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Writing A Conclusion Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Writing a Conclusion Essay" can be both challenging and
intriguing. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance one must strike between summarizing key points
and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Crafting a conclusion requires a deep understanding
of the essay's main arguments and the ability to synthesize them cohesively.

Firstly, summarizing the main points without being repetitive is a challenge. The conclusion should
not merely restate the thesis and major supporting ideas; instead, it needs to encapsulate the essence
of the entire essay in a concise yet impactful manner. Striking the right balance between brevity and
depth can be a meticulous task, as the goal is to leave a lasting impression without overwhelming the

Furthermore, achieving a sense of closure and resolution is vital. The conclusion should not feel
abrupt or disconnected from the rest of the essay. Creating a sense of unity and coherence requires
careful consideration of the overall structure and flow of the essay.

Additionally, crafting an effective concluding sentence or thought-provoking closing remarks can be

particularly challenging. The conclusion is the last chance to leave a lasting impression, and it needs
to be memorable. Deciding on the right words or ideas to leave the reader with can be a daunting
task, as it requires a deep understanding of the essay's purpose and a creative touch.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Writing a Conclusion Essay" demands a keen sense
of synthesis, conciseness, and creativity. It is an intricate task that requires a writer to navigate the
fine line between summarizing content and leaving a lasting impact on the reader.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring , where you can
find valuable resources and even order custom-written essays to support your academic endeavors.
Writing A Conclusion EssayWriting A Conclusion Essay
How Water And Sunlight Affects Plant Growth
Review of Literature
Introduction How Water and Sunlight Affect Plant Growth
Photosynthesis is how water and sunlight affect plant growth. According to The Merriam
Webster Dictionary the definition of photosynthesis is the process by which chlorophyll
containing plants make carbohydrates from water and from carbon dioxide in the air in
the presence of light . This basically means photosynthesis is the process that all green
plants undertake to receive their needed food and energy using sunlight, water (H2O),
and carbon dioxide (CO2). So water and sunlight affects plant growth by helping the
process of photosynthesis, which then helps the plant receive energy and food.
Photosynthesis is essential, not only for plants, but all living things especially humans.
As stated before, photosynthesis helps plants receive their needed food and energy,
which helps them grow and stay alive. Photosynthesis is not just helpful for plants
though. Plants produce various things we use in life such as wood, paper, food, lumber,
fuel, etc. That is not the only thing plants produce for us. They produce oxygen for all
human life and other living things to breathe. Without photosynthesis there would be
little plant life. Without plants there would be little human life. Therefore, photosynthesis
is extremely vital for all forms of life.
The process of photosynthesis is pretty complex. Sunlight and water are both very crucial
elements of this process. Here are the steps of the photosynthesis
Diagnostic Signs
There is also swelling that causes joint stiffness, brittle nails, thin skin that is cool, and
trophic skin changes. It is common for X rays to show noticeable bone loss and
osteoporosis at this stage of CRPS. Stage three, also known as atrophic stage, occurs six
to twelve months from the start of symptoms and can last many years. At this stage, pain
continues to worsen and spread to other areas of the body. The edema begins to harden
and contractures occur. The extremity affected has a decrease in temperature, and there
are atrophic skin changes, such as changes to the fingers and toes, that are unchangeable.
X rays are likely to show demineralization and ankylosis. Throughout each stage of
CRPS, some motor disorders may also occur. These... Show more content on ...
Most complications begin to occur when stage four is reached. A list of the various
complications seen with CRPS is as follows: agitation, cardiac disturbance, depression,
disturbance of immune system, disturbance of judgement, dysphagia, endocrine system
dysfunction, fatigue, Gardner Diamond Syndrome (spontaneous bruising),
gastrointestinal complications, GERDS, headaches or migraines, hearing complications,
hypothyroidism, insomnia, internal organ involvement, interstitial cystitis, intractable
hypertension, irritability, keratitis sicca (dry eyes), limbic system dysfunction, low
cortisol levels, movement disorders, respiratory system complications, skin lesions,
rashes, ulcers, spread of CRPS, tinnitus, urological complications, visual disturbance, and
vulvodynia. 10 CRPS is still very misunderstood by doctors. With a speedy diagnosis and
early treatment, CRPS is likely not to advance through all the stages therefore preventing
many of these
Diversity Interview Assignment
Diversity Interview Assignment
SW 3410 Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Steven D. Sledge
Madonna University

The people in the world that we live in are extremely diverse, in terms of the
nationalities, religions, gender classifications and physical abilities. Social workers must
have a clear understanding of the consequences of diversity and difference and the
mechanisms of oppression and discrimination as they relate to human development. The
range of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds that social workers will practice in is
huge. Because of this, social workers must have an understanding of the values and
attitudes of a multitude of different cultures as well as an understanding of their own
attitudes and ... Show more content on ...
English Service Language Director Ms. Hadeel Betti helped in selecting a candidate for
the interview. I was shocked at her age of 31 years by her tiny frame as she approached
for the interview. She was very pleasant, very polite and eager to smile at every
appropriate moment.

IV. Information Obtained

Ms. Mao describes herself as Chinese of the Han nationality. The Han nationality
dominates the ethnicity of the population of China. According to, China
is the most populous nation on earth; in 2000, the estimated population was
1,261,832,482 (over one fifth of the world s population). Of these people, 92 percent are
Han Chinese; the remaining 8 percent are people of Zhuang, Uyhgur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan,
Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi and Korean (, 2013). According to Ms.
Mao, Chinese people who live in the far south of China belong to what she describes as
the South Asia race.
Ms. Mao earned a degree in journalism in China and has worked as a journalist there for
some time. She stated that she wanted to expand her knowledge and learn new things.
Her major at Madonna University is business. She has no brothers or sisters and states
that this is the result of China s one child law. According to the Journal of Politics and
law, The Birth Control Law of PRC restricts married, urban couples to having only one
child, and rural couples to having 2 children if the first is female, while ethnic minorities
Human Dignity in Relation to Universal Healthcare
Human Dignity is complex there is no solid definition but similar words such as value
and worth arise (ACU, 2014, 2.1.2) Many have different definition of what human
dignity is these are two main categories of what human dignity means to people:
Category 1 Some understandings of human dignity are based in the belief that it is
something all humans already have, these are called Attributed Dignity (Weisstub and
Díaz Pintos, 2008, p 27) Because we are human, OR Humans have special attributes
making us better then all living things Category 2 Other understandings of human
dignity are based in the belief that human dignity is something that people can acquire
(or lose) this is known as Intrinsic Dignity (Weisstub and Díaz Pintos, 2008, p 27)
Through their own sense of self worth OR Through societies view and expectation of
that person These categories are divide up into four sectors: 1A: Humans have inherent
worth simply because they are human. Many religious people hold this belief as we are
all created in God s image. Others claim we have priority over any other living thing on
this earth. 1B: Humans have inherent worth because they are distinctive and special.
Through human abilities (independent though that is rational and logical) makes us
distinctive to any other species. 2A: People have dignity when I believe in my own
worth. This takes into account the individuals feelings, sense of pride and encouraging
individuals to live a righteous life. 2B:

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