paris their geo- cover the exact locations of the oil discoveries in the Negev area from prom-
logical surveys and engineering reports made by their geologists inent Palestinians associated with the Standard Oil Company of New York
and engineers between the years 1914 and 1919. These geolog- in the exploitation of these concessions. Having failed in their attempts, the
ical surveys and engineer's reports established beyond the per- British government in London brought great pressure to bear on these prom-
adventure of any doubt the existence in the Negev area in south- inert Palestinians in another attempt to force them to reveal these locations.
ern Palestine of oil reserves "as rich as any in the world." These When these attempts failed, the British government in London resorted to
"rich as any in the world" oil reserves in the Negev area in questioning Mr. Yale hignself in atlatlier attempt to obtain that information.
southern Palestine now eonllrm II daily production potential there Mr. Yale reported this matter to the Military Intelligence in Washington,
comparing favorably with the present daily 3,000,000-4,000,000 and through them the State Department was advised Q; thekeen, interest of

barrel production from the Iraq-Kuwait-Saudi Arabian-Iran oil the British in Palestine's Negev "as rich as any in the world" oil reserves.
reserves, to the immediate west of these oil reserves in the
Negev area in southern Palestine, with an actual approximate WORLD WAR I PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE ZIONIST DOMINATED
daily value of $10,000,000 and an approximate annual value of The Standard Oil Company of New York had received a very
$.'8,000,000,000 for the Zionists now in Palestine, if they remain. detailed report of the incidents which took place in Palestine
DEAD SEA'S CHEMICALS VALUED AT FIVE TRllll0n DOLLARS ,prior to March, 1919. The officials of the company complained
to Under-Secretary of State Frank Polk that the British had
In the year 1925 the British Colonial Office published the actually forced the agents of the Standard Oil Company of New
official report of their exhaustive "on the spot" investigation of York in Palestine to show the British the maps of the company's
the quantities and nature of the chemicals and minerals in the successful drilling operations for oil in the Negev area, and that
. Dead Sea, "Production of Minerals from the Waters of the Dead the British then proceeded to make copies of the maps for them-
Sea." The original copy of this report can be found today in the selves. Mr. L. I. Thomas, an official of the Standard Oil Com-
Tower of London in England. Likewise beyond the peradventure pany of New York, appeared in person at the Paris conference
of any doubt this report supplies incontestible proof of the exis- indignantly protesting that the British Foreign Office had actu-
tence in the Dead Sea in 1925 of a supply of chemicals and min- ally prohibited the company's geologists and engineers from pro-
erals with a minimum value, based on today's market prices, of ceeding with development work in the Negev by very foul tactics.
approximately Five Trillion Dollars--$5,000,000,000,000-more
than 5,000 billion dollars, a sum more than twenty (20) times ZIONISTS INTENT IN 1919 IN PRESERVING 0ll CONCFSSIONS
the $285,000,000,000 national debt of the United States today, Mr. Thomas went into this matter thoroughly with his eom-
a mere 285 billion dollars compared with the 5,000 billion dollar pany's representatives in Constantinople in an attempt to learn who
value of the chemicals and minerals known to exist in the Dead was behind this interference. Mr. Thomas was advised in strictest
Sea as long ago as 1926. The quantities have increased consid- confidence by his well-informed representative in Turkey that the
erably and the value has also increased considerably since 1925. British interference was entirely due to pressure from the "Zion-
PA1ESr1N£'S NATURAL RESOURCES KEPT SECRET FROM WORLD ist Party." Mr. Thomas was farther advised by this representative
that "the Zionists are intent on hampering outsiders in order to
Zionists throughout the world have resorted to every subter- preserve the concessions for themselves." When advised to this
fuge to conceal from the world the existence of the "as rich as effect, Mr. Thomas demanded United States intervention directly
any in the world" oil reserves in the Negev area in southern with the Hritish government, then in effective control by the Zionists.
Palestine and the inexhaustible supplies of chemicals and min-
erals of incalculable value in and around the Dead Sea. Zionists At that time also, Mr. Thomas delivered to Mr. William Yale, his former
everywhere seek to discredit belief by the public of persons who employee in the Standard Oil Company 01 New York, and at that time eon-
attempt to inform the public about these two basic reasons for nected with the Paris Peace Conference, a copy 01 the Sta hard Oil Cotrzoarw
i'2.€~;r22;"*°:';3 Zzsrist un-sp»i'ac5)~an~ei»z;iont~a8'§rusiscrrr"rr1-Ps8fe 8;-----°1'*-;'*14i\_l'ork's oil concessions in the Negev area
zlrz soath<3"n raieszzne, wfzien

