About My Best Friend Essay

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About My Best Friend Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "About My Best Friend" may initially seem like a straightforward task,
given the familiarity one has with the subject. After all, who knows your best friend better than you?
However, delving into the intricacies of expressing the depth and uniqueness of your relationship can
present its own set of challenges.

The difficulty lies not in the abundance of content but in the art of capturing the essence of your
friendship in a compelling and engaging manner. The danger of lapsing into clichés or resorting to
generic descriptions always looms, as the challenge is to make your portrayal stand out from the
myriad similar narratives.

The struggle intensifies when you attempt to strike a balance between sincerity and creativity. While
honesty is crucial, it's equally important to infuse your essay with a touch of literary flair to keep the
reader captivated. Finding the right words to encapsulate the emotions, shared experiences, and
unique qualities of your best friend requires a delicate touch.

Additionally, there's the challenge of maintaining a coherent and organized structure. Narrating the
story of your friendship in a way that is both chronological and thematic can be a demanding task, as
you navigate through the multitude of memories and anecdotes that define your bond.

However, with these challenges comes the opportunity for personal growth and reflection. Writing an
essay about your best friend is not just a test of your literary prowess but also a chance to deepen
your understanding of the significance of friendship in your life.

In conclusion, while the difficulty of writing an essay about your best friend may lie in the nuances
of expression and the balance between sincerity and creativity, the process is ultimately rewarding. It
serves as a tribute to a cherished relationship and an exploration of your own capacity to articulate
profound emotions.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or seeking assistance in articulating your thoughts, similar essays
and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where skilled writers can help you bring your
unique story to life.
About My Best Friend Essay About My Best Friend Essay
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food. I wasn t even done chewing it. Now that I m in college, I have to go to breakfast an
hour before class, because of how I eat. Another weird thing I do is when I open a bag of
chips; I have to smell them I don t know why but I have to. Even before I leave a room I
always play with the light switch. I ll try to level it out in the middle, or I have to rub my
hand on it about 5 times before I leave the room completely. My family call me odd
because I don t do everything they do, eat the same things they do. Like if I m walking
with someone and we split a pole, I will literally stop and turn around, because I believe
that it is bad luck just to make a U turn. I don t know why I do that it s like if I don t do it
I think I m going to have bad luck. Another thing I do is if I have a pen or pencil, and I
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away. Even how I walk is odd. If you really pay attention to me I always do two things
when I m walking. One of them are I always hold my head down to the side and the
other one is I swing both of my arms at the same time. Another thing that makes me odd,
I do not like when my foodtouch. If my foods touch I will literally separate every single
thing. I guess some people like to mix their foods together, me personally I can t do it.
Like one time in the cafeteria I asked for macaroni and yams, the lunch lady literally
mixed them together causing me to have to seperate them. Some people said It s all
going down the same way . I still till this day will not mix my food together.
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The Use of Form and Rhythm in William Carlos Williams s...
The Use of Form and Rhythm in William Carlos Williams s poem, The Dance

In William Carlos Williams s poem, The Dance , Williams uses the inspiration of a
painting by Peter Breughel to shape his poem. Peter Breughel s painting called The
Kermess depicts a peasant dance of the mid fifteenth century. It shows the form and
rhythm of the dance. Williams also captures the form and the rhythm of this dance in his
poem. In William Carlos Williams poem, The Dance the open form, suggested images,
and rhythm embodies the dance depicted in the painting The Kermess by Peter Breughel.

In Breughel s painting, The Kermess , all of the people that are dancing, do so around
and around each other. The opening of Williams s poem ... Show more content on
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Throughout the poem word choice such as kicking , rolling , swinging , and rollicking
(Kennedy 235) and visual referencing keeps the reader bouncing along all the way to the
end of the poem.

In the middle of the poem Williams uses a device called enjambment to create a pause
in the rhythm of the poem. Critics say that Williams is trying to not only give the feel
of the dance but also accurately describe how the dance was performed. In The Peasant
Dance there was a pause, or a stop, in the middle of the dance. Williams tries to show
this part of the dance by using an enjambment to give the poem a pause just like the
dance was actually performed (Viveinne 82). The use of the enjambment not only gives
the poem the physical form of the dance but also the rhythmical pause mirrors the
performance of the dance.

