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Protection Of Environment Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of environmental protection can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty lies in the broad scope of the subject matter, as it encompasses various aspects such as
pollution, conservation, climate change, and sustainable development.

Firstly, gathering relevant and up-to-date information is crucial for presenting a well-informed
perspective. The environmental landscape is dynamic, with ongoing developments and new research
findings, making it necessary to sift through a plethora of sources to ensure the accuracy and
currency of the content.

Structuring the essay poses another challenge. Balancing the exploration of different subtopics while
maintaining a cohesive flow demands careful organization and planning. It requires the writer to
create a roadmap that guides the reader through the interconnected complexities of environmental

Moreover, conveying the urgency and importance of the subject can be emotionally taxing. The
essay needs to evoke a sense of responsibility and inspire action without succumbing to despair.
Striking the right tone—informative, persuasive, and hopeful—requires a delicate touch.

Additionally, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a balanced view adds another
layer of complexity. A well-rounded essay on environmental protection should acknowledge differing
perspectives while reinforcing the importance of sustainable practices.

Despite these challenges, writing on this topic provides an opportunity for personal growth and
increased awareness. It encourages critical thinking and pushes the writer to delve into the intricacies
of global environmental issues. In the end, the satisfaction of contributing to a dialogue that shapes
our collective responsibility for the planet outweighs the initial difficulties.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks,
offers a range of services to simplify the writing process. Whether it's environmental protection,
social issues, or any other subject, professional help can provide guidance and ensure the delivery of
high-quality content.
Protection Of Environment Essay Protection Of Environment Essay
Almost Famous Outline
Almost Famous: An Outline of Life Almost Famous represents the spirit of the 70s in
all its it s all happening glory. The yearning for true rock n roll and the awkward
convergence of the old and new through music and fashion is clearly highlighted in the
film. In trying to emulate the 70s, the Almost Famous succeeds in making a film that
can be considered a coming of age story while also capturing the essence of the human
experience in all stages of life. From William s struggle to be cool to Russell s quest
for something real to Lester s acceptance of his utter uncoolness, the film outlines what I
think are the three broad stages of life: adolescence, midlife crisis and acceptance. The
hectic and confusing world of rock n roll especially... Show more content on ...
The film shows that there is no substitute for experience. You can t just get the Cliff s
Notes on how to live in this world and you most certainly can t skip parts of life like
you can skip grades. Without going through life and experiencing all it has to offer as
it naturally occurs, you don t grow and mature in a meaningful and long lasting way.
Anita may say that it was her records that set William on the path to change, but in
actuality, William would ve had all those confusing thoughts about being cool and
where he fits in the world regardless of the records she left for him. Change is and
growth through experience is inevitable. We see Russell change from a self loving
musician to a person searching for some meaning and authenticity and finally to a
matured adult something he wouldn t have been able to do had he not gone through his
mid life crisis . And as it s last comment on life, Almost Famous shows that with age age
comes a certain sense of confidence in who you are and a comfort in accepting that and
your pace in the
The Man Who Knew Too Much Essay
In The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) when Hank is kidnapped during a family
vacation in Morocco, it actually brings to the fore the real identity of Dr. Ben
McKenna (James Stewart). The camera projects him as a panic man who has lost all his
authority and the male superiority and his ability to get control of the situation. From a
masterful male he stoops to the level of an ordinary man. He is unable to control the
forces that shape events in his life. At the taxidermist Ambrose Chappell s establishment
in Camden Town, Ben lost control of his temper and manhandles the proprietor s son,
Ambrose Jr. (Richard Wordsworth). This also signals the character degradation of an
American ex soldier whose holiday abroad is in ruins. American war veterans found it
difficult to adjust with familylife. Fear of losing... Show more content on
Hank is now unprotected and stays away from his parents and Dr. Ben is entirely at
loose ends. He sedates his wife Jo (Doris Day) to keep her from exploding into
uncontrollable grief and he decides while she is in a stupor that they must leave
Marrakech and head for England in search of his son, even though he doesn t know
the exact place where Hank is. He is also disturbed that he has been warned of an
impending assassination in London about which he has to keep Scotland Yard in the
dark. Dr. Ben appears to be anxious about his missing child but he is not able to get a
clear perspective of his wife. Throughout the film Ben s consideration for his wife and
her concerns are questionable. Ben is an embodiment of a dutiful and gracious
husband but a folksy Bluebird who has cut the wings of his wife s artistic career and
locked her in a hopelessly boring cell in Midwest and refuses her desire to be a mother
again. At a critical situation Ben is not able to muster the poise, dexterity or grace to
show himself as an athletic hero, full of energy and dash, not able to act properly at the
right time shows the emasculation of the war veterans
The Arnolfini Wedding
Do you wonder what The Arnolfini Wedding is? I looked at different views of this
painting. In the end I found interesting things about this oil painting. This painting will
show many different forms of viewing it. Also, it will show what the artist was thinking,
and why he was thinking it. I will go into detail about how oil paintingcame to be a form
of art and why the artist showed this in his paintings.
When thinking about art people think it s only about paintings with normal colors and
paints. Well, they would be wrong. not only are there several different types of art but
also different types of paintings. Today I will show you the light into the world of Oil
Paintings. Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments with a ... Show more
content on ...
The Arnolfini Wedding by Jan van Eyck caught my eye the very first time I saw it and
it s hard to take my eyes off of it. Some history behind it. A lot of people call the
Arnolfini Wedding oil painting the most Easter Egg y painting. People believe that
this oil painting shows an Italian merchant with his wife. Is this what it really shows
or is there something else hiding in the painting. With Arnolfini wearing one of the
pimpest hats in the history of pimping which is very hard to capture. Looking at this
painting it is easy to dismiss this the portrait. Saying it is only another piece of old art
