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Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays" presents a unique challenge, as the topic itself
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It's akin to scrutinizing a mirror that reflects both the observer and the observed.

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Essays Essays
Theme Of Remembrance In The Devil s Arithmetic
In the early 1940s, the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, wanted world domination. They
invaded many countries and sent many citizens to concentration camps. Many of those
sent to the camps were Jewish, and were murdered for their religion. Jane Yolen wrote
The Devil s Arithmetic to remember these events, known as the Holocaust. Jane Yolen s
novel, The Devil s Arithmetic, delivers the message of remembrance more aptly than
Donna Deitch s film because of the character Rivka, the sacrifices made, and the
The novel delivers the message of remembrance through Rivka s character. To begin,
when Rivka is explaining how most of her family is gone, she says, As long as we can
remember, all those gone before us live inside of us. Throughout ... Show more content
on ...
For instance, when Chaya is getting her number tattooed, the tattoo artist tells her,
You are Chaya no longer, child. Now you are J197241. Remember it. The people of
the camp are their numbers, something they could never forget. The string of numbers
on their arm will be a constant reminder of the pain they felt. Deitch could believe that
the film dehumanized the Jewish prisoners. She would be incorrect in thinking this
because in the film, Commandant Breuer says I m surprised at you ladies. By
referring to the group of women as ladies, Breuer is humanizing them. In addition,
when the group of Jews are being escorted out of the boxcars, Yolen writes that the
dead baby was torn from its mother s arms and cast behind a horse s watering trough.
The disrespect and disregard the Nazis had for a life, even after it s gone, enforces the
need to remember this horrible
The Effects Of Boltzmann Distribution Function
Considering two temperature (cold and hot) ions of equal masses and charge numbers
following Boltzmann distribution function, Xie ( removed HTML ) et al. ( removed
HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 36 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML
) have found that the energy exchange rate is much smaller than the characteristic
frequency of the plasmasystem. The Soviet Phobos 2 spacecraft ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) 37 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) and the Japanese Nozomi
spacecraft ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 38 ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) have detected nonthermal ions having partial ring structure in the velocity phase
space. Besides, Tagare ( removed... Show more content on ...
They have also determined how the Gardner solution differs from the KdV and mKdV
solutions based on the typical data of Refs. ( removed HTML ) 19 ( removed HTML )
, ( removed HTML ) 40 ( removed HTML ) , and ( removed HTML ) 41 ( removed
HTML ) , and mentioned that these plasmas may exist in various cosmic dust laden
plasmas, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 42,43 ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) where two distinct temperature ions ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
41,44,45 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) can significantly modify the wave
dynamics. However, the role of the head on collisions between the DA waves may not
be ignored, because it plays an important role in understanding physical scenarios of
plasmas. Being motivated by the potentiality of the problems related to the
astrophysical, space, and laboratory plasmas, the head on collisions among the DA
single and multi solitons and their phase shifts in unmagnetized plasmas consisting of
massive negatively charged mobile dust particles, Boltzmann distributed electrons, and
two temperature nonthermal ions are investigated; the two temperature nonthermal
cold and hot ions occupy two different regions of phase space. The effects of cold and
hot ions temperature ratio ( ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) (
Compare And Contrast Functionalist And Stylistics
Two different approaches in Stylistics: Formalist Vs Functionalist

Stylistics as a particular way of approaching the meaning that a society produces has
many tools to analyze writer s or author s style of their works. There are actually several
different approaches toward stylistics including formalist, mentalist, textlinguistic
/functionalist, pragmatic, radical and empirical, however this paper will only focus on
comparing and contrasting two different approaches, those are Formalist and
Comparing Formalist and Functionalist
Generally both of them are interested in finding the meaning of the text, but formalists
look at the text semantically, while functionalists concern with the text pragmatically.
Formalist ... Show more content on ...
Firth and M.A.K Halliday. Malinowski, 1923 (cited in Burke, 2014) works on the
importance of situational context. Functionalists also look at context as important thing
in constructing meaning. Context will influence how we interpret a text. However,
context is put in the highest level of interpreting meaning. And then, Firth with his work
Personality in language and society (1950). Halliday (1994) (cited in Burke, 2014) in his
work An Introduction to Functional Grammar proposed what we called as metafunctions
. Halliday believed that in a particular language there must be tripartite functions, namely
Ideational, Interpersonal and Textual. Ideational or well known as experiential meaning
which has a representational function is used to encode any idea or experience of the
world; it conveys a picture of reality. Interpersonal function means we use it to encode
interaction to see the social relationships. And the last is Textual function of language is
used to organize our experiential, logical and interpersonal meanings into a linear and
coherent whole and it provides the formal properties of language. (Halliday, 2014). All
these functions work simultaneously and they have relation one another. However, it still
can be analyzed

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