tine. Knowledge by the public of these two basic reasons will covered almost the entire area south of the railroad running between lava
destroy the illusions created by Zionists that "religious" and on the Me dtze rie-wean and running inland to Jerusalem, indicated on. maps
"humanitarian" reasons are solely responsible for their interest as the Negev. When in 1919 Mr. Yale held conf erences with British ojicials
and activities in Palestine, an untruth believed by many today. in Palestine to discuss with them an equitable arrangement for adjusting all
problems in the Middle East, he emphasized the concern of the United States
BRITISH DOUBlE-CROSS U. s. A. FOR PALESTINE PETROLEUM over the underhand British- methods employed i,. their anternpz to obtain G
The Negev's "as rich as any in the world" oil reserves soon became the monopoly of all the oil reserves of the entire a`rea, which inefuded the adja-
most important 01 all major economic interests of the Uncled States in Pal- cent Iraq-Kuwait-Sandi Arabian-Iran oil reserves. General Allenby and all
estine. The Nege'v's "as rich as any in the world" oil reserves became the other British ojieials paticipating in these con ferences pretended complete
principal concern of the United States in negotiating the Anglo-American' ignorance of the whole matter, and appeared astonished at the suggestion of
Treaty of 1924-. The Anglo-American Treaty of 1924 sealed the fate which the possibility of British double faced, - double - dealing double - talk.
soon overtook Palestine and the Palestinians. The brazen betrayal O; Pales-
tine and lethe Palestinians by means of the Anglo-American Treaty 01 1924 BRITISH PLOT WITH ZIONISTS TO CREATE ZIONIST STATE
contributed in no small measure to the disintegration of the BrzitisN Empire Because of the growing importance of oil reserves to the secur-
since then. The British Empire was unable to survive the repercussions of ity of the United States, Mr. Yale prepared a memorandum on his
selling Palestine and tlze Palestinians "dozen the river," as the tool of the experiences with the British in Palestine, strongly emphasizing the
international Zionist conspirators. And :in British Commonwealth will con- •
necessitv of keeping the "open door 99 in
D .
• •
for 011 companies I

