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Should Abortions Be Legal Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of whether abortions should be legal is a complex and challenging task.
This subject is highly sensitive and divisive, involving ethical, moral, legal, and medical
considerations. Crafting a well-rounded and persuasive essay requires thorough research, a deep
understanding of various perspectives, and the ability to present arguments with clarity and empathy.

One difficulty lies in navigating the emotional and moral dimensions of the topic. Abortion is a
deeply personal and often controversial issue, and individuals hold strong beliefs rooted in their
values, religion, and cultural backgrounds. Addressing these emotions while maintaining objectivity
is a delicate balance that a writer must strike.

Moreover, the legal landscape surrounding abortion is complex and varies significantly across
different jurisdictions. Writers must delve into the intricacies of existing laws, court decisions, and
ongoing debates. Staying updated on the latest developments in legislation and judicial decisions
adds another layer of challenge.

Researching and presenting accurate medical information is crucial as well. Understanding the
medical aspects of abortion, its safety, and potential health risks is essential for providing a well-
informed perspective. This requires sifting through medical journals, studies, and expert opinions to
create a nuanced and evidence-based argument.

Lastly, a writer must be adept at organizing thoughts coherently, constructing a compelling thesis
statement, and seamlessly integrating evidence to support their claims. Balancing the various aspects
of the argument while maintaining a clear and engaging writing style is no small feat.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of whether abortions should be legal demands a
combination of research, empathy, and analytical skills. It requires a writer to navigate a complex
web of legal, moral, and medical considerations while presenting a well-reasoned and thought-
provoking argument. Despite the challenges, addressing this topic with care and respect for diverse
perspectives is essential in creating a meaningful and impactful essay.

For assistance with essays and more, consider exploring the services provided by .
They offer support for various types of essays and academic writing, providing a helping hand for
those navigating challenging topics.
Should Abortions Be Legal Essay Should Abortions Be Legal Essay
Marxism In Russia
Religion was another important cultural and political influence between the regions with
either Christianity or Russian Orthodox faith. The church created a community and
hierarchy within the territory. The teachings from the church formed the tsar leadership
qualities. In Russian society, you had a Caesaropapism that creates order in the country.
At that time, the tsar was head of government and the church. In 1848, Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engel published the Communist Manifesto which focused on the class
division and social conflict within a society. Marxist ideology provided the working
class voice and equality in society. The people of Russiaused this ideology to free
themselves from oppression. This caused a revolt against state government which created
the Russian Revolution. After the Russian Revolution, Marxism influenced the
development of communism and changed government policies. John Lenin wanted the
government to be controlled by one party which lead Russia into communism as a
centralized order. When John Lenin died, his predecessor Stalin created new policies and
laws for the government. Under Stalin, anyone who opposed the communist party was
dealt with by assassination or persecution. The... Show more content on
Russia used the communist ideology to transform it into totalitarian state. The
communist leaders had complete control over the country s economy, political and
cultural aspects. This system had centralized or unitary power in which the state had all
the control within the country. The new system is a combination of a semi presidential
and federalism system where all the power is controlled by one man, Vladimir Putin.
Putin had experience in the KGB (Committee on State Security) where this agency
protected the country from threats internal and external forces. This exposure gave him
access to government leaders and political
Healthcare Professional And The Healthcare Consumers
This essay will discuss how the concept of resilience developed and recommended to
imply for the healthcare professional and the healthcare consumers. Also the factors of
the concept of resilience will be discussed what is the risk factors and protective factors
and how the concept of resilience attributes to healthcare professionals and healthcare

