Write Comparison Essay

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Write Comparison Essay

Writing a comparison essay may seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving into the
intricacies of the process reveals its inherent challenges. The very nature of the assignment requires a
keen analytical mind and a deep understanding of the subjects being compared.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the need to draw meaningful parallels between two or more
entities, be they ideas, works of literature, historical events, or any other subjects. This necessitates a
comprehensive grasp of the nuances and intricacies of each element, as well as the ability to identify
relevant points of comparison.

Crafting a coherent structure for the essay poses another set of challenges. Striking the right balance
between the introduction, body, and conclusion while ensuring a smooth flow of ideas requires
meticulous planning and organization. Without a well-constructed framework, the essay risks
becoming disjointed, making it difficult for readers to follow the comparative analysis.

Moreover, the selection of a suitable method for comparison adds to the complexity. Choosing
between a point-by-point analysis or a subject-by-subject approach demands careful consideration, as
each method has its advantages and drawbacks. The writer must weigh the merits of each and
determine which best suits the specific nature of the subjects under examination.

Furthermore, the art of presenting unbiased judgments without veering into subjective territory
requires finesse. Balancing the essay with a fair evaluation of both sides ensures credibility and
intellectual integrity but demands a careful choice of words and a nuanced approach.

In conclusion, crafting a comparison essay is far from a simple task. It demands a synthesis of
research, analytical skills, organizational prowess, and a knack for effective communication.
Successfully navigating these challenges results in an essay that not only draws meaningful
connections between subjects but also engages and enlightens the reader. For those seeking
assistance with such demanding tasks, various resources are available, including online platforms like
HelpWriting.net , where similar essays and more can be ordered to meet academic needs.
Write Comparison EssayWrite Comparison Essay
Brief History Of Alcorn Essay
Ultimately, for more than a century the institution of higher learning now known as
Alcorn State University has been devoted to the outstanding education of black students.
Historically established for this purpose, however Alcorn has definitely struggled against
many great odds. The new history of Alcorn shows the unrelenting love and support of its
community and alumni as they face the challenges making major modifications to
century old traditions. Founded in 1871, Alcorn State University is the oldest historically
black land grant institution in the United Statesand the second oldest state supported
institution in the state of Mississippi. The college is located outside of Lorman in
Claiborne County area. Alcorn was first known as Oakland College, a school for white
students that was proven to be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
John Adams Martin, another Alcorn alumni became the next president. He gained
recognition for reorganizing the association for black educators that was initiated by
President Burrus, naming it MATCS. Preston Sewell Bowles, was elected president of
Alcorn in 1944 1945. The current president s office is in a building named after him.
During the times of 1957 1969, President John Dewey Boyd was in office, the school s
library is named after him. The Walter Washington building withholds six floors.
Among Alcorn s most notable alumni is Medgar Evers (1925 1963), the first field
secretary for the NAACP, founded 1909, who was assassinated outside his home in
Jackson, Mississippi, in 1963. In March 1957, Clennon King (1920 2000), an African
American minister and Alcorn history instructor, incited student anger by publishing a
series of articles in the Jackson State Times, a white Mississippi newspaper known as a
segregationist publication. The articles associated the NAACP with communism,
criticized Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. (1908 1972), and included photos of Alcorn
students. Students responded by boycotting King s classes and demanding his dismissal
from the
Benifits Of Telemedicine
What is telemedicine ? telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from
one site to another, via electronic communications, to improve a patient s clinical health
status . Some benefits of telemedicine are 1) improved access ,2) cost efficiency ,
3)improved quality, and 4)patient demand . patients can access telemedicine through
their doctors , a hospital, or other health care provider. Some may even tell you the health
care services that are already available. Telemedicine is it safe ? or not ? yes ! it is
guided by technical standards and guidelines, although some people rethink who really
benefits from telemedicine . The patient or the doctor ? well both patients and healthcare
providers originated from larger cities or in
Gender Treachery And Masculinity Summary
1. In the essay titled Gender Treachery: Homophobia, Masculinity, and Threatened
Identities Hopkins introduces the term gender treachery. How does Hopkin s define
gender treachery? What are some examples of acts of gender treachery and/or gender
traitors? Provide some examples given by Hopkin s and provide some of your own

Gender treachery is breaking the rules of binary genders. Homosexuality, bisexuality, nu

masculine men, and masculine women

2. In the essay Gender Treachery: Homophobia, Masculinity, and Threatened Identities

the terms homophobia and heterosexism are discussed. Hopkins contends that there is no
distinct boundary between the two terms, but he outlines ways in which to distinguish
the two terms. First, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the essay Gender Treachery: Homophobia, Masculinity, and Threatened Identities
Hopkin s insists that masculinity is constructed around two opposing notions.
Additionally, he insists that the essence of masculinity is therefore paradoxical. How is
masculinity constructed? Why does Hopkin s insist that the essence of masculinity is
paradoxical? Additionally, discuss performing gender, particular performing masculinity
and how the logic of masculinity is demanding.