tinue along the same road os she British Empire for the same reason. in the United States. Mr. Yale cautioned the War and State Depart-
History ieacfies us retribuave justice works surely even tlzough slowly. ments that British policy was excluding oil companies in the United
In 1918, fully one year prior to the 1919 official sessions in States from the oil reserves in other countries in Asia controlled by
Paris of the Peace Conference of World War I, the ultimate the British, while the British at the same time were acquiring exten-
disposition of the Negev's "as rich as any in the world" oil sive oil reserves in the United States in Texas, Oklahoma and Cali-
reserves was outlined in advance for this Paris Peace Confer- fornia. Mr. Yale emphasized in his report that the British were
enee in 1919 in a document called the "Inquiry." Included in resorting to very questionable tactics to obtain and retain perma-
this "Inquiry" was a memorandum called "American Interests nent political control of Palestine on account of the Negev's "as
in Turkey," which included an important section reviewing the rich as any in the world" oil reserves, and the chemicals and min-
attempts of the Standard Oil Company of New York prior to erals in and around the Dead Sea. Having been thwarted in this
1919 to gain a foothold in Palestine. Prior to World iVar I attempt, the British government was compelled to plan the creation
Palestine was occupied and ruled as part of the Turkish empire. of the present so-ealled "sovereign" Zionist "state" in Palestine.
After six months' intensive exdorazzlon in the Spring of 1914, the geolo- Prior to the defeat of Turkey in ¥Vorid War I Palestine had
gists and engineers of the Standard Oil Company of New York reported oil been occupied by Turkey as part of the Turkish-Empire for
reserves in the Negev area "as rich as any in liNe world." The Standard Oil several centuries. Unable to defeat Turkey by themselves, the
Company o}' New York thereupon signed eomfraels for a twenty-yive year British offered the Arabs their independence if they would
lease in the Negev area and in the Dead Sea area. At IM outbreak of World revolt against Turkey and join the Allied Powers to defeat
B~ar I in Jul# 1914, the Standard Oil Company of New York had already
_ Turkey, which the Arabs did. Shortly prior to the outbreak of
skipped to Palestine from the Unfed Stores a large quantity of equipment World War I in 1914, the Standard Oil Company of New York
for drilling oil wells, ad other necessary equipment for the exploitation on had purchased from Turkish subjects seven concessions for the
a commeria! basis of their emen.sive concessions in the Negev area and in exploitation of the oil reserves in the Negev area in southern
the Dead Sea area. The World War I campaign in Turkey halted their work. Palestine, then still a part of the Turkish Empire, and for the
During this 1918-1919 period, Mr. Oscar J. Campbell, the exploitation of the chemicals and minerals in and around the
most eminent authority in the world on the history of the Negev's Dead Sea, also in Palestine, which they immediately developed.
"as rich as any in the world" oil reserves, prepared his well-
known and DOW famous "Report OD Zionism" in which he refers BRITISH DISHDNORED m NIOSL WGRLD FOR BREAKING WORD
to a confidential study in their Princeton files. That confidential The British in 1915 promised the Arabs in the Turkish
and competent complete analysis of all geologists' surveys and armies that the British would guarantee .their complete inde-
engineers' reports indicates that along the Jordan River valley, pendenee and sovereignty in the event of the defeat of Turkey
between the Sea of Galilee in northern Palestine, and the Red with their assistance. The revolt of the important Arab forces
Sea in southern Palestine, "the oil deposits were as rich as any in the Turkish armies in Palestine resulted in the immediate
in the world." The British displayed great interest in the
_ defeat of Turkey. The defeat of Turkey made possible the
Negev's oil concessions when they first occupied Palestine in invasion of Austria-Hungary by the Allied Powers, and subse-
(Continued in next column) (Continued on Page 3, Column 1)
. I I I .
Common Sense 48M4_2]

(Continued from Page 2, Column 2) _ (Continued from Column 1)

