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Fashion Essay Example

Writing an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" may present both challenges and
opportunities for expression. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject but also in the
need to balance creativity with factual information. Fashion is a dynamic and multifaceted field that
encompasses history, culture, trends, and personal expression. Crafting a well-rounded essay requires
thorough research to stay current with the ever-evolving nature of the fashion industry.

One obstacle may be the sheer abundance of information available, making it challenging to select
relevant and compelling points to include. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive structure while
navigating through various aspects of fashion, such as its influence on society, the role of designers,
or the impact of sustainability, demands a careful approach to ensure clarity for the reader.

Moreover, expressing personal opinions and insights can be a delicate task. While essays often
encourage a unique voice, it is crucial to strike a balance between subjectivity and objectivity. The
challenge is to infuse the essay with your perspective without overshadowing the factual content that
lends credibility to your arguments.

On the positive side, delving into the world of fashion allows for creativity and individual
expression. The essay provides an opportunity to showcase one's understanding of the topic, the
ability to critically analyze information, and the skill to communicate ideas effectively. Integrating
real-world examples and case studies can enhance the essay's depth and demonstrate a
comprehensive understanding of the subject.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" requires a delicate balance
between creativity and research, objectivity and subjectivity. While navigating the complexities of
the fashion world, one must strive to maintain coherence and clarity throughout the essay.
Ultimately, the challenge is an enriching one, offering the chance to explore and articulate the
multifaceted nature of fashion.

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Fashion Essay Example Fashion Essay Example
Aesthetics Should Never Take Precedence Over Function Essay
Aesthetics Should Never Take Precedence Over Function

From the early Greek temples of yesteryear, to the high tech autonomous buildings of
tomorrow, the question of whether the function of a building or its aesthetics qualities
are more important has plagued the minds of architects around the world. Webster s II
New College Dictionary (Please do not use the encyclopedia or the dictionary to open
your essay way too high school.) defines aesthetics as The branch of philosophy that
provides a theory of the beautiful and of the fine arts (18). The definition of
Functionalism is defined by Webster s as The doctrine that the function of an object
should determine its design and materials (453). Now, if the function of an object decides
... Show more content on ...
They were the pilotis, the roof garden, the free plan, the elongated window and the free
façade. These five topics were essentially very new ideas at the time and were regarded
as the cutting edge in design (Von Moos 70). Corbusier used all of these elements in
his Villa Savoye located in Paris, France, which was designed in the purist fashion. In
order to incorporate the idea of purity into the structure, the building is painted
completely white, exaggerating the smooth flow of the planar walls and ceilings.
Corbusier s intent was for the building to stay clean and completely white, devoid of
stains to resemble purity of spirit (Palermo, 23 Feb 1999). While he sticks to this idea,
the function and practicality of the building is lost because of all the extra work that
has to go into the building to keep it pristinely white. Apart from Villa Savoye, there are
other buildings in which Corbusier sacrificed function for aesthetics. In the Salvation
Army building in Paris he attempted to design a building with it s own form of heat
control system by using different layers and thickness of glass to regulate air currents.
Instead of keeping a constant 18 degree temperature on the interior, the buildings glass
panels worked like a greenhouse and kept hot air inside making the interior practically
uninhabitable (Leatherbarrow and Mostafavi 30).