Resilience is the concept to used to explain after an observation was made when some
children were more invulnerable then other children in same or similar hardships and
adversities . Some were able to achieve their goals and move forward, whereas others
went under. Resilience is an ability to bounce back from adversities and it can create
positive outcomes disregards the problem. Especially being resilient in health
profession refers to the ability to maintain personal and professional wellbeing in the
face of on going work stress and adversities. The researchers researched on resilience to
find out how resilience is present in some people and whether the resilience is an innate
character of the person or the result of a process of interaction with the environment. And
is resilience can be taught or somehow imparted to others. After the observation was
made the researchers have established the factors to establish the concept of resilience.
The risk factors and the protective factors have been defined and the theory have been
changed throughout the researches. By understanding the nature of the risk and
The Accounting Fraud At Worldcom Essay
From the time of WorldCom s inception there always seemed to be a tradition in
management as if the company was only 100 or so employees. There was a good old
boys mentality among the limited few running the company and if you were outside that
circle then were told only what they wanted you to hear. An unspoken rule among
employees was to do what you were told without questions or risk the consequences.
One example of this situation occurred when senior management member Gene Morse
told an employee If you show those damn numbers to the f****ing auditors, I ll throw
you out the window (Kaplan, R.S., Kiron, D., 2007, p. 3).WorldCom showed no concern
regarding an employee s need and obligation to voice concerns on matters related... Show
more content on ...
P., Coulter, M. K., 2012, p. 152), although it seems none of WorldCom s executive
management team seemed to feel this way. Many steps could have been taken to prevent
the collapse of the WorldCom empire, but only a few key managers held the power and
none were willing to take action. One control that did not exist in WorldCom s culture
was allowing both internal and external auditors access to all necessary documents and
statements. Without full disclosure of these items no one could see how many risks the
company was taking by making fraudulent entries against their books. Also the external
audit team, Arthur Anderson, held WorldCom as one of its best customers which was a
major conflict of interest. This relationship lead to many fundamental mistakes from
Anderson not keeping pressure on WorldCom and getting all vital information that would
prove how poorly the company was being run. Had they been operating transparently,
auditors and employees would have seen the accounting deception and could potentially
have stopped it prior to the company s collapse. In addition, by employing multiple
auditing firms many of the mistakes being made may have been caught and discontinued
from the beginning.
Corporate Responsibility The lack of critical information making its way down the chain
allowed WorldCom to continue its clouded disservice to
Cases Concerning Fundamental Breach And Non Delivery
3.Cases concerning fundamental breach
3.1.Non delivery
The failure of the seller in delivering the goods is almost always considered to be a
fundamental breach. This could be exemplified by a decision of Hamburg arbitration
award, whereby a seller from Czech and buyer from Germany disputed over an advance
payment for the goods and delivery. The seller suspended delivery of the goods claiming
advance payment, whereas, the buyer requested for avoidance of the contract due to non
delivery. The tribunal held that, advance payment should not be a ground to suspend
delivery, therefore, confirmed the request of the buyer to avoid the contract. Similar view
has been held by an arbitration tribunal in China whereby, failure of the seller to ... Show
more content on ...
In addition, the type of goods to be delivered should also be taken into account when
determining late delivery as a fundamental breach. For instance, in the case between
Italdecor s.a.s v. Yiu s Industries (H.K.) Limited, the buyer claimed for avoidance of the
contract and refund of the purchase price for the knitwear ordered due to the late
delivery. The appellate court of Millan held that, although fixed after the contract was
concluded, time was important as the goods were to be sold at the end of the year s sales.
Therefore, the seller has committed fundamental breach and confirmed the buyer request
of avoidance, restitution of the already effected payment along with interest.
On another case involving summer cloths it was held that, a late the delivery by one day
would not constitute a fundamental breach.
Although, there seems to be a general agreement as to mere late delivery not amounting
to fundamental breach; it still would be challenging to reach at a conclusion as to what
accounts as mere and substantial late delivery in terms of days.
3.3.Non conforming goods
Article 35 of the CISG deals with conformity of goods. It specifically obliges the seller to
deliver the goods as stated in the
The Pros And Cons Of Group Therapy
Healing from substance use disorder is found in connecting and sharing empathetically
with others who share the problem. For this reason, group therapy (GT) has emerged as a
standard method of treatment as those who suffer from this disorder find solace in the
company of peers and, under the guidance of a competent facilitator, become inspired to
seek a solution in common with them. Substance use counselors can expect to participate
in GT as a matter of course, so must understand the nuances involved in facilitating both
open and closed groups. This paper will define open and closed therapy groups, explain
the major differences between them, and compare their respective advantages and
disadvantages in certain treatment environments. Simply... Show more content on ...
New members are not generally added to closed groups, which makes it relatively
easier to monitor the collective progress through the therapeutic stages. The
introduction of new members to an open group makes this impractical, and so the
facilitator must, of necessity, be capable of tracking each individual s therapeutic
progress from his or her point of entry in relation to the rest of the group. Another
potential problem with an open group is a lack of cohesion among the members
(Scheneider Corey et al., 2014). The members of a closed group develop a more
intimate bond that remains throughout the term, and develop a sense of having worked
and endured together. In contrast, the members of an ever changing open group do not
develop such a bond. Instead, individuals experience an increasing sense of seniority as
attrition occurs. When members graduate out and new members are introduced, the
group dynamics shift as a new pecking order is established. This can cause delays or
setbacks in therapeutic progress. For this reason, Scheneider Corey et al. (2014)
recommend that open group facilitators introduce one or two new members at a time
rather than cause an upheaval in equilibrium by bringing in several at

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