quently the early defeat of Germany. The repudiation of thls
solemn obligation bythe British at the behest of Zionists will RAPE OF PALESTINE l0$ES IMPORTANT AlllES FOR U. s. A.
forever remain one of the blackest pages in the history of Chrls- Under the terms of President I9lisenh otuer's proposed "formal treaty'
tian civilization, and it will never be forgotten by the Islamic engagements," the armed forces of the United States may be fighting a "hot"
world. In 1917, two years after this pledge to the Arabs, the nor in Palestine against all the Middle East countries sooner than the dis-
British published a letter to the Zionists signed by Arthur Bal- interested public suspects. Associated iN that "hot" war with the Middle East
four, now called the Balfour Declaration, drafted in the United countries will be all the other AstOn and African countries, either as actual
States by Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Supreme combatants or only as "beneficent neutrals." The total population of these
Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. Although the British owned countries is 1,800,000,000 or 80% of the u;orld's total population, four out
nothing in Palestine to legitimately promise to anyone, the of every he human beings on the face of the earth. The population of the
British promised in this letter to the Zionists a 'homeland ll'l United States is 6% of the world's total population. The 450,000,000 Mos-
Palestine" and not as Zionists falsified "Palestine as a homeland." lerns in the strategic Middle East, North Africa and the southern tier of
Asian countries exercise a great inherence over the non-Moslems of this total
COUNT BERNADOTTE MURDERED BY ZIONBSTS TO EMBEZZLE 0ll 1,800,000,000 population. The Soviet Union and the countries beholden to
United Nations did not include Paleszines ' Negev in the territory l'nz'£ed the Soviet Union may enter the "hot war" or remain "beneficent neutrals."
Nations "allocated" in northern, Palestine to the Zionzlsts by "recommendation" In either event this presages defeat in that war for the United States.
under their fraudulent partition plan. United Nations in 1948 "allocated"
cc 95
A "beneficent neutral" --v the term for the role played by the Unite d
PaZestin,e's Negev under United Nations cc partition plan, to the Palestinians
States in the two recent world wars, before the United States was sucked into
rightfully occupying that area. In spite of this fact, ZiOnist armies in 1949 them by the allied powers to snatch victory for them .from their total defeas
marched into the Negev and have occupied it since then United Nations by Germany in 1917, when Germany had them with their "backs to the wall."
.sent Count Bernadette to Palestine to trade an "on the spot" investigation. As "beneficent neutrals" we supplied the allied powers with everything to
When the Zionists learned that Count Bernadette was about to report to carry on their war, excepting soldiers, until we.were sucked into war, and
United Nations demanding that the Zionists evacuate the Negev area, they then we gave them soldiers also. Without our contributions as a "beneficent
murdered Count Bernadette in cold blood in the streets O; .Jerusalem before neutral" the Allied Powers would have lost both wars to Germany very soon
Count Bernadette could return to United Nations in the United States and after they started. The Soviet Union was a "beneficent neutral" in the recent
present his report. Zionist "pressure" in United Nations has prevented that war in Korea. That resulted in the def eat for the United Nations in Korea,
report from ever being made public. lt must now be evident why the Zionists including the armed forces of the United States( The "inevitability of the
murdered Count Bernadotte and suppressed his report to United Nations. unpredictable" in a "hot" war in Palestine may hold as big surprises in
store for the unsuspecting "brain washed" public in the United States, as •
HEAP "HONORS" ON RALPH BUNCHE FOR ZIONIST "PEACE" did in Korea, u'/tere the United .States supered its first defeat in war.
Count Bernadotte was replaced by his assistant Ralph Bunche, who PREDICAMENT OF PRESIDENT AS TITULAR HEAD OF HIS PARTY
accompanied Count Bernadotte to Palestine to investigate the invasion
of Palestine's Negev by Zionist armed forces. Ralph Bunehe assisted in The election of a Republican president in 1956 will retain for
preparing Count Bernadotte's report demanding that the Zionists evacuate the Republican Party the prestige, the power and the profit asso-
Palestin.e's Negev area. Ralph Bunche remained silent on the question ciated with administering the $65,000,0i}0,000 annual budget of
afar the murder 0; Count Bernadotte. Ralph Bunche did not demand that the nation for the next .four years. It is also as likely as not that
United Nations Mhe the necessary steps to compel the evacuation of the the election of a Republican president in 1956 may result in the
Negev area by the Zionist invaders. In recognition of his willingness election of a Congress with a Republican majority in both the Sen-
to ignore the Zionist occupation 0/ the Negev contrary to United Nations ate and the House of Representatives, something greatly to be
resolutions, the Zionists have repaid Ralph Bunche's failure to take the desired by President Eisenhower equally as president of the United
action Count Bernadette intended to take by showering him with honors of all States and as titular head of the Republican Party. At the present
kinds. Scarcely a week passes that Ralph Bunche is not -honored by an organi- time President Eisenhower is .faced with Demoeratie Party major-
zation 01 some hind. The Zionist-controlled newspapers, radio and MievWion ities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This
honor Ralph Bunche for the "peace" he brought to Palestine. Ralph Burwhe domestic political problem is responsible for the foreign policy of
regards "peace" as allowing .the thieves to retain what they have stolen. the United States in Palestine, and responsible .for President Eisen-
hower's recommendation _for "formal treaty engagement" to employ
450,000,000 MOSLEMS RESENT U. s. A. RAPE OF PALESTINE the armed forces of the United States to fight a Zionist war for them.
The United States has not yet fully felt the reaction of the Since he became the titular head of the Republican Party,
450,000,000 Moslems in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia President Eisenhower has no doubt been advised by his subor-
to the part played be the United States as an "accessory before the dinates that in order to elect a Republican candidate as presi-
fact" and as an "accessory after the fact" in the rape of Palestine. dent of the United States it is essential to obtain the votes in the
. The United States cannot escape the consequences of playing a very Electoral College of the five states in which Zionist votes hold
-ggyn important role in the most inhuman international aggression by the balance-of-power in the popular elections in those five states:-'
.force and violence against an innocent and helpless nation in all Victory for a political party in the presidential popular elections
.the recorded history of mankind. The Moslem world is rightly in any state .gives to the victorious political party all the electoral
convinced that if the United States had not "engineered" the rape votes of that state in the Electoral College. The president is
