Careers Essay

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Careers Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Careers" can be a challenging endeavor, primarily because of the
broad spectrum that the subject encompasses. Delving into the multifaceted aspects of careers
requires a comprehensive understanding of various professional fields, industries, and the dynamic
nature of the job market. Additionally, the task involves not only presenting factual information but
also weaving a narrative that engages the reader and communicates a sense of personal connection to
the chosen career theme.

One of the key difficulties lies in striking the right balance between personal experiences, aspirations,
and the objective analysis of the chosen career path. Ensuring that the essay reflects a genuine and
informed perspective while avoiding clichés and generic statements adds another layer of complexity.
Moreover, the landscape of careers is constantly evolving, making it crucial to incorporate up-to-date
information and trends to provide a relevant and insightful discussion.

The research process itself can be demanding, requiring extensive exploration of various professions,
their requirements, and the potential challenges and rewards they offer. Synthesizing this information
into a coherent and well-structured essay poses a significant intellectual challenge.

Furthermore, the task of articulating one's own career goals and aspirations demands introspection
and the ability to express these thoughts eloquently. Striking a tone that is both professional and
personally resonant is a delicate balance to maintain.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the theme of careers necessitates a thoughtful blend of research,
personal reflection, and effective communication skills. It requires the writer to navigate through the
complexities of the professional world while infusing the narrative with authenticity and relevance.
Despite its difficulties, mastering the art of crafting a compelling careers essay can be a rewarding
process, providing valuable insights into one's own aspirations and fostering a deeper understanding
of the ever-evolving world of work.

If you find yourself grappling with similar writing challenges or wish to explore a diverse range of
essay topics, consider seeking assistance from professional writing services like .
They offer support for various academic tasks, ensuring that your essays are crafted with precision
and expertise.
Careers Essay Careers Essay
Same-Sex Adoption In The United States
In the past few years, the United States has matured to be more accepting towards its gay
and lesbian citizens. The LGBT community slowly becoming represented in society, and
gay marriage was recently declared a Constitutionally guaranteed right in all 50 states.
However, there are still many challenges to overcome before equality is guaranteed for
all. One of the important rights that gay and lesbian couples have yet to fully attain is the
opportunity to apply for an adoption without experiencing harsh criticism from adoption
agencies and agency officials, along with encountering the clashing morals from a
majority of society. The discrimination faced by homosexual couples in the adoption
process is unjust, and the United States should recognize... Show more content on ...
Paul Sullins, a Catholic sociology teacher, claimed that children of same sex couples
were at over twice the risk of depression compared to persons raised by man woman
parents. He also concluded that the children were more likely to be suicidal or have
anxiety. These conclusions have been widely used as proof that gay parenting negatively
affects children and therefore should not be allowed. But Sullins reports and the similar
claims by homosexual adoption critics can be proven false. In Sullins specific case, his
research was declared as invalid. This study was posted in a journal without any editors to
view the material, and the study only used 20 children with no information provided on
their background, such as how long they were raised by their homosexual parents
(Frank). Not only has the credibility of the study been taken away, but the information
presented has conflicted with various national studies. Research from the American
Academy of Pediatrics stresses that most children of homosexual parents have seen their
biological parents divorce, so their physiological state must be understood in that context
(Perrin). This means that the emotional and mental health issues connected to gay
parenting does not necessarily connect to the parenting, and
The ADA Case Study
The ADA has three requirements for a disability, and employee if covered under the ADA
if they meet just one of the requirements;
1.A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life actives
2.A record of such an impairment
3.Being regarded as having such an impairment
Even with this broad definition, pregnancy simply isn t a disability and a pregnant
employee wouldn t be guaranteed protection. In 2008 the ADAAA was introduced
which made it easier for pregnant women who suffered pregnancy related disabilities to
establish they do have disabilities and are entitled to reasonable accommodations under
the ADA (, 2017). These accommodations would cover Abby s need to have a
10lb lifting restriction as ... Show more content on ...
It goes on to state that it is the burden of the employer to demonstrate a reason they
cannot reasonably accommodate an employee s beliefs and practices without undue
hardships (Walsh, 2014).
Gunther would first need to establish prima facie of failure to reasonably accommodate
1.The existence of a sincere religious belief or practice that conflicts with an employment
2.The employer was informed of the conflicting belief or practice
3.The employee or applicant suffered an adverse employment outcome because of
adhering to the religious belief or practice
Once Gunther established prima facie, Central Perk would have to show the following:
1.A reasonable accommodation was offered but not accepted
2.No reasonable accommodation without undue hardship was available (Walsh, 2014)
The existence of a sincere religious belief or practice that conflicts with an employment
Even though Kemet is not a widely known religion, Gunther has demonstrated the sincere
religious belief required by the EEOC. The tattoos he has are required by his religion and
any concealment of the tattoos runs contrary to its belief system.
The employer was informed of the conflicting belief or practice
Gunther s tattoos have never been discussed with his current manager, which indicates he
never informed Central Perk of the possible conflict. Employees are required to
Statement For Icu
I want to be in the ICU because of the great responsibility it is to care for the critically
ill patients because it is challenging, but rewarding. I have always had an interest in
critical care nursing as I have grown up in the medical field. Spending a month in the
ICU with my grandpa made me realize that it takes a special person to do critical care
nurse. During an stay in the critical care setting you are able to see the direct effects of
my action within a short amount of time. I believe I have the passion, leadership, quick
response skills to care for these patients. I am also eager to learn about the prioritization
skills and critical thinking skills that is required to be a nurse. Every situation brings new
challenges and learning opportunities in which I can gain more critical thinking skills....
Show more content on ...
I know it is a challenge and I am eager to learn, and truly know that I am making a
difference. I am a motivated hard worker and have the personality to always seek deeper
knowledge during any situation I am in. Working in the acute care setting will expose me
to situations in which I can demonstrate my skills, but I am very inquisitive to learn the
more complex tasks.. An ICU nurse doesn t work independently, but as a part of a team. I
hope to gain more communication skills to collaborate with other members of a patient s
care team to improve the patient s health. The high intensity environment keeps me
motivated and to preserve. My goals of continuing education, implementation of clinical
skills, and improved communication can be met by having the opportunity of being in the
Define Feminism Essay
Define Feminism

