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Rachel A.

Valles BTLED 3B


Activity Chapter 4

1. Read a research on the disadvantages of portfolios. Submit your research summary.


The advantages of portfolio gives you a holistic view of all your assets and enables you to see the
gaps in your investment plan vis a vis your financial objectives. Portfolio management allows you to take
more informed decisions about the kind of investments you should make. And its advantages Logistics
are challenging. Students must retain and compile their own work, usually outside of class. Motivating
students to take the portfolio seriously may be difficult. Transfer students may have difficulties meeting
program-portfolio requirements.

2. Research on an example of a learning e-portfolio and a career/transfer eportfolio.


E-.Learning e-portfolio Career Portforlio

3. Reflection Writing: As future teacher applicant, what will you place in your eportfolio? Why.


As a future teacher applicant I will put my collections of work and accomplishments. And the stated


•Career objective/profile


•Work samples

•Study Abroad/ International Experience

•Awards and honors

•Additional education.

•Volunteer and extracurricular activities.


•Letters of recommendation and testimonials.

So, this kind of information it can help the other people to know Who I am, to know my capabilities
when it comes to teaching.


1. Give your personal understanding of the statement: “Testing gives you a snapshot. Portfolios give
you a movie.” (Dr. Helen Barrett).


My own understanding in "testing gives you a snapahot. Portfolio give you a movie" is that portfolio is a
purposeful selection of evidence by the student at a point in time, with a particular audience in mind
while testing is just a snapshot where in tests which measure where a student is at through one
experience, i.e. summative assessment. Blended portfolios showcase a variety of evidence and show
how much a student has grown and developed over an extended period of time.
2. What steps must you take to ensure effective use of e-portfolios?


• Explain the benefits of e-Portfolios to students

•Establish clear expectations

•Provide numerous examples of successful e-Portfolios created by students.

•Scaffold student learning

•Walk then talk

•Tie e-portfolio to assessment

•Make it Social.

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