Secure Home Wireless Network

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22/01/2024, 12:12 Learning Platform | CompTIA

Lab Report

Lab Report
Time Spent: 10:51
Score: 3/3 (100%)
Required Actions
Change the wireless network settings Show Details
Change the wireless access point's default administrator authentication credentials Show Details
Configure the Home-Laptop to connect to the wireless network

Complete this lab as follows:

1. Access the TRENDnet wireless access point configuration tool.

a. From the home office view, under Computer Desk, select Home-PC.
b. In the URL field, type and press Enter.
c. In the Username field, type admin for the user.
d. In the Password field, enter password as the password.
e. Make sure that Remember my credentials is not selected.
f. Select OK.
g. Maximize the window for better viewing.
2. Change the settings on the wireless access point.
a. From the left menu, select Wireless.
b. Select Basic.
c. Use PoliceVan as the name in the Wireless Name (SSID) field.
d. Select Apply.
e. Log in to the wireless access point. Do not check Remember my credentials.
f. From the left menu, under Wireless, select Security.
g. From the Security Mode drop-down list, select WPA2-PSK.
h. Enter 4WatchingU in the Pass Phrase field.
i. Select Apply.
3. Change the wireless access point's administrator authentication credentials from their defaults.
a. From the left, select Administrator.
b. Select Management.
c. In the Account field, use @dm1n as the new username. (1 is the number 1.)
d. Use StayOut! in the Password field. (O is the capital letter O.)
e. For the Administrator Settings pane, select Apply.
f. Close Google Chrome.
4. Configure the Home-Laptop computer to connect to the wireless network. Then save the wireless profile.
a. From the top left, select Computer Desk.
b. On the Home-Laptop monitor, select Click to view Windows 11.
c. In the notification area, select the network icon.
d. Select the arrow (greater-than sign) above Available.
e. Select PoliceVan.
f. Make sure Connect Automatically is selected, and then select Connect.
g. Enter 4WatchingU in the Security Key field.
h. Select Next.
i. In the notification area of the taskbar, right-click the network icon and select Network and Internet settings.
j. Confirm that the computer has a connection.… 1/1

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