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Ninth Grade Reading Comprehension 3: Olivia’s Lost Key

It was a dark and stormy night when Olivia realized that she had lost the key to her house. She
had been out with her friends for the evening and had only just arrived home, only to find that
the key was nowhere to be found. She searched through her pockets, her purse, and even the
ground around her, but the key was gone.
Olivia began to panic. It was late, and her parents wouldn't be home until the morning. She
didn't want to spend the night outside in the rain, but she had no other choice. She wandered
around the neighborhood, trying to think of a solution, when she stumbled upon a small shed in
a nearby park.
She tried the door, and to her surprise, it was unlocked. She cautiously stepped inside and
found it to be empty, save for a few blankets and an old radio. She decided to make the best of
the situation and curled up under the blankets, listening to the radio as the storm raged
outside. As the night wore on, Olivia began to feel more and more uneasy. She couldn't shake
the feeling that she was being watched. She tried to tell herself that it was just her imagination,
but the feeling persisted. Eventually, she dozed off, but was awoken by the sound of footsteps
outside the shed.
She froze, unsure of what to do. The footsteps grew closer and closer until the door creaked
open. A figure stepped inside, and Olivia could barely make out their face in the dim light. They
approached her slowly, and she braced herself for the worst.
"Olivia?" the figure said in a familiar voice. "Is that you?"
It was her friend, Jack. He had been out searching for her all night and had stumbled upon the
shed by chance. Olivia was relieved to see a friendly face, and the two of them spent the rest of
the night huddled together under the blankets, waiting for the storm to pass.
1. What did Olivia lose?
2. What did she find when she was looking for a solution?
3. Why did Olivia feel uneasy during the night?
4. Who was the person that entered the shed?
5. How did Olivia and Jack spend the rest of the night?
Summary Question:
What did Olivia do when she realized she had lost the key to her house, and who did she
encounter during the night?


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