Discursive Essays

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Discursive Essays

Crafting a discursive essay can be a challenging task that demands a combination of analytical
thinking, research skills, and effective communication. Unlike other forms of essays, a discursive
essay requires the writer to explore and present multiple perspectives on a given topic. This
complexity adds a layer of difficulty as it necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the subject
matter, as well as the ability to critically evaluate various arguments.

One of the primary challenges lies in maintaining a balanced approach. A discursive essay often
involves discussing both sides of an issue, and striking the right balance between different viewpoints
can be intricate. It requires finesse to present contrasting arguments without appearing biased or
favoring one perspective over the other. This demands a high level of objectivity and the ability to
analyze information impartially.

Additionally, researching and gathering relevant data to support each viewpoint is crucial. The essay
should be well-grounded in facts, statistics, and examples that bolster the arguments presented. This
process can be time-consuming and requires the writer to delve deep into the subject, understanding
the nuances of each perspective to provide a comprehensive overview.

Structuring a discursive essay also poses a challenge. Arranging the content in a logical and coherent
manner is essential to guide the reader through the different arguments. Creating a clear introduction
that introduces the topic and previews the key arguments, followed by well-organized body
paragraphs that delve into each perspective, and concluding with a succinct summary, demands
careful planning and execution.

Furthermore, maintaining clarity and coherence in language is paramount. Expressing complex ideas
in a clear and concise manner is an art in itself. Writers must be adept at articulating their thoughts,
using language effectively to convey meaning and foster understanding among readers.

In conclusion, writing a discursive essay is a formidable task that requires a combination of research,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Successfully navigating the challenges of
presenting multiple perspectives, conducting thorough research, structuring the essay, and
maintaining clarity in language is no small feat.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that HelpWriting.net offers a platform where similar
essays and much more can be ordered. Their services provide support for individuals looking to
tackle complex writing tasks or enhance their skills in essay composition.
Discursive Essays Discursive Essays
Kung Xiu s Stereotypes
Toot! Toot! A train came to a halt in Anhui, China, and a small Chinese women
stepped off, instantly smelling the aroma of dirty, polluted air. She lived in a part of
town where only one child per family was allowed, so, dropping off her newly born
baby to be left abandoned was the only option she had. As she hopped back onto the
train to head back home, the baby was left stranded, wailing and crying. It was early,
the sun was rising. A group of Asian men were strolling by when they stopped because
they heard the baby s bawling noises. They took her up and brought her into care
before dropping her off at a local orphanage. Her name was Kung Xiu, this means
sunrise in English. Each day she stayed at the orphanage, it got duller and duller. There
was nothing for the babies to do. They spent the majority of their day sleeping or lying
on their beds. The other parts they would eat when they were hungry or drink when
they got thirsty. The orphanage in China wasn t all that great, it was unsanitary and
smelly but it was a place for them to live until they were given a home. But by the time
the girls got old enough, they would be sent to work at factories if they weren t adopted.
Often, the babies would have been adopted by then, but, some aren t that lucky.... Show
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She lived at the orphanage for 10 months before she was finally given to a family who
would love and care for her. The day had come and she was brought into a large room
with all of the other girls who were getting adopted. Alongside, there stood many
anxious parents waiting for their baby girl. The time came and she was taken by her
new father into the real world and would be called Sarah. She got a glimpse of her new
family consisting of her mom, older sister and soon to come little brother. When her dad
took her out to see the world, she was so amazed and has never seen anything like
Phantom of the Opera Review
Phantom of the Opera is the longest running musical to date and has become one of the
most beloved and well known musicals on Broadway. The musical was inspired and
loosely based on the characters and the story of the book Phantom of the Opera by
Gaston Leroux. This CD is the original London cast which means that this recording is
with the first cast that ever preformed the musical with the actors that created the parts.
The musical was written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webberwho is one of the most
famous musical composers and has composed some of the most well loved musicals of
the last fifty years. Webber created incredible and emotional music for Phantom of the
Operathat set this musical apart from all the others. One thing that makes Phantom of
the Opera a unique musical experience is because it does not try to fit into one genre
and does not try to be too modern. This makes it unique because most of today s
musicals are trying to be more pop culture. The Phantom of the Opera manages to stay in
the time period where the story takes place but weaves in modern comedy and rock
music. The most obvious way that this is done is with the main theme of the musical.
The pounding of the organ is one of the most well known themes in musical theatreand it
is reminiscent of rock music with the guitar but it is different than rock because it is an
organ not a guitar. There are many other contrasts between old and new in the musical.
One contrast is of musical and opera. The
Problems Of Water Pollution
Water pollution is a very big and serious problem.Most pollution comes from
land.Next,When big parts of the land are plowed, the soil can runoff into our water,
carrying with it agricultural fertilizers and pesticides.Building too close to the water is
bad because it does way more pollution than we think.Last,there is a lot of evidence to
support my claims.

Most pollution comes from land. Did you realize that polluted water might even be a
problem in your own home, even if you live in a city with treated water supplies? First
of all,sadly water pollution is in our homes when the government treats out water they
are actually putting harmful chemicals in the water to clean it. The problem is that
normal degradation leaves particles that can still be harmful to living things
nanoparticles and microparticles,In addition, plastic is not biodegradable well it takes
10,000 years for one water bottle to biodegrade so it last very long and for that times it
will continue to harm many animals. Water pollution is a major contributor to declining
health and wellbeing of animals, plants, ecosystems, and even human beings in the
United States and in the rest of the world. As you can see,most pollution comes from
land for example plastic comes from factories then ends up in the ocean.

When big amounts of land are plowed, the exposed soil can runoff into our water,
carrying with it agricultural fertilizers and pesticides One of the biggest sources is called
nonpoint source
Influenza Virus And Respiratory System
Influenza Virus
Structure: The influenza virus looks like a sphere covered with spike like proteins for
grip ready to latch on to a healthy human cell. The H spike (hem agglutinin) and the N
spike (neuraminidase) are called proteins and exist in the envelope and they are used for
antigenic typing (Pearson 2004). These proteins allow the virus to enter and exit the host
(our cells). Once the virus is inside the cell, the virus can begin reproducing. Soon, each
infected cell is filled with thousands of new viruses, each of them looking to leave the
cell to find a new home in another cell and begin reproducing there.
The flu is a contagious illness caused by viral infection. The virus attacks your respiratory
system your nose, throat and lungs.

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