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Product Specification

48 (Rev. C

5 En
505 nhancced
Digital Contro
ol for Steaam Turbines (with
h Redund
 Field-co
Applicattions steam turbine
The 505 En nhanced  Integrated
controller is designed
to operate inndustrial or control
steam turbin nes of all panel
sizes and
applicationss. This  Integrated first-outt
steam turbin ne problem
m indicator
controller in
ncludes logic
specifically designed
algorithms and
a logic  User-friendly
to start, stop
p, control, menu foormat
and protect industrial
steam turbin nes or  Make minor
turbo-expan nders, programm changes
driving gene erators, on-line (single
compressorrs, pumps, unit)
or industriall fans. The 50
05 control’s unnique PID stru
ucture makess it ideal for
applicationss where it is re
equired to conntrol steam plant paramete
ers like turbine  Make major
speed, turbiine load, turbine inlet or exxhaust header pressure, orr tie-line powe
er. programm changes
The control’’s special PIDD-to-PID logicc allows stable ng normal turbine
e control durin on-line (redundantt
operation an nd bumpless control mode e transfers during plant upssets, minimiziing units)
process ove er- or undershhoot conditionns. The 505 controller
c sensses turbine sp
peed via
passive or active
a speed probes
p and controls the steam turbine through
t one or
o two  Large LED
L displayy
(split-range)) actuators co
onnected to thhe turbine inle
et steam valvees.
 Modbuss®
For critical applications
a requiring incre
eased reliabiliity and redund dancy, optionnally two
505 controlss can be conn nected in a re
edundant conffiguration to in ncrease overrall
system availability. With this type of configuration, the two contrrols operate in na  Redund dant
master/slavve manner, wh here the mastter unit controols all aspectss of the turbin
system, and d the slave un
nit tracks the master
m unit’s PIDs and con ntrol modes. This
configuratioon allows for automatic
a and
d/or manual trransfers betw ween the two 5055 operatio on for
controllers in cases of coontrol, transdu
ucer, or actuaator failure, orr when on-linee critical applications
program changes are de esired.
 On-line
e repair and
Descripttion replace
dant units)
The 505 con ntrol is packa
aged in an inddustrial hardenned enclosure e designed too be
mounted within a system m control paneel located in a plant controll room or nexxt to the  Same form-fit-
turbine. Thee control’s front panel serves as both a programming g station and operator
o function
n as
control pane el (OCP). This user-friendly front panel allows engine eers to accesss and previouus 505
program the e unit to the specific plant’ss requirementts, and plant operators
o to easily
e version
start/stop th
he turbine and d enable/disab ble any contro
ol mode. Passsword securitty is
used to prottect all unit prrogram mode settings. The e unit’s two-lin
ne display allo
ows  Sulfur-rresistant
operators too view actual and setpoint values from thet same scre een, simplifyin
ng conformmal coated
turbine operration.
erface input and output wiring access is located on th
Turbine inte he controller’ss lower
back panel. Unpluggable e terminal bloccks allow for easy system installation,
troubleshoooting, and replacement.
Woodward 03348 p.2