Breughel paints The Kermess with round figures and robust people. Williams
accordingly uses words such as bellies and phrases like those shanks must be sound to
bear up under such rollicking measures (Kennedy 235) to convey these points. Using
such words contribute to the round, open form of his poem. Williams also states that the
peasants are drinking. ..whose wash they impound and in doing so adds a little bit of
comical vision of the people tipping to and fro and going around as they
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optimism. Emily DIckinson definitely remembered that youthful spirit, as it s something
she carried with her long into her adult years; not only in her personal life, but in her
poetryas well. Despite the standards of verse being quite set in stone at the time of its
publication, Dickinsn followed in the footsteps of ?? and wrote what she wanted, how
she wanted. This unique sense of free verse is applied in her poem The Sun, and that s not
the only bold quality of the poem. In the same way it s structure contains a ingenuous
sense of freedom from regulations, the poems content is centered around the view of the
sun and narure in general, from the perspective of a young child. Powerfully using this
expanded metaphor, Dickinson adeptly manages to spread the childlike infectous
admiration of the sun, while boasting a stuning imagery that immerses the reader in the
experience of viewing the morning sky.
From the first line of the poem, Dickinson displays the feverish, inquisitive nature fitting
for the speaker of the whole poem: an observant child. Bursting with energy, and
assuming everyone shares in this animated sentiment, the speaker begins the first stanza
with the statement, I ll tell you how the sun rose as if the reader is not only equally
effervescent about the sun rising, but also is asking for details
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year that s 1 in every 4 deaths... WOW! Also, did you know heart disease is the leading
cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease
in 2009 were in men. A career in cardiology is important because this field can help
save someone s life. A career in cardiology can be beneficial to society today because
cardiologist are doctors who specialize in treating diseases of the heart which can
prevent conditions such as heart murmurs, coronary disease. (source1) , Pediatric
Cardiologist focuses on problems of the heart and blood vessels in infants , children
and young adults. (source1) Cardiothoracic Surgeons are skilled experts when it come
to the human heart and blood vessels. Cardiologist go to school for a total of 10 years
in order to be considered a cardiologist , they undergo four years of medical school, as
well as three years of medical training. Last but not least complete three more years of
what is called specializing training. Cardiologist are doctors who specialize in
diagnosing the human heart. A cardiologist also specialize in treating and preventing of
the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologist focuses on preventive medicine
GBS Case Study
When it comes to treatment of GBS, a better outcome is obtained if treatment begins
within the first two weeks of the onset of symptoms. It is important to understand that
there is no cure for GBS, but treatment can decrease the effects and severity of the
symptoms. Two treatments are typically used; and studies have shown that these are
equally as effective. These are plasmapheresis treatment and intravenous
immunoglobulin. Corticosteroids have been proven inefficient when it comes to the
treatment of GBS. The best care consists of one of the two immunotherapies mentioned
above, supportive care, and monitoring of respiratory failure. Appropriate antibiotic
therapy is provided if needed, as well as pain medications, and psychological care....
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The amount of treatments administered are directly proportional to the severity of the
GBS symptoms. According to Burns, in his article Guillain Barré Syndrome the
following were true: In cases with adult patients exhibiting mild symptoms, two
plasmapheresis exchanges proved to be efficient. Patients with moderate and severe GBS
symptoms, such as the ones unable to walk or on respiratory ventilators showed progress
with four plasmapheresis exchanges. Various cases have shown that there was not a
difference in outcomes when it came to providing patients with six plasmapheresis
exchanges rather than four. Immunoglobulin therapy consists of providing the patient
with immunoglobulin (IVIg) containing healthy antibodies intravenously. The purpose of
introducing IVIg is to decrease the GBS and shorten the time the patient has the
symptoms. In immunoglobulin therapy, both adults and pediatric patients are given 2g
/kg total IVIg divided in a course of 2 to 5 days. According to the Quality Standards
Subcommittee by the American Academy of Neurology, IVIg has similar results to those
seen in the patients that underwent plasmapheresis as far as the positive outcome and
their state of progression with GBS. When it comes physician determination of
immunoglobulin therapy or plasmapheresis, complications for each treatment are taken
into account as well as pre existing conditions other than GBS. Plasmapheresis can bring
more complications including hypertension, septicemia,
Essay on Lack of Women Holding Office in Sub-Saharan...
While women make up a majority of the population in Africa, the number of
representatives of women in parliament is substantially less than men. The
underrepresentation of women in politics is problematic because the empowerment of
women and the development of a society relies on the success of maintaining gender
equity. Though this is an international issue, I plan to focus on representation of women
in politics in sub Saharan Africa. I hope to explore why the percentage of women in
politics is smaller than that of men and how this affects gender equity. Fortunately,
representation is improving at a steady rate and I will explain the factors that are
contributing to this increase.
The lack of women that hold office in Sub Saharan African ... Show more content on
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In an effort to increase the representation of women in political spheres and to facilitate
women s access to parliaments, some sub Saharan African countries have adopted
gender quotas. Though the use of gender quotas has been widely debated in the
scholastic community, it has secured women s positions of power in post conflict
societies (Gouws, 2008). An example of such society can be found in Rwanda. In
response to the civil war and genocide that plagued Rwanda in the past, a constitution
was created in 2003 that imposed gender quotas in all forms of government, requiring a
minimum of 30% of women to hold positions in decision making bodies (Bauer Burnet,
2013). Gender quotas have changed the way Rwandans perceive women in positions of
political power and have encouraged them to respect these women as much as they would
respect men in the same positions. Rwanda s significantly high percentage of women in
parliament can be directly correlated with the fact that Rwanda utilizes gender quotas to
facilitate women s access to parliaments.
While Rwanda had the highest representation of women in parliament in early 2013,
Botswana had the lowest representation (Bauer Burnet, 2013). Botswana has one of
Africa s longest standing democracies, practices free and fair elections, utilizes a multi
party democracy, and has maintained one of the world s

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