A woman should be barefoot, pregnant and chained to a stove, stated Ben Glantz, a
high school senior. Drew Pershing, another senior, also shared a joke, What does a
woman do after she leaves a battered shelter? The dishes...if she knows what s good for
her! Daily jokes and comments such as these, no matter how harmless, are detrimental to
the status of women and a dangerous undermining of their accomplishments. Shared by
both genders, sexually discriminative comments are widely accepted in society as
normal and harmless. I didn t mean anything by that; I was just kidding, whimpered Ben
Glantz after receiving several cold stares from young women who overheard his bashing,
sexist comment.

Women have ... Show more content on ...

According to her it s recognizing and celebrating the uniqueness of being female. It s also
being responsible rather than being dependent.

Some women abuse feminism by using it as an excuse to speak their minds, but
others use feminism as a tool to open people s eyes to the often ignored problem of
inequality. This belief in a tolerant assertiveness, a claim in human participation and
human rights is called power feminism (Wolf, 1993). If used ideally, power feminism
effectively accomplishes its task of bringing self worth. . . to every woman s life, states
Naomi Wolf. On the other hand, victim feminism makes a woman out to be a
defenseless angel who pleads for the mercy of other by acting as a victim. Seeking power
through a powerless position of dependence only slows the feminist movement.

All around the world women are crying out, claiming that it is no longer acceptable to
discuss women s rights as separate form human rights, (Hillary Clinton Tumulty, 1997).
The abuses females endure are found everywhere in places like Senegal, Bangladesh,
and Berjing, China. Abortion, denial of political rights, and suppression of speech
(Tumulty) are forces upon women daily. But feminism has taken a strong hold of the
women around the world, giving them hope for equal rights in the future. Our
community could see we were a society of strong willed women, prides Faustima Nunez,
a resident of Chica, and we are no
Separating the Flames of Reality Essay
In Alice Walker s short story, Everyday Use, Wangero could have thought: Ashes to
Ashes. Dust to Dust. Once the house burned, it, and its history is dead lost in the
flames the joy in a new start, a new life, a new name must have made Wangero want to
dance around the ashes (66) of the house. Dee did in fact change her name to Wangero
Leewanika Kemanjo. When her mother asked her why she didn t use her name
anymore Wangero answered: She s dead, I couldn t bear it any longer being named
after the people who oppress me. (68) `She died in the same fire that burned down the
house I suppose. So, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Dee was reborn as Wangero.
However, the night of the fire a flameof conflict was born for... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the separation between Maggie (and her mother) and Dee is also symbolically
the separation between Wangero (fantasy) and Maggie (reality).

The same objects that her mother and Maggie use everyday, Wangero wants to use
artistically. The butter churn top she will use as a centerpiece for the alcove table, (69)
but the quilts Wangero wants to Hang them As if that was the only thing you could do
with quilts. (70) But of course Maggie can t appreciate these quilts! She d probably be
backward enough to put them to everyday use. (70) Consequently, the choice is between
having objects just for show, or using the objects for what they were made.

For the mother, the choice is not easy. The illusion of Wangero appears as a dream
where the mother says she is a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley
pancake (65) her hair glistening in the lights. She dreams she has a quick and witty
tongue. (65) Who wouldn t wish for such a dream to be real? But the reality is that she
is like Maggie always with one foot raised in flight. (65) Maggie s mother is a large, big
boned woman. (65) She is not conventionally beautiful. The

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