of Palestine for the Zionists that Palestine and the Palestinians actually elected to office by a majority of all the electoral votes
would today be happily enjoying peace, progress and prosperity- as cast by the states in the Electoral College elections. The five
an independent sovereign state in the "family of nations.99 The states essential for a Republican victory in the presidential elec-
guilt to. the commission of that crime rests primarily upon the tions are New York, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Mas-
United States. For the United States to regain the respect of the sachusetts. In the 1952 presidential elections these five states had
world, the United States must help the Palestinians to regain corn- 148 Electoral College votes out of the total of the 531 Electoral
plete physical and political control of their homeland immediately. College votes of all the 48 states, or approximately 28% of all
The British govern ent., then as now, was under Zionist dom- Electoral College votes, more than enough to swing an election.
ination to an extent far greater than the present Zionist domination ZIONIST VOTES IN FIVE STATES CAN ELECT OUR PRESIDENT
of the United States government. The Rothschild international In the 1952 presidential elections the 48 states had a total of
"octopus" in England "nmster-mimled" the Zionist conspiracy in 531 electoral votes in the Electoral College. The five states of
Palestine since l 860. The Rothschild international "octopus" has New York, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
been the "shadow government" of the British l8m.pire since the had a total of 148 electoral votes out of the total of 8331 for the
Cromwell revolution, which they financed to make possible the entire 48 states. These 148 electoral votes gave these five states
reentry' of their co-religionists into England. The co-religionists 28"/O of the total electoral votes. New York State had 45, Cali-
Of the Rothschild inrernalional "octopu s" first arrived in England fornia had 32, Illinois had 27, Pennsylvania had 32 and Massa-
in 1078. In 1290 the 15,660 so-religionists of the Rothschild inter-
chusetts had 16 electoral votes in the 1952 presidential elections
national "octopus" were banished from England on account of in the Electoral College. The Zionists are able to "deliver" these
the political unrest erected in England by their monopoly there of 148 electoral votes, 28% of the total, to either political party,
money-lending. After having been banished fromEn£.*'land
Englandbyfor 370 as they have shown them in so many past presidential elections.
years, they were granted permission to return to Crom- The Zionist votes in New York City carry control of New York
well. Hyarnson and Roth have written two great histories dealing State, the Zionist votes in Los Angeles and San Francisco carry
with these events. Since the reentry into England of the co-reli- control of California, the Zionist votes in Chicago early control
gionists of the Rothschild international "octopus" they have lit- of Illinois, the Zionist votes in Philadelphia and Pittsburg carry
erally purchased control 0/ the Rritish government with the wealth control of Pennsylvania, and the Zionist votes in Boston carry
controlled by them. Facts and figures today suppl-V incontestible . control of Massachusetts, taking into account with them the large
proof that the Rothschild international "octopus" is the actual ruler number of additional Zionist votes scattered in the smaller cities
of the British government, although the fact is not ad vertised.
in these live states, and taking into account the additional large
number of other votes in these live states effectively controlled
by Zionist economic and financial pressures, and by effec-
President Eisenhower's proposal for the 4-n1bloyme;;t of the tive Zionist "quid pro quo" ("tit for tat") political "deals"
armed forces of the United States in Palestine was proclaimed. in these Eve states with other so-called religious, racial and
oihciall y on behalf of President Eisenhower ivy his Seer=tary of
. national "minorities," such as Negroes, Catholics, Italians, etc.
State, John Foster Dulles, on August 26, 1955. Never in the his-
tory of the United States has any official declaration on foreign ZIGNISTS "BlACKMAil" BBTH POLITICAL PARTIES EQUALLY
policy received more world-wide publicity and comment. The Zion- A study of the percentages of the concentrated Zionist votes in
it-controlled newspapers, radio and television saw to -that. On these .five states of the mfr-J Zionist vote in the United States, and
August 26, 1955, Secretary of State Dulles was rushed to New York the res pech°ve percentages of the total of all the Republican and
City from Washington to announce this offer of military and fizian- Democratic votes in presidential elections in each of these five
cal assistance before the Council on Foreign Affairs, an effeciive states, establishes beyond all doubt that the percentages of Zionist
part of the apparatus of the Zionist "shadow 2.o\'ernment" in the votes always cleeifles elections in these .five states. Zionists at their
United States. Among matters mentioned, President Eisenho-werls option can "deliver" the total 148 electoral votes of these five states
Bpokesman, Secretary of State] ohn Foster Dull es, stated as follows : to either political party. Zionists use this po er to -"blackmail"
soPresident Eisenhower has authorized me to say ... he
political parties into competing for their voes by tempting them
would recommend Up: the United States join or; formal with 148 efeetoral votes as a political "pay-of." In addition to
treaty arrangements to prevent or thwart any effort be
Israel Zionist votes in these five states, Zionists influence many times the
either side to alter by force the boundaries between total number of Zionist votes in these five states by skillfully em.-
and its Arab neighbors." (Continued on Page 4, Column 1)
(Continued in next column)
I 1
4 oonunanian a !aea4an! Carrion Sense tligAldw¢29»ca»u»¢au¢.4¢n !
(Couninued from Page 3, Column 2) (Continued from Coiwnn 1)
playing Zionist-eontrofied newspapers, radio, television and other York Times published a large 'MP it Palestine with mr. Lama lengthy
Zionist-controlled methods for injiuencing votes. The domination "Special Cable to The New York Times." On this mnlp do Negev 15
by Zionists of commerce, industry and #nausea in these #ve states idicated ~L largeletters. The "eliseovery" 'oil well is indicated on-the map
increases the power of Zionists to control large numbers of addi- in the mzlidle 0/ Palestine's Negev area. The banking _firm of Kuhn, Loeb
tional votes. Therein lies the ability of Zionists to dictate the elec- & Company, United States representatives of the Rothschild mternatlvonal
tion of the president of the United States and the foreign policy of financial, political ad industrzhl "octoln-us," the anasteraaauds- of Zionist
the United States in Palestine. This dangerous dilemma in which the subversion in Palestine since 1862, exercises efeehlve control over The New
152,684,232 non-Zionists in the United States now find themselves York Times. The New York Times has been the outstanding advocate as the
is a matter which deserves more consideration than it is receiving. United States of the militant Zionist conspiracy 'and Zionist aggression IN
Palestine. The New York Times is giving the public ot er "brain wash-

