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About Your Family Essay

Crafting an essay about your family may seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving
into the intricacies of personal relationships and shared experiences can make it a more challenging
endeavor than anticipated. The difficulty lies not in the act of writing itself but in navigating the fine
line between candor and privacy.

One must strike a delicate balance, sharing enough to create a vivid and engaging narrative while
respecting the boundaries of personal space and confidentiality. Family dynamics are complex, and
weaving a coherent and compelling story requires introspection and a keen awareness of the impact
words can have on the individuals involved.

The challenge also lies in avoiding clichés and platitudes that often accompany discussions about
family. It's easy to fall into the trap of employing generic phrases and sentiments that fail to capture
the unique essence of one's own family. Unearthing the distinctive traits and idiosyncrasies that make
a family special requires a nuanced approach to storytelling.

Furthermore, the emotional connection to the subject matter can pose a challenge. While the essay is
a personal reflection, it must transcend the realm of mere sentimentality and resonate with a broader
audience. This demands a careful consideration of tone, language, and pacing to ensure that the
reader is not only informed about the family but also emotionally engaged.

In conclusion, composing an essay about your family demands a blend of introspection, storytelling
finesse, and a conscious effort to balance openness with discretion. It requires the writer to navigate
the complexities of personal relationships while presenting a narrative that is both genuine and
universally relatable.

For assistance with essays on various topics, including personal narratives like the one described,
similar essays, and more, consider exploring the services offered at . Expert
guidance can provide valuable insights and support in crafting essays that meet both personal and
academic expectations.
About Your Family EssayAbout Your Family Essay
Imagery in Chopin’s Storm and John Steinbeck s The...
Use of Imagery in Chopin s Storm and Steinbeck s Chrysanthemums

A pattern of repeated words or phrases can have a significant impact in conveying a

particular impression about a character or situation, or the theme of a story. In the story
The Storm, by Kate Chopin, and The Chrysanthemums, by John Steinbeck, imagery is an
integral element in the development of the characters and situation, as well as the
development of theme.

In the story The Storm, Kate Chopin uses imagery throughout as a powerful instrument
to convey the new sexual feelings that Calixta and Alcee are experiencing. In this story,
words such as thrust beneath the crack, and her lips were as red and moist as
pomegranate seed are very good uses of ... Show more content on ...
The theme of this story seems to be that when Calixta and Alcee had sex and cheated
on their marriages, it made their marriages happier, so the storm passed and everyone
was happy (Chopin 150). Alcee wrote to his wife the night he cheated on her, it was a
loving letter, full of tender solicitude (150). And after having an affair, the character
Alcee seems to care more about his wife and baby, realizing that their health and
pleasure were the first things to be considered (Chopin 150). He seems to care more
about his wife and baby after he cheats on his wife because of the word realizing. It
gives the meaning that he just figured out that their health and pleasure were the first
things to be considered. Calixta and Bobinot, as well as Bibi are shown to be very
happy and full of laughter after she cheats on Bobinot, when the three seated themselves
at table they laughed much and so loud that anyone might have heard them as far away
as Laballiere s (Chopin 149).

