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Argumentative Essay Samples For Teachers

Creating an essay on the subject of "Argumentative Essay Samples for Teachers" is a task that
demands a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. First and foremost, it requires a deep
understanding of the topic itself, which involves familiarity with various argumentative essay
samples tailored specifically for educators. This necessitates extensive research to gather a diverse
range of examples that showcase effective argumentation techniques suitable for the teaching

Moreover, crafting such an essay involves the critical analysis of these samples to identify patterns,
successful strategies, and common pitfalls. This analytical process requires a keen eye for detail and
the ability to extract valuable insights from the provided examples. Additionally, one must be
proficient in structuring the essay logically, presenting arguments coherently, and supporting them
with relevant evidence.

The challenge lies not only in presenting a well-organized essay but also in ensuring that the content
is engaging and informative for the target audience—teachers. This requires a nuanced
understanding of the teaching profession, an awareness of the challenges educators face, and an
ability to tailor the arguments to resonate with their experiences and concerns.

Furthermore, maintaining a balance between being persuasive and respectful is crucial. An

argumentative essay should not only convince but also foster constructive dialogue. Achieving this
balance requires careful consideration of language, tone, and the overall approach to presenting

In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Argumentative Essay Samples for Teachers" demands a
combination of research skills, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of both the subject matter
and the intended audience. It is a challenging yet rewarding task that contributes to the development
of effective communication and persuasive writing skills.

For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the resources available at . Their services offer a variety of essay samples, guidance, and support for
individuals seeking help in their writing endeavors.
Argumentative Essay Samples For TeachersArgumentative Essay Samples For Teachers
Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man Essays
Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man