Masculinity is paradoxical because it is both an innate part of you and something that
can be lost. The logic of masculinity is demanding because you must be on guard to
protect what is instinctive and can be lost.

Extra Credit: [This question is not required; it is an optional extra credit question]
1. In the essay Gender Treachery: Homophobia, Masculinity, and Threatened Identities
Hopkins suggests a few ways in which homophobia can be challenged. Be specific and
discuss some of the approaches that Hopkin s puts forth for dismantling the prevalence
of homophobia. What must we get rid of in order to also get rid of homophobia?
By getting rid of the masculine identity homophobia couldn t exist without the masculine
identity there would be nothing to betray thus there would be nothing to become by
betraying it so there would be nothing to
The Media And It s Impute On Body Image
Dias 1
Felisha Dias
Honors English 10
Period 2
18 March 2015
The Media and It s Impute on Body Image There are no questions to whether the media
has influenced the self consciousness people have on their body or not. Whether it is
the front of a magazine cover or in a film or television show, the selection of models or
actors are primarily thin or fit leading readers and viewers to worry or want to change the
way their body looks. Body image is the way one sees oneself and imagine how one
looks. Having a positive body image means that most of the time someone sees
themselves accurately, and feels comfortable in their body; negative body image, what
the media exemplifies for the majority of the time, is just the opposite. The media uses
unrealistic standards of beauty and bodily perfection to drive ordinary people to be
dissatisfied with their body image which can result in the search to obtain these
unreachable goals. With the constant availability of the media s opinion, it may be hard
for someone to accept their body image, but it is defiantly possible. Athletes, female in
particular, like Serena Williams, struggled with body image, but later found their bodies
to be a reflection of their performance on the court, field or track. They are focused on
one thing only: becoming better at what they do and if that means spending some time on
the bench lifting weights to gain muscle

Dias 2 to improve their game, then who cares how they look (Rothenberg 2). At the end
of the
Laboratory of the Microwave and Radar
Recently in 2010, Hocine Kimouche, Djamel Abed and Brahim Atrouz from the
Laboratory of the Microwave and Radar, Ecole Militarie Polytechnique ( EMP), Algeria
proposed the novel microstrip patch antenna design within the inverted stepped cone slot
ground antenna. The dependence of the bandwidth on the main parameters design had
been investigated. It would found that by choosing the suitable combinations of the feed
and slot shapes and the tuning their sizes, the optimum operating bandwidth could be
obtained. The proposed antennahas an omni directional pattern at (x y) plane for all the
measured impedance bandwidth, which are covered the commercial Ultra wide band.
In 2010, Li Zhiyong, Zhang Qian, Wang Huilong and Liu Yunlin from the Laboratory of
the Electromagnetic and Microwave, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
presented Ultra wide band microstrip fed antenna with L shape ground application. The
current path of the ground plane would enlarged by using the L shaped ground which are
improved the impedance bandwidth performance. The notch would inserted on the
ground plane under the microstrip line to enhance the impedance matching of the antenna.
The proposed antenna are designed to the operate over a 3.3GHz to 12GHz for the S11
less than the 10dB and they provides a good omnidirectional radiation patterns. The
Simulated results showed that the proposed antenna can be a good candidate for the hand
held Ultra wide band applications owing to its attractive
Key Elements Of Cosmopolitanism
The author argues that the idea of cosmopolitanism is very deeply rooted in Western
philosophy and thought. Starting from the antics, it survived the passive medieval times
and reappeared in the modern era with improved strength. Although cosmopolitanism
represents constantly present answer to important social questions posed in different
times, its presence and eminence changed due to and in relation to the character of
certain historical period. Cosmopolitan idea was introduced to philosophyby Stoics, in
whose writtings very sophisticated accounts of the idea can be found. In ancient Greece
s Stoics (Zeno of Citium, Hierocles) one can find the call for the creation of one same
political community (polis) in which all men should live. In Roman Stoicism, the same
rational nature of human beings becomes the necessary condition for... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
For reasons of clarity and coherence, a differentiation between cosmopolitanism as an
idea, practice, and an attitude is proposed, while the term itself may have empirical,
normative and practical meaning. The paper is continued with explaining key elements
of thought of contemporary cosmopolitan authors, namely, David Held, Kwame Appiah,
Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Pogge and Ulrich Beck. Held s cosmopolitanism is based on
the premise that national state can not remain the sole dominant level of governance in
the globalized, interconnected world. That is why his works concentrate on global
governance principles and general recommendations of reform of the most important
international bodies (primarily UN). Kwame Appiah tries to approach the issue from
another perspective and, by advancing „rooted cosmopolitanism , to reconcile healthy
patriotic impulse with the practical necessity and moral preponderance of cosmopolitan

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