BALANCE-OF-POWER ZIONIST VOTES POWERFUL FACTOR TODAY ing" with its reports on the "discovery" of oil in Palestine's Negev area.
It would mean political suicide for the Republican Party to The "Special Cable to The New York Times" appears there
ignore the Zionists' effective control of the 148 electoral votes of under a large headline reading "ISRAEL HITS OIL IN OLD DRILL
those five states. The planks in the platforms of both political HOLE: DISCOVERY A( (LAIMEI) BY N \TION." The map indicates

parties, their other promises to Zionists and the performance in this "discovery" oil well about 40 miles south of an imaginary line

office of elected officials with respect to the foreign policy of the running between Jaffa. and Jerusalem, in the area indicated
United States in Palestine have been planned to capture the "NEGEV" on the map. This "discovery_ " oil well is in the hearaof
Zionist balance-of-power votes in the popular elections of those Palestine's Negev area. described in the Standard Oil Company of
five states, in presidential elections. The extremes to which pres- New York's 1914-1919 geological surveys and engineer's reports
idential candidates have gone for that purpose in the past have "as rich as any in the world" in oil. Mr. Kenneth Love's "Speeial
earned for the United States only the friendship of Zionists Cable to The New York Times" from Tel Aviv calls attention to the
in the United States, and of course for whatever it may be worth fact that the "discovery" oil well was only the result of drilling
to the United States, throughout the world, but have lost for the deeper down into an abandoned test-hole drill et I by others long _

