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King Lear a play by William Shakespeare and Houseboy a novel by Ferdinand Oyono are two

literary works that differ in many ways, but shares some similarities in there themes, characters
and setting.

King Lear is a play that was written and set in England where as Houseboy is novel that was
written in the 20th century and is set in Cameroon. King Lear is tragedy about an aging King
who divides his kingdom between his three daughters and suffers the consequences of his
discision. Houseboy on the other hand is a coming of age story about a young boy named
Toundi who works as Houseboy for a French colonial administrator in Cameroon. An other
difference between the two works is their point of view. King Lear is written in third person
omniscient which means that the reader is able to see into the thoughts and feelings of all the
characters. Houseboy is written in first person point of view which means that the reader is only
able to see things from the perspective of the narrator Toundi. Cultural context is an other
major difference between the two works. King Lear is set in the time where England was a
monarchy and King had absolute power over his subjects. Houseboy in the other hand id set in
Cameroon during the times of French Colonialism with the indigenous were oppressed and
exploited by Colonizers.

Despite their differences, the two literary works share some similarities for example both works
explore themes of power authority and betrayal. In King Lear the central conflict revolves
around the struggle for power and the betrayal of trust between family members. In Houseboy
Toundi was subjected to the abuse of power by his Colonial master and eventually betrayals his
own people by collaborating with the colonizers. So both feature complex and multi-
dimensional characters. The characters in King Lear are drawn with such depth are able to
sympathise with the most villainous of them such as Edmond. In Houseboy Toundi is a complex
character who struggles with the issues of identity and belonging as he navigates the
oppressive colonial system

Point of view
The point of view of King Lear is the third person omniscient which allows the reader to see into
the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. This gives the play a sense of objectivity and
allows the reader to understand the motivation of all the characters. The point of view of
Houseboy is the first person where the reader can see things from the perspective of the
narrator. This creates a sense of intimacy and allows the reader to empathise with Toundi’s
struggles and experiences

The culturel context

The cultural of King Lear is set in England, a time where the monarchy and King had absolute
power and the aristocracy held over the commun people. The play explores issues of power,
authority and the relationship between the ruler and the ruled. Houseboy is set in Cameroon
during the times of French colonialism. The novel explores issues of identity belonging and the
struggle against colonialism.
Between King Lear and Houseboy, we notice the complexities and multi-dimensionality of their
characters. Both works feature characters who are flawed and nuanced with their own
motivations and desires. In King Lear for example Lear himself is a complex character who
undergoes a transformation over the course of the play. Initially arrogant and self centered, he
gradually comes to see the error of his ways and begins to the sympathise with his subjects
where as in the Houseboy Toundi is a character who is initially naïve an innocent but who
comes to see the cruelty and injustice of the system under which he leaves.

The narrative style

The narrative style of King Lear is that of a play that is composed of dialogue and action. The
language is poetic and elevated with a complex structure and multiple layers of meaning. The
narrative style of Houseboy is that of a novel which is composed of prose and description. The
language is simpler and more straightforward.

The authors
William Shakespeare was a playwright who lived during the Queen Elizabethan era in England.
Is considered one of the greatest writer in the English language and is known for his profound
incite into Human. His mastery of English and his ability to create complex character and
intricate plot. Ferdinand Oyono the author of Houseboy was Cameroon writer and politician
who lived during the 20th century. He was a member of the Francophone African literature
movement who aimed to promote the cultural and political identity of African people. Oyono’s
writing often addressed issues of colonialism and oppression and he known for his use of satire
and irony to criticize the system of power that existed in Africa at that time

Figure of devices
Both King Lear and Houseboy make use of figurative devices to convey there themes and
messages. In King Lear Shakespeare make us of metaphors, similis and other figure if speech to
explore the complexity of human relationship and emotion. For example Lear compares himself
to a storm when he says and quote : I will do such things, what there yet I know not, but they
shall be the terrors of the earth and quote (act 2, scene 4) this metaphor emphasizes the
chaotic nature of Lear’s emotions and his sense of powerlessness in the phase of his own rage
and despair. In Houseboy Ferdinand Oyono uses figurative language to criticizes the systems
that exist in Cameroon. For example he uses the white man chair to describe the position of
power that colonizers held. Toundi’s the narrator says &quote The white man chair was not
made for a black man bottom and quote (Chapter 1). This metaphor showcases the sense of
alienation and discomfort that Toundi feels in the presence of the colonizers as well as the
power dynamic that exist between them.

Both King Lear and Houseboy also make use of symbolism to convey themes and messages.
In King Lear, the fool serves as a symbol of the truth that the other characters are unable to see.
He speaks in riddle and paradoxes using humor and wit to expose the folly of those around him.
In Houseboy the symbol of the bicycle represents Toundi’s desire of freedom and
independence. He longs to ride a bicycle but is denied this pleasure by his master, who sees it
as a symbol of disobedience and rebellion.

One of the key similarities between King Lear and Houseboy is their exploration of themes
related to power, authority, and betrayal. Both literary examine the complex relationship that
exist between those in position of power and those who are subject to their authority. In King
Lear this explores through the relationship between Lear and his daughters as well as the
various novel families who are vying for power and . In Houseboy the relationship between
Toundi and his various masters serves as a metaphor for the brooder power dynamic that
existed in the colonial rules.

In conclusion why there are many differences between King Lear a there are also similarities
between the two literary works. Both explore themes related power, authority, and betrayal,
feature complex and multi-dimensional characters, and has set an environment marked by
social and political upheaval. By examining this similarities, we can gain deeper understanding
of the way in which literature can provide insight into the human experience.

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