In the story The Chrysanthemums, by John Steinbeck, imagery is important in the

development of his characters. The man who drives the wagon and fixes things is a
perfect example of imagery. His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease.
The laughter had disappeared from his face and eyes the moment his laughing voice
ceased. His eyes were dark, and they were full of the
Augustine On Faith Vs Reason Research Paper
Faith and reason are differentiated according toAugustinian and Aquinan philosophies;
however, knowledge by empiricism, is often seen as stronger than knowledge by faith.
According to Aquinas, there was a difference between faith and reason, the two were not
significantly the same but there was room for both. For example, the human mind, is
defined reason, because it is a natural power with its own limits and its own range.
Philosophy, and any other theoretical and practical sciences, is based on reason, and
therefore, concerns natural knowledge. Articles of faithsuch as God s existence, a priori (
prior to existence) can not be proved by reason or by analytic truth, because it is not the
same as a math question. God is beyond the grasp of human reason.If people are to direct
their thoughts to an end, they must know the end first.... Show more content on ...
This idea states that in order to find evidence for something, one must first believe in
that something. He also believes in direct insight, which can be defined as a personal
experience that encourages faith before reason. Secularism is not allowed in
Augustine s world. The lover of God lives by faith and hopes for salvation, the one
who lives by reason only lives by presumption and seeks earthly happiness and
success.All existence and beauty in this world must come from a single source, that is
God and nothing can equal God s understanding. He did not create us to be
independent of him, our reason allows us neither to control our fate. Our fate is death.
God is not the cause of everything in the world; natural evil is caused by natural
events, and moral evil is caused by human events. Freewill is good in instrumentality so
a person must choose to be good. It is our free will given by God that determines our
ability to reason. What we think about things depends on our attitude we take toward
them. The meaning of life can be found only in God and no other
Project Description Of A Mathematical Model
Project Description In many science and engineering applications, such as petroleum
engineering, aerospace engineer ing and material sciences, inference based on a
mathematical model and available observations from the model has garnered importance
in recent years. With the lack of the analytical expres sion, in most scenarios this solution
involves numerical approximation. The underlying system may contain unknown
parameters which requires solving an inverse problem based on the ob served data. In
many cases the underlying model may contain high dimensional field which varies in
multiple scales such as composite material, porous media etc. This high dimensional
solution can become computationally taxing even with the recent advent of... Show more
content on ...
For example, in petroleum engineering the reservoir permeability may be unknown.
From oil/water pressure data from different well locations estimating the unknown κ
is an inverse problem. 1 Figure 1: Left hand panel shows one dimensional
basis at coarse level of discretization at grid points 1,2,3,.... Basis corresponding grid
point 2, φ2 is supported in [1,3] interval and zero otherwise and linear in [1,2] and
[2,3]. Right hand panel shows typical multiscale basis at two dimension, which takes
non zero value on coarse neighborhood of some coarse grid points but has high
resolution by solving a local problem. The solution u, the parameter κ can have
oscillatory nature (both in temporal and spatial scale) with multiple scales/periods. A
numerical solution that captures the local property of this solution requires capturing
the local structure which involves solving a homogenous version of (1) locally and
use these solutions as basis to capture the global solution, which is known as
multiscale solution (Fish et al., 2012; Franca et al., 2005). A highly oscillatory κ(x, t)
= κ(x) is given for a two dimensional domain in Figure 2 . In numerical solution, the
domain is split into many small grids and basis corresponding to each grid, also known
as fine scale basis, can capture the oscillatory solution (see Figure 1). The linear pde
system can be reduced into
Management Of Implementation Of Nanotechnology On
Management of implementation of nanotechnology in upstream oil industry: An analytic
hierarchy process analysis

Pouyan Motamedi1*, Hasan Bargozin2, Peyman Pourafshary3

1 Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Alberta, Canada
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
3 Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University,
Muscat, Oman

Nanotechnology has had revolutionary effects in various fields of industry such as
electronics, pharmaceuticals, and biomaterials. However, upstream oil industry has been
noticeably slow in adopting the emerging technologies. This is most likely due to the
exceptionally large investments needed to ... Show more content on ...
Finally, using a decision making software, a dynamic analytic hierarchical process
analysis was performed, providing a route to customized investment policies. Introduction
It has been predicted that the world energy demand will experience a 2 3% annual
increase rate, accumulating to 50% in two decades [1]. It is expected that this increase in
demand more than compensate the contribution of alternative and renewable energy
sources to the total energy market [1 3]. In other words, traditional hydrocarbon sources
are believed to remain the dominant source of energy for the foreseeable future.
Considering the shrinking size of the available sources, meeting this demands will be a
major challenge in oil and gas industry.
In spite of the significant capital investments in the industry, meeting the increasing
global demand requires implementation of the emerging technologies in the oil and gas
industry. In other words, efficiency of the exploration and development of new
resources needs to be dramatically improved in the next two decades [4]. High risks
associated with adoption of innovative technologies has slowed down the rate of
research and development in oil industry [5]. A review of the role of research and
development in various sectors of technology reveals that upstream oil industry needs a
Graduation Speech
My mom drops me off in front of the large store, good luck Sarah you will do great!
See you at 6 she says as I quickly jump out of the car. I walk up the automatic door with
butterflies in my stomach while repeating to myself, don t worry you ll be fine over
and over again in hopes if I say it enough it ll become true. The automatic doors open
with one swift motion I then walk towards a second set of automatic door. When these
doors open I am greeted with a gust of nice cold air and the constant sound of beep
beep, shopping carts wheeling around, the sound of cash registers opening, receipts
printing off, and bustling people. I freeze trying to figure out where to go in this large
store but before I can start to panic I am greeted by a small masculine looking women
in her mid 20s with an extremely laid back attitude. Here she says as she tosses me a
navy blue polyester smock with the words Crosby s Marketplace embroidered on the
pocket and a cross tie. After I put on the less than fashionable uniform I m escorted
over to a register. The women who greeted me introduces herself as Izzy and informs
me she will be training me she quickly begins to say this button does this, now this one
does this, if it is credit press this and save the receipt. And also always remember to say
have a nice day . Wow my first day of work. I am excited and nervous about what is to
come as a cashier. I must master the art of talking to customers while managing to press
the right
Essay on The Republican Party
The Republican Party