United States the century-old friendship of 1,800,000,000 persons before the Zionist armed forces invaded Palestine's Negev area in
in Africa and Asia, 80% of the world's total population, in those 1949. The Zionists occupied this area after the 1949 armistice.
great continents whose manpower and natural resources are As this newspaper goes' to press, The New York World-Tele-
vital beyond measure to the security of the United States today. gram-Sun, on page 1 of its October 12, 1955 issue, features an
In any war with the Soviet Union and the nations beholden to it, Associated Press cable from "Heletz, Israel" dated October 12, 1955
the United States faces defeat and surrender to the Soviet Union under a headline reading "ISRAEL BRINGS IN SECOND GI satin." 9

J k.

without the loyal support of the peoples of these two continents. This oil well "gushing 250 feet high" is "gushing" oil from Pales-
tine's Negev "as rich as any in the world" oil reserves. The geologist
450,000,000 MOSLEMS PLEDGE AID TO PALESTINIAN ARABS there remarked "this Ileletz-Hulekat area" in Palestine's Negev
President Eisenhower's recommendation for "formal treaty "it is not small," according to the Associated Press cable. The
engagements" to employ the armed forces of the United States Associated Press cable continues "He added that seismomaphie
in Palestine is entirely "a horse of a different color" than studies indicated development of about 100 wells in the (lleletz-
appears on the surface..To those who are well informed on the Huleikat) area 'is not impossible'." That is only the beginning.
conspiracy behind President Eisenhower's recommendations,
such "formal treaty engagements" have inherent in them grave HOW TO AVOiD SLAUGHTER OF OUR U. s. A. BOYS IN PALESTINE
implications which do not appear on the surface. The only In spite of every protest to the contrary, regardless of their _
actual outcome of such "formal treaty engagements" will be origin, every man, woman and child in the United States must he
to "freeze" at the time the "status quo" in Palestine. That is told as quickly as possible, who their precious sons, husbands,

what the Zionists now most desire and most require to remain brothers and fathers may soon be fighting and dying in Palestine,
in physical possession of Palestine even temporarily. With or as only so very recently they were fighting and dying unnecessarily
without "formal treaty engagements" by the United States guar- in Korea. Beyond all question of doubt, it is vital today to the
anteeing permanent physical possession of Palestine to the Zion- security of tbe United States, and to the immediate and future wel-
istson a "status quo" basis, the 450,000,000 MosleMs of the Mid- fare of every person in the nation, that the public be in formed as
dle East, North Africa and Asia someday from what they say rapidly as it can be done, the real reasons, until now so success-
today, intend to lend to the exiled Palestinians, when they are fully suppressed and kept secret from the public, wlby President
able to do so, the same kind of assistance to recover their embez- Eisenhower now recommends "formal lrcatv engagements" for the _
zled homeland which the Christian nations of Europe, North employment of the armed forces of the United States in Palestine.
America and South America gave to France in 1914, to then
assist France in recovering Alsace-Lorraine, her "Lost Province," U. S. A. ARMY TO PALESTINE woRm WAR Ill CURTAlN RAISER
taken from France by Germany in 1871 in the Franco-Prus- The most competent qualified persons to judge this . .,II_ al | * , I i

-Sian War. A "double standard" in such matters incites new wars.