which features dead rich people. When you look into the mirror it appears that two
people are standing in the room in front of the Aenolfinis. One of them allegedly to be
a self portrait of van Eyck. So, when you look at a piece of art you should look at it a
second time. Look to see if there is meaning behind the painting. In such instance look
past the people and look at the small details you will see the meaning behind the
picture. The artist wanted people to look deep into the painting to find the meaning.
Many people think that Jon van Eyck used a magnifying glass to paint small details in
the mirror. Therefore they call it an Easter egg. unless you look close enough at the
picture most people can t see these details. He had created one of the first Easter Eggs in
Why Is Tailgating Bad
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rear end collisions
/tailgating incidents are approximately 23 percent of all car crashes, resulting in
approximately 2,000 deaths and 950,000 injuries. Seeing this stat it is not hard to see
why tailgating is a very dangerous thing while driving and needs to be eliminated.
Tailgating although is not the only thing I don t like seeing when I m conducting a
car.While I m driving some of things that make me mad are when people don t use turn
signals, people having their brights on while passing them, and tailgating.
Driving without turning your signals on really grinds my gears because of the following
reasons.One example is does not notify the person behind you. Driving behind someone
... Show more content on ...
The first thing that is bad about this is that the insecurity of the driver who is being
tailgated. Driving while being tailgated might result in a driver swerving or doing
something that could result in something they don t want to do. The thought of being
tailgated may result in some things, one thing could be speeding because their mind
might tell them that they are going under the speed limit or not fast enough. Next, the
increase of an accident goes up a major percentage if someone is tailgating. There was
a stat done by the Driving Association in California and they tested the result in
tailgating when it occurs and doesn t occur. The stat showed that if someone would
start to tailgate the chance of an accident would go up a whole 65% which is a major
increase. Lastly, the tailgator has a split second to respond if the driver in front of
them has to rapidly stop because of some reason. On a busy road, there are many
things that could cause a sudden stop like a ball rolling into a road or a child running
into the road to get that ball, and the time for the tailgator to respond is almost
impossible to prevent a crash. Not even a sudden stop can cause a crash but just a
normal stop when the tailgator doesn t have full attention on driving. Yes, it is evident
that tailgating is bad, and we need to do everything we can to completely eliminate
Legal And Political System Of Australia
Legal and Political System Australia s government design was taken from the British
Westminster system after those who originally colonized Australia. A functional,
western style democracy, there are a number of minor political parties operating in
Australia but the country s federal politics is an essential 2 party system at present,
much like the United States (Our Country, 2015). Power in Australia is shared between
various levels of government, the Federal, State and territorial. Establishing operations
within Australia would require understanding the Federal government s laws and
policies as well as the laws and policies of the six state governments as well as two
additional territories each with its own regional governing body. Law... Show more
content on ...
Australia s main trading partners are China, Japan, the United States, Republic of
Korea and Singapore. Nearly half of Australia s trade activity in terms of imports and
exports are with these 5 countries alone. Particularly with the recent growth of the
Chinese economy, Australia s chief trading partner, the country has seen growth in its
exports. However very recently the growth of the Chinese economy has been slowing
which is a risk to Australian exports. 72% of Australia s two way trade is within the
APEC countries. Like the G20, this trade relationship is quite significant. Australia s
single top import is personal travel services, however overall most of what Australia
imports is petroleum products and motor vehicles. It s appetite for refined petroleum
increased by 12% over the past 5 years. Australia s top exports are its natural resources,
iron ores, coal and natural gas. (Australian Government: Department of Foreign Affairs
and Trade, 2014) Since 2012, Australia has maintained a mostly negative trade balance,
perhaps amid uncertainty of its currency against the US dollar, but more likely is its
economic growth is causing it to import more and more petroleum products which it s
exports of its own natural resources is not able to match. Australia and Canada have
similar economic policies that govern their banking systems. As a result both countries
Social Responsibility in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley
An Inspector Calls We don t live alone. We are all members of one body. We are
responsible for each other. What is Priestley s main aim in `An inspector calls`? How
successfully does he achieve it. In `An inspector calls` by J.B Priestley, the writers
aim is reflected into this quote, We don t live alone. We are all members of one body.
We are responsible for each other. Meaning that we are not isolated, we all live in one
community and we are all collectively responsible for each other, our actions affects the
people around us. We can be independent in the society we live in, but only to a certain
extent. Priestley s main aim was perhaps to make an audience aware that no one person
can live in a society without being... Show more content on ...
He believes that world wars are a waste of money and there?s nothing to gain from
them. Only the lower classes could agree to them. Arthur Birling`s treatment of Eva
Smith, reflects in his role, in society as a hard headed business man. ?They wanted the
rates raised so they could average about twenty five shillings a week. I refused of
course?. Eva smith was a hard worker in his company, but Birling fired her as she
demanded for a pay rise and was one of the main ring leaders. Birling didn?t take notice
on what would happen to Eva smith after she left his works, and what happened to her
after that, and what would lead her to suicide. A chain of events which he had started.
Which reflects on Priestleys main aim, our actions affect people around us. Arthur
Birling cannot accept his responsibility for his treatment of Eva Smith. ?I cant accept
my responsibility. If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everyone,
we?d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn?t it?? Birling is a
character who doesn?t believe in community, he believes that everyone has to take their
own responsibility and look after themselves, Priestly shows how unsuccessful a
community is if a person believes that they have no responsibly for others in that
society. Priestly possibly wanted to show an audience this, so they could reflect on
themselves on how they view responsibly and, also on Priestleys main aim. Sybil Birling
is her husbands social

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