Cost‐Effective Design Control Specifications

The 505 control is designed to function as the turbine control, INPUTS
system sequencer, operator control panel, and first-out  Power: (18 to 32) V (dc), (90 to 150) V (dc), (88 to 132)
indicator. This encompassing design minimizes external V (ac) / (47 to 63) Hz, (180 to 264) V (ac) / (47 to 63) Hz
system devices as well as system installation, wiring, and  Speed: 2 MPUs (1 to 30) V (rms) or proximity probes
troubleshooting. [24 V (dc) provided], 500 Hz to 15 kHz
This field configurable controller allows major functional changes  Discrete Inputs: 16 Contact Inputs (4 dedicated,
to be made at site, often by knowledgeable plant personnel, and 12 programmable)
minor functional changes to be on-line as process changes  Analog Inputs: 6 Programmable Current Inputs,
require. The 505 control’s first-out-indicator logic indicates (4 to 20) mA
internal as well as external system related alarm and shutdown OUTPUTS
conditions, greatly simplifying and reducing system
 Valve/Actuator Drivers: 2 Actuator Outputs, (4 to 20) mA
or (20 to 160) mA
By simply applying two 505 controllers in a parallel and  Discrete Outputs: 8 Relay Outputs (2 dedicated,
redundant configuration, users can cost effectively increase 6 programmable)
system reliability and availability.  Analog Outputs: 6 Programmable Current Outputs,
(4 to 20) mA
Communications COMMUNICATION
 Serial: 2 Modbus (ASCII or RTU) Comm Ports
The 505 controls can communicate directly with plant (RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 compatible)
Distributed Control Systems and/or CRT-based operator
control panels, through two Modbus® * communication ports.
These ports support RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485
Control Accessories
communications using ASCII or RTU Modbus protocols.
Control Assistant (Configuration Management Tool)
Communications between the 505 and a plant DCS can also The Woodward Control Assistant software program is a
be performed through hardwired connections. Since all 505 computer-based service tool that can be used with the 505
PID setpoints can be controlled through analog input signals, control to upload, save, and download controller
interface resolution and control is not sacrificed. configurations. Optionally, this service tool can also be used to
*—Modbus is a trademark of Schneider Automation Inc. trend unit parameters, to compare differences in configuration
files, and to verify if control settings have been changed.
Optionally, two 505 Enhanced controls can be applied in a
parallel configuration to operate in a redundant master/slave The 505’s control capabilities are:
manner. With this configuration, the master 505 controls all  Speed/Frequency Control
aspects of the turbine, and the slave 505 tracks the master
 Turbine or Generator Load Control or Limiting
unit’s PID and control modes, allowing it to bumplessly take
 Turbine Inlet Header Pressure Control or Limiting
control of the turbine in cases of control, transducer, actuator,
or other system failures. Optionally, users can force manual  Turbine Exhaust Header Pressure Control or Limiting
transfers between units to verify operation, make on-line  Plant Import/Export Power Control or Limiting
changes, or replace system devices. The 505 is designed to  Isochronous Load Sharing between units (with DSLC™
interface with Woodward’s redundant CPC offerings. control)
 Control of any process directly related to unit load
System Protection Features
 Integral Overspeed Protection Logic
 First-out Indication (10 individual shutdown inputs)  Critical Speed Avoidance (3 speed bands)
 Bumpless transfer between control modes if a transducer  Auto Start Sequence (hot & cold starts)
failure is detected  Valve Limiter(s)
 Local/Remote Control priority and selection  Security (Program is Password Protected)
 Fail-safe Shutdown Logic  Dual Speed/Load Dynamics
 First-Out Indication (Shutdowns)
Control  Zero Speed Detection with proximity probe (< 0.5 Hz)
 Peak Speed Indication for overspeed trip
 Two Programmable Functions Keys on the 505’s front
The following PIDs are available to perform as process panel
controllers or limiters:
 Hand Valve operation (using First Stage Pressure)
 Speed/Load PID (with Dual Dynamics)
 Two independent Modbus comm links
 Auxiliary PID (limiter or control)
 Remote analog setpoints for Speed/Load, Aux, and
 Cascade PID (Header Pressure or Tie-Line Control) Cascade
 Program upload/download capability
 Feed-forward decoupling algorithm for compressors
Woodward 03348 p.3

Speed S

Raise LSS
Input AI Lower -
Remote AI Remote AI
Setpoint +
Raise Setpoint + PID
- Speed
Cascade Limiter or
AI Controller
Signal Logic

Input AI

Lower Setpoint +
Remote AI
(Limiter or Controller)