unanimous opinion that employment of the armed services of the


Lnited States in Palestine will prove to be the "curtain raiser" /or

REASONS BEHIND PALESTINE PLEDGE SUPPRESSED AND SECRET W oral War IH, with all its ghastly inevitable and now unavoidable
The suppressed and secret reasons for President Eisen- catastrophic consequences for every man, woman and child in
hower's recent recommendation for "formal treaty engage- United States. That calamity must be prevented at all costs. Only
ments" for the employment of the armed forces .of the United the aroused active interest immediately by an alerted public can
States in Palestine are as little suspected today by the public prevent the disastrous outcome of existing ignorance and/or indif-
as the public in 1941 suspected at that time the suppressed and Terence throughout the nation on this important question. To sue-
secret reasons for the imminent and inevitable attack by Japan eessfully avoid and avert that cataclysm the entire nation must
on Pearl Harbor,.before the actual occurrence of that tragic and become fully in formed on the relevant facts which follow here.
deplorable event. The grave implications inherent in President In times of danger it is wise to bear in mind that "forewarned is
Eisenhower's proposal to employ the arr red forces of the United forearmed,99 and that "it is better to be safe than sorry." It is now
States in Palestine jeopardize the peace of the world today, as later than the nation realizes, and time is running out for us, but
well as the security and welfare of the United States, more than there is still time in which to save the situation by acting now.
any declaration made by the head of a government since the
outbreak of World War II as the result of a similar situation. WHAT EVERY GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD DO BEFORE THE SUN SETS
Every father and son, every mother and daughter, and
Z!0N!5TS ANNOUNCE "DISCOVERY" or Oil IN PALESTINE every husband and wife should sit down and write a letter
The New York Times on September 2-1, 1955, boldly /ealurecl on the to his or her Congressman and Senator. A million letters to
front page a "Special Cable to The New York Times" describing the "dis- Congressmen and Senators may keep our boys in their U.S.A.
covery" of an oil well in Palestine's Negev area. For the time being
Palestine's Negev area is occupied by n fully equipped and trained army of uniforms out of Palestine 89 and preserve the peace of the
youlnful Zionist males and females disguised as "pioneers" to allay the world. The Constitution of the L' noted States guarantees
world's suspicion Why this army is kept there. Mr. Kenneth Love, the corres- every citizen "the right to petition Congress." Mail him or
pondent of the New York Times in Palestine, was duped into sending from her a marked eopyof this Common Sense. They will know
Tel Aviv anis "Special Cable to The 'Yew York Times" broadcasting to the

their oner co.'zstituents have the facts and this oill give them
uorld 1/ze "discovery" of oil by Zzlonis!.s in Paleslz'/1e's N elev area. Tile ."
(Continued in next column ) courage to act. Do it today. Tomorrow may be too late.
1 1

I turn I feel
"buy! buys"or"bye-bye" ll'l3°o , WH TE & BLUE

"Buy' Buy'" today as many copies of this issue as you can accord, and
distribute them personally in your community to your friends and to I_SEE RED as.l vision lhedprecious blood of +he countless innocent
men and women of importance in every walk of Life. If you do not make malisons drenching the _sacre soil of our dearly beloved United S+a+es
the sacrifice to do this you may soon be waving "Bye-Bye" to all those an World War Ill. siaamng in as red as the flag of #hose who spill if.
very precious rights and privileges you now enjoy under the only truly I TURN WHITE .even of the though# of surrender by the United States
representative form of government left in the world today. Whenever Me 'lo the Sovael Union, defeated by them with atomic and hydrogen bombs
citizens of the United States have been correctly and completely told made from secrets stolen from us for them by 'lraifors in our govemrnenf.
the truth on any subject they hade al as done the right thing as the
right time. You too can help in this right to save your country for you I FEEL BLUE as l medijafe the# this face may too soon overtake us
by your aid in increasing the distribution of Common Sense to more than because 'the nation ns too busy mazing money and having fun to listen to
1,000,000 copies to new readers. Your cooperation today may prow'eIO be those who still can fell them how they can save their country from ruin.
"the straw that breaks the camel's back. Obey that impulse. Order now ' Only an informed nation can know how to save itself from destruction.
$1. for 30 copies, $3. for 100 copies, $10. for 500 copies. Send sl., $5.. $I0., S50., $l00. or more and eve penny l yo g'H* "l
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C Common Sense 5
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Founder and


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