The Republican party is one of the two major POLITICAL PARTIES in the United
States, the other being the DEMOCRATIC PARTY party. It is popularly known as the
GOP, from its earlier nickname Grand Old Party. From the time it ran its first
PRESIDENTIAL candidate, John C. Fremont, in 1856, until the inauguration of
Republican George BUSH in 1989, Republican presidents occupied the WHITE HOUSE
for 80 years. Traditionally, Republican strength came primarily from New England and
the Midwest. After World War II, however, it greatly increased in the Sunbelt states and
the West. Generally speaking, after World War I the Republican partybecame the more
conservative of the two major parties, with its support coming from ... Show more content
on ...
The new party was a success from the beginning. In the 1854 congressional elections 44
Republicans were elected as a part of the anti Nebraskan majority in the HOUSE OF
REPRESENTATIVES, and several Republicans were elected to the SENATE and to
various state houses. In 1856, at the first Republican national convention, Sen. John C.
Fremont was nominated for the presidency but was defeated by Democrat James
BUCHANAN. During the campaign the northern wing of the KNOW NOTHING
PARTY split off and endorsed the Republican ticket, making the Republicans the principal
antislavery party.
Two days after the inauguration of James Buchanan, the Supreme Court handed down the
Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, which increased sectional dissension and was
denounced by the Republicans. At this time the nation was also gripped by economic
chaos. Business blamed tariff reductions, and Republican leaders called for greater tariff
protection. The split in the Democratic party over the issue of slavery continued, and in
1858 the Republicans won control of the House of Representatives for the first time. One
Republican who failed that year was Abraham LINCOLN, defeated in his bid for a U.S.
Senate seat by Stephen A. Douglas.

Lincoln, the Civil War, and Reconstruction

At the second Republican national convention, in 1860, a hard fought contest resulted in
the presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln. The
Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream...
Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream One of the recurring
themes throughout Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream is the time of day during
which the play s major action takes place: night. This being the case, there are certain
words that are directly linked to this theme that appear numerous times throughout the
script. Four such words are moon, moonlight, moonshine, and lunatic. Each comes from a
feminine root that serves to identify the women in the play as prizes to be won and
controlled. It becomes clear when looking up the term moon in the Oxford English
Dictionary that the word is associated with the feminine. In poetry, for instance, the moon
is often personified, always as female... ... Show more content on ...
Theseus looks to the moon to measure how soon he will wed his fiancé, Hippolyta.
Hippolyta responds in kind, commenting, And then the moon, like to a silver bow
/ New bent in heaven, shall behold the night / Of our solemnities (1.1.7, 14). Not only
does the bride speak of the moon as a measurement (for when it becomes a silver bow,
or crescent, they wed), but she also speaks of the night when the moon wanes as a
time of festive marriage ceremonies. It is important to take into account the character
of Hippolyta in this instance. Having Theseus wed Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons,
takes away Hippolyta s power as a strong female. She, too, is counting the nights by the
waning of the moon until she is legitimately wed and under the control of a husband.
The lesser characters, below royalty in the social order, take part in illicit happenings
veiled by night, as the moon oversees the activities of May Day/Midsummer s Eve.
The moon is considered a passive overseer or witness to (the actions of humankind)
(Brown 1645). In the forest of Oberon and Titania, the moon is truly an observer.
Within a monologue by Titania, the fairy queen announces, Therefore the moon, the
governess of floods, / Pale in her anger, washes all the air, / That rheumatic diseases do
abound (2.1.102, 29). Titania speaks of her quarrel with Oberon in this instance and how
it affects all of nature. Their effect on the natural world is so strong that when they

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