But for as many Corbusier buildings that were not functional, there were just as many that
Bunker Mexico
What is also intriguing about Bunker s study of Mexico is that the changes that were
being accepted by the Mexican population were very often complete contradictions to
what was considered traditionally Mexican. Not only does this stand in complete
opposition to what was seen in Karush s Argentina, but in Mexicothe constant reworking
of consumer goods and the texts used to sell them... generated the cultural meaning that
provided an identity for both the self and the world around them. (Bunker 97) Once
again, Mexico and Argentina could not be any different when seen through the lens of
Consumer Cultureand Culture of Class. The strict devotion of the government in
Argentina to keep hold of traditional ways of life were mirrored in Mexico by... Show
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Each author in his or her own way masterfully employs images in order to better support
their overall claims. Within her text, Workers Go Shopping, Milanesio expertly employs
multiple photos of Argentinians moving about their daily lives to illustrate how the
importation of western culture so greatly affected the emerging middle, and working
class consumers. This gives great backing to her thesis of how the emerging working
class so greatly affected the transformation of Argentina into a modern 20th century
nation. Photos of the Argentinian people enjoying modern luxuries like dance halls and
vacations to the beach, are accompanied by advertisements from magazines and street
billboards which further illuminate the consumer culture which had engulfed the nation
by mid century. Milanesio also employs images to illustrate how the importation of
western culture also propagated gender roles for not only women, but men as well.
Documents taken directly from Argentinian media of the day can be seen encouraging
women to aspire for beauty, but also submissiveness. The propagation of the housewife
myth, visible here in the Argentinian media, was a very prevalent force in the society of
the United States at this time and can be assumed to have been heavily influenced by their
neighbors to the north. Ads directed to women for sewing machines and kitchen
appliances were mirrored by ones pointed to men which embedded ideals of masculinity
and hard work. These advertisements not only encouraged an overall image of what
Argentinian people should aspire to, but also expanded the consumer market, thereby
promoting consumerism. These photographs of Argentinians enjoying the newfound
luxuries of modernity and consumer society gives great backing to Milanesio s thesis of
how the
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The issue of marijuana legalization has been a hot topic in recent times, but to understand
first why it became illegal. Marijuana became illegal the first time shortly after the
Mexican Revolution ended in 1910. After their revolution, many people from Mexico
brought with them their customs their ideas and with them they brought their use of
marijuana as a relaxant and medicine for many ailments. Even though, the use of cannabis
was already prevalent in America at the time, the term marihuana was attached to it and
with it led to the dirty outlook of it because of the significant influx of immigration to
states like Texas and Louisiana was taking away jobs and other opportunities for
Americans that were already here.
This negative outlook of marijuana was an offshoot of the poor perception of the
Mexican immigration. In effort to control and keep tabs on these new citizens, El Paso
pulled a play from San Francisco s playbook which had outlawed opium decades earlier
in effort to reduce Chinese immigration.( did
marijuana become illegal first place)
The idea was to accuse search and deport Mexicans as a result of marijuana possession.
Unfortunately, this way of controlling their customs and ways of life was extremely
successful. This strategy became a national movement it became a way to control and
monitor certain populations in check. Marijuana was consistently portrayed to cause
minorities and people of color to become violent or
Athletes Get Paid Research Paper
Many professional athletes make millions of dollars a year. Some people believe that
athletes get paid too much money. Others believe that athletes deserve the salary they
receive. I myself believe that athletes deserve their salaries because they get their money
from the citizens who pay to watch them play, they are entertaining to watch, and they
train hard. Firstly, athletes deserve their salary because they get their money from the
people who pay to watch them play. Athletes receive their salary from the money paid by
their audience. Therefore, whoever pays to watch athletes play, supports the salaries
athletes receive. Since many people pay to watch athletes play I believe that athletes
deserve their salary. Secondly, it is entertaining
Diversity And Demographic Characteristics Paper
Diversity and Demographic Characteristics Introduction Diversity relates to gender, age,
language, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief,
including that people are different in other respects such as educational level, job
function, socio economic background, personality profile, marital status and whether or
not one has family. Diversity and demographic differences can impact individual
behavior by creating conflict in the workplace. The success of an organization depends
on the workforce of the organization. A workforce made up of diverse individuals from
different backgrounds can bring the best talent to an organization. There are many types
of diversity and demographic characteristics... Show more content on ...
Historically speaking, women truly have not been a part of the workforce for very
long yet they often bring new and refreshing ideas and approaches. Debra Burrell, the
regional training director of the Mars Venus Institute in New York says, Women
managers tend to have more of a desire to build than a desire to win. Women are more
willing to explore, compromise, and to solicit other people s opinions. By contrast,
men often think if they ask other people for advice, they ll be perceived as unsure or
as a leader who doesn t have answers. Debra Burrell says, Men tend to be quicker at
making decisions, compared to women. Male managers are also more adept at forming
what management psychologist Ken Siegel calls navigational relationships, or
temporary teams set up to achieve short term goals. Men also tend to be decisive,
logical, aggressive, and often more independent than woman. As men and woman work
more closely together, they are learning from one another and picking up characteristics
from one another; thus improving the quality of working relationships and becoming
more productive. Age With the fact that today s workplace has individuals that vary in
age; most employees can be placed into one of 4 categories: Mature, Baby Boomer,
Generation X ers and Millenials. The members of each group, based on age, are
generally easy to identify; however definitely have different characteristics. The
Banking Concept of Education Essay
Banking Concept of Education
Philosopher and educator Paulo Freire once said, Education either functions as an
instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic
of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom,
the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and
discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. In Freire s work of the
Banking Concept of Concept , he describes how the education system is failing to help
student find success in the real world as well as it provides a framework for the teachers
to oppress the students through the distribution of power.
The banking Concept of Education ... Show more content on ...
The oppressors act upon any attempt to chance this system as this situation is quite
beneficial, The oppressors use their humanitarianism to preserve a profitable situation.
Thus they react almost instinctively against any experiment in education which
stimulates the critical faculties and is not content with a partial view of reality but
always seeks out the ties which link one point to another and one problem to another.
(Freire 9)
Freire shifts his focus to talk about the current consciousness state of the students. The
consciousness of the students is the key to keeping them oppressed, by being able to
change their consciousness it makes the students easier to control.
To solve the problem plaguing the education system, Freire offers a solution which
involves a problem posing education . In this system the roles of teachers and students
become mixed and left more open to interpretation. Both the teacher and student actively
participate in effective communication to gain an understanding of the information being
taught instead of just memorization. According to Freire, Knowledge emerges only
through invention and re invention, through the restless, impatient,

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