The Importance, Meaning, and Assumptions of Art

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Activity 1

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________

Directions: Answer the following questions concisely.

1. How do you define the ART? In your opinion, is there a universal meaning of this term?

2. What can and cannot be considered art? Justify your answer.


Activity 2

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Identify what is being described in the
statement and write your answers on the space provided before the number.

_______________1. These are the forms of art that were commonly found in galleries and


_______________2. Art comes from the ancient Latin word, ars, meaning .

_______________3. It involves skills and expertness in handling materials and organizing them

into new, structurally pleasing, and significant units.

_______________4. Aimed to shape our subjective energies in accordance with a particular

view of the social world.

_______________5. These are the art forms that had everyday use.

_______________6. It is a discipline of studying arts through the lens of history.

_______________7. Refers to act of combining or reordering already existing materials that a

new object is formed.

_______________8. It allows us to understand deeply the purpose of an artwork and recognize

its beauty it possesses.

_______________9. People who study the visual and tangible objects humans make ad map

them in history.

_______________10. It becomes the expression of the individual’s exploration of his/her own


Activity 3

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________

Direction: Read each item carefully. Determine whether the statement is true or false. Write T if
the statement is true, F if false. Answers must be written on the space provided before the

__________1. Humanities helps us to learn how and what it is to be human particularly in which
we dream, act, and fulfil ourselves.

__________2. Making art is a human impulse. This is the reason why we have seen multiple
examples of art made from different parts of the globe.

__________3. In Classical period, the word art means “any special form of book learning such
as grammar, logic, or astronomy.”

__________4. Art has to be man-made. But it doesn’t mean that an artist has the freedom to
create anything as product of his personal and social exploration.

__________5. In the 21st Century, there is the focus of arts and humanities. As a result, science
and technology seem to belong to the past.

__________6. People have particular demands, and these demands drive them to create
particular artwork.

__________7. We use our senses to recognize arts, but it will not develop our perceptions in
specific elements.

__________8. Better understanding of us and the world can be achieved through gaining
pristine perceptions from arts.

__________9. Art describes aspects of existence at certain periods at certain places of certain

__________10. Propaganda literature usually static and un-compelling to influence people’s

cognition and affection.

Activity 4

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________

Direction: In the Concept Map below, concisely discuss the three major functions of Arts.

Activity 5

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _________

Course/Year/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________

Direction: Answer the following questions concisely.

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist will you be? What art field will you explore?
2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community, and your relation
to others with the earth?
3. Why is art ageless and timeless?
4. Why is art not nature?
5. Why does art involve experience?

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