In The Company Man by Ellen Goodman, throughout the passage Goodman illustrates
her feelings of distaste and anger toward Phil, as he in her mind represents Corporate
America: routine, indifferent, almost robotic. Goodman uses numerous rhetorical
strategies to convey her attitude toward Phil, including tone, repetition, the use of
statistics, sarcasm, anecdotes, differing syntax, and irony. From the beginning, Goodman
creates a very impersonal tone, letting characters remain nameless and unimportant,
identifying them primarily by their age Phil, fifty one years old...Helen, forty eight years
old... . This mirrors the corporate mindset that everyone has an expiration ... Show more
content on ...
Moreover, Phil s youngest son said about his father, My father and I only board here. .
This further conveys the amount of time Phil spent at the office rather than at home; his
own family didn t even consider him in permanent residence at his own home. Other
than anecdotes, Goodman additionally uses varying syntax to illustrate her
annoyance at Phil s choice of lifestyle. When describing Phil s daily routine, her
sentences are short, definitive, showing her distaste for Phil. To Phil, it was work. He
always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk....On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket
to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. Goodman contrastingly uses
lengthy, detailed sentences and phrases when describing Phil s family, to convey her
pity for them and show that Phil should have been spending more time at home rather
than at work. The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high school graduate who has spent the
last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and
food. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to
keep the man at home. Although Goodman describes Phil s family with sympathy and
care, she does use sarcasm as a means to criticize the obituary s description of the family.
She would be well taken care of . , Goodman quotes from the obituary, in reference to
Phil s wife, and she says His dearly beloved eldest of the dearly beloved
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standardized Writing
Writing has constituted an important practice in human culture since the earliest forms
of writing were discovered from cave paintings made 40,000 years ago. Writing enables
writers to express themselves in a writing system that conveys unique features of its
associated culture. In this context, writing means a standardized system for recording, in
a specific language, content ranging from values to ideas to poems, etc. Humans have
communicated in thousands of languages throughout history and consequently devised
numerous different writing systems for expressing those languages. To facilitate easier
communication, it has sometimes been suggested that the world adopt a single writing
systemcapable of representing all languages. This essay... Show more content on ...
This is an over optimistic and naïve argument, however, for at least three reasons. Most
particularly, a standardized writing system might seem ideal, but it cannot overcome the
enormous difficulties brought about by requiring the world s citizens to learn a new
writing system. This is because learning writing systems is very challenging, laborious
and time consuming (Tzeng Wang, 1983); this is even more the case for adult learners,
who might anyway see little benefit and much disadvantage from the additional financial
expense of learning a new writing system when they are already expert users of their
written language. A second reason why a universal writing system is ill advised is
because languages are living things that evolve slowly over time; there never can be a
standard writing system while cultures are continually developing new forms of
expression. This can be seen from the fact that the Chinese writing system has already
undergone several evolutions over the centuries. Thirdly, the argument for standardizing
a writing system is naïve because it entails controversial political decisions. No doubt the
powerful nations of the East would prefer a logographic or a syllabic writing system
while their Western counterparts would prefer an alphabetic writing system. Each side
would therefore favour its existing writing system to minimize disruption and to ensure
forms of cultural hegemony. Taken together, these three arguments demonstrate the
impracticality of a universal writing system and highlight the difficulties such a system
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Case Study
The knowledge gained in understanding the adult population that is diagnosed with type
2 diabetes mellitus is to be able to implement glucose control, proper nutrition, eating
habits, exercise, and weight loss to support their lifestyle changes to positive behavior
and have positive outcomes. During the research, I learned that a comprehensive
assessment will set goals, either short or long, for the person living with type 2 diabetes
mellitus. The individual will be communicating with health providers about their
diagnoses to receive appropriate medical care to benefit in their quality of life. The
assessment will point out the strengths and weaknesses and be able to develop a plan to
make changes in their lifestyle where there needs to be
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington And It s A Wonderful Life
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) and It s a Wonderful Life (1946) are two
critically acclaimed, feel good films that embodied the spirit of the mid 1900s. Director
Frank Capra carries his feel good tone in each of these films, and shows that good will
always triumph. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington follows Jefferson Smith (James Stewart)
and his adventure with American politics. The filmbegins when a governor needs to
replace a senator. The governor decides to appoint Smith because he appears to be a
wholesome family man, while also being naïve which makes him easy to manipulate.
When Smith arrives in Washington, Senator Joseph Paine (Claude Rains) becomes a
mentor to Smith. Smith falls in love with Paine s daughter, Susan (Astrid Allwyn). Smith
sticks out in Washington,... Show more content on ...
Each film had a lot of dialogue which comes off as very natural. Compared to many other
films, the dialogue in these films is quick, clean, and tells the story that the audience
wants to hear. James Stewart, Henry Travers, Astrid Allwyn, and Lionel Barrymore bring
this dialogue to life with their amazing performances that allow the audience members to
relate to their characters some more than others. But both the dialogue and performances
are highlighted with the tone that Capra creates throughout each film. Both Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington and It s a Wonderful Life begin with a very bright outlook: the set is
lit well, the contrast is minimal, and everything seems all right in the world of the film.
But as the films go on, however, the mood changes as the main character does. In the
characters most depressing times, the set is dimly lit with high amounts of convey the
depression to the audience. Both films are effective at doing this, which makes the
ending triumph for the characters that much more
Lenovo s Acquisition of Ibm s Pc Division
Case study

Lenovo s Acquisition of IBM s PC Division:

A Short cut to be a World Player or a Lemon that Leads Nowhere?

1. General presentation

2. Identification of problem, causes and negative effects

Strategic problem definition: Acquisition of IBM PC division as part of the expansion


Causes: Lenovo was number 9 on PC market and had 2.2% market share worldwide and
therefore it wanted to increase its market share position. Lenovo became a market leader
in China with 27% market share and wanted to expand. They first tried to diversify into
non PC areas but they failed and consequently they decided to concentrate ... Show more
content on ...
Saturation of home market and a lack of economies of scale would make production

3.3. Lenovo IBM merger.

Advantages: Access to more resources. Benefits from IBM s know how. Better insight of
the foreign markets. Shared risks.

Disadvantages: Difficulties in adapting a company s policies or technology to another.

Difficulties in synchronizing the processes of both companies.

3.4. Not to acquire IBM s PC division; Acquisition of LG s laptop division.

Advantages Gain market share on Asian market biggest market in the world (38.8% of
sales). Cultural similarity would make the deal run smooth and any employee
incorporation relatively easy (LG South Korean). Opportunity of incorporating reputed
LG monitor and multimedia technology (they are famous for flat screens, HD and TV
s). Affordable option (LG laptop division s turnover 3.39 billion$ in 2004 and Lenovo
was willing to pay 1.75 billion$ for IBM, which made 6 billion$ in turnover). Laptops
have outsold PC s and are now more popular in the IT industry.

Disadvantages LG is not a recognized brand name in the IT business (7% decrease in


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