Basic Functional Control Diagram

505 Dimensions
(Do not use for construction)
Woodward 03348 p.4

Controlled Single Valve Steam Turbine

Redundant Controlled Single Valve Steam Turbine

d 03348 p.5

Opeerating Conditions
C s
 (–25 to +65) °C
° ambient air temperature e range
 Optional NEM
O MA type 4 (watertight and dust-tight,
d indo
oor/outdoor) enclosure
e for bulkhead moounting with a
temperature range from –2 25 °C to +55 °C
 A
Approximate d
dimensions (length x heigh
ht x depth): (3
356 x 279 x 10
02) mm / (14 x 11 x 4) inch
 A
Approximate b
bulkhead encclosure dimennsions (length x height x de
epth): (508 x 508
5 x 193) mm / (20 x 20 x 7.6)
 H
Humidity: Lloyyd’s ENV2 tes
st #1
 D heat: Lloyyd’s ENV3
 S fog: US MIL-STD-810
Salt M method 509.2 procedure 1
 S
Shock: meets US MIL-STD D-810C, method 516.2-1, procedure
p 1B
 V
Vibration: Lloyyd’s ENV2 tesst #1
ution Resista ance
 Particulate
P Po 64-1 Pollution Degree 2 (Normally only nonconductivve pollution occcurs.
ollution Resisttance: IEC 66
Temporary co
onductivity cauused by conddensation is to
o be expected d.)
 Gaseous
G Polluution Resistance: The polyyacrylate confformal coating g withstands NO2, CO2, SO O2, and H2S gases
p IEC 60068
per 8-2-60:1995 Part
P 2.60 Metthods 1 and 4 (Flowing Mixxed Gas Corrrosion Test). It I will withstan
nd levels
tyypical of teleccommunicatio ons and comp puter installatiions as define
ed by Battelle
e Labs Class III (between IEC
60721-3-3 cla
assification 3C
C1 and 3C2, light industrial to urban industrial, heavyy traffic).

gulatory Complian
C nce
opean Complliance for CE E Marking:
Thesse listings are limited to only those unitss bearing the CE
C Marking.
ATEX Directtive: 94/9/EEC C COUNCIL DIRECTIVE Zone Z 2, Categgory 3, Group
p II G EEx nA
er Internation
nal Complian nce:
GOST-R: Ce ertified for use
e in explosive atmospheress within the Russian
R Federration per GO
OST-R certifica
POCC US. ГБ04.B01002 as 2ExnAIIT3 3X.
C-Tick (ACA A/RSM): Decla ared to Austra
alian Radioco
ommunication ns Act of 1992
2 and the Neww Zealand
Radiocommu unications Actt of 1989.
North American Compliance
C :
UL: These lisstings are limited only to th
hose units beaaring UL Agency identification.
UL Listed forr Class I, Divis
sion 2, Groupps A, B, C, and D. T3B at +60
+ °C Ambie ent (rear enclo
osure provide
ed) and
TC3 at +65 °C Ambient (re ear enclosuree omitted) for use in Canad
da and the Unnited States. UL
U File E1560 028.
Marine Complian
Det Norske Veritas
V V): Certified fo
(DNV or Marine App
plications Tem
mperature Claass B, Humidiity Class B, Vibration
Class A, EM
MC Class A an
nd Enclosure Class B, per DNV Rules fo or Ships, Pt. 4,
4 Ch. 9, Control and Moniitoring

For more informa

ation contact:
PO Box 1519, Fort Collin
ns CO, USA 805 522-1519
1000 East
E Drake Road, Fort Collins CO
O 80525
Tel.: +1 (9
970) 482-5811  Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058

Distributorrs & Service

Woodw ward has an inte
ernational networrk of distributors and service facilities.
For yo
our nearest repre
esentative, call th
he Fort Collins plant or see the
Worldwwide Directory on our website.

This doocument is distributted for informationa

al purposes only. It is not to be constrrued as
creating or becoming partt of any Woodward Governor Compan ny contractual or warranty
obligation unless expressly stated in a writteen sales contract.
© Wo
oodward 2007, All Rights Rese
erved 2010/10

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